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13190218 No.13190218 [Reply] [Original]

I've come to visit her from outer state, and in the middle of lunch she told me she's thinking about becoming a vegan "because of the animals".

Mind you, my mom has always been a strong meat eater and when I had a vegetarian phase myself she always told me "a meal without meat is not a meal."

I discovered she's been watching a lot of YouTube videos and is being brainwashed.

Other than scaring her about lack of calcium and the higher chance for neurological degenerative conditions such as dementia that vegans have, what can I do to stop her from getting these ideas?

>inb4 shut down the internet

>> No.13190220

Veganism is an eating disorder.

Your mom needs a therapist.

>> No.13190231

Why do you care?

>> No.13190235

Support her and make sure she made a will in your favor. Or if you actually want your mom to live, you could just tell her most of the stuff on the internet she watches is bullshit and even more so if it's on youtube.

>> No.13190237

>why do you care if your mom falls into a deadly eating disorder

edgy psychopath detected

>> No.13190240

I don't want my mom to be sick.

>> No.13190246

Reminder that even though 0.003 of the world's population is vegan the top 10% of athletes are all vegan.

>> No.13190249

Are vegans in general in worse health than non vegans?

>> No.13190250

My mom went vegan and her pee has tasted better for it

>> No.13190253

Show her all the ex-vegan videos on youtube.
sv3rige's channel has a bunch. So do other channels.

>> No.13190265


some yes, others no

the healthy vegans take the extra steps to make sure they are getting full supplements

while most other retarded vegans end up becoming deficient to the point of being in poor health

many just go back to eating meat, like a phase

>> No.13190273

Depends. They have less heart disease and certain types of cancer.

>> No.13190275

t. meme scientist

>> No.13190278

Yes. Introduce her to that classmate stabbing, twice institutionalized, flatearther madman.

>> No.13190289

is she menopausal? women do all sorts of mid life crisis shit at that age

>> No.13190295

Can't have heart disease and cancer when your dead, but okay.

>> No.13190297

>outer state

>> No.13190302


>> No.13190304

His ex-vegan videos are good. He hardly even talks in them.
There are a million other ex-vegan videos out there because the vegan diet is not sustainable.

>> No.13190312

It is. Kinda why everyone, until you, ignored his shitty bait.

>> No.13190320

>le falling for bait

>> No.13190324

She probably is.
OP your only recourse for this is to get your mother out of her crisis and make her feel young again.
You must defeat your father in single combat and fuck your mother.

>> No.13190349

>the higher chance for neurological degenerative conditions such as dementia that vegans have


>> No.13190359

You can’t even remember the source and you think you don’t have dementia

>> No.13190363

Just wait her out, she’s extremely likely to give up. Most people who experiment with veganism quit within a year.

>> No.13190365

Good idea. Thanks!!

What's wrong? If it's grammatically incorrect, English isn't my native tongue, nor do I live in any English-speaking country.

My dad has been deceased for more than 10 years.

>> No.13190423
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Oh there is none. As usual with all this anti vegan BS.

>> No.13190433

anti-meat propaganda.

>> No.13190434

Out of curiosity do you also bother cigarette smokers

>> No.13190517

Tell the truth that veganism doesn't actually help any animals. Its not like if you bite some fucking bark that a cow is magically saved from slaughter. It's not like buying oreos is gunna stop a lamb from becoming lamb chops. Also crops require protection from birds and rodents and insects and farmers do that by killing them. Its the biggest con in recent history, its all about good feels, feeling like you're doing something good when in reality you are doing something stupid. Not to mention the malnutrition that can so easily happen if you don't have your entire diet planned out and you stay ontop of it.

>> No.13190527

Just let her do it and check back from time to time if she's doinga liegtjer

>> No.13190549

It's just a diet, you're acting like she's getting surgery to become a man.

>> No.13190577

Livestock eat the majority of "crops" you are talking about.

A reminder that "grass fed beef" in the us isn't checked up on by any authority and it's all based on an honor system. And even with those lax rules only 3% of beef produced claim to be grass fed.

>> No.13190631

>Are vegans in general in worse health than before they turned vegans?

>> No.13190637

Do you have any science to back that up?

>> No.13190646


>> No.13190648

If we were talking about OP’s dad, going vegan actually would be a huge red flag that he was a tranny.

>> No.13190687

She's just being deprogrammed from the carnist brainwashing she has endured since birth. Many such cases. Carnism is the prevalent cult and insidiously infiltrates our every waking hour. Congratulate her on getting woke, ok?

>> No.13191191

post mom and her age anon :)

>> No.13191578

>My mom is thinking on going vegan
Wow that's very terrible anon. I strongly recommend that you play some video games and take your mind off of this matter. Very serious matter though that will have to be addressed at some future point in time.

>> No.13191825

educate her about vitamin and mineral bioavailability

i.e., difference between ala and epa, beta carotene and vitamin a, the lack of b12 in a vegan diet, heme vs normal iron etc

teach her about antinutrients

>> No.13191851

And most importantly, fugg her

>> No.13191910

Just let her do it, it works for some people. Just tell her to plan accordingly, calcium and b12 are ez and can be found in fortified plant milks

>> No.13192092

You probably can't sway her from trying it out for a while. Most people can't keep it up and go vegetarian or just avoid meat but eat small amounts from time to time. Try to help understand how she can keep up veganism in a healthy (as possible) manner and also show how she can live a mostly vegetarian lifestyle in a much easier and healthier way.

>> No.13192096
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