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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 780x520, 41a-ns-sch_canteen-170717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13212320 No.13212320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When your school have so much variety of food stores to choose (Singapore), while the US schools only serve food with minimum nutrients

>> No.13212332

because the USA isnt even a country anymore. its a corporate state / giant exit scam.

>> No.13212333

>When your school have
It's a singular possessive.
Keep working on the English, Chang.

>> No.13212337

>giant exit scam.

>> No.13212349

Thanks for the correction, John

>> No.13212605

Everyone fucks off back to Israel when got theirs.

>> No.13212622

Pretty much, Obama was the end of freedom.

>> No.13212623

Oodles of noodles has barely any nutrients itself

>> No.13212624

America has money and uses it to grow corn and soy beans. Singapore has money and is surrounded by a bunch of Asian countries that produce all kinds of cheap foods and has a mix of more traditional home cooking food cultures. America also elects people like Trump, who only a small portion of the country support, so don't judge all Americans for the stupidity of flyovers.

>> No.13212656

>staggering retardation
we need to kill everyone like this

>> No.13212658

>threatening to kill the president
You've just been added to the FBI database, anon.

>> No.13212687

It isn't the state's job to be a parent, fuck off commie.

>> No.13212691
File: 92 KB, 640x596, 997208B6-9EB9-4D64-BA8D-78FA034F6B0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America also elects people like Trump, who only a small portion of the country support
Yes, only a small portion of the country supports the elected president, you should really trust twitter which is used by 2% of the country.

>> No.13212699

He was supported by ~1/3 of people eligible to vote, and didn't even win the popular vote. That's a small portion of the country considering that everyone else absolutely hates him.

>> No.13212713

That's how it is with just about every US president because most voting age people don't care and don't vote.

>> No.13212719

these stalls aren't free, its like a low priced foodcourt

kids get to learn abour managing money and get their own choices

>> No.13212721

They will next cycle. lol.

>> No.13212730

If you think this shit is normal you at most just turned voting age. Also, keep /pol/ shit off the cooking board.

>> No.13212733

>how can the top 5 wealthiest nation feed its kids so well

like, duh
how big is singapore anyway?
isnt like 1 in 6 people there a literal millionaire?

>> No.13212735

Your zog masters want a different candidate than the one your die hards are going to vote for again, no chance, all trump will need is a 34% popular vote.

>> No.13212737

Really doubt it.
It is normal and I've been voting age for a long time now. I'm probably older than you. And I'm not the one who brought this up in the first place, so don't try to pin it on me when you're replying to it the same as me.

>> No.13212741

There’s probably going to be even less voters this year. Last election was a result of terrible options, and they responded by giving us even worse options this year. The only people left who care are the people who get butthurt about it all.

>> No.13212742

>i'm probably older than you
First time I was old enough to vote I voted Clinton into his second term. If you're older than me and think the current situation is business as usual you're fucking brain dead.

>> No.13212748

>the only people left who care are the people who get butthurt about it all
I agree that none of the options are great this time, but most people are butthurt and will vote for literally anyone who isn't Trump.

>> No.13212751
File: 242 KB, 2666x1875, _104361436_voter_turnout-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"keep this /pol/ shit off the cooking board"
>keeps replying
Voter apathy isn't anything new. I don't know why you're trying to frame it as a new thing, other than that you're either incredibly young and thus lying about your age or a complete moron. Take your pick.

>> No.13212755
File: 56 KB, 960x539, https___blogs-images.forbes.com_realspin_files_2016_12_thumbnail_Slide2-1200x674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted the wrong image there.

>> No.13212773

School lunch in America is great because your mom makes it for you.

>> No.13212776


>> No.13212779
File: 1.92 MB, 1603x2155, vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: florida
>literally the most corrupt state when it comes to voting regulations
I wasn't even the one talking about voter turnout, but just saying that this is not normal. People thought GW was an idiot who only got in because people liked his dad, but Trump is literally Monty from Tiny Tunes in the body of a 70 year old with dementia. GW got a ton of flack in the media and on late night shows for being kind of dumb, but he never attacked it as unfair criticism. Trump is made fun of ever day on the news because he says or does something actually retarded literally every single day. He's a spoiled rich kid who's never lived in the real world or opened a book, but his daddy paid for him to get through school and be a fake gangster inn keeper who bankrupts casinos (which isn't even a thing). People are sick of him.

>> No.13212780
File: 61 KB, 960x720, Voter+Turnout+in+U.S.+Congressional+and+Presidential+Elections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's normal. You're a moron.

>> No.13212783

one of the high schools i went to in burgerland had plenty of different options to choose a meal from, kind of set up like a food court in a mall.


>> No.13212787

Literally the first sentence I typed was saying I wasn't the one talking about voter turnout, but you had your /pol/ chart folder open and ready anyway, didn't you? Of course red votes more than blue; not much else to do in flyover land, especially when you spend all your free time watching fear mongering shit like Fox.
>we're gonna build a wall around colorado to keep out the mexicans
Yeah, that's something that the current president actually said.

>> No.13212788
File: 88 KB, 620x616, 532dc1ec39d02.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't most schools in the US do a buffet style lunch?

>> No.13212789

Why are you arguing that against the fact that elections have horrible voter turnout? Are you that mad at orange cheetoh Hitler?
That chart isn't republican vs democrats you product of no child left behind.

>> No.13212791

He's a literal moron.

>> No.13212795

US schools let you choose between like 3-4 different meal options that rotate daily you mong. Once you get in to high school, as long as you're not in a fucking ghetto, most of them have legitimate fast food places and even more variety. It's essentially like going to a mall food court.

My high school had a subway, orange julius, teriaki styx, and some pizza joint, in addition to selling the regular rotating menu.

>> No.13212797

>chart isn't republican vs democrats
I'll admit I'm drunk and didn't actually read it. But look at the time stamps; the dude had it ready and waiting and obviously didn't read my post - and it's kind of stupid to use red and blue for presidential and congressional elections.
>product of no child left behind
I actually won an award for writing an editorial in my high school paper about how bad things must be that my shitty school didn't qualify for no child left behind.

>> No.13212799

I wouldn't trust a teenager with a pair of tongs, even plastic ones.

>> No.13212801

Ok boomer

>> No.13212802

I literally never ate school lunch in high school, but they still pulled us out of class randomly around once a month to work the lunch line. Is that not normal for public schools?

>> No.13212806

How would I know?

>> No.13212808

That's normal for schools almost everywhere.

>> No.13212810

How the fuck would I know whether or not you would know? Who the fuck are you? Who the fuck am I?

>> No.13212815

I don't know, maybe I'm you, and you're me, or maybe neither of us is anyone.

>> No.13212826

You claimed you were old enough to have voted for Bill Clinton the second time around, and now you wrote in high school about no child left behind, a policy that didn't come out until after Clinton. Christ, keep your lies straight.
>inb4 "im another anon"
Nigga don't lie.

>> No.13212830

If you send your kids to public school in the states, you deserve whatever happens.

>> No.13212834

I was a different anon, but I'm also drunk as fuck and you're right. I graduated class of '03, so my first presidential vote was Bush jr's second term. The mid-90's was when I first became cognizant of national politics.

>> No.13212838

the states eh?

>> No.13212844

Nobody believes your lies. Go "drink" more.

>> No.13212845

>Chinatown compared to US
>the states, huh
UK pls

>> No.13212850

The UK? Oh, you mean the kingdoms.

>> No.13212856 [DELETED] 

Singapore also has Asians who are inherently more intelligent than smelly wh*teoids who shit themselves in fear at the sight of a food that isn't a McDonalds drive-thru burger and a 47-oz diet frozen deep fried coca cola with extra "whip creme" [sic] on top.

>> No.13212859

>don't judge americans for the stupidity of flyovers
>regurgitates the most over exaggerated flyover meme shit he could think of after two hours in deep thought

>> No.13212866

dude you type the gayest shit

>> No.13212876

He's actually kind of witty for a yuropoor regurgitating /int/ tier low quality bait. Do zoomers really not get irony?

>> No.13212877

I was asleep two hours ago. Everyone you disagree with is one person though, I get it. I mean how could anyone have a different perspective than you? They must be trolling and/or insane.

>> No.13212885

Came for school food discussion, and I see /pol/ threads

>> No.13212887 [DELETED] 

I hate it too, but at least I'm not bumping the thread.

>> No.13212890 [DELETED] 

I’m literally shaking at the thought of Donald trump in the White House. No one wants that but the Russians. We can’t let him get his hands on the nuclear codes!

>> No.13212894

Imagine thinking it's funny that a petulant manchild with clear signs of dementia has the ability to launch a war that could end humanity

>> No.13212904

Replying to the thread gives other anons things to reply to, so don't act like your not just as guilty.

>> No.13212910

No, the caliphates.

>> No.13212913 [DELETED] 

You're right, but it's still proper etiquette to use sage, which you didn't do.

>> No.13212915

Imagine being so angry you have to pretend a reality tv star is going to end the world.

>> No.13212918

Why would I sage? This thread doesn't bother me. It clearly bothers you, yet you keep replying to it. Hence me calling you out for acting retarded.

>> No.13212923

Doesn't matter.

Great part of American women can't cook, so their kids grow up eating trash. In a buffet, they'd just choose fried garbage and pizza.

>> No.13212947

If you say so.

>> No.13212949 [DELETED] 

Uh oh janny hard at work defending fast food! I guess I'll be resetting my cable modem in a half hour or so

>> No.13212997

He’s micromanaging this thread and deleting posts that are literally saging for replying to off topic garbage (which is the entire point of sage). Meanwhile there are two Ragusa threads, two babish threads, and one of the half a dozen BA shill threads posted today still up, alive and well.

>> No.13213010

jannies cannot delete threads, only flag them for removal by the mods

jannies can delete posts though, iirc

>> No.13213036

Remember that time a mod posted a dumb "help me cook" thread, it went in a direction that made him look dumb almost immediately (typical "I can't cook but I won't tell you any details I just expect you to help me blindly"), and instead of just abandoning thread or something, he deleted all but the first post, and banned everyone who replied?

>> No.13213039

I have never had a post deleted. Can a janitor delete this post? It would be cool if a bunch of people replied to this shitty, completely off-topic post, too. I want to be cool.

>> No.13213153

You're not really supposed to reply to off topic garbage, sage or not. All it does is contribute to the off topic discussion and keep it going. Sages really don't do shit anyways, especially on a slow moving board like this one, especially when the guy you saged is just going to reply to you without a sage. Also, announcing that you're saging is against the rules. I don't really care if people break the rules or not, but if you're going to cry about a few deleted posts, you could at least get the rules right.

>> No.13213159

4channel.org has rules?

>> No.13213168


>> No.13213173

Nice try fbi. I ain't clicking that shit.

>> No.13213198

I still think it’s worth trying to adhere to the original rules and chan etiquette. You also don’t understand the rule about announcing a sage. In any case this janny is extremely lazy; looking back almost this entire thread is off topic, but he only deleted a few of the last posts. Kind of makes you think he didn’t even open the thread and just randomly deleted a few things he saw while scrolling through the index just to fill his quota.

>> No.13213218

Would you read any of this crap if you weren't posting? Why would anyone ever want to be a mod jr. for this shitty website? Why am I even here? It's fucking horrifying that this is one of the better sites on the internet. Why does everything suck now?

>> No.13213235

isnt that one of those super elite rich schools there though?

>> No.13213240

>and didn't even win the popular vote.
so he didnt win in NYC, L.A., Dallas and San Francisco?

>> No.13213251

He didn't win a lot of places with large populations = a lot of people didn't vote for him = he didn't win the popular vote. Just because you don't like cities doesn't mean that their votes don't count, dum dum.

>> No.13213307

>I still think it’s worth trying to adhere to the original rules and chan etiquette.
Which would include not replying to off topic posts.
>You also don’t understand the rule about announcing a sage.
Explain what I got wrong.
>this entire thread is off topic
True to a certain extent, but, question: why does this bother you at all? You express concern about "following the rules," but why, especially when you yourself aren't following the rules?

>> No.13213319

There's no such thing as a "popular vote." The US uses the electoral college, always has, probably always will.

>> No.13213327

Yeah shillary would have been waaay better. Sure thing, retard.

>> No.13213575

no, thats a public neighbourhood school.

>> No.13213890

Which disproprtionately rewards a larger vote to smaller populated areas, which is how you get what we're stuck with.

>> No.13213905

You're completely retarded. Go crack a söylent and turn on Colbert you fucking faggot

>> No.13213908

Which is a good thing you little bitch

>> No.13213916


ITT: Ignorant liberal doesn't realize that the vast majority of american blacks live in "flyover" states

>> No.13213922

Exactly what argument are you trying to make?

>> No.13213931

Soy isn't filtered here you fucking tourist. Go back.

>> No.13213938

this. liberals mocking "flyover states" are unironically mocking niggers and their shitty states.

>> No.13213941

Is english that widespread in singapore? I don't see a single asian character.

>> No.13213950

My family loved me enough to make my lunches. Despite being poor my parents believed it was their job to raise me not the schools.

>> No.13213955


>> No.13213957

There's literally no difference between blacks in the midwest and white trash.

>> No.13213964

multi racial country so they use english for most things

>> No.13213967

I went to a culinary school that had an exchange program in Singapore and I got put with a qt who'd just arrived for dinner and she asked me, "what do people do for fun around here?" And not knowing what to say I complimented her on her good English... Things only went downhill from there.

>> No.13213970

Still your president faggot.

>> No.13213973

US views education as anti capitalist and has been working for 50 years to undermine and degrade the education system. Anything that educates the masses will undermine the influence and power of the 1% elite who horde the wealth of the world

>> No.13213974

That's the entire point, otherwise the presidency is determined by a handful of large population centers and anyone who doesn't live in a big city might as well not vote

>> No.13214016

I have enough vodka and norco to make it through the next year.

>> No.13214020

Just the opposite, if you took the time to homeschool your children or hire a tutor instead of dropping them off for retard daycare.

>> No.13214030


>> No.13214035

>the places where most people live shouldn't determine who's in charge, even when those are the places with the more affluent and educated people
>leave it to cleatus and the fox in his head to elect the president because he owns 20 acres of soy bean farms
Makes sense to me.

>> No.13214039

They sold our American school systems lunches down the drain. Who ever can provide food to them the cheapest gets the government check, but at most schools the max they pay per lunch is 25-50 cents per child. That they charge for most of the time at 2.50. Not to mention it got worse when Michelle did her "magic" on the lunches.

>> No.13214040

>didn't win the popular vote

but the popular vote doesn't matter...? why even bring that up ?

>> No.13214058

Not true. Every individual's vote should have equal value. It's irrelevant whether you live in a city or flyover BFE, each vote should have equal weight. As it stands, a flyover's vote has more weight than a major city individual. That's anti-democratic, and quite frankly, irrational.

>> No.13214063

>the majority of people didn't vote for him
>the majority of people absolutely hate him
>don't worry anon, it's a democracy and he won so just get over it
Yeah, a system that allowed Trump to get elected is fucked up. Of course it matters.

>> No.13214067

Because it proves a majority didn't want him as president. You know, real democracy!

>> No.13214084

We don't live in a total democracy, or else every one vote is counted as 1 towards a candidate. We dont do that, popular vote shows how he is in the public's eye.

>> No.13214091

not him
not even a burger
but the usa is a republic
popular vote doesnt matter

>> No.13214093

The only vote that matters is the vote of God and he voted for Trump.

>> No.13214114

>god voted for trump
I thought the atheism meme shit ended a decade ago, but the Christian right is going to be in history books 200 years from now in the chapter entitled, "Early 21st Century Hypocrisy".

>> No.13214145

Find something better to complain about fag. Take the black dick out of your ass and shut the fuck bitch

>> No.13215533
File: 72 KB, 400x440, 549014541131374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a white kid doing there

>> No.13215731

Getting an involuntary erection from the asian chicks, what else? Virtually 90% of white males are into asians. Deal with it stormer, lol!

>> No.13215743

>how come (geographically large country full of tons of different races and cultures) doesn't have thing that (small, homogenous country with minimal shitskins) has

The answer is always the same, black people and multiculturalism