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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13197150 No.13197150 [Reply] [Original]

>eat out, stomach feels fine
>eat a nice, homecooked meal of which I have complete control over what I put in it, tastes great but absolutely shit my pants

Should I just off myself?

>> No.13197161

Are you allergic to anything? Or lactose intolerant?
If not, maybe you need to cook your food longer.

>> No.13197175

Even if you're eating the same thing? Does it happen when you're not eating meat? Do you drink more beer or coffee when eating at home?

>> No.13197189

Sounds like a hygiene issue.
Is your home a shithole (animals, squalor etc)

>> No.13197221

It happens with literally everything. I made some sliced mushrooms with salt and pepper, sauteed in butter with lemon juice and it still happened

Even if it's better. I can eat taco bell and feel fine but god forbid if I make an oven roasted chicken thigh with a pan sauce (in a pan that is well cleaned), on comes the anus explosion

>> No.13197912

Did you grow up with home cooked stuff or frozen pre prepared food?

>> No.13198045

Your bowels are probably used to the garbage like Taco Bell. Try eating just a bowl of broccoli and you'll probably get the shits still. You'll have to eat it home cooked food for like 2 weeks straight if you want it to stop happening.

>> No.13198196

Your pan, even though well cleaned, is probably from the 1900's so you're literally eating cancerous material each time you make something in it

>> No.13198599

>tfw read countless stories of people saying fast food makes them shit themself
>can eat anything outside or from home and not have problems

You pussies must weigh like 90 pounds if eating something you dont usually have brings you to your knees. Gain some weight and eat different things, its not fucking hard FUCK

>> No.13199073

some people have IBS, crohns, ylceratovr colitis, etc. you fucking self centered unaware fat fucking retard

>> No.13200742

It is new stainless steel

>> No.13200751

bwahahahah get a load of this guy

>> No.13200752

Also, if I eat food right after I made it it always happens, but if I put it in the fridge for a day it's fine

>> No.13200759

OP what foods have you tried? can you boil an egg? what about microwave meals? have you considered it could be black mold at home or something else doing it to you?

>> No.13200765

80/20 homecooked to frozen dogshit

>> No.13200777

Pretty standard beef/chicken dishes, sides of various vegetables. A lot of wrinkles with the what the final product is but the ingredients are all similar. I can put it in my fridge and eat it the next day with no problems, but if I eat it right after I make it it just causes a ton of problems

>> No.13200818
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I don't know what to tell you OP that sounds really strange.

>> No.13200828

The reason is when you eat fast food it is extremely low in fiber. But when you eat at home you are usually including more whole foods which are higher in fibre.

Some people have extreme difficulty digesting fermentable fibres.

You need to start keeping a journal of exactly what you put in a meal and track when you get sick. Likely you have something like IBS. it’s very difficult to nail down exact triggers with IBS because there can be so many! Take a look at the fodmap diet.

> t. fellow IBS fag

>> No.13200845

It’s the butter