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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 725x653, Home-cooking-oil-recycled-by-SeQuential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13193290 No.13193290 [Reply] [Original]

So which do you use the most?

>> No.13193376

Vegetable oil and olive oil leading right now. I guess I expected more lardfags

>> No.13193395

i live in a Slavic dystopia so sunflower seed is my only real option. Olive oil costs several times as much

>> No.13193396

>8 votes
>"these are leading now"
Mate you need to wait for like. A sample. You can't just add your own answer and go Man I guess my answer is in the lead :^)

>> No.13193398

>safflower oil

>> No.13193404

Olive unless it needs higher flame then peanut (which surprisingly isn't in the list).

>> No.13193405

Cell metabolism prefers sat fat and sugars. Lard is also pufa

>> No.13193417
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Also no sesame oil on there either,

My real answer is "Depends - what am I cooking?"

>> No.13193421

Damn yoy really want this thread about toxic polyunsaturated fats huh. How many meds are you on?

>> No.13193436

Even ketotards know the answer to this

>> No.13193439

olive oil? what the fuck? do you fags eat salads on the regular or something? that shit has a low ass smoke point, there's no way you bitches are using that shit for anything short of slow cooking and noodle drenching in italian authenticity. knock it off and step your game up to animal lard - the real man's natural fat.
>not having a bowl of pig fat saved up from your bacon to cook your meals in and make your house smell like bacon every time

>> No.13193441

>Damn yoy really want this thread about toxic polyunsaturated fats huh. How many meds are you on?

I'm in my mid-thirties and the count is "not on any meds."

You fell for the "bad fats" meme, please educate yourself, unless you're butt-chugging five gallons a day, it really doesn't matter what fat you use besides the flavor and smoke point.

>> No.13193448

>Olive oil? Do you fucks really use the worlds most famous oil that all the chefs keep using in their videos?
Yes. Now leave.

>> No.13193506

Using bacon fat is based, but you are certainly a cooklet. Anyone who can cook knows that light olive oil is excellent for frying and has a higher smoke point. You don't use regular or extra virgin for that, retard

>> No.13193538

Olive oil 10/10

>> No.13193555

lmao this guy is for real

>> No.13193567


>> No.13193568

Its haram

>> No.13193577

Thanks, I almost forgot to put a filter on that.

>> No.13193582

Olive oil is only for gay people and soylents.
Fukin' burns the minute it hits the pan.

>> No.13193598


Sesame oil isn't for cooking, smoke point too low.
You drizzle it on towards the end of cooking for flavor.

>> No.13193610

You serious? What do you use then?

>> No.13193612

He's confused regular olive oil for the extra virgin meme

>> No.13193614

"What am I cooking" is shorter than "Which particular type of meal or meal-like substance am I cooking, baking or arranging from raw ingredients?"

>> No.13193628

i only use almond oil or butter

>> No.13193659

Olive and sunflower

>> No.13193907

I only use olive oil , butter, and ghee. Vegetable oil is trash and I never find any use for it. Then again I don't fry.

>> No.13193974

Butter, olive oil, and (lately) peanut oil.

>> No.13194063


Palm oil is the best general cooking oil for health. It's like an animal fat.

Sure, it contributes to deforestation but look at how much palm oil yields per hectare compared to soybean oil.

>> No.13194178

Why doesnt this have multiple oil options????

Butter, ghee, coconut, olive, lard, sunflower, fish/cod.

>> No.13194223

> I need to give the databots more data!

>> No.13194233

Why yes i doooo

>> No.13195073


>> No.13195204


>> No.13195306

I don't use piss bottles.

>> No.13195639

I use peanut oil for frying and butter or olive oil.

>> No.13195675

Lipid chemist here, ask me any questions. Worked on a shit ton of oils for my dissertation.

>> No.13195688

Which makes the best lube?

>> No.13195705

Butter, olive oil, or peanut oil

>> No.13195711

Which is the correct oil for cast iron seasoning?
Internet seems strongly divided into two camps: high smoke point "drying" oils like flaxseed, and low smoke point oils.

>> No.13195718
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>No bacon grease

>> No.13195726
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Pardon my stupidity, but what is a smoke point?

>> No.13195727


>> No.13195730

The temperature when the oil starts to burn.

>> No.13195734


>> No.13195735

Very cool thanks

>> No.13195744
File: 14 KB, 450x450, 670d0134-23e8-4b34-a951-53e22e4f1dd8_1.af2aa16c9dcd67667815df0bbfcdf49d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an i the only one who uses based avocado oil?

> highest smoke point
> tasteless
> non-gmo
> naturally refined
> all monounsaturated

what gives?

>> No.13195751

Quote the price

>> No.13195755

Ameritards mostly have access to counterfeit "olive oil" that's essentially 99% soy or canola. If they tried cooking with true olive oil it would be a disaster and they'd get enraged and confused then start shooting people.

>> No.13195760


$15 for a litre. Lasts several months.

>> No.13195765

Other way around, homo. European "olive" oil is a mafia scam.

>> No.13195775

Put down the gun DreShawn

>> No.13195883


>> No.13196078

bump. cooking oil is important .

>> No.13196279

I’m a fan of sesame, avocado, and coconut. I’m not huge on vinaigrettes and most of my dressings are greek yogurt based, so EVOO doesn’t really do it for me :p

>> No.13196520

Avacado is my go to for a high smoke point oil, but you really can't beat a good olive or sunflower oil for flavor.

>> No.13196537

I probably use about 60/40 olive oil/butter. But seriously, people use canola that much? I swear it's got an "off" smell to it which is the reason I never use it.

>> No.13196545

I've only used it a few times but it really is based.

>> No.13196582

Amerifats btfo.

>> No.13196605
File: 22 KB, 474x316, empanada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sunflower oil for fried food.
olive oil pizza and other italian food. breads too.
High Quality Lard for Dough like picture related.
Butter for most of the cookies, pancake family and other sweets.

>> No.13196632

Extra virgin olive oil has a fairly high smoke point, retard.

>> No.13196653


I only buy olive oil from California for this reason.

>> No.13196664

I like 50-50 butter and olive oil

>> No.13196788
File: 39 KB, 576x1024, CCQw9XfVEAABi7R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer empty 2 liters of Mt Dew for my piss jugs those are already laying around my house so its easy to find and they hold a lot. just gotta remember to throw them out a couple times per year because the plastic is thin and make a huge mess when they break.

>> No.13197936
File: 1.20 MB, 2465x2708, NINTCHDBPICT000387609498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butteeeeeeeeeeeer gaaaaaayyyyng

>> No.13197957
File: 602 KB, 752x583, mercy scowl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically the tastiest part of butter without all the milk fats and solids.
>Vegetable Oil
its cheap, but i never use it.
>Olive oil
honestly, this is such a fucking meme oil. The last time I use Olive oil was to lubricate my bike lock when its keyhole rusted over and wouldn't turn.

Other than that, it is absolutely shit tier for cooking.
Doesn't add any flavor, literally burns and starts smoking up the place at high temps, and the only reason why anyone even buys it is because of propaganda and meme news articles telling everyone that it helps you live longer.
No, CNN, Europeans and Italians don't live long because of a fucking cooking oil. It's because of their socialized healthcare.

>> No.13198066

Extra virgin Spanish olive oil

Would I need to use oil to cook ground Turkey that's 7% fat? I cook ground beef that's 20% and do it with no oil but would the 7% turkey require oil?

>> No.13198067
File: 18 KB, 640x195, CXVTea7_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13198105

LARPer. Real piss jug havers know that 2-liter soda bottles are designed to hold pressuried acidic liquid. They're more than strong enough for piss. The only time they explode is if you leave them in sunlight for a very long time, which never happens in real-world basement dwelling. The main downside of PET soda bottles is the narrow mouth. Misses occur.

>> No.13198132

daily reminder that the opinions of genuine dwellers mean nothing to anyone

>> No.13198163

hurrr pretend retartet huttttrrrrtttrr

>> No.13198210

ilate more faggot

>> No.13198263

avacado oil master race

>> No.13198363

Italian, thank you. Which is why I don't buy olive oil from Italy.

>> No.13198370

>Basically the tastiest part of butter without all the milk fats and solids.
>without the milk fats
>without the only fats you could possibly get from milk

Interesting! Which fats do you think ARE in ghee then?

>> No.13198382

vegetables oils are horrible poison. The only exceptions are coconut and olive.
Use butter as default.
Use lard, tallow or ghee when you need higher temperatures.
Use olive oil for dressings.

>> No.13198421
File: 12 KB, 480x360, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13198455

Dont make me destroy you.

>> No.13198612

Avocado oil for higher degrees and frying. Olive oil for everything else. Canola if im on a budget

>> No.13198617

The top 5 and the absolute state of /ck/

>> No.13198635
File: 19 KB, 552x602, aah yes, vegetable oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'vegetable oil' is terrible for you, highly inflammatory

>> No.13198775

rapeseed oil not on the list

>> No.13198879

rapeseed is canola you dingus

>> No.13199063

please destroy my bussy senpai

>> No.13200393

Corn oil because I'm poor. No idea if its unhealthy or not.

>> No.13200409

you don't cook with EVOO dumbass

>> No.13200420

not that guy but coconut oil

>> No.13200468

I do all the time

>> No.13200492

stop doing it and use regular olive oil instead. save the evoo for dressings and other stuff

>> No.13200518

>being poor

>> No.13200540

I thought those were piss bottles but then I realized this isn't /r9k/

>> No.13200547
File: 146 KB, 960x640, SPR_1328753-smoking-points-of-fats-and-oils-vegetableoil-5c7989d3c9e77c00012f81e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoke point is a complete meme. for the average cook, the difference between 350F and 400F just doesn't matter on a stovetop. I cook with sesame and evoo all the time

>> No.13200549

What is a lipid?

>> No.13200553
File: 10 KB, 724x178, olive oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regular olive oil has a higher smoke point it makes it better for cooking and you might mess up the flavor of evoo if you get too high.

>> No.13200562

Peanut oil

>> No.13200583

Unless you're deep frying or something there's no way you're hitting north of 400f when you want to make eggs or something.

>> No.13201355

"Bacon grease" is just lard, you dumb wojaknigger.

>> No.13202847

Corn oil
I buy a 55 gallon drum twice a year

>> No.13203838

OP asked what oil we use the most, not necessarily what we cook with.
I almost always use butter when cooking, but I eat more extravirgin olive oil than butter (I'm italian).

>> No.13203844

Regular olive oil has a bad omega 3-6 ratio, I would never use that

>> No.13203863

Something that's used for marketing unnecessary and harmful unsaturated fats that are responsible for an array of cellular problems that'll be blamed on sugar instead, to perpetuate business

>> No.13203870

it's the other way round dude, EVOO has a low smoke point, regular olive oil has a high one.

>> No.13203879

Its marketing. If you present this guideline then people will think there's some purpose for all of these fats. That will include something as obtuse as peanut oil

>> No.13203891

Used lard for most anything pork. Peanut oil for most other things. Used beef tallow french fries and confit of beef.

>> No.13203893

Actually Vegetable oil (grain) is highlighted for its high smoke point. It's convenient for people who want to fry shit up and not cook real food

>> No.13203902


>> No.13203958

Your results are fucked sideways because you put butter and lard on a list of oils.
Good job moron.

I use lard and butter all the time, but when I use oil I use canola oil. Real chefs know that most of the time for oil it doesn't fucking matter and the fucking hipsters throwing avocado oil and such into a pan first need to all be gassed.
Those kinds of flavor-heavy oils, Olive oil, sesame oil, etc. is about the taste of the ingredient, not about cooking with the oil, and are used appropriately.

Also what the fuck is the guy cooking all the time if he's using corn oil the most...

>> No.13204148

>Your results are fucked sideways because you put butter and lard on a list of oils. Good job moron.
Would you have preferred "lipids"? Don't be such a pretentious fuck.

>> No.13204153

Cooking fat? Are you thick?

>> No.13204161

The only person ITT complaining about the terminology is you. Seethe harder.

>> No.13204196

Why's there no option for Penis oil? Is it because you're allergic? Does nobody on this board do Asian dishes?

>> No.13204204

Where my nonstick pan bros at? RISE THE FUCK UP!!!!

>> No.13204324

>pretentious fuck
stupid reductionist moron
They're not interchangeable just because they're lipids. What's the difference between using butter and oil in a recipe?
the difference between hollandaise sauce and mayonnaise

>> No.13204731
File: 298 KB, 1280x679, sunflowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look happy and I want the happy to be inside of me