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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13198551 No.13198551 [Reply] [Original]

Even american blacks, african blacks and even european blacks all seem to love mexican and spicy food.

I just wonder why since im pretty sure none of those countries are known for spicy food.

I can understand south americans like spicy foods, and south asians. But why do black people like it so much?

Genuinely curious.

Is there some food white people love that black people dont understand?

I like hearing perspectives.

>> No.13198554

there are lots of colored people that don't like spicy food. Blanket statements are usually false.

>> No.13198565

The only thing it could be is cultural differences in cuisine, but also I have no idea why you think blacks like spicy food more than whites

>> No.13198573

Im white, i eat more spicy food and spicier food than anyone i know and it seems everytime i eat food with blacks or mexicans more often than not they have an aversion or fear of spicy food, middle eastern also

>> No.13198667

>love spicy

Why do asians think spicy is a noun

>> No.13198671 [DELETED] 


It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.13198811 [DELETED] 

White people are the people of color, kike OP. We have the most variants of eye/hair color and our skin color changes depending on the Sun's activity. Non-whites have shit-skin, shit-eyes, black hair.

>> No.13200008

It's just a meme, anyone can enjoy spicy food, it really depends what you were raised on.

>> No.13200018

Liking spicy food is a matter of nurture, not nature. You build a tolerance to spice the more you eat it. If you grew up in a culture with lots of spicy food you most likely have a high tolerance and can entit more easily.


>> No.13200028

Africans actually tend to dislike spicy food.

>> No.13200108

Nice blanket statement, you dumb nigger

>> No.13200281

its a good flavor that covers up bad cooking.

>> No.13200649


>> No.13201113

There's actually a reasonably scientific explanation for this. Nonwhite peoples tend to hail from hotter climes, and in hotter climates food tends to spoil more quickly. Strong spice then, serves two purposes. First, it masks the taste of food that has gone off, but secondly it also kills some of the bacteria that lead to food spoiling in the first place.

Combine that with the fact that chilli and most spices don't originate in Europe, you tend to see a very large divide in the cuisine. European food actually makes really good use of the seasoning that was actually available at the time (salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, etc) and relies more heavily on meat and fats for flavour.

>> No.13201118

I love diverse foods and support diversity overall.

I love trying spicy and new foods.

>> No.13201120

because making their dish as spicy as possible masks the fact that they're eating literal shit.

>> No.13202079

how old are you

>> No.13202099

fuckin yikes, you gotta be 18+ to post here faggot. take a hike

>> No.13202304
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>He doesn't know

>> No.13202411

>reddit spacing
>tranny avatar faggot
>people of color
Kill yourself

>> No.13202416

Peppers are from the americas so it’s not like it makes sense that south asians like spicy food

>> No.13202431

This, people of color should refer to whites and everyone else should be called people of brown

>> No.13202438

LMAO, wh*te explaining why they can't season their food. lol

>> No.13202517

Black pepper is native to Africa and was rare in Europe for centuries. Also the “lol dumb colored folks eat rotten food” meme is a lie spread by assmad racists. Spoilage was a problem everywhere and people tended to deal with it through preservation methods such as salting, drying, smoking, pickling, and fermenting. Meat was either cooked immediately after slaughter or preserved in some way. The presence of spices in cuisines is based solely on what was available to the people who created it.

>> No.13202532

My brown friend who's now my roommate always used to talk about his food being so spicy and probably too pungent for others. I split a habanero between the two of us in a dish and he started sweating trying to coach me not to put so much heat in. The idea that they have more flavorful foods is part of their made up identity and something that brings them comfort.

>> No.13202537

>is obsessed with white people and fucking spices because they’re an ass mad racist
>tries to call out others
Take a step back and look at what you’re doing with your life

>> No.13202621

What the fuck do you mean?

>> No.13202643

i always assume whites who 'love spicy food' are deeply bothered by the stereotype 'whites dont season their food'

>> No.13202645

This is...a strange take. I do not believe people of African descent enjoy spicy foods more with any particular fervor. I know several black people who in fact do not enjoy such foods, and have viewed videos of black people (along with people of other ethnicities) trying particularly spicy hot foods and quite obviously not enjoying them.

Could it be that everyone is in fact an individual and not every single person belonging to a racial or ethnic demographic is going to like everything the same?

I for instance and white and happen to enjoy spicy foods. On the other hand I do know people of Latin American and Asian descent who do not. Food for thought.

>> No.13202647

Blacks like cajun spiced food and deep fried stuff with some hot sauce like Texas Pete style ones, but they do not eat spicy like other cultures. Apparently a lot of African food is pretty bland.

>> No.13202675

Because Nordic countries have the best food. Literal soap and rotten fish.

>> No.13202678
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Spices were also used as a preserving agent though, that's true. Anyways, the other posters were right, spice preference and tollerance has nothing to do with ethnicity. I'm about as white as they come and like extremely spicy food.

>> No.13202701 [DELETED] 

lol at the white people in here crying about how they love spicy. Spice is a degenerate trait. You're not pure, not completely white. You're likely Amerimutts or as you are called LA CREATURA.

>> No.13202767

T. Assmad racist

>> No.13202787

Yeah, thats projection. I never fucking heard that stereotype before i became a big spicy food fan and it didnt bother me after cause its just the weirdest kind of take. So, good job being a dick i guess.

>> No.13202801

I've also never heard that and it doesn't even really make sense.

>> No.13202840

Spicy food doesn't feel spicy after you eat it for a while. After you build your tolerance you can actually taste and appreciate the flavors of the peppers.

>> No.13202874

Yeah, this.

>> No.13202877

Lol, the idea of a white person shovelling peppers in their mouth going SEE? SEE? The fact is the white people dont like spice a late stage internet meme and has no grounding in real life. And even if it did no white people are gonna torture themself with spicy food to prove themself to...who again?

>> No.13203561

Says a literal racist who's sperging out.

>> No.13203805

Are you being ironic?

>> No.13203809

That’s called narcissism, common low iq behavior

>> No.13203812

It's just a meme that white people don't like spicy food. Everyone likes it. I eat some spicy food that would make darkies cry.

>> No.13203817

I've known a lot of people who like hot shit and many of them white. Outside of /ck I've never even heard of this. Most people in the real world just like what they like and don't really care about opinions of randoms.

>> No.13203823

>spices preserve food meme

no it doesn't you dumb nigger

>> No.13203834

I wouldn’t even consider myself someone who enjoys spicy food and I’m pretty sure I can handle it better than niggers. I had a black friend in high school who bragged about eating ghost chili peppers raw for fun, so I told him I would try one. When I ate the whole pepper he was fucking shocked because apparently eating one to him meant just putting a tiny piece on your tongue. My little sister is a freak for spicy food though, and so my house always had mrs renfros ghost pepper salsa as our only salsa and I eventually got used to it, that super spicy taste is actually a different experience compared to lesser degrees of spiciness I’ll say that, makes your mouth taste like a mixture of vinegar and blood and like it was just full of ice.

>> No.13203837

Not him but it actually does.

>> No.13203848

it literally does, stupid

>> No.13203852

no not everyone does
i love spicy food and my sister and mother can't stand it

>> No.13203854
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It's got nothing to do with ethnicity, just personal preference whether the effect of spiciness is pleasant and then tollerance from how much and how often you eat it.

I grew some ghost peppers last year and the first one totally blew my socks off, but it was a bumper crop and I started eating them regularly and by the end of the season they didn't even seem that hot any more. After a few months though I found some in the store and they were hot again. It's like a tollerance to anything, you experience it a lot and your body adapts.

>> No.13203855

sometimes it makes shitty food a bit more tolerable, some times it gives a nice contrast, sometimes i just wanna feel the burn

>> No.13203858

Educate yourself you backwater racist dipshit.


>> No.13203922

Uh not at all. Why would you think that?

>> No.13203925

Oh fuck sorry i just realized theres a typo, goddamnit, i meant to say white people are NOT gonna torture themself

>> No.13203929

>spicy food.
What ever do you mean
As in preference of flavorful over bland .... it sounds to me as if this is what is being ask and the question answers itself

>> No.13203935

But lots of white people unironically just plain like spicy food.

>> No.13203937

tl;dr more and hotter spices made it less likely for food to spoil

>> No.13203942

Yeah, i dont doubt it, being as im one of them and know lots of them, im sorry i think my drunk posting has fucked up my message. All im saying is i know more whites than blacks or mexicans that will eat spicy food and spicier food

>> No.13203949

Simple, tougher cuts of meat & week old vegetables require alot of spices to make it taste palatable. You don't want to eat old food raw & with little seasoning. In India, this is the reason why our foods are "heavy" in flavor.

Not all nations can afford fresh, raw sushi or steaks that taste good fresh, with minimal seasoning.

The more developed the country, the fresher & less seasoning they have on their foods.

>> No.13203963

>But lots of white people unironically just plain like spicy food.

And lots of Indians appreciate fresh ingredients & higher quality cuts of meat without over seasoning. i.e. raw salads or a fresh piece of fish.

>> No.13203964
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Not enough desu

No respect I tell ya no respect

>> No.13203966

South americans dont eat spicy food. Chileans eat bland food

>> No.13203967

Exactly. Basing spice preference on ethnicity is totally retarded.

>> No.13203969

>tougher cuts of meat
I call bullshit on that part. Not everyone in the west only eat steaks and filet mignon.

>> No.13203971

Growing up Chinese, I always thought our food was superior because it was so much saltier, oilier, and more "flavorful." As an adult, I now realize and value fresh ingredients & natrural flavors that don't use a shit load of salt & spices to cover up bad ingredients.

>> No.13203978

And that's why your niggers have learned to BBQ or smoke the tough cuts. Same shit.

>> No.13203987

>Growing up Chinese, I always thought our food was superior because it was so much saltier, oilier, and more "flavorful." As an adult, I now realize and value fresh ingredients & natrural flavors that don't use a shit load of salt & spices to cover up bad ingredients.

Also, I have alot more money as an adult, so I can afford fresh ingredients & higher quality food (e.g. BlueApron) without eating salty/greasy take out all the time.

>> No.13203996

I don't even know what you're trying to say.

>> No.13204011

>Asians know flavor
Asians also have the highest blood pressure rates of any race, eating so much salt, leading to all sorts of health problems.

>Blacks know flavor
American blacks have the nations highest rates of obesity, diabetes, & heart disease. Eating a shitload of oil, fat, & salt will do that to you.

There's a reason why White people all love Impossible Burgers & Beyond Meat... they're obsessed with health. To most of us non whites, those fake burgers taste like processed cardboard bean patties.

>> No.13204043

Cool pseudoscience you insufferable R*ddit faggot

>> No.13204060


>> No.13204180


Spice does have anti microbial yes but it was never used as a main preservation method for food preservation. Salting, pickling, fermentation and drying has always and will always be the kind of food preservation.

Adding to that the costs of spices made the use of spice as a food preservative prohibitively expensive

Spices CAN be used in food preservation but historically the main use of spice had mainly been used for tastes and the anti-oxidant compound more than anything.

So in conclusion saying spices was used to preserve food and mask tastes of rotting meat is wrong and retarded

thank you retards for proving my point

>> No.13204186

men pretend to like spicy food to show off how tough they are

>> No.13204192
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>> No.13204203

>tfw brown person with IBS.

I just want a restful sleep after a bowl of panang curry, mane

>> No.13204299

No one said it was the main method, retard. It's obviously not a replacement for salt curing or fermentation, but it's absolutely certain one of the reasons some cultures used a lot of spice was for the preservative properties. Stop trying to backpedal because you said something stupid and be happy you got to learn something.

>> No.13204311

>There's actually a reasonably scientific explanation for this. Nonwhite peoples tend to hail from hotter climes, and in hotter climates food tends to spoil more quickly. Strong spice then, serves two purposes. First, it masks the taste of food that has gone off, but secondly it also kills some of the bacteria that lead to food spoiling in the first place.

>hurr durr

>> No.13204335

That wasn't me but it is accurate. Spices are historically used for both those things. You need a new bicycle.

>> No.13204665

t. tastelets

>> No.13204680

>Blanket statements are usually false.
80/20 rule

80% of the time blanket statements apply, but you cant strictly apply it to everyone

>> No.13204691

Spicy and hot aren't the same thing. Curry powder is spicy. Peppers are hot

>> No.13204706

>literally doesn't read citation posted in response

please go back to school kid

>> No.13204719

>because making their dish as spicy as possible masks the fact that they're eating literal shit.
pretty much.

>> No.13204789


>> No.13204803

fuck y'all mayo eatin mothafucka

>> No.13204811

>hurr durr i am fuckin retarded knowing things is reddit

>> No.13204833

Oh look, its complete shit for brains pontification about a non issue.

>> No.13204834

>takes redditniggers a full day to post their brain damaged maymays

>> No.13204837


>> No.13204839

Well that just means youre a judgemental idiot

>> No.13204862

this is what /pol/ actually believes

>> No.13204931

I'm not even gonna read the other replies or your whole post. I just want to say that you are a shit

>> No.13205055

Yeah that says what was acknowledged way back. It's not the only use of spices, obviously and not the only preserving method, obviously. But this

>spices preserve food meme
>no it doesn't you dumb nigger

Is flat wrong. They do help preserve and is historically accurate that it's among the reasons some cultures used them in such large amounts. That's simple fact.

>> No.13205620

Fucking retard detected

>> No.13205632

Please detail what parts of that are retarded and why.

>> No.13205687

>people of color
Go back

>> No.13206242

Coloured people.

>> No.13207605


>> No.13207634

LMAO nigger getting butthurt ytboi is right again

>> No.13207664

due to all of their senses being dull, they require a gallon of hot sauce to experience the sensation of taste
whites do not require this because their palates are more sensitive, leading to the stereotype that they don't season their food

>> No.13207912

When you make quality food you don't need to cover it up with intense seasoning, hot sauce, and/or dipping sauce to make it palatable. Complex flavor profiles with a large array of complimentary herbs and spices can be great, but the food should be good enough quality to enjoy with minimal seasoning as well.

>> No.13207920

Heat is not a flavor and it's a myth that spicy food affects your ability to taste subtle flavours.

>> No.13207936

Europeans conquered the world while attempting to gain better routes for the spice thread, you fucking tool. The retarded American concept of identity politics is the single most moronic thing I've ever witnessed.

>> No.13207943

the stereotype is just another way to make fun of white people on the internet as a workaround to what they really want to say, which is "i hate white people". no one i know gives a fuck about that meme, nor should they

>> No.13207984

Never make this thread again

>> No.13207992

The funny thing is this whole black rights movement of the last 50 years completely killed the African American cultures creativity, they used to do more than complain about slavery. African American culture is now superseding African culture as well.

>> No.13208459
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Imagine not being Spice Pilled

>> No.13208469
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That's an unfortunate thing about America these days, up in Canada most of the black folks you meet are Africans or came from the Caribbean and love talking about their cultures if you get into conversation. There are a bunch of pretty awesome festivals here and there too, some of which are just overall African or Caribbean but lots of the small ones are more specific like held by people from Ghana or Kenya or the like. I hope America can get past it's racial problems cause from the outside they're very sad but also a little silly.

>> No.13208486

That's a pervasive myth that people wjo don't like spicy food repeat a lot but it's not actually true at all.


>> No.13209896

West African heritage probably

>> No.13209902

OP said “seem” to like spicy foods, el Tardo

>> No.13209907

Capsicums, including chilies and other hot peppers, are in the middle of the antimicrobial pack (killing or inhibiting up to 75 percent of bacteria), while pepper of the white or black variety inhibits 25 percent of bacteria, as do ginger, anise seed, celery seed and the juices of lemons and limes.Mar 4, 1998
Cornell University news 1998/03

>> No.13209977
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>people of color, more often than not, are native to near the equator
>spices and chilies, are more often than not, native to near the equator
Really makes me think, wonder if the two are related in some way.