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13212065 No.13212065 [Reply] [Original]

If you're like me and you like seafood you would probably think that I'd like anchovy pizza, but I just can't. Why, THE FUCK, do they make the anchovies so salty. I don't even know what an actual anchovy tastes like because THEY ARE ALL FUCKED IN THE TINY FISH ASS WITH SALT.

>> No.13212127
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Can I have your slice bro?

We have time for another mug of beer right?

>> No.13212293
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Anchovies are supposed to be salted to hell. They're meant to last a long time without going bad. They're GOAT on a pizza, but that slice in particular has way too many. Generally you only want one long anchovy going down the middle of every slice so you get a small amount per bite, like pic related.

>> No.13212300


>> No.13212325

When you make pizza at home rinse the anchovies off first.

>> No.13212358

The better question is why we don't salt everything else this much. Saltiness is easily the best flavor.

>> No.13212362

you sound like a dumb child

>> No.13212502
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That pizza has too many anchovies for someone who's having them for the first time. You just want a little bit in each bite for that burst of flavor, though fuck anyone who says, "hurr, just mix them into the sauce so they're evenly distributed!" No, you want that little pop of salt and fishiness, and you want to be able to control when and how much you get.

>> No.13212836

anchovies + olives is the ultimate taste bomb for pizza

>> No.13212843

tomato, ham/sausage, cheese, olives, herbs, mushroom
anything more is not pizza

>> No.13212852
File: 1.92 MB, 720x720, footsie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I like my pizza like a good puttanesca. It's like a trashy whore who knows exactly how to push your buttons and tongue your taint, but every pizza is a virgin until you put your mouth hole around it.

>> No.13212864


Nobody realizes you're supposed to rinse the anchovies.

>> No.13212883

Nah, you reserve the oil and put it over low heat with some garlic and then dip your crust in it.

>> No.13212889

Wait. What? Really?

>> No.13213148

Yes. Rinse them gently in cold water to remove any encrusted salt.

>> No.13213462

Do you like giving blowjobs?

>> No.13213485

I can't believe the standard meme advice I've never heard of before turned out to be real this time. Hopefully rinsed anchovies goes well with soda-streamed Scotch

>> No.13213500

He's talking about anchovies that come packed in salt, dum dum. How often have you ever even seen anchovies packed in salt? If you've ever seen anchovies on a pizza I guarantee you they were packed in oil.

>> No.13213523

How can you afford scotch with a McJob?

You can tone down the saltiness in oil packed a bit by soaking them in a bit of water or milk after a gentle rinse.

>> No.13213774

Okay but consider this


>> No.13213792

Anchovies are awesome but if the taste is too intense I suggest adding other things that balance them out. My favorite is spinach, extra cheese and anchovies together.

>> No.13214002

No, I like anchovies, SPAM, and pouring salt on most everything else I eat. Not sure why you have dick sucking on the mind.

>> No.13214003


>> No.13214094

I love anchovies on my pizza but since people almost never order it you get the anchovies that have been sitting there for ages so theyre super salt. I just buy my own anchovies/ cook em and throw em on top. Or I get some dried anchovies and put em on top that way.

>> No.13214103

Pineapple with anchovies are amazing though.

>> No.13214155
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Fruity and savory/salty is an affront to god.

>> No.13214658
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>> No.13215604

IMHO good za dont need no chovys, but I do use them on greaseball pies occasionally. they are more justified on hipster pies that lack flavor like "white zas" chicken and mushroom with pesto and feta is great wit chovys no doubt

>> No.13215846
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>> No.13215871

I prefer ripping them up and placing them all over the pizza so every bite has a piece but it looks less out of place

>> No.13216050

Doing it the right way, you first have to soak the salt off the anchovies, then they go on just sauce on the pie. You finish it after it comes out with some pecorino romano. It'll be savory but not super salty.

>> No.13216283

i think they are meant to be rinsed off before use. like codfish is salt cured. you soak it. its a way to preserve precious precoius fish protein. cod made the modern world. capitaliism=cod

>> No.13216353


Nah they're salty through and through. You can't just wash it away. If you want you can buy fresh anchovy fillets instead and use those, though.

>> No.13216435

Even better, dice up the anchovies and sprinkle them over your pizza.

>> No.13216713

That actually sounds pretty nice.

>> No.13216730

>putting fish on your za
cringe forever

>> No.13216732

Are you new here?

>> No.13216794

I wouldn't eat an anchovy pizza
anchovies with olives though?
fuck. yes.
try that
have a few drinks before your first time though

>> No.13216798
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I'm cringing at you, tastelet

>> No.13216803

I tried it once... the flavor wasn't bad, but holy shit it was so salty it was nearly inedible. how can anyone eat that salty shit?

>> No.13216816



>> No.13216876

this ones even worse

>> No.13217864

I actually tear up everything that goes on a pizza, usually a selection of italian deli meats, anchovies, olives, caperberries (I don't tear up the capers because they're small already) and scatter each evenly over the pizza.

>> No.13218029

Most pizza places just keep some cans around to chuck on when ordered, it costs them basically nothing to do it that way. It also means that they don't bother soaking off the excess salt first, either.

>> No.13218093

m8 that pizza looks sexy as

>> No.13218125

for me, its the humble cheapest canned tuna pizza i can find

nummy numbs

>> No.13218901

Remind me not to order anchovy pizza and to just make it myself.