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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13199383 No.13199383 [Reply] [Original]

Who won /ck/?

Had the Popeyes sandwich yesterday and its surprisingly very good but I personally think Chick-fil-a is better.

>> No.13199384

>who won

>> No.13199387

Whoa that's deep fuck the system bro

>> No.13199389

the problem with chick fil a is that the chicken isn't crispy and the pickles are worse than mcdonalds. i like them both still but i prefer popeyes

>> No.13199399

But the service is fucking horrible at Popeyes also chick fil a is not as crispy as popeyes but it's just right.

>> No.13199411

>the service is fucking horrible at Popeyes
very true, but i'll deal with worse service for better food

>> No.13199416 [DELETED] 

Enjoy getting stabbed by a feral nigger

>> No.13199423

you don't get out much, do you?

>> No.13199593

Don't bother, he's been convinced by stormer websites that every black is scary.

>> No.13199603 [DELETED] 

At least three niggers have been killed fighting each other over this sandwich. God only knows how many more wounded. It's not safe.

>> No.13199614

get the chicken well done

>> No.13201119

I’ve never had the popeye’s sandwich, but I have to believe it’s better than Chick-fil-A if people are getting stabbed over it.

>> No.13201130

no it's just that in the hood life is worth less than 5 bucks

>> No.13201160

Went and had the spicy sando from popeyes today actually. It was tasty as hell but I was turned off by the way the black gentleman kind of just tossed me a crinkled up paper bag full of the food and then quick handed me my change and drink like he was getting impatient for some reason. That shit would never go down and chic-fil-a.

>> No.13201787



Just don't cause a scene. There's a reason they call it black on black violence

>> No.13201803
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>NOOOOOOOOOOOO not corporations!!!

>> No.13201926

For me, it's the KFC Colonel Crispy Chicken Sandwich. The true underdog.

>> No.13201949

Popeye niggers body slammed a 55 year old white woman yesterday for trying to get some chicken. Don't get in the way of nogs and their chicken.

>> No.13201969

Get your facts straight.
>be old lady getting dinner
>get home
>realize you were charged twice
>call up to inquire about getting refund
>told to go to store
>show up
>get yelled at and berated by employees, manager
>get called an "an ugly broke-down cracker"
>try to tell them not to behave that way
>keep getting yelled at
>told to leave
>get accused of saying "nigger"
>get followed out to parking lot after being told to leave and body-slammed into pavement

>> No.13201976


The underlining motive was because she ate some of their chicken. Nogs don't understand they can use money to make more chicken in the future. All they see is less fried chicken right now and it enrages them.

>> No.13201988

for me, its the mcdonalds mcchicken

>> No.13202036

goy feed

white men rise up

>> No.13202110

Good. White """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

should be genocided

>> No.13202165
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Who will you rape once the white women are genocided?

>> No.13202176

your moms brown ass bitch nigga

>> No.13202191

Wait 3 now?! I thought It was only that one time.

>> No.13204007
File: 465 KB, 792x276, chick fila vs popeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sandwich itself is a little better but the customer service at chick fila is a thousand times better. would you rather have a cute girl smile at you and act like she wants to please you or have an angry black guy body slam you for asking for a refund because you got the wrong order?

fuck, look at the top stories its not worth a 5% better sandwich

>> No.13204036

I like the Popeyes sandwich better

>> No.13204061

whoah that's an exceptionally ugly sheboon

>> No.13204067


Chick-Fil-A Mac'n'Cheese

>> No.13204087

Popeye's. Better pickles, fresher bun, chicken is crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Mayonnaise adds just the right amount of additional juiciness and flavor. CFA is great but loyalist fags can get fucked.
>inb4 le niggers meme

>> No.13204116

That's the original #metoo woman, believe it or not. I wouldn't rape that thing with another mans dick.

>> No.13204127

>go buy one
>go buy the other
>they're both pretty good
>ad campaigns are retarded and gay because i don't enjoy them more because some faggot on /ck/ says there was a winner

>> No.13204207

Even the nigger in the video >>13204087
said the popeye one is shit.

>> No.13204222

>Calls others niggers
>Can't even link posts correctly

>> No.13204225

Chick-fil-A has the better sandwich. It also has superior service and the stores are way cleaner. All Popeyes has is a dumb gimmick and hype.

>> No.13204285

this. even ltg knows that. >>13204067

>> No.13204395

Popeyes has the perfect texture mix with the soft bread, crispy breading, and juicy chicken. The flavor isn’t bad either, and the fries are great. CFA is always a little flaccid for my liking, though I wish Popeyes had the option to add lettuce and tomatoes

>> No.13204409

>mayonnaise adds juicyness
Peak american fat ass right here

>> No.13204435

>flaccid for your liking
I bet it is lol.

>> No.13204461

is there something wrong with that?
what offends you about incorporated businesses

>> No.13204516

fact is his bail bond was set to 30000 less than the national average for all bail bonds.

she had 9 fractures including a broken knee. this woman will never be the same again, the guy will be free in 2 years. thats life

>> No.13204535

Popeyes sandwich is slightly bigger but that’s all they having going for it.

Overall greasier
Awful sides outside of a biscuit
Not any cheaper
Awful customer service and management

Went in the other day to grab some food. Friday night and it’s slammed to the point there’s a full circle of cars around the building and it’s full inside. Ran out of ice, ran out of drink lids. Craziness and people yelling inside.

Chick-fil-A gets its fair share of lines but they run the place like a well oiled machine

>> No.13204537

Too bad he's still going to jail for 2 years and his job prospects have been fucking shot

>> No.13204548

It was only 1. He's just trying to race bait.

>> No.13205161

I'm 6'1" and 150 pounds but okay

>> No.13205549


That's the woman who started the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment.

No joke.

>> No.13205574

I'm surprised they don't up the price a dollar due to demand being memed the fuck out like it has been the past couple of months.
Hell, the Popeye's near by grandparent's house has a 4 sandwiches per-person limit, to prevent them just buying a couple dozen sandwiches at once and selling them outside the store at a markup.

>> No.13205621

>caring about service over food quality

Retard detected

>> No.13205628

> I’ll eat a shittier sandwich c-cause at least a pretty girl will s-smile at me

Kill yourself

>> No.13205631

>as if niggers only provided neutral quality service and not legit bad

>> No.13205786


>> No.13205854

>implying he would have ever had a job anyway

>> No.13206320

I tried the Popeye's sandwich today and it was pretty damn good but was a bit disappointed that the spicy one is the same as the regular just with different sauce. I haven't had regular Popeye's chicken in something like ten years so I'd forgotten how comparatively bland it is compared to the spicy chicken. Also I'm not sure whether the extra thick Popeye's breading really suits being put on a bun, I felt like the chicken itself was being drowned out in a sense.
The hype around the sandwich has definitely succeeded in bringing me back to Popeye's after a while but in the future I think I'll just stick to the spicy chicken instead of the sandwiches. The gravy is still on fuckin' point though, god damn.

>> No.13206421

WTF I hate society now!

>> No.13207383

but it isn't shittier?

>> No.13207399

fuck bruv dint even realize...you ever read Marix??

>> No.13207483

Pretty much agree, Popeyes chicken sandwich is better than expected, but people saying it was better than CFA are wrong. Also if I go to CFA some nog is not going to punch or knife me.

>> No.13207983


bad chicken
better breading
terrible service

better chicken
worse breading
better service

>> No.13208601

>better chicken than either, always has been
>quick service even in long DTs
>lines aren't long because it's neither christcucked nor a nigger joint
>added fillets for the first time just to copy the Chick-Fil-a taste and they're way better since they're actually crispy
>best tendies in the world

>> No.13208746

He was literally employed by Popeyes and that's what we're talking about

>> No.13209461

>buy 2 deluxe sandwiches and four packs of nuggets from chick-fil-a
>get 2 packs of chick-fil-a suace
>ask for more
>get 8 packets of honey mustard sauce instead
stop supporting these faggots

>> No.13209565

better sandwich
shitty fries and service
more niggers

>> No.13209607

They're both good, but I had a Wendy's spicy chicken last week because of their 2/$5 special (and my local Popeye's ran out lol), and they were awful. Paper thin and basically no chicken texture. Has Wendy's given up and turned their chicken sandwich into a McChicken+? Or have they always been this bad, and I'm just nostalgia-goggling since it's been years since I had one?

>> No.13209910

wendy's used to be my favorite. they even had one end of the sandwich with gristle. felt like the real deal. haven't had one in years though.

>> No.13209938

shut the fuck up libtard

>> No.13209945

whoa bro hold it right there

>> No.13209967

I decided to try the popeyes sandwich today cause the line wasn't stupidly long. Its good, but I don't get the hype. Everytime in the late afternoon and night the drive thru line almost backs up onto the highway. You could make the same thing with publix tendies, spicy mayo, brioche bun, and cheap pickles.

>> No.13210188

>Chicken (quality:size)
>Possible sauces
Chick fil a
Chick fil a

>> No.13210310

I'm pretty sure I could make a better chicken sandwich than either of those.

>> No.13210316

Of all the corporations that's actually fucking the middle and lower class.
Chick Fil A and Popeyes aren't them

>> No.13210379

Neither because its shitty clickbait.
Chickfila is like the southern mcdonalds, much like mcdonalds in other parts of the world you eat there when you are unsure of the area because you know it'll always be about the same in quality. But it ain't that great and is over hyped by people who think salt and pepper are spicy.
Popeyes on the other hand isn't what it used to be once they got bought out. Its just commercialized garbage now usually being serviced by mystery meat workers.

>> No.13210392

I found the woke socialist from stanford. pronouns they/them

>> No.13210445

all the popeyes around me are out of chicken sandwiches. again.

>> No.13210534

Correct, it's their factory farmed subsidised corporate welfare suppliers. Welcome to late stage capitalism.

>> No.13210891

Chick Fil A
Popeyes sandwich was bland, not crispy, and felt like microwaved chicken. Even the bun was inferior to chick fil a

>> No.13211721

Outside of their biscuits Popeye's is genuinely shit and I'm not sure why it's been shilled so massively these past few months.

>> No.13211740


>> No.13211892

its barely even equal in taste and quality compared to chick-fil-a. Its just saltier/loaded with msg.

>> No.13211942

This really says a lot about society. Upvoted comrade. Have you listened to the latest episode of Chapo Trap House?

>> No.13211987
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the scale on which it operates and organises capital in order to amass leverage to the explicit detriment of the general population

>> No.13212175
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>> No.13212428

If those fucking tards would just bring back snackers with zinger sauce we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

>> No.13212454

>m-muh breading
Such a waste of space

>> No.13212456

my sandwich was pretty steamed from popeyes due to how busy they were and just bagging up as many as possible it was good but definitely not worth the hype. Chick-fil-a is better

>> No.13212479

Well i saw there's a coupon circulating on twitter for a free chicken sandwich so just print one of those and stick it to our corporate overlords!

>> No.13212490

>Want to go to Chick-Fil-A
>Closed because of some backwater religion

It's Popeyes

>> No.13212528

I don't understand how Americans are dumb enough to care about this.

>> No.13212606

holy shit