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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 708 KB, 1136x640, 811B75B6-EE12-49E8-8660-EDC0D4B81D9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13209183 No.13209183 [Reply] [Original]

What should I order? Haven’t been in a while. I want to order what you guys order. Let me know if you order extra mustard, onions, or whatever.

>> No.13209187

Ask for tai sauce on your Jr Chicken

>> No.13209190

I don’t like most of the food at McDonalds, except for the McGriddles and filet o’ fish

>> No.13209196
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Mcdonalds is disgusting

which means OP is disgusting


>> No.13209205

Bacon mcdouble, jr chicken add tomato and thai sauce, small fries and small chocolate shake

>> No.13209206

I usually order a pastrami on toasted rye with horseradish mustard and then remember I'm in a shitty McDonald's and not a nice deli and leave.

>> No.13209207

>haven’t been in a while

Should I just go to whataburger or Panda Express instead?

>> No.13209214
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For me it’s the McClean de Luxe

>> No.13209215

Bacon QPC meal, extra onion and extra pickles, fries, coke.

>> No.13209252

I’m wondering if I should order a mcrib

>> No.13209257

You should only be wondering how many you should order, not if you should order the McRib.

>> No.13209278

I dunno man, I like McRibs but more than one gives me a stomach ache and a salty taste between my gums that I can’t get rid of for a few days.

>> No.13209281

Why the fuck are we talking about McDonald's on a cooking forum? It's like anti cuisine.

>> No.13209290

cope. Mc food is the superior form of food. You cooking fags don't realize that all that matters is salt, thats why McDonalds is so good. Your shitty hipster "food" is pathetic. Nothing fills me up better than good ol' cheeseburger.

>> No.13209293

So no on the number 7 combo?

>> No.13209316

>#4 (Double Quarter Pounder with cheese meal), no onions, large, Coke
>Another DCP with cheese (just the sandwich), no onions
>Two apple pies
That's my standard McDonald's order and has been for my entire life.

>> No.13209345
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Oh hell yeah!

>> No.13209429

A signature chicken or Angus obviously.

>> No.13209437

>2 double cheeseburgers
>large fries
>large drink
>two desserts
Ok fatty boomer

>> No.13209440

I cant afford mcdonalds. If i eat there i get three hamburgers with no cheese and dip them in sweet n sour cause its free.

>> No.13209444


>> No.13209471

Technically it’s food and cooking, so any food discussion is allowed. 4chan is full of hipsters and college kids so don’t expect much.

>> No.13209484

Use their 'buy one get one for a dollar' deal and get a QP with cheese and a Big Mac.

>> No.13209508
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How do you like your McChicken, /ck/?

I like mine with lettuce and tomato,
Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes,
a big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer

>> No.13209518

Ok I’m about to leave gonna pick an order soon!

>> No.13209523

Why did you post a jr chicken

>> No.13209529
File: 43 KB, 750x500, mcgangbang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior way to eat a McChicken.

I like to get an extra patty on my McChicken and go light on the mayo, and pour some buffalo sauce onto it.

>> No.13209532

I'm in a similar position, I haven't eaten there in years. What's good? I remember liking the Quarter Pounders, maybe I'll just get that and like, some fries or a fish sandwich

>> No.13209574

>Should I just go to whataburger instead?

>> No.13209581
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Get the Double QP with cheese.

>> No.13209583

their fish sandwich has gone to shit lately. don't waste your money. soggy, limp, and tasteless.

>> No.13209584

Again, you post a picture that doesn't have a mcchicken in it. A mcchicken has a sesame bun, whole leaf lettuce and a quarter pound of chicken.

>> No.13209597
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Going to be glorious!

>> No.13209614

>A mcchicken has a sesame bun
Wrong. I live in America, just ordered one yesterday and it came exactly as the "Jr. Chicken" you described.

>> No.13209647

Sesame is currently under emergency rations due to the cicada issue. We'll get out SSBs back next year.

>> No.13209652
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Oh man who’s order will I buy?

>> No.13209678

Fuck off, scrawny zoomer weakling.

>> No.13209686
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Going to be good!

>> No.13209740
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It was good, fries were cold though.

>> No.13209770

>eats them all anyway instead of asking for some fresh ones

you pussy.

>> No.13209773

Order the ability to think for yourself, you stupid ass frogposting fucking faggot.

>> No.13209775

>fries were cold
They're supposed to make a fresh batch every time fries are ordered. They fucked up, you should've said something.

t. former employee

>> No.13209785

I didn’t feel like waiting any longer

>> No.13209788

I can. I just wanted to taste another man’s preference and see if I like it more than mine.

>> No.13209807

Now with earthworms

>> No.13209819

Please buy my order cuz im poor

>> No.13209822

Where you at?

>> No.13209848

> he does not only order the mcgangbang when he eats mcdicks.
You disgust me

>> No.13209850

Osaka, Japan but thats a long story, im not paying for my time here, but when i get home maybe u can buy me food or send me money

>> No.13209857

Where’s home servicemember?

>> No.13209861

Austin texas

>> No.13209877

I’m in Fort Worth. If you come to AT&T for the state championships football game /spol/ meetup, I’ll buy you a bbq sammich

>> No.13209886

Okay! How should we stay in contact? Can i get an email or somefin?

>> No.13209912

Hit me up at bobthrington@yahoo.com, its my burner email i use for 4chan stuff

>> No.13209921
File: 482 KB, 1234x1702, 7CE4C08E-566A-4B48-8D7A-3DB3B7948E3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post on /sp/ on Friday on /HSFBG/

We will both enter our emails one letter at a time over the next six weeks.

Then we will make contact.

In the thread give yourself the namefag of: OsakaSustinPoorfag and I’ll be HSFBGrichfag

I’m a generous anon as my trick or treat spread shows:

>> No.13209929

No no no just email bobthrington@yahoo.com plz
I do hope your serious though, thankyou for being so generous, i cant wait for tasties, i so rarely get them

>> No.13209942
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Oh man you’re going to be able to eat soon!

>> No.13209944


>> No.13209951

If this is real , thank you

>> No.13209954


>> No.13209963


>> No.13209972
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Enjoy mcdicks

Please make a thread when you go.

>> No.13209981
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Motherfucker gonna have to wait for mcdicks. :(

>> No.13209983

I get a hot and spicy to eat when I get home, and 3 McDoubles no ketchup or mustard, add mac sauce. If I don't eat them all, it's fine. They taste the same the next day, week, or whatever. They should just put them in MREs.

>> No.13209985

This is still the best day ever, rivalling only the day an anon bought me dragon quest 13 in a beg thread

>> No.13209987

I actually feel really good giving. I was feeling depressed lately, but gifting you some mcdicks made me happy.

>> No.13210006

Thank you man, its really brightened up my day as well, it means a lot

>> No.13210022

based and wholesome pilled

>> No.13210029

You should donate to streamers too since you like pissing cash away

>> No.13210035

Nah. I’m only generous on Halloween.

>> No.13210037

But it's not Halloween

>> No.13210048

I felt good today.

>> No.13210049

T. Textbook npc zoomer

>> No.13210057

>no onions

>> No.13210063

It was pretty good this way, I gotta say.

>> No.13210082
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how come pic related is only a season burger in burgerland? i thought this was america?

>> No.13210086

Cause theyre really gross

>> No.13210093

true, majority of americans are gross lard asses.

>> No.13210125

I always get my fair share of mcchicken sauce. The employees there call me three for free.

>> No.13210133

Good one, very clever

>> No.13210159

Because they are sold based around the high and low price of pork.

>> No.13210164

the reason being seasonal is that 4th quarter sales drop due to people eating less fast food during the holiday seasons so they create a artificial scarcity which gives you 2 glorious weeks of mcribs

>> No.13210172

didn't know that. here they are on the regular menu.
thanks burgeranons.

>> No.13210173
File: 78 KB, 1024x768, 980F62E3-6636-4F6F-98B1-F58EE63D7A47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we know it’s pork and not people?

>> No.13210189


panda is infinitely the most based fast food place

>> No.13210194

anon theres a mcdicks less than 1 mile from me swipe that here

>> No.13210211

Too late, other guy got it.

>> No.13210219

I’ve always liked their orange chicken.

Interestingly enough I heard the head of Panda Express shows up at every store and works at it for a couple of weeks.

>> No.13210223

>pic related
I would unironically eat that.

>> No.13210229

quarter pounder, fries, vanilla iced coffee

>> No.13210368 [DELETED] 
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Maybe next time


Matthew 7:7
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

>> No.13210435
File: 113 KB, 817x768, CB7C821A-AB48-4621-B551-BAA046A0BA91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon got a gift today.

>> No.13210560
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>> No.13210579

I hope they send another booklet of coupons in the mail. Always good for late lunch when road tripping!

>> No.13211507
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>> No.13211936
File: 257 KB, 445x370, jalapeno double.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a Jalapeno Double.

>> No.13212354

Has anyone ever been to the Panda Inns the Express stores are based off on?
I have a few in my state, but the closest one is like an hour's drive away...

>> No.13212355

get the double or triple cheeseburger add mayo

>> No.13212441
File: 1.12 MB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20191114-083208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wtf is that fatso doing?

>> No.13212445

Sausage McMuffin with egg
Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit
Two Large Fries

>> No.13212448

I will die mad at McDoozles for discontinuing their best sandwich of all time.

>> No.13212559

He was waiting for grandma to leave