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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 1198x564, beer_2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13217166 No.13217166 [Reply] [Original]


Microbrew hipsters BTFO

>> No.13217311

I like how beer tastes.

>> No.13217397

I have no strong opinions about beer but I absolutely hate the xkcd guy.
He seems like such a prick.

>> No.13217404

Beer tastes good, no matter how much you want to kick and scream about it.

>> No.13217408

why? he seems pretty nice to me. He reminds me of cambridge wierdos and I miss hanging out with them.

>> No.13217411

I think it's more an alcohol stockholm syndrome thing.

>> No.13217415

That's a blast troll image from the /ck/ past, haven't seen that in like five years

Anyway it's still asinine. I understand the "purpose" of taking the piss out of beer hipsters, but the over arching point just seems to be missing the bigger point that people drink beer because it contains alcohol, not because it tastes good regardless.

>> No.13217417

I don't know, just seems like he enjoys the smell of his own farts a little too much.

>> No.13217420

I think that's part of his point.

>> No.13217422


>> No.13217425

He's a smart guy whos had sort of a charmed life it seems. Happy nerds are the best of humanity, why take the piss out of them?

>> No.13217426

Beer is fine. I don't get a boner at the purity law, but I think Germans/central Europe really perfected it. Sessions, Lagers, Heffes, Dunkels. Beer should be well balanced and tasty. Jamming them full of hops or spices or fruit lost it's appeal to me a long time ago. Probably when I tried my own hand at brewing and realized that additives just mask an otherwise shitty beer.
>Sunny summer afternoon on the coast, working your way through a lot of clans with buddies, sucking down crisp, fresh beer
That's the feeling. Wish I wasn't in recovery.

>> No.13217437

Because oftentimes they are spergs and come off differently than they probably intend.
I know it's not always they're fault but without criticism how would they ever learn?

>> No.13217449

You might think so but there is no "pretending" to like beer in that context, I don't think beer tastes "good" but I drink it because I like the effect, and enjoy it thoroughly in that regard.

I enjoy cigarettes as well, just because they smell and taste like shit doesn't mean I'm pretending to like them, I like the feeling, it's not about the taste

>> No.13217455

>i dont like it
>therefor its unreasonable for someone else to enjoy it
These spergs always give themselves away with their lack of theory of mind

>> No.13217480

>drinks nothing but IPAs and american macrobrews
"i don't like beer"

>> No.13217530

So what he says is correct for people without chemical dependencies.

>> No.13217540

>So what he says is correct for people without chemical dependencies.
Not necessarily, no. Not everyone who likes to get drunk at social gatherings is an alcoholic, and in fact those people probably do have some taste preference for beer as it's much easier on the tongue than liquor is and so they choose something they think tastes best to them.

Either way, people still drink beer to get drunk, it's not food, it's a narcotic.

>> No.13217570

okay, so what he says is true for someone who prioritizes taste over narcotic effect. The comic stands as essentially correct.

>> No.13217579

>okay, so what he says is true for someone who prioritizes taste over narcotic effect.

No. It would be true if anyone in the history of mankind ever claimed they drank beer without the main intention of getting buzzed or drunk. I've never met such a person in my like 15 years of alcoholism and hanging out only with people who are drinking, but if they exist...then that is the only scenario in which the comic is "correct".

>> No.13217584
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>> No.13217589

I've seen someone drink a non alcoholic beer. What the shit, there's no reason to drink a beer without alcohol

>> No.13217595

He reminds me of the guy on the right in the OP comic. A solipsistic "nice guy" - he is a microcosm of the cosmos, and everyone owes him something for his contributions to stick figure comics.

>> No.13217610

When I want to drink with friends and family, but still have to drive somewhere... I enjoy the taste of beer, maybe it's an acquired taste (although Molson and Coors still taste just as funky when I chug them), but I can and will absolutely drink only one beer in an evening - pairing with food, for dessert, out with friends but can't get near-beer - because I enjoy it.

But I get it, most of my friends can't do A BEER, it has to be a six pack, or enough to incapacitate them. At that point, I don't understand why beer is the intoxicant of choice, and not liquor, or nitrous oxide for that matter.

>> No.13217611

People pay him for these comics well and he's also working as a scientist. What's your job?

>> No.13217627

I don’t drink anymore but if there were non alcoholic versions of the beers that I used to drink I would definitely drink them.

>> No.13217630

If you can see what they intend why intervene if not to act as unpaid antinerd antibodies. We all come here from different places but I doubt it's because of an excess of social instinct.

>> No.13217636

Sound and lighting guy, DJ, stage-hand, stage manager, tour manager, etc.

I [AM] that solipsistic nice guy, only I'm not nice about it. Everyone who's doing something my way is doing it right, and everyone owes me a debt of gratitude for all that I have ever done.

>> No.13217637

Am I correct in assuming the XKCD self-insert is the cunt on the right, despite (or perhaps because of) the whole annoying autists' "my taste is objective, anyone that thinks differently is only pretending" routine then turning into a passive aggressive bitch boy in the last panel?

>> No.13217638

Oh so you don’t have a real job

>> No.13217640


>> No.13217642

No, but pretending I'm important pays pretty well. Plus I can be up at 6am after drinking on a Friday morning in November without any consequences and still be on track for a $1500 wk.

>> No.13217643

Randall, I don't have to be a chef to know when my toast is burnt.

>> No.13217645

Being a DJ and being a scientist have different levels of importance. I'm sure you can and I'm sure every drink cures your realization of your own worthlessness to some degree.

>> No.13217648

randall munroe is under your bed trying to steal your toast and your penis. buy a gun today

>> No.13217652

He will never acknowledge you for white knighting him, nor reply to your increasingly desperate declarations of love except with rejection and threats of legal action. Murder suicide is the only solution.

>> No.13217656

>there are people in this thread who actually haven't found a beer they like
For me, it's Tsing Tao.

>> No.13217659

I'm drinking Singha now and it's ok. It's definitely from alcohol stockholm syndrome though.

>> No.13217660

Oh he will. It only takes a few weeks in the box.

>> No.13217662

I DJ when there's nothing better to do. I've been spending a good chunk of my downtime lately in an acoustics lab giving my input and crunching numbers on a new series of subwoofer that will essentially bring theatre/concert level production down to cheap-ass-DJ prices. So far it involves tossing obscene amounts of money at new materials and the engineers who work with them, and a lot of porting and chambering.

What sort of science is he isming? It's a pretty wide field. Is he a physicist? A chemist? Experimental Pediatric Psychologist?

>> No.13217663

>he seems pretty nice to me
In what way is obsessing over the woman who turned you down decades ago so much that you have to write her as a fictional stickwoman who indulges in your every childish fantasy "nice"?

>> No.13217665

if you don't like it don't like it, but just because you dislike some doesn't mean the whole word is going along with and that we should just admit its bad.

fuck you xkcd guy people like shit you dont get over it

>> No.13217666

I also like Jap beers: Asahi and Sapporo
Europoor beers: stell- jk fuck that shit
>sour ales
And mexican beers are ok

>> No.13217667

I drink beer because it tastes good regardless.
If there were non alcoholic beer that didn't taste like piss, I'd drink that. Closest I've found so far is malt beverage but it's on the sweeter side.

>> No.13217672

So you're saying that this comic isn't to your taste? how childish

>> No.13217674

You mean the occasional female stick figure?

>> No.13217691 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13217693 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13217696 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13217700

I hope he sees this bro

>> No.13217704

Wow, hilarious and original! How do you do it!!>>13217696

>> No.13217708

It's a good comic and all you morns have failed to make a decent point against it. how typical.

>> No.13217714
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>social media screencap """""macros"""""

>> No.13217719

t. beer enthusiast

>> No.13217728

I'm just sick of these tired memes. I dislike beer pretty bad.

>> No.13217768

>xkcd in this thread buttblasted as hell

>> No.13217778

>It's a good comic
Prove it, Randall.

>> No.13217779

It just keeps going and randalls rich. Occasionally it's as good as it used to be.

>> No.13217784

>appeal to popularity

Sure thing, Randall.

>> No.13217792

ok random person

>> No.13217801

>appeal to authority

>> No.13218091

You can't get an STD from Cheerios.

>> No.13218120

im allowed critique stuff if it doesn't make sense.

>> No.13218121

I don't like the taste of onions. Therefore there is no one that likes the taste of onions and everyone who says they like them are only pretending.

>> No.13218147

>He seems like such a prick
Fucking this. Condescending douche. I'd rather read classic Penny Arcade any day. Fruit Fucker for the fucking win!

>> No.13218158

2019: they add a bunch of labels like a shitty political cartoon and there's some caption added to the bottom that explains the joke

>> No.13218167
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>> No.13218169

happy birthday to this future president

>> No.13218173
File: 185 KB, 750x728, CAF46907-FFA7-45FA-A2FD-26AEBDB46C1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed thread

>> No.13218186

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Alcoholism Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Bottle Like Nigga Close Your Mouth Haha

>> No.13218201

I drink non-alcoholic beer sometimes for the taste of drinking beer without effects of alcohol.

>> No.13218207

and then the little hateful queer never replied again

>> No.13218235

Every bar mitzvah and sweet 16 needs a DJ. He's not researching cancer or anything, but he's providing a constantly sought after service that pays well. I'm not saying that I like DJ's as people to hang around, but it's not like he's a worthless panhandler or welfare queen.

>> No.13218246

Kombucha has a nice fermented flavor that reminds me of beer in a way and regular kombucha isn't very sweet. I think a typical 8 oz serving has 20 calories.

>> No.13218258

>Happy nerds are the best of humanity
You'll be in a death camp yet, Randall. I'll see to it personally.

>> No.13218259

Literally nothing wrong with welfare.

>> No.13218266

Oh man a SCIENTIST. I forgot that SCIENTISTS were immune from criticism of any kind. All hail SCIENCE.

>> No.13218268

Everything is wrong with welfare, the idea is wrong, it’s a response to wrongness, it is a wrongness.

>> No.13218269


>> No.13218275

Isn’t there a crisis right now because like half of science isn’t repeatable? You’ve literally just been consuming social programming from these guys and now you respect them because you’re socially programmed to do so.

>> No.13218497

>Microbrew hipsters BTFO
How so? I've seen this many times and I'm still drinking community Mosaic several times a week.

>> No.13218583

Do you know any scientists? The ones (a physicist, a geneticist and a doctorate in mech e) I know all like to drink. Hell, the geneticist drinks in the morning when he's planting his GMO wheat. Have you ever been around grad students or academics? Some of the most functional alcoholics and stoners you'll ever meet.

>> No.13218589

I'm sure you're pushing the boundaries of occasionally altering a playlist. God speed you brilliant auteur.

>> No.13218592

I don't think I ever said that they didn't. I do agree though that beer tastes pretty bad and I think that xkcd makes good points.

>> No.13218612

Makes sense why he's such an insufferable femboi cuck

>> No.13218618
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>I do agree though that beer tastes pretty bad and I think that xkcd makes good points

>> No.13218626

>If I don't like the taste, nobody does
Do people really think this way

>> No.13218660

A small handful of manchildren. What's even crazier is that OP saw that comic and actually thought the tastlet was in the right.

>> No.13218665

They haven't developed theory of mind yet, don't worry about them

>> No.13218733

Wow, common vegetables are stealing your precious bodily fluids. Seems reasonable.

>> No.13218768

Narcissists do

>> No.13218775

I actually like Budweiser

>> No.13218796

I like how some beers taste.

>> No.13218804


>> No.13219296

No you don't. You like the effect alcohol has on you.

>> No.13219301

I like both

>> No.13219323

don't post stonetoss comics here, he's a nazi

>> No.13219329


I'd legitimately drink non-alcoholic Guinness if that was a thing.

Lots of beer is delicious.

>> No.13219331

Lol tastelet

>> No.13219340

Based agent provocateur.

>> No.13219345

He seems more like the kind of guy who wants you to think he's the kind of guy you think he is, but isn't.

>> No.13219374

Drink better beer.
>some shit about microbreweries
They almost always suck, pretentious wankers thinking less sales = more good.
Go back and watch some episodes of Good Eats. What Beer does Alton Brown, a Texan, keep in his refrigerator...

hint: It's mass-produced South Australian Beer

>> No.13219418

is north australian beer good?

>> No.13219435

Haha. Delusional Patriot. Good on ya mate. Put another shrimp on the barbie™

>> No.13219442

XXXX is the default choice of Queensland, and it's awful. I don't know about the Northern Territory.

>> No.13219463

>Is XXXX good?
Queenslanders would say so.
Northern Western Australians wouldn't agree it's good, but that anything from 'down south' isn't good for their hot 100% of the year climate.
South Western Australians drink whatever.
South Australians either love or hate Coopers
Victorians are basically Californians in every regard.
New South Welshmen drink Tooheys
Tasmanians drink Cider, but they do have a 'craft' brewery that Victorians love. (Little Creatures)

>> No.13219564

If it's Coopers he's got shit taste.

>> No.13219968

It gets reposted every couple of days.

>> No.13219989
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I always argue w/ my Romanian SO about beer (I'm half German). I prefer the taste of warm beer, it tastes like liquid bread. My SO thinks warm beer is disgusting. Who's right?

>> No.13219996

Cellar temperature isn't warm. You're both gay.

>> No.13220000
File: 66 KB, 640x640, mh pils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a local beer that just tastes SO FRESH in every can, this is pretty much the standard to which I hold every other beer

>> No.13220020

What's cellar temperature? I will pour a beer from the fridge then leave it out for a few hours until it's room temp

>> No.13220118

55ºF or 13ºC. Why would you pour a carbonated beverage into a glass and leave it out for hours instead of leaving it bottled until you're ready to drink it and pour it then?

>> No.13220122

not a fan of carbonation

>> No.13220236
File: 371 KB, 1366x2048, 1525369951541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based on my experience as a balkanite, we drink mediocre beer that's best cold. if you've acquired good beer that's good at room temp, just ask your gf to give it a chance at least once. if she still doesn't like it, send her my way. she'll be missing your cold german touch in no tme

>> No.13220469

Outback is bloody hot so it's all watery midstrength all the time.

>> No.13221238

I thought this until I found beer I actually like. Turns out I just hate 99% of lagers and popular ales like Flat Tire

>> No.13221323

I don't like beer, I just drink beer

>> No.13222265

But I thought you loved scientists and hated artists? The xkcd guy is the same as a musician or dj.

>> No.13222394

Do you have to project your preferences on me? I hate mushrooms in both taste and smell and yet I dont go around telling people that mushrooms are disgusting.

>> No.13222734

Acquired taste is the biggest scam of human culinary history.
EVERYTHING is an acquired taste, acquired taste just means it's a taste you get familiar and used to.
If I eat shit everyday and get used to it, that's an acquired taste, doesn't mean it's good.

If you have to get used to beer, and every single person whose ever drank has, then it's nothing special.
All alcohol tastes like shit.
The only reason we drink is to get buzzed or drunk in social situations or by yourself.
If there were no effect to alcohol, no one would drink.

>> No.13222756

I pretended to like it when I first started drinking. Now I genuinely enjoy it. xkcd guy is like proto-soi and everyone who worshipped him while I was in college because they felt smart agreeing with his shitty opinions was so pathetic. There was a great blog where some guy deconstructed all his comics, this isn't it but it's similar http://xkcdisntfunny.blogspot.com/?m=1

>> No.13222806

beer tastes good, I am not pretending, people just have different tastes, most likely you lack the gene for it because you are not european or have ashkenazi jewish heritage

>> No.13222809


>> No.13222817

You obviously never drank good wine to meat

>> No.13224061

and then this guy proves the other guys point.

>> No.13224117

Imagine being this mad that you're a child-palated faggot lol

>> No.13224121

Speak for yourself, manchild

>> No.13224128

blogspot xkcdsucks is the one

>> No.13224139

Actually, your aversion to shit is acquired. Babies are naturally attracted to shit. They love to play with it and put it in their mouths. They only learn not to do this after their parents punish them for doing so. So shit is naturally good, but you've been taught to think otherwise.

>> No.13224159


>> No.13224179

it amazes me that you thought it was worthwhile to post your dipshit brainlet opinion.
how is it a ''scam'' you fucking retard, it's a descriptor of ones palate becoming accustomed to or ones learning to enjoy the qualities of a certain thing.
you don't just instantly like all music do you?
eat more frenched fries and chicken tendies
make sure you get extra ketchup!
dumb faggot

>> No.13224208

Beer is one of the best pallet cleansers.

>> No.13224227

Cope harder brewlet, not my fault you can't afford $3 tallboys
Randall is the reason /r9k/ exists. Without him we wouldn't have tendie greentexts.