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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 640x640, CJCmkNbUkAAyo9t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13193281 No.13193281 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Gross shit you love

>> No.13193309

You, anon

>> No.13193341
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it's not a waste of tickets. not for me at least.

>> No.13193349
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>my soul

>> No.13193373
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>> No.13193950

I don't think I've ever had that brand but I can confirm that gas station pickled sausages are both disgusting and delicious simultaneously.

>> No.13194031

For me, its a couple deep fried burritos in a bowl topped with shredded chedder, ranch, bacon bits, and sunflower seeds

>> No.13194073

I like a Subway sandwich with tuna on honey oat. It's good with jalapeños, black olives, pickles, swiss cheese, a squirt of mayo and some black pepper.

>> No.13194078
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Yep guilty

>> No.13194163

Yikes. Do people still support that pedophile monopoly?

>> No.13194171

How waa the trip to Detroit?

>> No.13194181
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nectar of the gods

>> No.13194197

Not bad but the BBC scene is still dope.

>> No.13195528

diablito pilled

>> No.13195537

corned/roast beef hash from a can it's pretty decent fried up crispy with a few over easy eggs

>> No.13195547
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>> No.13195548
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gentlemen, behold

>> No.13195561

Not only does your girl fuck other men, but you know about it and LIKE IT.

>> No.13195577

Pork rinds

Sometimes I swear they have hair on them but I can’t stop.

>> No.13195591


>> No.13195593
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>he hasn't gotten a pork rind with a nipple on it
you have to eat more pork rinds hoss

>> No.13195622

Never had one, see them in the store all the time though. Do they just taste like a hot dog?

>> No.13195632

no, they taste like salty chicekn broth

>> No.13195661

That's disgusting

>> No.13195664

Shit off the roller at speedway.

>> No.13195678
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>> No.13195687

You would think so, but with a pastey consistencey of jello it sort of works out. I like to bite a little chunk off and smash it into the roof of my mouth, turning it back into a meaty paste

>> No.13195767

OP here, I love you too :3

>> No.13195790

Those little tornado guys seem WAY too expensive now. I feel like I used to grab them cheap all the time but nowadays I'm not paying for it.

>> No.13195791

I respect that they resisted to use the qualifier 'real' in this label.

>> No.13195832

lap cheong sasusages
Somehow tasty and gross at the same time

>> No.13195866

this, goddamn it. I can go through a whole can of that shit in one night if I'm not careful.

>> No.13195872

those chinese 1000 year old eggs that are cooked in sulfur. i'm sure I'll get cancer by the time i'm 35, but I really like the nasty flavor.

>> No.13195874

It's the most popular fast food restaurant in the world.

>> No.13195888
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it's so fucking good, especially with eggs and rice

>> No.13195892

>these were all over my home city
>move away for over a decade
>none to be found
>none to be found
Do I need to order these on Amazon? The fuck happened? They were in every gas station and liquor store.

>> No.13195896

Spam and Vienna sausage for me where do i get me some tijuana mama. I'll eat most things like this I've recently been into vietnamese food and nam. Can't get enough man

>> No.13195910

Well apparently most people in the world are retarded

>> No.13195911
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I used to love potted meat until I went vegetarian
spread that shit on a cracker or a piece of toast
that's gooood eating

>> No.13195948

No it's not wtf.

>> No.13195956

That chicken spread is some good shit, but sometimes you get that weird chunk of gristle/fat and it just ruins the rest of the sandwich.

>> No.13196272
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Well, it has the most locations of any fast food chain.

>> No.13196380
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I'm vegan but am ashamed to admit how much I love foie gras and chorizo, I have to eat them at least once a year

>> No.13196427

>I'm Vegan


>> No.13196429
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Peanut Butter and Fluff sammiches. I like to put grahm crackers and chocolate chips in mine.

>> No.13196446
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i love these shits

>> No.13196458

They're at just about every gas station in Colorado, just buy 'em on Amazon and then you'll have a bunch at once bro

>> No.13196467
File: 1.30 MB, 833x564, 1554200902378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love frozen lasagnas, just throw that bitch in the oven and max it out.
not the microwave shit though, no crispy ends? thats sacrilege

>> No.13196471
File: 42 KB, 488x488, GUEST_12149dbc-fe4d-4864-b60c-6d46c0e8088a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love eating bumblebee tuna straight out of the can.
It sucks though because it's really hit or miss. Sometimes you get a can full of delicious meaty goodness, and sometimes you get fish goop that tastes like ass.

>> No.13196534

Das rayciss

>> No.13196553
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Sometimes they leave a gritty texture like I just ate some sand, but I still can't resist them

>> No.13196557
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Looks disgusting out of the can but frying this shit up is a top tier meal.

>> No.13196561
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I think this has been covered before. Bumble Bee is a fucking Chinese meat slurry. Both are considered irresponsible in their "chunk light" cans. In theory you actually get a couple more calories than other brands, but you only if you run it through a fine sieve. You're actually going to lose more. I'd rather go with Sunkist because I can get the meat out.

>> No.13196636
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>I'm vegan
You didn't have to say that bro.

>> No.13196682

well since this is a gross food only you like thread, I'll go ahead and say I actually prefer the slurried catfood-consistency tuna. i used to buy the stuff packed in oil because it was less often whole pieces. also when you get that choice chunk of bloodline in the can.

i also drink the broth. not the oil though. thats gross

>> No.13196951

That kimchi ramen that mskes ass bleed every time I eat it. It's spicy, it tastes like toxic waste but I just can't let it go

>> No.13196956

That's pretty fucking gay anon

>> No.13196962

Chef Boyardee with cheese and hot sauce is a guilty pleasure of mine.

>> No.13197020
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Cost is a factor here as well since a single pizza comes out to less than two dollars.

>> No.13197027

That sounds really sweet but not at all gross.

>> No.13197057
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If it's not <32F I can't even look at it.
I can hear your chair squeeking from here

>> No.13197121

I do like the bloodline as well, it's just that the cans with finely chopped meat tend to have hard bits and a more rancid smell than the ones with mostly chunks.

>> No.13197248


>> No.13197314
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I fucking hate oversalted meats and think that spam is fucking garbage, but vienna sausages are goat.

I feel like I'm about to get ass cancer every time but that salty as shit broth is worth it.

>> No.13197356

I fucking love those things

>> No.13197888
File: 208 KB, 760x526, slide-5-5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas station sandwiches. With some mayo and mustard and a pack of pickles to put on they turn out not too bad.

>> No.13197928

>I'm vegan
You'll quit like most in a couple years.

>> No.13197931

I used to get down on those party pizzas. Takes me back to those diarrhea nights

>> No.13197934

I wonder if it’s better overseas

>> No.13197938

I used to put the chicken one on ritz crackers with a quarter of American cheese, sometimes I'd go decadent and use two ritz crackers to make a mini sandwich. One cheese slice could make 4 little mini underwood chicken sandwiches and it would be about 12 sandwiches to a can so about 24 ritz crackers.
Puttin on the Ritz.

>> No.13197980

What I've noticed recently about the Stouffers lasagnas is that they've started making them smaller but charging the same or even more for them. It's like some kind of stupid social engineering.

>> No.13197986
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Oh my aching back

>> No.13198018

guilty of these

>> No.13198206

fa me itza de frozen ziti wits a homemade Muffie anda sum moderately priced mid shelf red wine

>> No.13198538


>> No.13198583

I love making irish eggs benedict with this stuff when I'm hung over

>> No.13198588

One time I was on two tabs of acid and I dropped a whole tray of these into the oven. It was 1AM and my parents were home.

I didn’t even have any fucking ranch.

>> No.13198592

They’re called century eggs (100 years) and they’re not actually anywhere near that old, mouth breather

>> No.13198601

It’s no wonder these retards all bait their posts with vegan nonsense, all you retards take it without question

>> No.13198625

Too many Nogs

>> No.13198695

Doesn't know anything, posts anyway.

>> No.13198702

I used to like these, until one lost pressure, I broke it open, and saw what was inside.

>> No.13198714

Okay, retard
Because some chink 1000 years ago buried eggs in clay for his ancestors that got raped and murdered by Mongolians and communist dictators could unbury them and serve them to a fat white retard for 10 bucks a pop

>> No.13198734

This tbqh. Perfect generic, oversalted meat for fried rice.

>> No.13198746

is this board exclusively populated by americans? wtf, yall are fucking gross (as always)

>> No.13198753

At least we can cut our gross shit without a knoife loicense.

>> No.13198757

im not from the uk, is that all you got? pathetic

>> No.13198770

I don't know about disgusting, that sounds delicious besides the dubious choice of bread.

>> No.13198783

Continues posting.

>> No.13198784

Dude its American anonymous image board. Made in america by an American...do you foreignfags even interweb?

>> No.13198786

are you me??

>> No.13198796

>continues posting

>> No.13199271

>eats meat
>calles himself vegan

ay lmao, the absolute state of vegantards

>> No.13199339

>is a jerk
>calls himself a good christian

Ain't we all got a little hypocrite in our heart?

>> No.13199342

gas station taquitos

>> No.13199377

no one is without sin, we all have our vices to recognize

>> No.13199413

gas station coffee

>> No.13199473

I like these with yellow mustard

>> No.13199490
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I love everything at gas stations. I miss when they would have the frozen French bread pizzas that you used the industrial microwave in the store on

>> No.13199572 [DELETED] 

subway makes me shit my ass off every time i used to eat it

>> No.13199599
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Judge me if you must, but these are delicious, especially when paired with a giant fountain soda.

>> No.13199607

I fucking love vienna sausages. The armor ones are the best.

>> No.13199741
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>> No.13199756
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I love the character shapes ones, something about the texture of the pasta, but buying this shit as an adult feels even worse than buying boxed mac n cheese to begin with, it's the one single thing where I feel like people are judging me if they see me buying it

>> No.13199774

I don’t get why this is regarded as an insult. Some people are just into that, and they’re likely having more sex than you incels.

>> No.13199794

how is kfc #4 that place sucks ass

>> No.13199819

wtf is "high gravity lager"?

>> No.13199839

just pull a
>heh the kids love it *laughs in boomer*

>> No.13199948

High % alcohol, almost all high lagers are vomit tasting dogshit

>> No.13199958

I look like an autistic nerd (or 10 years younger than I am if clean shaven), nobody would believe I have children

>> No.13199977

Nephews then, always works.

>> No.13200014

All foods do this. Either cost to manufacture increases or they just think they can get away with it, but they’ll charge the same price for less product over time. It lets them avoid looking like they’re raising prices.

>> No.13200042

What was inside?

>> No.13200172
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>> No.13200242

Niggers that can’t understand that different life styles exist.

>> No.13200286
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>> No.13200306

Are you perhaps a 4 Chan mod?

>> No.13200336
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this shit gives me a stomach ache

>> No.13200364

I know this is ironic. However, I am also aware that these people do, in fact, exist. Terrifying.

>> No.13200396

A pretty shitty local food chain that's targeting low income households is selling microwave hotdogs with a slice of cheese on them.
They are beyond disgusting, and most certainly use fake meat and cheese but they are so fucking good and I occasionally drive half an hour just to buy these fucking hot dogs.

>> No.13200459

any of the varieties that don't have fake meat in em!
the corned beef version of this is fantastic.

i know that seems counter intuitive, but if imma eat fake meat, i want to not be lied to about it.

>> No.13200460

Because the company has no limits on how close franchises can be to each other and it's killing their business, they are retarded

>> No.13200488

Easy Cheese

>> No.13200716

Huge in Asia

>> No.13200720

Pretty far from gross

>> No.13200802

what the hell type of cheese is "American"?

>> No.13200833

I think this is the case with all canned tuna, most times it taste really good but every few cans taste really fishy and shit

>> No.13200865

Right you are, Ken.
I'm not a big fan of them, but they're good on white bread with mustard for low class comfort food.

>> No.13200880
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>not getting solid white albacore tuna only
unironically what is wrong with you people

>> No.13200887

Colby Jack and cheddar mixed, most likely.

>> No.13200897

i do buy solid albacore or skipjack usually?

still stands true what i said above>>13200833

>> No.13200919

I've never had solid white taste nasty or fishy and I eat a lot, it's only the chunk light that's disgusting

>> No.13200939

i usually eat a small can every day, they're rare but every now and then you get a fishy/gross one - it's not often enough to stop me from eating it though

>> No.13200954
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LJS crunchies

>> No.13200961

albacore tuner on cracka ass crackas topped with hot sauce washed down with a cold beer is a meal fit for a king

>> No.13200976
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This and Chef Boyardee lasagna. Canned pasta sounds fucking disgusting, but I love this particular slop.

>> No.13200981


>> No.13200998

fucking hell

>> No.13201095

His point, I assume, is that everyone already knows that, you gargantuan sperglord. You're not impressing anyone.

>> No.13201098

I don't like beefaroni anymore, but the super stuffed ravioli is good. I guess the semi soggy pasta could be considered gross.

>> No.13201131
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Step aside, peasant.
I once found a small vertebrae in one. Pretty sure it was from a rat. Then again, most grain probably has ground up rodent and bird bones in them.
Haven't had one in years, but now I'm craving hard.

>> No.13201189

i just tried some tuna on crackers with tapatio, was awesome

>> No.13201867


At my fattest, I would take 3 of these, microwave them for 5 minutes, smother them in black pepper, toss them on some buns, and just eat it like that.

>> No.13201885
File: 1.73 MB, 1800x1800, 7f9be1ed-9dc7-4d66-ad01-c86f04f3d84b_1.2534a6c255758de1be7ca4f482e78a98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13201897
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>Inb4 OKBoomer

>> No.13201900
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Growing up the old Patio was my frozen burrito of choice but now when I'm feeling the need I go for El Monterey.

>> No.13201906
File: 46 KB, 640x508, 9aae19d0222b8c73-5FHNi1kf-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to work at a drugstore and never saw anyone under the age of 70 buy those, these things, or the bags of mixed hard candy

I bought a bag of circus peanuts for myself one day because I hadn't had them in a decade and forgot what they tasted like, I couldn't finish the bag

>> No.13201925

I never eat them in one sitting. Just a couple at a time. It's like eating fudge. A few pieces at a time is great, but more than that I get sick.

>> No.13201938
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i eat quiktrip chicken rollers at least once a week

>> No.13201952
File: 129 KB, 1024x576, KWIK-TRIP-SHELF-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffalo Chicken Rollers. HELL YEAH BROTHER! But that's the shit version of Kwik Trip

>> No.13201958


>> No.13201964

Love a Rustlers
>right snoggered

>> No.13201966

I used to live in Phoenix and it always blew my mind how much of this shit was going at all times. Nothing in Vegas has this much pre-warmed food anywhere.

>> No.13201968
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>> No.13201981
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i love putting this on scrambled eggs. i've tried other store brands or more expensive varieties but nothing else is nearly as good.

>> No.13202000

Hell yes. Chimichangas for the motherfuckin' win.

>> No.13202005

How was it?
Two tabs I mean, I only do 1

>> No.13202021
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No krogers here, but this is what I use. King Of the Hill knows it's canned chili.

>> No.13202029
File: 109 KB, 600x600, large_68579c80-42b5-48ba-9302-bdfee86f48fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im with you on the lasagna. I add cheese and garlic to mine. for me its these. Dont know where the dry mini shrimp come from and dont want to know.

>> No.13202042

I want a whole bag of those dry mini shrimp to just eat like chips desu

>> No.13202048

you can find them at chinese grocery stores

>> No.13202049
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>Those mini shrimp
You two are animals.

>> No.13202084
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I get these after work and hide the bottles from my roommates. Not because they'll think im an alcoholic, but because they're beer snobs and roasted me for drinking a rolling rock once and i don't want to go through the experience again.

>> No.13202235

Don't they sell bags of shit like that in Asian groceries? They're Japanese snack foods or some shit.

>> No.13202248

I would get this more often if it wasn't so damn expensive

>> No.13202251

Sorry, anon. Hang tough. I bet they drink IPAs or beer fermented with fruit are the ones who really need to be reformed

>> No.13202256

They're used as ingredients in SEA food. Smell much stronger but probably because they aren't stale desu.

>> No.13202276

this, never eat more then three at once

>> No.13202332

read the package. its a dairy product involving whey and milk fat, not made in the usual cheese making process. its cheap to produce, melts differently, and has appropriate uses. but its not really cheese. its pasteurized process cheese product. like a choco bar without cocoa butter but palm oil cant call itself chocolate, but chocolate flavored candy.

>> No.13202334


>> No.13202531


>> No.13202566

I don’t want to die of mercury poisoning

>> No.13202569

I’m 23 and I grew up on this shit. Idk why more young people don’t indulge in this nectar of the gods.

>> No.13202650

Delete yourself

>> No.13202663

Character shapes have different "cheese" distribution due to pasta shape. I like the original with ketchup, mustard, and hot sauce. Or mustard and hot sauce. Or mustard.

>> No.13202726

bro no one gives a fuck whether you get the spongebob KD or the regular kind, I'll bet you they don't even notice and if they do they think nothing of it. And even if someone said something, you could just say "oh yeah look at that, didn't notice. Oh well, same thing" and it'd be fine.

>> No.13202732


Hello fellow pickle nigger. Those little spicy boys are the shit

>> No.13202735

7/11 hot dogs with chili and the cheese sauce
man when i feel like being a degenerate i go and get three of those motherfuckers, then drink dumb amounts of alcohol while watching youtube poop or other stupid shit before i pass out
godi love 7/11 hot dogs

>> No.13202738
File: 55 KB, 500x406, Easy Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is the ideal way to eat brauts. No debate.

>> No.13202745

Fuck I used to go through three of those a week

>> No.13202796

I ate these so much as a kid that I can't even smell them today without gagging

>> No.13202810

I have a bag of those in the freezer right now. I usually prefer the Red's steak and cheese burritos though.

>> No.13202814

splash some malt vinegar on them, fucking yummy

>> No.13202825


Have a bag in the freezer.

They're so cheap. I can get a pack of 8 for $4, it's just so nice to have onhand.

>> No.13202830

>OP says "Gross shit you love"
>"omg gross you guise"
What country are you from and how does it feel to be inferior?

>> No.13202843
File: 50 KB, 750x451, C2A13A18-C5A2-4670-9BB3-BF008382BFF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Boyhowdypilled

>> No.13202850

So, you're not vegan.

>> No.13203260

In all my years of being alive I have never tasted "Easy Cheese" or any cheese spray for that matter, does it have like an aftertaste of aerosol?

>> No.13203307

I don’t think it’s gross necessarily but my friends think it’s weird that I eat peanuts with the shells still on, also sardines are good

>> No.13203310
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Discovered the Mama goodness as a lad back in the 90s when we'd go to Myrtle Beach for vacation. Saw them at the campground general store and said why not give one a try. They didn't even have the Big Mama so I said why not what's 300% hotter anyway it's just a meat snack. After the initial shock of spicy I couldn't get over just how special they were. It was Pinhead himself told me that they have such pleasures to show me. Later that day when my asshole was burning brighter than a thousand suns I realized just how fucked I was.

>> No.13203332
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This shit on toast.
It's fucking awful, but love it.

>> No.13203365

Holy fuck you Bongs actually did it. Literal Bachelor Chow. I've seen cat food that looks more appetizing.

>> No.13203371

Gas station food? Never seen these.

>> No.13203380

Polish gas station hot dogs. They are the best.

>> No.13203381

I used to think these were disgusting but for a while I was working graveyard and these were always available and I kind of like them now. Especially I think the chicken chimichanga ones. You do need tapatio handy though.

>> No.13203385
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Pic related

>> No.13203405
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>> No.13203427

dude use an oven like a civilized neckbeard.

>> No.13203592

ok but why? are you sure youre not projecting anon?

>> No.13203648
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>> No.13204050
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I lived in Japan years ago and I used to buy tuna salad in a squeeze bottle shaped just like this kewpie mayonnaise bottle.

>> No.13204213

Do American really circumcise their hot dogs?

>> No.13204242

Women find them more appealing.

>> No.13204273

Yeah. Nothing says sexy more than a scarred up cock.

>> No.13204288

>until I went vegetarian
Why would you ever subject yourself to that

>> No.13204332

The green chili ones look like they have ground cardboard inside and yet somehow taste surprisingly good.

>> No.13204371
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Takis tastes like poison and destroys my innards but I can't stop eating them.

>> No.13204375
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Wrong, it’s all about tonno

>> No.13204406

Nah but it does taste JUST artificial enough that you know you should not eat it often.

>> No.13204410 [DELETED] 

Literally says chunk lite on your picture mate

>> No.13204412
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same friendo

>> No.13204440

best when cooked poorly in the microwave while drunk

>> No.13204451

I knew a kid in grade school who ate fluff and jelly sandwiches. He’s fat as hell now.

>> No.13204634
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I hate how expensive it is (relatively speaking at least), and it's also absolutely atrocious for your health
But God damn if I don't fucking love it, I could eat this shit for every meal if it wasn't liable to kill me

>> No.13204653

Enjoy your mercury poisoning dumbass.

>> No.13204666

It's like 2$

>> No.13204676

Mom cum

>> No.13204679
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i doubt anyone here has ever eaten any

>> No.13204685

Oh yes so much this.
How the fuck is so caustic?

>> No.13204790

they're cool until you get them stuck to your teeth

>> No.13204820

Easy cheeze

>> No.13204945
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Note: I've never been to an actual White Castle.

>> No.13204999

Don't worry, they're better.

>> No.13205012

Needs 'chup

>> No.13205037
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"They" being the frozens? Thank you, anon.

>> No.13205165

>not armor

>> No.13205180

It's a proper name you mong.

>> No.13205297

it's not
i've had it in muttland, the caribbean, finland, estonia and germany multiple times
the best i've had was in helsinki but i am pretty sure thats just the usual franchise variation

>> No.13205318

these are fucking delicious
i've had them in europe, get the chorizo with every sauce and you've got a meal fit for a king for like 1.50€

>> No.13205386

i've been slowly trying different flavors. fuego is like eating battery-acid coated chips. the spice isn't bad but boy are they salty and acidic. they're addictive though. guac flavor is bad until you eat about 10 of them then it's okay and you'll find yourself craving them the next day. fajita needs more heat and is so-so. haven't tried nitro yet as I have no desire to have atomic-fire shits. i really want to try the chipolte but can't find them anywhere.

>> No.13205461

nasty lmao

>> No.13205773

named after the founders diploid

>> No.13205837

solid skipjack has lower mercury levels

>> No.13205859

i didn't realise it was a type of cheese(product)
I'm not from the US; just never heard of American Cheese before

>> No.13205871

full english in a can, well goddamn

>> No.13206407

Have you tried the cheesy "xplosion" flavor? Best one

>> No.13206429

Looks like a dick that's just been circumcised

>> No.13206433


>> No.13206496


>> No.13206528

Ever had Amish peanut butter? its peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, corn syrup, its good shit.

>> No.13206591

Mettbrot. It's raw ground pork on a slice of toast, with salt and pepper.

>> No.13206657

i make nougat and put in spice drops instead of gumdrops

>> No.13206716

solid white albacor is the superior tuna. I accidentally bought and tried 1 can of the other kind. Now it will sit in my pantry forever until SHTF and I need starvation rations.

>> No.13206730

are those chocolate covered raisins?

>> No.13206742

depends where you are, it can run 7$ a can in nz at times.
I buy it when its 4$ or less.

>> No.13206769

I love covering these horse sausages in this cheese flavored spread.

>> No.13206775

Why leave it in your pantry if it’s opened?
Just throw it away, it’s going to spoil very fast.

>> No.13206859
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so much sugar in this hnnggh

>> No.13206953

I got this. pretty good

>> No.13207072

should be $2

>> No.13207156

I could eat these or the plain ones any day of the week, they're fucking fantastic. My current oven doesn't do them the justice my old toaster did. That or they changed the way they make them because they fall apart when cooked in kind of a weird way.

>> No.13207284
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I’m a sucker for these. Also I eat too much ketchup

>> No.13207287

nitro is just fuego-lite

>> No.13207436

its licorice covered with some oddtasting coating. yet, i cant stop eating them

>> No.13207466

how does this qualify as gross shit. everyone who likes long johns loves those things dont they. grammy said back in the day you could order just a huge box of them

>> No.13207476


>> No.13207491
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step aside

>> No.13207522

I used to sneak these from my grandma's cocktail bar so often she ended up giving me my own as christmas presents, I ended up choking on them while my grandad watched in dismayed, furious disgust as the brine flew from my lips. I never went back.

>> No.13207549

I love eatting ass, and drinking piss straight from the vagina.

>> No.13207566
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Pickled herring is the fucking best.
i only eat it mid winter though, it's kind of a xmas thing.

>> No.13207599

I actually like those spearmint leaves. I don't buy them but I eat them if they're sitting around. Usually they're generic, some brand that's a buck for a giant bag of them.

>> No.13207683

i was actually pissed when i went to a white castle in vegas and the burgers there werent as good as the microwave ones

>> No.13207695

Too slimy, the oil in the sauce never fully blends no matter how careful you are with the water.

>> No.13207696

Spearmint gummies are pretty damn good and should be added to the mixed bag of fruit gummies rather than be sequestered away with the spice drops.

>> No.13207735

Wotsits > Cheetos

>> No.13207817
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>> No.13207914
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the best flavor of doritos

>> No.13207927
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love horseradish on a sandwich, with eggs and breakfast sausage, or even a spoonful every now and then

>> No.13207952

Horseradish is fucking amazing. The only people who don't like it are pussies who can't take the rush.

>> No.13207968

What does it say? Fully Traceable and what?

>> No.13207969

who /sardines/ here?

>> No.13207970

Horseradish isn't gross, though, it's patrician.

>> No.13207978

Fully traceable to the farm of origin. Big thing people started after the whole horse meat scandal

>> No.13207979

Horseradish is ONLY good with roast beef with your sunday roast.

>> No.13207995

nah, spoon that stuff on your eggs and breakfast sausage too

>> No.13207999
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as a fan of spicy and pickled things, spicy pickled quail eggs are amazing, they are softer than normal hard boiled eggs and the spice really kicks it up

>> No.13208003

Had some of these years ago when Ocarina of Time came out. I was playing all night and ate like 6 of these things. Fell asleep playing and woke up with shitty pants. I didn’t know what to do, so I put my shitty pants in the wash not knowing there was already a whole load in there. Washed em and got the load all shitty and gross.

>> No.13208006
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This nigga isn't Polish

>> No.13208010


>> No.13208013

Horseradish is also great in a Bloody Mary.

>> No.13208023
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There's so much salt in it

>> No.13208027

extremely dumb statement. Brit*sh? Says a lot lol

>> No.13208028

Horse meat scandal??

>> No.13208036

haha so true

>> No.13208078

the chicken is the best

>> No.13208085

ever have those breaded buffalo "chicken" hotdog things? i get heartburn every time, but damn i just can't resist them.

>> No.13208347

the only true use of horseradish is shredded as a topping for a fried filet of sole with melted butter, capers and boild potatoes. maybe a wedge of lemon and a glass of chablis.

>> No.13208356
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>> No.13208549

This shit is fucking delicious

>> No.13208556
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>> No.13208557

He just code switches

>> No.13208591

They removed the MSG and now it sucks

>> No.13208604

based and hawaiipilled

>> No.13208613 [DELETED] 



>> No.13208620


>> No.13208681

is this like an Australian exclusive or something? never seen these

>> No.13209063


>> No.13209077
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So tasty.

>> No.13209112

Could be worse. My dick is half circumcised because the doc was a retard

>> No.13209128
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I'm sorry.

>> No.13209136


>> No.13209145

>has most locations
>not even half as much revenue as the runner-up
That's sad

>> No.13209177

It's not. I used to just go for the soft cookies, but then I decided to just make them myself.

>> No.13209178

KFC is pretty good outside of the US.

>> No.13209354

they're really not but check'd

>> No.13209423

We were talking about hotdogs, fag.

>> No.13209432
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>I'm vegan but am ashamed to admit how much I love foie gras and chorizo, I have to eat them at least once a year
>I'm straight but am ashamed to admit how much I love sucking huge gristly dick, I have to do so at least once a year
I've got news for ya, pal

>> No.13209746

Tesco, among other retailers, were found to be (unknowingly) selling horse meat in things like burgers and lasagna's instead of the advertised cow meat.

>> No.13210052
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>> No.13210076

You're fucking disgusting /ck/.

>> No.13210104

I eat this shit cold from the can. Wolf is GOAT.

>> No.13210114

Black licorice

>> No.13210356

I'm gay but am ashamed to admit how much I love pussy, I have to do so at least once a year
Fixed that for you

>> No.13210377

Peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches

>> No.13210429

these things are so fucking disgusting

>> No.13210487

every time I out of state I pick up a couple of these fuckers. why are they so god damn tasty.

>> No.13210680
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I am always a slut for pork rinds

>> No.13210851

god yes, nothing better than one at 2am

>> No.13211290

>moving goalposts
Yep, yuropoors are awake.

>> No.13211413


tbf a subway location can probably survive on much less traffic than other restaurants, they are almost like a food court type chain

subway sucks ass though

>> No.13211472
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sorry to mass quote like this but absolutely none of these are by any stretch of the imagination "gross" and you've entirely missed the point of the thread
as a general rule if it doesn't make you gag when you see, smell, taste, or think about it, it isn't gross. all you're doing is posting addictive tasty junk food.

>> No.13211501
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For me, it's Creamy Chicken & Dumplings
I eat this shit cold straight from the can, sometimes without a spoon
It's so GOOD
Fucking fight me /ck/

>> No.13211825

ok buddy retard

>> No.13211967

OP's post isn't that gross (to me)