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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13213259 No.13213259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you doing to improve your health diet wise?

>> No.13213269

This is hilarious. I try to drink mostly water and a ratio of 2 parts vegetables to everything else.

>> No.13213273

I wouldn't blame his diet so much as the fact that he was going around trying to get famous filming himself getting red-faced angry and yelling at people.

>> No.13213275

He was a diabetic who had a stroke. Sounds like the future of the average coo/ck/


>> No.13213283

Big gulp a day keeps the doctor in pay

>> No.13213293

He has a job but lives in a van. Maybe because he's so tiny he doesn't need a whole house but it's still a lulzy look at Murrica.

>> No.13213304

Ohh yeah and he was diddled by his neighbor when he was 12 (probably looked 6) which is also part of why he's a midget ragenaught.

>> No.13213317

You people are disgusting.

>> No.13213322

As we say on Reddit, F

>> No.13213331

Why? He's an angry, rude drug addict. Why should I give two shits about him? Not everyone who has rough times in their life acts like a retard. He was stoned out his mind at the time because he says he always is. Zero sympathy from over here.

>> No.13213359

based virtue signaler

>> No.13213390

Manlets never win.

>> No.13213427

Tom Cruise did alright for himself and he's gay to boot. Bagel man is just a burnout druggie.

>> No.13213437

His shortness ended up killing him.

>> No.13213445

What? His wife is fucking a black man and he's not allowed to see his daughter. I guess that's what manlets call winning lol.

>> No.13213456
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>his manager has posted close up images of Morgan
great guy

>> No.13213463

Well that's what you get when you're gay but marry women to try and look like a normie. He's still more famous, liked and rich than you'll ever come close to. Don't get me wrong, he's a closet case weirdo who belives in a sci-fi religion but for a short stack has accomplished a lot.

DeVito us cool too, space man was just the first who came to mind.

>> No.13213659

nah i agree with that anon
death is never funny
the bell tolls for thee

>> No.13213675

Yep. Short, balding white guy with anger issues. Probably clings to his gun collection to validate his manliness.

>> No.13213683

from half a man, to a quarter

>> No.13213689
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Diminutive Angry Bagel Guy

>> No.13213693

More protein, few carbs, more water, very little sugar, more exercise, less sitting on my ass browsing North Korean Fingar Papit imageboards.

>> No.13213717

>gun collection
He's too poor and coastie to have a gun collection.

>> No.13213742

I work in a graveyard and let me tell you, death is pretty much always funny.

>> No.13213795

He's middle eastern.

>> No.13214399

Death is the only thing that's funny.

>> No.13214413

Quite a few Long Island coasties (as you insufferable landlocked faggots like to call them) have ridiculoussmall arms collections. One guy I used to take care of as a home health aid had numerous 30-03 rifles, ak-47s, m-4 rifles, AR-15s and a blunderbuss. Don't assume.

>> No.13214516

>New York.

>> No.13214574

I drink booze constantly and only eat once maybe every 2-3 days. At least I'm not fat.

>> No.13214588

He lives in a van though because he spends all his money on weed.

>> No.13215040

damn bro where is romeo when you need him poor bagelman

>> No.13215111
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>"hurr durr i know youre born a midget but you could just like, uhmm stop being so rude!"
here we go with mister reddit fedoratard psychology expert over here assuming midgets are born with a napoleon complex

this is the very reason why they act like assholes to everyone else is because dumb niggers like you think they act like retards by default