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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 137 KB, 1500x1500, 71+VEA7tBvL._SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13200768 No.13200768 [Reply] [Original]

>diarrhea for 12 hours straight
I completely forgot about this. How is this even legal? They should at least have a warning. I had to take literally 5+ shits until the effects wore off and I couldn't go to sleep because I know if I farted in my sleep wet shit would have come out.

>> No.13200770

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.13200769 [DELETED] 

Full gay civil rights.

>> No.13200788

From what I understand this happens to literally everyone when they eat gum with sorbitol in it (which is most gum). Try chewing on half a pack of gum and you'll see for yourself.

>> No.13200800 [DELETED] 

Gays deserve the same rights as everyone else.
God bless America.

>> No.13200816 [DELETED] 

gays deserve to be stoned and/or tossed off tall buildings. the muslims got one thing right at least

>> No.13200823 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 2402x652, ArgumenttoGenocide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

internet tough guy

>> No.13200824

>I couldn't go to sleep because I know if I farted in my sleep wet shit would have come out.
imagine having such a loose asshole that you actually worried about something like this.
yikes. you faggots and your degeneracy...

>> No.13200832 [DELETED] 

nah, id punch you in the mouth in real life too. nobody likes you poofters, despite what social media says

>> No.13200837 [DELETED] 

and you would go to jail if you tried that in real life

>> No.13200839
File: 72 KB, 630x407, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you should try eating sugar free gummy bears

>> No.13200848 [DELETED] 

oh yeah? maybe in your liberal shithole city. no one would give a shit in mine. the police would humor you by listening then throw your complaint in the trash once you left

>> No.13200910

it can happen if you go to sleep with diarrhea.

>> No.13200915

ive never had it happen to me. i always wake up from my rumbling stomach cramps

>> No.13200918

don't have where I live. the look decent.

>> No.13200927 [DELETED] 

What country you live in?

>> No.13200985

All of those have warnings on them where I live. It says a high consumption can have a laxative effect

>> No.13200992

dude what

>> No.13201018 [DELETED] 

the US of A :^)

>> No.13201029 [DELETED] 

>hurr we deserve rights the system is rigged
>go to jail for punching you

>> No.13201044


>> No.13201064 [DELETED] 

mods = fags
why the fuck are they purging threads?

>> No.13201067 [DELETED] 

sir this is a cooking board

>> No.13201072 [DELETED] 

/pol/ raid on most moderate sized boards right now. Check the discord.

>> No.13201075 [DELETED] 

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Yeah it’s /pol/ that’s spamming “gays should have equal rights” everywhere

>> No.13201086 [DELETED] 

>Check the discord.
the tranny one?

>> No.13201090 [DELETED] 

Are you saying you disagree?

>> No.13201091 [DELETED] 

Yes. It’s a very common tactic. You already know that, or course.

>> No.13201097 [DELETED] 

his post seems to be in agreement. cant you read?

>> No.13201107 [DELETED] 

mods = fags