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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13215409 No.13215409[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why, yes, I do use a meat thermometer. How could you tell?

>> No.13215427

I use it too when I’m sick and I’m checking if I have the fever

>> No.13215428
File: 76 KB, 870x1174, 6BD6B339-CA1F-4598-8BEA-4A30F24D7B1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re pretty much a necessity for new cooks, because they don’t have a point of reference to gauge the time and heat needed to produce a given level of doneness in a given cut of meat. Once you have experience, they turn into a convenient, but no essential accessory.

You want something that’s ACTUALLY cowardly? Refusing to eat a steak unless it’s cooked to the colour, texture and flavour of a fucking tire for fear of food poisoning.

>> No.13215431

Your mom uses my meat thermometer

>> No.13215433
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Why yes, I do eat meat. How could you tell?

>> No.13215439

I hate that the "why yes I do... how could you tell" thing actually took off.

>> No.13215440

Tofu and impossible whoppers do not constitute a form of meat.

>> No.13215451
File: 33 KB, 450x352, fattest-man-fat-and-weird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I do not understand basic nutrition and eat what American corporations tell me to. How could you tell?
Eat our meat goy

>> No.13215459

They're pretty much essential you retard. A good line cook will have them to hand if they know their shit so that specs are being adhered to and more importantly in case they get a surprise "visit" from inspectors or seniors. That's if you work in a kitchen with any standards.

>> No.13215462

yes, the "american corporation" called life because people have been eating meat for many thousands of years.

>> No.13215466

You need a history lesson NPC

>> No.13215473

a necessity for queers that are too scared of making a mistake in an area that they have no prevoius experience in and that literally nobody will judge if they do fuck it up unless they're cooking for someone else in which case you shouldn't be cooking with so little experience for someone in the first place, otherwise they'll have to eat the overcooked steak or throw it in the trash or if it's undercooked put it again in the pan or eat it and literally die, either way it will serve you as motivation for getting it right the next time or never ever try it again and be comfortable with not beign able to perform a basic human task such as cooking

>> No.13215480


>> No.13215485


>> No.13215495

>goes on /ck/ to link people ted talks
take three steps back and reevaluate your fucking life dude

>> No.13215502

People who want consistent, perfect food use thermometers. Sure it's good to know how to without, but that's totally unnecessary when good thermometers are cheap and widely available. The fact of that matter is that you will never be able to tell when a chicken hits 160° by poking it or using the boomer "minutes per pound" meme. Anyone talking shit on thermometers has also obviously never smoked any food. To any of you elitists that won't use thermometers, do you use calculators?

>> No.13215517

>why yes I've never contracted salmonella

>> No.13215522

Yes, why exercise your brain when there's an app for that?

>> No.13215528

So you've never used a calculator? Bullshit obviously

>> No.13215531

Good pic but it isn't just nancyboys that sperg out spastically about meat thermometers. You get a lot of backyard griller/smoker boomers who will insist that fancy meat thermometers are absolutely critically necessary to monitor grilling and smoking processes that predate recorded history. There is no talking sense into them. Any sensible remark is met with endless technoblather.

Point out to a thermomofag that each cut of meat differs in terms of height, width, density, liquid saturation, and a zillion other parameters and he will just shriek at you more autistically. Deep down inside, he knows it is a humiliating crutch that he resorts to because he lacks skill.

>> No.13215554

You've never heard of a multi probe thermometer? You've have heard of measuring at the thickest part? You are painfully stupid. Why are you so anti technology? Does it scare you?

>> No.13215556

>meat differs in terms of height, width, density, liquid saturation, and a zillion other parameters

>> No.13215583

You're the one raving about multi-probe apparatuses like an alien abductee, Agent Mulder.

>> No.13215587
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?Why yes my pan is seasoned what gave it away?

>> No.13215610


Ok boomer

>> No.13215636
File: 1.23 MB, 5248x2952, 9074ca0fb95e61a0922a614ffc16ac5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont liek to go tah steakhouses cuz I know how to cook muh steak jus the way I liek it
>y...yeah i... its pretty rare...
>I... I like it this way!

>> No.13215652
File: 64 KB, 500x403, cowboycook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all seem negative today, pawdner.

>> No.13215653

Some people dig blue rare. It's a bit hardcore though. Not a fan myself.

>> No.13215658

Some people like to tickle their prostate with another mans penis until they ejaculate

>> No.13215680

Until who ejaculates? The "some people" or the "another man?" You kinda lost me.

>> No.13215690

>Point out to a thermomofag that each cut of meat differs in terms of height, width, density, liquid saturation, and a zillion other parameters
You just made a great argument as to why meat probes are appropriate for certain applications. But I know you're either stoned, drunk, running on opioids, downers or uppers, so I won't pursue it.

>> No.13215728

Or you could just use a thermometer and not do any of that.

>> No.13215739

You've never worked in a restaurant have you?

>> No.13215747


>> No.13215764

All sorts of restaurants utilize thermometers. Ones that utilize sous vide even depend on them.
Just because the burger bar you worked at would do “pink or no pink” doesn’t mean that more strict kitchens don’t use thermos. Every cook I work with keeps one next to their sharpie in their shoulder pocket.

>> No.13215774

Why can't he be all of those things?

>> No.13215800

>That's if you work in a kitchen with any standards.

I don’t work in a kitchen. I cook at home, and I cook meat sufficiently to be palatable yet also safe. How can you not tell how done a cut of meat is by firmness? I hope you haven’t been cooking much longer than 3 months, or you’ve learned nothing.

>Implying restaurants don’t overcook shit anyways so they don’t get health reports/litigation from some germophobic weakling who found a trace of pink in steak.

>> No.13215812

What about eggs? I have the toughest time finding a diner that will serve me eggs that aren’t fucking raw when I ask for over medium

>> No.13215813

The "or" by definition says it could very well be. "Or" includes "and" which is why "and/or" is redundant.

>> No.13215821

Eggs are another thing. You can’t really cut open a part of it to see how well done, can’t stick a thermometer through the shell, the best you can do is measure water temperature and hope for the best.

>> No.13215824

Oof, you need to do some reading.

>> No.13215828

Me too. They just make them over easy if you say over medium. But if you say over hard, they overdo it. We just can't win, anon.

>> No.13215907

You can't poke a roast chicken and know when it's 160°. Nor can you poke a steak and know the exact temperature. You can get an approximation but your results will vary and that is objectively true

>> No.13215919

Literally never had this issue, I get perfect medium eggs every time.

>> No.13215920

And if you say over easy they’re fucking raw

>> No.13215923

If you know your oven and have done things more than once, you know quite soon how many minutes per lb. of whichever cut of meat is necessary. I am open to thermometer use but rarely resort to them.

>> No.13215973

Holy shit, this guys so fucking cool everyone. He's some bad ass cooking type guy. So cool, everyone stop and congratulate this guy! Wow, you must have a really big penis or something mister!

>> No.13215995

I unironically like it this way except its too chewy

>> No.13216038

Minutes per pounds has never been accurate at all. It was acceptable before technology was so available but there's no excuse now. It's antiquated

>> No.13216337

only wh*toid does that

>> No.13216358

It has always been accurate, but mfgrs make tons of money selling unnecessary doodads and gizmos like "digital kitchen thermometers" to fretful hausfraus and "world's best dad" apron-wearing backyard grillers because they fall for the perfectionism fantasy.

>> No.13216369

youre actually never learning when you stare at a gauge all the time. if you undercook a breast and have already cut it, sucks on you but now you have to pay the price and overcook it. next time you will learn from this mistake