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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 555 KB, 1536x2048, school-lunch-in-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13207385 No.13207385 [Reply] [Original]

How would you solve the school lunch problem

>> No.13207393

__ _________ ______?

>> No.13207398

They sure do

>> No.13207401

are there no food stalls?

here in singapore the school cafeteria is basically a foodcourt with very low prices and kids could buy whatever they want with their pocket money. You have like $2 meals

for poor families they could apply for welfare credits on a card

>> No.13207403 [DELETED] 

Nope. Queen Nigger overhauled the school lunch program to healthy standards and made the kids' food inedible

>> No.13207405

Nuke Social Security (or privatize it). For 5% of what we spend on that bullshit per year we could give public school kids filet mignon every day.

>> No.13207417

When I was a kid, school lunches were based on the most popular foods kids liked

Chicken sandwiches.nuggets, cheeseburgers, pizza, burritos, tacos, spaghetti, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, beef and cheese nachos were all what kids wanted to eat, salads were available every day

Lots of kids didn't bother with lunch and just bought giant soft cookies or soft pretzels instead

>> No.13207426

It's impossibru. The agricultural guilds (dairy, corn, soy) are too strong. It is America's destiny to be fat, malnourished, and incapable of good vegetable dishes.

>> No.13207509

gas the jews

>> No.13207529

Ban people from having kids

>> No.13207565 [DELETED] 

>reproducing in the trump era

>> No.13207593

ask the government to supply schools with a fucknig military MRE, sure looks like a step up from whatever that brown lump is supposed to be.

>> No.13207595
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I went to high school in one of the places that was trying to obama lunches.
For the first year the food was INSANE.
Breaded baked chicken breast almost as thick as your fist. GOOD food. All kinds of options.

The quality petered out after that year, and by the end it was miserable. The steakfingers were still as good as ever but the rolls they served them with went from buttery and dense to whole wheat and full of holes. Those aforementioned baked chicken breasts became as flat as pancakes and were always soggy. The chinese food options were soaked in soy sauce that tasted like bleach.

The fried chicken quarters remained the best thing on the entire menu all throughout that time, though, and I looked forward to them constantly. They even had the oyster.

The secret is to spend shitloads on food supplies and let the sports teams be damned.

>> No.13207636
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They already fixed it by getting rid of all those shitty rules Michelle Obama made. Now school lunches have gone from total inedible shit to just bad.

>> No.13207643

Damn even their bread is 53%

>> No.13207655

Send my kids to school with a packed lunch and not trust the state to feed my children properly

>> No.13207682

By making lunches for your children. Let the unloved kids eat eat visceral reminders of their parents' care for them.

>> No.13207704

what was everyones favorite lunches. mine is between the chicken patty/nuggers, mashed potatoes w/ gravy and homemade wheat rolls or chili crispitos. honorable mention was the from scratch mac n cheese. i know it wasnt prepackaged because on rare occasions they would fuck it up and it would be one big huge mess where you tried to eat it and instead the whole thing came with the fork in a big glob of stringy cheese and pasta. i think it was probably a mix of milk, velveeta, and cheap cheddar

>> No.13207713


>> No.13207748

I went to private school where we actually had decent food although most days I just packed my own lunch.

>> No.13207757


>> No.13207777

either that or a liberal which to my mind are sometimes interchangeable

>> No.13207780

Good post

>> No.13207784
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oh man
so easy
a huge problem with our world

teach the children agriculture.
every school garden i see is pathetic and unhealthy. send them seeds and fresh food home and encourage them to plant at home.

cook school meals from said garden

>> No.13207790

High fructose corn syrup doesn't grow on trees, anon

>> No.13207791

Interesting thought. Could you show me your calculations that show this?

>> No.13207795

>eating raw flowers

i know its edible but why....?

>> No.13207796
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"tomato ketchup"

...as opposed to...

>> No.13207803
File: 124 KB, 974x1210, FB_IMG_1504304332571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because it's food.

kraft singles i not.

i fancy myself rose pedals in a salad

>> No.13207807


Banana ketchup

>> No.13207812

Step 1: 86 all the new bullshit regulations from the past 50 years, including but not limited to calorie limits and allergen bans.
Step 2: Sit back and relax while the problem solves itself.

>> No.13207821

It wasn’t a recreation of the school lunch program it’s obviously a budget cut where she pocketed some of the difference and funneled the rest elsewhere . The food didn’t get healthier it’s void of nutrients the food quality went down cuz it’s cheap food

>> No.13207844

50 years ago americans were cooking foods such as
>lime jello salad
>ham&bananas hollandaise
>chicken mousse
I would also prefer not to revert to before the invention of garlic.

>> No.13207870

No more school lunches. Fine parents over a certain annual income who fail to provide adequate lunches to their children. Wring hands impotently at the sight of poorer families not getting adequate lunches. Problem solved.

>> No.13207873


>> No.13207874
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Either you gravely misread my post or you are severely retarded.

>> No.13207897
File: 98 KB, 1680x935, 9Cloud.us_0030-131 Ps Makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To sum it up, there are approximately 16,500 companies in the industry, generating $280 BN in annual revenue. The top 8 foodservice distributors account for 41% of the market. Small distributors dominate the industry in numbers, which leaves a significant gap for a marketplace to attack the industry.
https://www.fns.usda.gov/fm/grant-opportunities - https://www.fns.usda.gov/cn

Studies showing correlations between what (and how much) students eat and the 'curriculum' they adhere to. I'd prioritize nutrition and socialization/exertion of energy over the secondary-education system pumping aggressive competition between elementary and highshcool programs sucking as much money out of the state and all financial providers as they possibly can.
Our health is more important than our education, and the people advising our school systems aren't focused on the needs of the students. If we cannot convince the proper authorities that those advisers should no longer be in the positions of power they are in - without convincing a change in policy and corporate principles, then those people must be removed forcibly.
How we treat our children today is no different from how we treat each other as adults, and it's sickening.

>> No.13207953
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children just need to learn how to eat fucking vegetables, and that they can be more than just steamed flavorless mush. fresh slaws, roasted veggies, grilled veggies, veggie pastas, shit even cheesy broccoli works. that, plus stop having every protein option be breaded and fried. it's not the only way to make edible food

>> No.13207963

Stop selling contracts to the lowest bidders who make literal prison food?
>it's efficient!
So is feeding grains and bone marrow to livestock but how about investing a little more in kids?

>> No.13207974

No wonder you´re dumb and fat. Fucking Americans.

>> No.13207976

>but how about investing a little more in kids?
Sounds like communism to me

>> No.13208005


>> No.13208009

Adequate is a fluid term, so noseberg is most definitely going to pick and choose when to enforce, regardless of the legitimacy

>> No.13208038

Lunch at my school was amazing, sucks to live in a low median wealth county

>> No.13208039

I don’t know why it would be so hard to make actual food.

>> No.13208046


>> No.13208050

Just set it up so that's it's average rent/utility bills in that area for the year, then add about $5000 on top of that. Assess it every other year or so and you're good.
Imagine only being able to use precooked foods or pre-bagged greens because it's illegal to do otherwise due to federal law.
That's what most public schools have to deal with.

>> No.13208170


>> No.13208185

Uhhh, have parents send their kids to school with actual food instead of relying on someone else to provide it for them.

>> No.13208186

Why, if they'd just chuck in a few seeds into formerly fallow land, they could feed themselves in no time!

>> No.13208202


>> No.13208380

I thought that was a prison tray.

>> No.13208389

I would abolish state-funded, state-run schooling.

>> No.13208394

Why do Americans insist on schools providing lunches? My parents made mine when I was young I made my own as I got older because my parents loved me. I dont think schools even provided a free lunch. They had a cafeteria with a bunch of stuff but you had to pay for it

>> No.13208399

That's why he said teach them. He meant horticulture, not agriculture however.

>> No.13208409

Beg your parents to buy ingredients so that you can prepare your own lunches. I never did this, but would if I could go back. School lunch was always awful. Bouncy-ass green hotdogs, stale bread, a tiny carton of milk that's been stripped of all the fat. Worst was the pizza with weird holes on the bottom.

>> No.13208412

A fucking leaf?

>> No.13208416

A lot of kids don't have parents who will do this for them, at least not consistently. I know I would've been hungry half the week. School lunch is necessary.

>> No.13208426

Probably kill all the niggers and kikes. Trickle down effect. It might take a few years but the benefits will eventually seep into cafeteria food.

>> No.13208430

Fatter than you mohammed.

>> No.13208450

What about the kids who's parents didn't?theyll starve to death! Plus your solution isn't socialist enough

>> No.13208453

Yeah because you definitely would have died without school lunch

>> No.13208476

Your parents didnt care enough to give you the basic necessities of life?

>> No.13208478

force the school personnel to eat it

>> No.13208490

5 more years faggot

>> No.13208494

>noooooo don't invest in kids they're not important
you know you're replacable, right?

>> No.13208497

american parents don't care enough to raise their kids properly and responsibly

>> No.13208500

There was a meal called dragon stomp which was essentially a KFC famous bowl. It put the other school lunches to shame

>> No.13208522

Serve them thick slices of Michelle Obama’s ego.

>> No.13208533

There are super poor kids/families in some places. Or even kids that have been emancipated early and are somewhat fending for themselves on top of school. It’s rare but it happens. Do reduced cost or even free lunch/breakfast is often provided. Usually subsidized by the state and not federal funding which is why it’s so fucking stupid every time a 1st lady starts talking about it.

>> No.13208536

Honestly we should be eating the marrow my dude. That is good shit.

>> No.13208552

are americans really that poor that they cannot afford to make their kids a healthy lunch?

>> No.13208563

>Nuke Social Security (or privatize it)
you're saying the quiet part loud

>> No.13208736

by making your kid a lunch and sending it to school with them?

>> No.13208792

Loaded mash potatoes and fish tacos.

>> No.13208803

Never had marrow. Heard it's actually nutritious. How does it taste?

>> No.13208816

Imagine lawsuit when little Timmy gets sick for whatever reason and mommy decides to blame to non-USDA inspected school garden.

>> No.13208833

Its good on bread

>> No.13208839

>there’s a light out in this house, so the sensible thing would be to tear the house down

>> No.13208866

American schools strive towards the lowest common denominator because of "equality." They can serve healthier lunches to the kids that can afford them, but that would be "unfair" to the nigger kids.

Just like your education system. All your smartest kids need to be held back and taught remedial math because some nigger in your class couldn't be bothered to study.

2019 Equality = lowest common denominators

>> No.13208886

>Just like your education system. All your smartest kids need to be held back and taught remedial math because some nigger in your class couldn't be bothered to study.

This is why Chinese will dominate the next century. Our kids in High School are already learning calculus while your american niggers keep failing remedial algebra, can't even use proper English, and force all the other kids to be held back.

>> No.13208909

The house is rotted and foundations cracked. You just keep pointing to light bulbs like a retard

>> No.13208921

Go back to actual lunch staff that make food on site instead of mass ordering from companies.

>> No.13208924


MATH IS RACIST!!! that's why we need common core!

>> No.13208940


ENGLISH IS RACIST!!! illiteracy is equality!!

>> No.13208964

That's not true. Most public schools have both remedial and advanced math courses. If in the advanced, they're taking calculus their senior year.

>> No.13209017

dude those look fucking gross. good luck getting a kid to eat your weird hippy shit.

>> No.13209023

actually fund schools. allow families to choose their schools, and overall raise prices on lunch.

>> No.13209024

I get the feeling that the biggest problem isn't necessarily the quality of ingredients, but the quality of the chefs. Lunch ladies are pretty much failures working for minimum wage, yeah?

>> No.13209040

When Americans talk about "equality", they usually mean 'equally poor' or 'equally ignorant.'

>> No.13209053

Yeah but you're graded on completion. If you did all the homework you pass because equality. Never mind if you actually understand the material. Half the smart kids are jaded as fuck because being smart isn't rewarded

>> No.13209060

Lower taxes overall. Charge 200 dollars per student for the school year at the start. Set out a decent menu with the money of simple but tasty and nutritous food.

>> No.13209061

Fish and Chips on a Friday was always good, especially with suet pudding.

>> No.13209147

That wasn't the case where I attended. We were graded on an A-F scale. F was failing.

>> No.13209166

kek, imagine being stupid enough to believe this

>> No.13209217

We got a-f but the only way to get an f was to not do homework because of how they weighted it, and homework would be graded for completion. So you could bomb every test and still pass no problem. This is in PA idk if it's different elsewhere

>> No.13209222

To get an f for your final grade I mean. The tests would also be a-f and you could get an f. But it didn't matter because they only counted for like 30% of your final grade.

>> No.13209225
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>school lunch will be fixed by lower taxes

>> No.13209233

At my school, there were 3 types of kids: the ones that brought lunch from home, the ones that were so poor they got free lunch and got a regular meal because that was all you could use the credits on, and the ones that spent $2 to get a basket of french fries and an Arizona

>> No.13209243

>simple but tasty and nutritous food
Just like that, huh?

>> No.13209246

Yeah, but the smart kids do have an incentive, or reward if you will, and that's to try to get an A and placed in the advanced programs. The fact it's difficult to flunk out doesn't effect that.

>> No.13209258

i dont think i ever ate at the cafeteria in my high school. i would either make a basic sandwich for lunch or i would go get pizza. there was this pizza store nearby that would charge 50 cents a slice (regular price was a dollar) for students only. pretty based tbqh

>> No.13209265
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You all need to think outside the bun

>> No.13209325

Do American children really eat lunch at school? Everyone went home for lunch at my grade and high schools.

>> No.13209328

At my high school you weren't allowed to leave, you had to go to the cafeteria for the entirety of lunch period

>> No.13209333

Except when missing a homework assignment ruins that. Not to mention sending a kid home with mandatory work they already understand is torture.

>> No.13209415

Lower taxes means that parents not only have more money in their pockets to afford meals at home, or to send students to school with meals packed, and possibly even cheaper food depending on where the taxes are cut, but it also gives poorer parents the ability to raise a lump sum of cash to pay for the cost of meals for their child over the course of a year.

Let's examine that figure. Let's say an American high school has 300 students. Now, I confess I'm not familar with the holiday schedule in American schools but let's say 45 weeks a year the children are in school. Now, it's not boarding school, neither is there school on saturday (an extra meal for day students), so we have five meals a week you need to pay for. Over the year, that's 225 meals.

Now for these three hundred students, if they pay the $200 fee at the start of the year, the school now has $60,000 dollars to play around with. If it's $300 a year, that gors up to $90,000 dollars.

This means that the school now has about $266 per meal to plan with. You can easily feed 300 students for 266 dollars if you plan it accordingly, providing a simple but palatable and nutritous meal. Add in the extra 30,000 and that becomes even easier. Now, I don't know how much a cafeteria would cost to eat in in America and how much you'd pay but I think it's in excess of 200, or even 300 a year. My school had between 300 to 350 students in and we paid £500 at the start of the year which paid for breakfast, lunch and dinner for those students, including multiple choices, salad and pasta bar options, desserts, etc. Now, £500 is a lot more than $200 but it was also being used to provide much more. This is a means to provide a simple, cheap, palatable but nutritous meal a day, five days a week, ie the bare minimum, but BETTER than what's currently on offer.

>> No.13209427

Don't ever go into politics or finance, please.

>> No.13209453

You math like an eastern european

>> No.13209464

There aren't in the vast majority of schools. Essentially one or two huge food conglomerates (Sodexo) provides the cafeteria with a bunch of prefab food that the lunch ladies (usually also Sodexo employees) heat up and serve. They often even have the gall to charge for this as well, while getting a huge check from the government. It's one of the biggest scams going.

>> No.13209468

Why is this not workable?

Where did I go wrong with the maths?

>> No.13209528

honestly im not exactly sure where your math went wrong, but i am exactly sure that my schlong is bigger and fatter than yours.

>> No.13209752
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fuck that. fuck the childen. those are for me.
ain't hippy shit.
Hippies eat from the hot bar at whole foods.

i'm a forager. barely any hippies out here. they're all in San Francisco

>> No.13209766
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i hate this world w live in. it's fucked up.
bu you're totally right.

full of entitled dumb bitches.

>> No.13209772

Just bring your own lunch. We gotta do that as adults anyway, so might as well get used to it.

>> No.13209781


>> No.13209818
File: 355 KB, 1596x2452, AXIS_Carnage_1_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13209895


I worked for a public school food program as a delivery driver for a year and Sodexo completely fucked that school district up. The general manager and accountant were Sodexo employees but everyone else were, on paper, employees of a third party company that only existed so Sodexo wouldn't have to count us as employees or give us benefits. We were still told to wear Sodexo uniforms and tell anyone who asked we worked for Sodexo though.

In my entire time working for companies as a driver I have never seen such abject fucking waste. They'd buy the absolute cheapest trash chicken and beef to stay under budget when it came to serving kids so all the food was always dogshit. At the same time we'd regularly throw out thousands of dollars worth of perfectly good food because they'd over order shit and, if no space was available in a storage area, we were told to just throw it right in the dumpster. I remember one time they forgot to cancel an order of vegetables a week prior to that polar vortex coming in and all the drivers had to come in at 4am to take a six thousand dollar order of vegetables and fruit and throw it in the fucking trash from the truck it came in on. I can think of dozens of instances of inane shit like that happening and despite all those dumb purchases they still turned a profit because the lunch ladies were told to juts falsify how many kids were eating in a given day so they still got a kick back.

>> No.13209962

>because its food
>kraft singles is not
it has nutritional value, tastes good and isn't harmful. it's food.
keep eating the flowers retard, more kraft singles for us normal people

>> No.13210033

Republicans be like "privatize it and give the business to mcdonalds and Sysco". It is a fact that school food is worse in states that are Republican run and statistically that is where the stupidest people live. Coincidence?

>> No.13210121

Let restaurants move in to school cafeterias, and incentivize parents making lunch for their kids.

>> No.13210186

Faculty eats in the same cafeteria, getting food from the same lunch line.
And to say public school lunch is prison food is often wrong. A lot of prisoners eat better than kids in public schools.

>> No.13210692

schools aren't properly funded so it's not really possible. but making good food for hundreds/thousands of people is easy and the indians have figured it out already. you can make food that is good for you and tasty and cheap but you need actual chefs and proper equipment.

>> No.13210764

Parents need to stop being stupid, selfish, greedy, sopping cunts and take care of their own kids. If they have to eat less themselves so their kids get a decent meal that’s a sacrifice they should be willing to make. If they have to eat garbage while they’re kids eat well that’s the price they should have to pay for having them when they couldn’t afford it.

>> No.13212152

if school was a choice and parents got to decide to send them or not I can understand this way of thinking but as it stands right now kids are FORCED to go to school. they should be given amenities like breakfast, lunch, and drinks during school hours. its bullshit u have to ask to go to the damn water fountain. they should just hand out bottled water

>> No.13212160

I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you over this drone strike. Let me hop on to one of my numerous aircraft carriers, we have a lot don’t worry about which one I’m on, and maybe I’ll hear you bet- welp. He’s gone. The human sex traffickers must’ve got em if not for the knife attacks, crippling poverty, or Muslims.

>> No.13212172

>How would you solve the school lunch problem
A significant percentage of the parents organizing and demanding better food. And a significant portion of the administration siding with them

>> No.13212173

There is no solving it. The USA is far too divided at this point to provide for it's own citizens. It's only going to get worse.

>> No.13212174
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Do americans really eat this?

>> No.13212176

>no school lunches or cafeteria until highschool
>highschool cafeteria was decent but you had to buy the food and no subsidies existed for this
>mostly shit like chicken burgers, pizza, and tendies
not bad really

>> No.13212216

I would just get a chicken sandwich (only a bun and a chicken patty). they were too lazy to even put toppings on

my favorite was crispitos in elementary

>> No.13212233

what a cute spider

>> No.13212238

Copy the japs school system and not fuck it up bringing it to 'meriga.

>> No.13212240

Yeah and the division is people who don’t care about providing for US citizens, the left, and people who want to provide for US citizens, the right

>> No.13212248

Yes, everywhere humans exist, there is decent weather and land to maintain a year-round garden to feed hundreds to thousands of kids. Fucking brainlet.

I love that the website that constantly encourages people to "have more white babies" regardless of their economic status or preparedness for having a kid is also talking out the other side of their mouths on this shit. I mean, I went to a school that didn't provide a lunch for all of elementary school, and so parental lunch was mandatory, but it was a private school and that was laid out.

I'm even a pretty conservative dude overall and I think it's dumb to punish hungry kids because their parents suck. Most parents suck. Schools are woefully underfunded, especially in my state.

>> No.13212256

I never understood it, do Americans literally get lunch for free? I'm Canadian and we had cafterias but you still had to pay for it if you wanted it. It was literally just there because we weren't allowed to leave for food so there was no choice unless you packed lunch.

>> No.13212264

You only get free lunch if your family is in literal poverty

>> No.13212271

Not that I think that media is a literal reflection but why do movies and shit always look as if every single kid gets food from the cafeteria, they file in like prison. At my school the amount of people buying food was like 30% or less. Do many people buy food daily?

>> No.13212288

I do not eat bread, so I can't affirm what the other anon said. I think it tastes good with parsley. It's a powerful umami flavor. One of the most rich and dense flavors you'll ever have.

>> No.13212306

Wait, aren't you unable to sue a public school due to being part of the government?
Besides that, though, can't they just have them sign an non-liability agreement in order to enroll?

>> No.13212314

school lunches are a form of graft. literally just a way to filter money to giant corporations that serve plastic wrapped prison food. Just having a simple cafeteria that made halfway edible somewhat fresh food would fix a lot

>> No.13212319

I went to public school, we had a salad bar with bacon bits, fresh sandwiches were made. Hot food was definitely all frozen food I guess.

>> No.13212322

fuckin where
sure as hell wasn't in Florida

>> No.13212327

Teach kids about agriculture and food preparation from day 1. Involve them in making the food, and utilize local farms to provide ingredients. A ground up approach is the only way to not only change school lunch, but the way American kids see food. It doesn't have to cost a ton of money, and can easily help local farmers.

>> No.13212360

what state? my school food sucked

>> No.13212396

In middle school, I'd say that easily over 50% of kids purchased some kind of lunch, even if that was just some chili cheese fries from the snack line. And I lived in an affluent area overall. Having a packed lunch generally got you bullied unless you brown bagged it. I begged my parents not to give me a lunchbox/cooler bag and instead to go buy a box of bulk brown bags or give me a couple of bucks for lunch a day.

In high school, freshman year was a daily lunch, then we could go off campus, then it was revoked because kids fucked too much shit up locally, and by the time I was in my last two years, we just had an Arizona or energy drink and maybe split a bag of chips while hanging out in the quad.

>> No.13212440

Get the federal government out of the school lunch programs. Let the school systems (and parents by extension) decide how they want to run their cafeteria.

>> No.13212444

Stop serving lunch you retarded communists.

>> No.13212464

100% this.

Walnut Ketchup, Mushroom Ketchup, Banana Ketchup, Mango Ketchup

Ketchup was originally just a catch all word for different types of sauce.

You can sue the government here if you wish to. You'll likely lose, but you can try.

Nope. Michelle Obama decided that the federal government needed to dip it's fingers into school lunch programs "for the good of the kids". They forced all schools to provide "healthier" options which put extra financial burdens on the schools who then cut costs and corners anywhere they could. The net result is shitty food that nobody wants to eat and a bunch of shitty regulations that were hard to implement and even harder to get rid of.

>> No.13212466

Trips of Truth!

>> No.13212529

>Ketchup was originally just a catch all word for different types of sauce
Originating from the Indonesian word "kecap". Thank you, Dutch East India Company.

>> No.13212702

What problem? Kids don't care about this.

>> No.13212712

Personal responsibility is out of vogue nowadays.

>> No.13212819

>The USA is far too divided at this point to provide for it's own citizens
The USA shouldn't be providing for its citizens. It was built on the citizens providing for themselves

>> No.13212828

>It was built on the citizens providing for themselves
At the time it was also being built on not expecting both parents to work 8-10 hours daily just to be able to provide for the family.

>> No.13212862

Obviously they aren't supposed to just pump out white children, they need to raise them properly as well. Rear them, discipline them, feed them, educate them, bring them to church, instill work ethic and morals

>> No.13212919

Not quite. Women typically worked more hours it was just at home. Imagine running a home, cooking everything from scratch, maintaining a kitchen garden w/o modern conveniences. The man also worked longer hours.

>> No.13212942

But it was mostly unpaid work. If one parent doesn't make enough money to have the need for what's essentially a full time house worker, keeping the other parent at home isn't going to do much, so they are put to work. Nowadays both parents have to work just to pay rent and put food on the table.

>> No.13212945

by closing public schools and make homeschooling mandatory

>> No.13212948

Don't go to public schools.

>> No.13213267

My high school had Jamie Oliver come and ruin our lunches in exchange for money. All the beaners on reduce and free lunches made our cafeteria run at a major deficit, lunch ladies would give you so much extra just for paying for your food. We went from spaghetti and meatballs or chicken Alfredo which you could also get them to make into a footlong sub. Salad bar from our school garden, decent Mexican food, a rotating special and then domino's pizza. Ended up with all beef replaced by turkey, watery chicken alredo, wheat domino's pizza, and we weren't allowed to use our garden. They served us the nice baked chicken and shit for a week when faggot Oliver was out. Trash cans were full of the wheat pizza with the cheese picked off, water noodles and grey paste that they called Mexican food. I actually enjoyed the meatball subs we had 2.50$ for a loaded footlong. Jacked the price to 3.50$ and you got shit worse than prison food. They also removed everyone's ability to go off campus for lunch year by year so at the end of it you could only go off on Fridays if you had a good GPA.
Beaners paying 15¢ for lunch bankrupting our cafeteria fucking sucked. They'd just get their free slice and then pay for another one and hot cheetohs and a vitamin water.

The sports, well atleast the popular ones at your school aren't the reason food sucks, it's poor kids not paying for lunch. No one can operate a kitchen for free and feed beaners breakfast and lunch year round. If the kids parents are poor enough for reduced or free lunch they can get snap and snap should be enough to feed them... If they aren't trading it for meth.

>> No.13213300
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.13213310

Don't provide lunches. Make the parents provide them.

>> No.13213358

American here, I went to a private school and was taking calculus my junior year. There were even some students who were able to take it their sophomore year. There's no excuse for public schools to be so dumbed down in comparison.

>> No.13213426

The greatest predictor of success in life is IQ, not parental wealth or parental financial stability. Besides, thats not even the point. The society at large would be better off if more people were of 'average' white genetic stock than if they were of average black or hispanic genetic stock. One way to do that is to skew the average population by having more white kids.

As for punishing hungry kids, someone else being unfit to feed their kids is not me punishing them. Me being forced at gunpoint to take care of someone else's unfit offspring is a punishment towards me for my success

>> No.13213431

>Just like your education system. All your smartest kids need to be held back and taught remedial math because some nigger in your class couldn't be bothered to study.
>2019 Equality = lowest common denominators
this is why I'm sending my kids to private school. public education in the USA is shit.

>> No.13213442

>ENGLISH IS RACIST!!! illiteracy is equality!!

Fun fact: in my school district (Oakland Unified Schools) in CA, we had so many niggers fail remedial english in High School that they couldn't graduate... so they made "Ebonics" an official language just so they could graduate all those illiterate black senior kids.

This is a part of why we have so many kids in america with useless diplomas that aren't worth the paper they're printed on.

>> No.13213449

>There's no excuse for public schools to be so dumbed down in comparison.

Because we force them at gunpoint to try to educate a population with an IQ of 85 as well as many immigrant children who do not speak English. Of course you have to dumb things down to serve the master of graduation rates.

>> No.13213455

Teachers don't matter much for outcomes. Just get your kids into an 80%+ white school.

>> No.13213459

Or charter schools if your state has them. You're basically setting up your child for failure by sending them to public schools who prioritize niggers & feelings over education.

>> No.13213460

My kids all made it into advanced placement learning classes in their schools. You blue collared trumptards just don't have the genes to compete and blame other people. #sad

>> No.13213472

this is a part of why whenever we hire black college students, the first thing we have to train them to do is to write e-mails using proper english instead of slang.

>> No.13213477

I got into such courses. I did well. Now I am a trump supporting neet. I am your kids' futures.

>> No.13213478

>My kids all made it into advanced placement learning classes

Fun Fact: Several school districts in California are now considering banning AP courses, or using race based placement for these AP courses. The gist is that AP classes are racist because there are so many Asians & Whites in them. lol

>> No.13213479

What are you talking about? Poor whites outscore the wealthy blacks on the SAT, which is a pretty g-loaded test.

>> No.13213484

Does a minute ever go by without Americans thinking about BBC?

>> No.13213492

We don't get BBC. We get BBC America and BBC World. Most don't have the high end cable packages for those channels though.

>> No.13213494

>The gist is that AP classes are racist because there are so many Asians & Whites in them.
"being smart & working hard is racist."

fuck white liberals

>> No.13213502


British Broadcasting Corporation is commie libtard anti-trump anti-white propaganda

>> No.13213503

Glad your kids were able to EARN their place in AP courses... there's alot of talk recently about adding a "race" element in to AP admittance because niggers are generally too dumb to qualify.

>> No.13213530

If you white people think the US education system is racist & unfair, try being Asian. We get fucked by every race in America simply because we work harder & study harder.

Your american blacks are some of the most coddled people of any race.

>> No.13213558

What kind of cope/projection/schizophrenia is this? You just wholly invented some opponenets and some position and hallucinated that your imaginary opponents don't meet a criteria you also pulled out of thin air.

>> No.13213586

you asians should be punished for working too hard. it makes our blacks look bad in comparison, and that's not "equality."

>> No.13213639

why would having a lunchbox get you bullied? what kind of ridiculous nobody can ever have anything nice bullshit is that

>> No.13213649

Damn, I remember watching MRE vids during school, and wishing I could eat that shit.

>> No.13213739

I don't believe you. This is the kind of unsourced tardation you see on /pol/.

>> No.13213927

Can we just segregate the schools where blacks all go to a "special privilege" school where they all get their affirmative action "A+" scores while the rest of us who care to learn actually get educated?

>> No.13213933

>Your american blacks are some of the most coddled people of any race.

Skin color based college admissions & hiring quotas are literally the definition of "Institutional Racism"

>> No.13213937

I ate soggy peanut butter sandwiches until I was 18.

Americans are weak af.

>> No.13213983

yeah, i want more barbecue. but i guess i will eat this pudding, and go fuck my self

>> No.13213996

And what makes you think your average 4chan anon is capable of that shit? It's like 50% NEETs, 40% Zoomers with zero income, and 10% capable humans.

>why would having a lunchbox get you bullied? what kind of ridiculous nobody can ever have anything nice bullshit is that
I dunno man, kids are mean assholes in middle school, especially for someone like me that went to private school for 1st-5th grade with like 20 total kids in each grade.

I'm happy I went to public school to toughen up though. I was a faggy little shit as a kid. Spoiled and delicate. Now I can take care of myself and not go cry to an adult when someone says something mean.

>> No.13214025

"No child left behind" means "all kids should be held back to the level of the dumbest nigger in class."

And people wonder why American kids can't compete against kids from other countries.

>> No.13214086

unironically this though

>> No.13214087

Nationalize the system

>> No.13214105

Is that what you dumb fucks tell yourself?

>> No.13214112

Like so many have said, american public schools set your kids up for failure in life. Anybody who loves their kid and wants them to succeed sends their kids to charter or private school.

>> No.13214127

Our old high school had to change half their education curriculum since they started bussing black kids from our neighboring town. Apparently all the black kids were failing and their parents were unironically complaining that the busing program was "racist." lol

>> No.13214143

>tfw middle school had a fucking Taco Bell in it and that was the worst option

Glad I didn't grow up in some shitty flyover hickville or trashy ghetto hood.

>> No.13214147

but it's the NEETs that need to be presented with a reason to work on themselves and ultimately have a net positive influence on their surroundings. Saving the white race and Western civilization is a project that goes beyond mere material comfort and therefore is appealing to people that have checked out of the rat race. We're talking about people that don't see a reason to take a daily shower. It's gonna take more than "but then you'll be able to buy a nicer frying pan" to convince them to do anything. Honestly, even if the whole thing was a psyop to grow the working force it'd be a good thing.

>> No.13214158

Sounds gr8

>> No.13214212

That's pretty much how it was in my high school. The food was terrible (this was the year those regulations went into place) so most people would go through the line, eat the one bite's worth of chicken sandwich, and throw away the wilted lettuce and other placeholders.
Predominantly poor, black demographics (yet had the area's IB program so there was a handful of white nerds mixed in), the principal and superintendent were unbelievably hardass in hopes that it would whip the goons who skipped class and loitered at the vending machines into place (spoiler: it didn't)
This meant classes walking single file to and from the cafeteria like we were kindergartners, and people requiring signed passes from the teacher to use the restroom or get water (they had literal police patrolling the halls so that people couldn't leave).
America is such a big place there's a ton of variance with anything like this. Some people claim they'd just walk out of class and get McDonald's for lunch, and I believe them. Some districts are just more soul-destroying than others.

>> No.13214239

AP isn't a big achievement, and I say this as someone who was in it and isn't particularly smart.
It's nothing more than a de facto segregation for high schools. It's as piss-easy as other high-school coursework, you can get straight As by showing up and skimming the textbook the night before a test.

>> No.13214240
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>> No.13214246

>this level of cope
you stupid faggot, what about it ISNT true, why should the kids with actual promise and potential get held back by tyrone bigguns because he cant rub together two brain cells unless it involves his grape drank you stupid faggot.

>> No.13214262
File: 141 KB, 1048x699, marmite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder the current generation is pussified.

Pic related was my school meal.

>> No.13214523

apparently, white liberals think the cure to racism is even more blatant racism.


>> No.13214529

The funny thing is that I wasn't racist towards blacks at all until I emigrated to the USA and witnessed just how privileged, coddled, and pampered American blacks are. And yet they still fail at life and try to blame all their problems on every other race.

>> No.13214547

Hire some people with cooking skills instead of overweight, angry menopausal women who feed kids slop and steal a bunch of the crap for themselves.

Set up partnerships with local grocers for bulk discounts and food waste prevention. Reality is that they throw away massive amounts of food which accounts for 10% of food waste nationally. They should flag products that are going to wind up tossed due to metrics and sell them to schools for pennies on the dollar. It's not like were in the dark ages the supermarkets already know the velocity of their products and how much of X is actually going to sell. It would give them a way to deal with waste and rotate to fresher stock more quickly. Let the cooks in the school know what's available and when it can roll in and plan a menu accordingly.

Cook simple and nutritious food extremely cheaply and let lower income people simply qualify for not having to pay. Give the kids swipe cards that the parents charge with cash or that give the kids free meals but leave no indication of who is paying and who isn't to reduce poor kid bullying.

Not that fucking hard.

>> No.13214549

End public schools. Taxation is theft.

>> No.13214552

At a basic level, yes it does. Not everyone is dealt a good hand in life.

>> No.13214595

Found the libertarian dipshit

>> No.13214600

Wow, apex deduction skills.

>> No.13214924


what they're given to work with is either canned or frozen

almost nothing is fresh

next time you're at a grocery store find the bulk aisle, that's half your lunch tray any given day (giant cans of peaches, pudding, fruit cocktail, corn, etc)

>> No.13215121

>be american retard
>send burgerlings to school
>they wait in line for the cafeteria for hours
>get served a bullet

>> No.13215298
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>> No.13215310

I don’t think you read my post at all

>> No.13215327

Stop focusing on things that happen literally everyday to ridicule us. It's only the kids not wearing body armor to school that get killed. It's a parenting issue, cloak your kid in body armor, ok?

>> No.13215370

Don't really have an answer but I'll tell you my experience of having attended many various schools.

>One school has an express lane with strictly a single lunch that was freshly made and was different everyday.
The other lane was the same food everyday consisting of; pizza, cheeseburger and chicken nuggets.

Not long after Supersize Me documentary came out and school lunches changed.

>No more soda pop machines on campus and what not

Many of the other schools had a standard lunch calendar that was sent home but had an area to purchase foods that weren't standard like french fries.

The weirdest one was a school that served whatever it was that day and you had to sit next to whoever was in line with you.

>> No.13215373

Body armor can help, but the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, responsible parents make sure their kids go to school armed

>> No.13215422

Mass execute all 'parents' who are procreating and expecting the government to care for their children.
It takes maybe a half hour of planning per week to make sure that your kids is fed well every day.
Make your kid a lunch.
If you can't be arsed to do that for your own child, you are undeserving of life and definitely shouldn't be making children.

>> No.13215441

At my school they had fried chicken for a while that was pretty good and they gave us franks hot sauce for it, also served it with coleslaw and beans or some shit. The Cole slaw and chicken eventually got shittier over time and overall our schools lunches were pretty much all trash

>> No.13215693

Packed lunches only. If you're still fat, it's either you or your parents' fault, depending on how old you are.

>> No.13215738

>spent $2 to get a basket of french fries and an Arizona
god im so fucking jealous
how good my childhood could have been

>> No.13215748

>You can easily feed 300 students for 266 dollars
holy shit you incorrigible nigger
go back to africisrael

>> No.13215761

Force feeding semen to the female students until the age of 18.

>> No.13215769

Sports teams at high schools aren't well funded must of the time. My HS made me rent my uniform and equipment with a one time fee.

>> No.13215776

My parents would make me a lunch 9 days out of 10 but on days where they gave me money for lunch for me it was: """""rib""""" meat sandwiches, pigs in a blanket, pepperoni pizza slices & chicken sandwiches.

>> No.13216079

Make idiot parents pay their lunch debt
How do you not pay for your kids lunch?

>> No.13216139

Did you go to hs in DC?

>> No.13216167

Honest to God, I looked forward to those greasy as shit rectangle pizzas. If I could find out where to buy them I'd stock my freezer.

I remember when Washington went "healthy" and the food became bland luke warm whole wheat shit.

>> No.13216221

my middle school had nice sandwiches (turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, mayo) I'd always choose over the hot foods. my high school had meh food though

>> No.13216262

Citations please, because I grew up in a staunchly (last 30 years at least) Democrat state and the food was shit, while the food my kids here in Wyoming is infinitely better

>> No.13216269

Not that guy, but here's a fantastic scholarly read on the subject:


>> No.13216323

Honestly this. Same reason why our healthcare costs are now astronomical.

>> No.13216367

Start a school gardening program then use all of the yield in lunches that the kids in the program get to choose. Kids will get to learn how to grow food and also get the satisfaction of eating it while providing for there community.

>> No.13216384

You can't. Kids will eat whatever the tasty shit they can eat. Those who care about their "diet" will bring lunch on their own.

>> No.13216398

>Mass execute all 'parents' who are procreating and expecting the government to care for their children.
So genocide all blacks?

>> No.13216554
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>he's never ate fruit ketchup

>> No.13216561

hey if the shoe fits

>> No.13216626

Just give kids the same food the military serves on base, it’s decent and the military feeds soldiers 3 meals a day for less than $10, school lunch would cost $3/head and be edible and nutritious.

>> No.13216640

The parents should prepare food for the kids.

>> No.13216652

those parents may be busy doing their 12 hour shifts to get enough money to stay alive
have you seen SoCal or NYC rent prices?

>> No.13216653

tomato ketchup IS fruit ketchup you mong

>> No.13217110

>i forage rice paper and chinese vegetables
sure you do, buddy

>> No.13217115

>unable to sue ... the government
jesus christ stop posting, you unfathomable retard

>> No.13217554

>live in Democrat-run city
>get shot
do Americans really?

>> No.13218491

Skip lunch you fat fuckers