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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13187876 No.13187876 [Reply] [Original]

What's the CK recommend impressive pasta dish to cook for a woman coming to my house?

>> No.13187885

That's a pretty broad area, my guy. Are you cooking with her? Because that could make a more involved recipe more fun. Sausage and peppers in some angel hair with a garlic red wine sauce is pretty good. Or you could just do a cream/parmesan fettuccine with something green like kale or swiss chard.

>> No.13187891

Cut hotdogs into round slices. Poke uncooked spaghetti through the slices. Boil.

>> No.13187895

Anything badly. Women that you want to spend your life with forever want to see you fail at domestic tasks so they can fix you. I don't recommend inviting women you don't want to spend your life with forever back to your home.

>> No.13187913

aglio olio is the obvious one

>> No.13187915

Depends on her tastes.

If you want to pull out all the stops do a lasagna from scratch. Fresh noodles, home made bolognese, home made cheese sauce.

Another option would be to make gnocchi. If shes never had it freshly made and only tasted storebought premade stuff, there's a gigantic difference in quality.

You could also throw a curveball and break out something unconventional like spaetzle.

But in all honesty, the bigger thing is going to be plating and presentation.

>> No.13187917

Don't forget the lobster.

>> No.13187918

tell her to make pasta ala puttanesca. then call her a whore.

>> No.13187923

Penne, it's a little cawk and also a hole, will subliminally tell her that you crave cock and will therefore make her want to call a friend.

>> No.13187924

Aglio de olio.

Spaget, garlic, olive oil, parsley, lemon, salt pepper. Serve with a buttered baguette and White wine

>> No.13187931

anyone using noodles in reference to pasta should be banned from all kitchens for eternity.

>> No.13187933

>fry garlic in some good oil
>add diced tomatoes
>and some white wine
>let the spaghetti finish in the pan
>salt, pepper

>> No.13187946

>oh no he used the wrong word italy is ruined forever.

>> No.13187952

40 yolk tajarin should get her motor running

>> No.13187962

Leave Italy out of this

>> No.13187967

I'd use the original Chinese word but I don't know how to type chicken scratches.

>> No.13187976

Just don't be a savage when talking food.

not that hard

>> No.13187979


>> No.13187980


>> No.13187983

It's aglio e olio

>> No.13187986

This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.13187988

It's aglio e olio

>> No.13187989


>> No.13187991

If the purpose is to bag the bitch then just order in, pick it up, plate it say you made it. Done deal, maybe add a bottle of red wine and some roofies like bill cosby gets away with. Nignogs get away with everything.

>> No.13187995

fucking kek

>> No.13187996

The Cars - My Best Friend's Girl
I love the stormy skys

>> No.13187998

Whore pasta

>> No.13188006

what can you serve with aglio e olio? I make it pretty regularly and it fills that sweet spot but sometimes I want more than just the pasta aglio e olio

>> No.13188013
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How about some French cut green beans?

>> No.13188017

NO! I mean soemthing with substance, like chicken breasts

>> No.13188020

>It's aglio e olio e peperoncino

>> No.13188021

Well then since you already know the answer then use chicken breasties, maybe pork chops and applesauce.

>> No.13188023

>pork chops and apple sauce
now that's a good idea, chicken breasts was just a placeholder

nice bro thx m8

>> No.13188025
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smoked salmon fettuccini alfredo

- It looks tastes and feels like sex.

>> No.13188029
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Lookie here, See!

>> No.13188048

Is the carbonara meme finally dead?

>> No.13188053

I do love peperoncini. I'll have to try that

>> No.13188060

Not as long as you keep bringing it up, like puke.

>> No.13188063

Touch and Go

>> No.13188105

Is doesn't matter. You obviously have never cooked before or you wouldn't be asking this. So whatever you decide to make you will fuck it up. Have fun.

>> No.13188193
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>> No.13188202

OP, I looked up the recipe from your pic. If I were making it for a date here’s how I’d do it.

First, before you even begin, onion diced into a prep bowl, garlic minced and on top of the onion. Spices/salt/herbs pre-measured out into a small bowl. Tomatoes opened into a bowl. Cream cheese measured out into a glob wrapped in parchment paper. Parmesan grated and into a bowl. Spinach measured out onto a plate. All of this into the fridge and re-clean your kitchen and dishes.

You cannot burn a big pot of salted water. It can boil for hours, it doesn’t matter. You may need to add a little more water, but really it is not a big deal. When you have guests, a pot at a low boil is useful because you can wait indefinitely or turn up and go right now. No need for that long awkward wait while you get cold water boiling. Before I even start, the pot goes on.

Assuming you have everything in bowls ready to go and a pot at a low boil, the moment you start, you will have dinner 20 min later. You can delay the start to banter, pour wine, whatever.

IMO the recipe gets a few things wrong. Once the onion and garlic look good in olive oil, I go in with the tomato paste and fry it for about a minute, mixing it with the oil and aromatics. Then I go in with the salt/herbs/pepper and wake them up for 30 sec before going in with the tomatoes.

The canned tomatoes can be pretty wet, so I would go for 5 min, then start the pasta, which should be around 10 min. That gives you 15 min to concentrate the tomatoes. Also there’s no fucking way the spinach needs very long to wilt. When there’s 3 min on the pasta, 1/2 parm into tomatoes. When there’s 1 min left of the pasta, stir the spinach into the tomatoes and then the drained pasta on top, stir, then rest of parm on top + pepper + chives or fresh basil IMO.

Ideally do a test run so you look like a pro. Good luck faggot.

>> No.13188232

Impress her with vodka sauce. you can whip up a quick version in like 30 or 40 mins. just get some pasta sauce, about 2 jars of whatever kind you like, 1 to 1 1/2 cups vodka, 2 cups cream, and 4-6oz of parmesan. simmer sauce and vodka for about 30mins, turn heat to low add cream, heat for 5 mins, then start stirring in parmesan a little at a time. ez pz

>> No.13188262

What are you doing anon that's way too much vodka

>> No.13188268


>> No.13188367

i like mine to have a kick

>> No.13188396

>Oh wow anon
>this tastes really weird
>UGH! I mean, what did you even put in this sauce
>Sry, gotta to the bathroom

>> No.13188421

They should have called that Pasta Salmonello

>> No.13188464

Whichever dish you have cooked the most. Not fucking it up is more important than impressing her IMO.

is my most cooked pasta dish. It's simple, there are zero issues obtaining or stocking any of the ingredients and I can choose not to make the dish and still use all perishables in whatever I was going to cook the next day. Most of the big chefs (Ramsey, Oliver, etc) ask for a lot of one-off ingredients for specific dishes and hard to find shit, and I'm not about that life.

>> No.13188913

this. panties will leave the room faster than an athlete being hit on by lena dunham

>> No.13188944

You pay attention to her tastes and plan accordingly.ask her if.ypu have to. Nothing worse than working hard on a dish And having all of that shut down with "I don't like ___." Women are inconsiderate as shit, keep that in mind.

>> No.13188951

>Leaving the tomatoes and lemon zest raw

>> No.13188960
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chef boy ar dee for the win

>> No.13188964
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whore pasta, natch, cuz who doesn't like 'chovies in their pasta?

>> No.13188967

>incel detected

>> No.13188970

Those aren't deenz and you'll burn in hell!

>> No.13188983

Look, she's a dumb bitch, throw her a can of chef boy ar dee, the bitch should be glad she even got that much.

>> No.13189021

Make your own tortellini together with her. Never fails

>> No.13189064

You should do pasta like Fiera does for SJ in that 'Chef' movie. Do a nice little pasta dish that you can make in front of her.
Practice your art for about a week in advance so you can really show a flare for it. Make it small so the flavor and presentation is emohasized, and so she don't got mad poops when you start fucking her tight ass.

>> No.13189100

I would say the tomato is lightly cooked. At the very least warmed through. Anyway it's great. Obviously acidic.

>> No.13189593

Serious business. The copycat Evelyn's favorite pasta recipe. Ditch the sun-dried tomatos. Double the sauce recipe. Maybe grill a chicken breast. I don't need it. Then grate your own cheese at the table. And have fresh bread with olive oil.

>> No.13189809

My gf confirmed. This is true. I retract my incel comment.

>> No.13189822

Pasta in general isn't impressive.

>> No.13189886

this sounds really good
gnochi is easy to make as well op

hope the date goes well!

>> No.13189946
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just use quality ingredients and a restaurant level of pasta styling and dressing, you know, olives, feta cheese, make it real fancy, I swear, like 90% of people are too lazy to do any of this and i hate how people are like this , put some quality work into quality food you consume people

>> No.13190035

Avoid lots of garlic or onion, and try to keep it light.

>> No.13190159

Women want a man who will provide value. Real like isn't like it is in your Japanese animes.

>> No.13190163

>Women want a man who will provide value
Which is why black men struggle

>> No.13190169

If the girl and you both use lots of garlic and onions then neither will notice so it equals out.

>> No.13190171

>Pasta without garlic
This is bait, right?

>> No.13190176

Plus with a lot of garlic you can stave off vampires.

>> No.13190183

Even Alucard wouldn't want to be near that garlicy mess.

>> No.13190205

it's about making love, not dishes you can't cook well for girls you can't see yourself with forever. get real dude.
you can fuck a bunch of random people while still make love without just senseless sex.

>> No.13190222

Where the fuck is your red pepper flakes, nigger?

>> No.13190259

What a disaster of a recipe. If he wasn't rushing to make a point it would've come out 100x better.

>> No.13190286
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Girls are like children so you have to make something very rich, none of this aglio olio shit. Alla vodka was recommended and is a very good choice. Also look up Chef John's Rigatoni AL Segreto. Point is don't make anything that a kid wouldn't like, use lots of cheese (or meat if your dish has it). Stay away from shit like >>13188464 she will not like it.

>> No.13190294

For me, its Matty Matheson's Guaranteed to get you laid Lasagna


>> No.13190310

For me, its Rachel Ray's "You wont be single for long" Penne ala Vodka


>> No.13190317

That would make me instantly wet

>> No.13190329

I mean on paper that's a good idea, but the timing might be an issue. What if she's a bit late, are you gonna reheat them in the microwave while she waits at the door? Actually that's not a bad idea

>> No.13190360
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If you're cooking to impress you've already failed. Cook to enjoy, not to impress.

>> No.13190437


Too bad alla vodka ain't authentic and looks like ass. But that rigatoni looks pretty good, which adds another thing.

Remember, OP, it's not about the sauce or ideal texture of the pasta, but how you eat it that counts. Bite size pasta is going to be a lot easier to eat so focusing on convenience counts. Don't aim to please or else you'll fall up short.

>> No.13190444

>Rigatoni AL Segreto

I recommend looking into this blog, anon


>> No.13190446

>Sausage and peppers in some angel hair with a garlic red wine sauce is pretty good.

what do you think you're doing?

red wine with garlic and sausage? It must look awful.

When not using tomatoes, use white wine.

>> No.13190504

And tomatoes, grape to be exact. Searing them up in extra virgin olive oil with a little bit of salt just adds that great sweetness. Really, you can add anything to the recipe, I made it on the fly.

>> No.13190607
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Nobody said anything about it having to be authentic you fucking douche.
>looks like ass
What the fuck are you talking about? You must be shit at cooking bro.

>> No.13190623

The sausage and pepper meme will get you nowhere. This is Tasty/Buzzfeed-tier low-effort normie shit. Only make this if you are terrible at cooking and are likely to fuck up anything else.

>> No.13192014

i see this fucking fag on snapchat and want to murder him

>> No.13192042
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There is only one

>> No.13192068

I think you responded to the wrong post there BUD

>> No.13193118

Dog? I said Italian not Vietnamese!

>> No.13193231

Fresh basil pesto, done with pestle and mortar if possible.
It's simple but extremely delicious when fresh.

>> No.13193331

mac n cheese

>> No.13193366

There is so much wrong with that movie scene.

>> No.13193372

Get a whole lot of cherry tomatoes on the vine. Put them in a baking tray, with the vine attached, and unpeeled garlic cloves and some black pepper. Drizzle with oil and slow roast in the bottom of the oven for about an hour. Remove the vine, squeeze out the garlic and add a sprinkle of sugar and crush tomatoes with a spoon. Season.

Boil up fresh linguini adding a spoon of water to the tray. Add the pasta to the sauce and serve with fresh basil and parmesan.

>> No.13193678

big stodgy lasagna on a date

>> No.13193695

great, now she thinks im gay

>> No.13194251

What is with recipes like this? This is what you make when you have no food in the house except for a couple of things. Is this bland vegetarian shit what you consider impressive?

>> No.13194285

pocket spaghetti

>> No.13194349
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>Chinese invented pasta

>> No.13194380

Baked ziti because it's easy but takes a while and y'all can do it together.
Then put pp in vagin while it bakes

>> No.13194423

Mom's spaghetti

>> No.13194441

Are you trying to make her fat and sad?
Make her a salad with a shit ton of lean meat so she'll be ramped up to fuck all night.

>> No.13194511

Nice rack!

>> No.13194518

This all seems like a lot of work for OP to go through. Does OP even know this chick, if you don't know her well just take her to some restraurant and be done with it instead of making some damn production.

>> No.13194576

Maybe he's trying to lower her self-esteem so he can get some anal plowing?

>> No.13194722

no, only toxic females want to fix you. Any healthy, normal mommy gf would love to see you strive at something like cooking...

>> No.13194747
File: 36 KB, 480x360, hersheys-sundae-pie-recipe-colla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only youtube cook I've ever actually flapped to.

>> No.13194748

Cook her that dick in her vagina

>> No.13194762

I think you mean wa la.

>> No.13194794

Pasta is just different shapes of wheat noodles for boilin'. Trash food made by garbage people.

>> No.13194802

Fresh pasta, make into linguine strips.

Grate a fuck ton of Parmesan cheese (finely), just keep in fridge until dinner is basically ready to go.

Simple, boil water, quickly blanch off the pasta, transfer to a bowl, add a bit of the pasta water, about a tbs of butter per person, while it's still hot dump in the cheese, grate a little nutmeg in there, black pepper and mix well. wa la.

I did this for some friends friends GFs mind was blown and my wife thought I was a genius ... it's just a basic fucking fettuccine Alfredo.

It's simple, it has a bit of show factor and it's delicious. Serve with a salad or as a starter to maybe a chicken dish.

>> No.13194823


>> No.13194910

Dont bother with this shit. Eating pasta on a date is stupid. I can guarantee you she is going to feel bloated and not want to fuck at all. Cook her a steak and do it well. Use a sous vide if you can or cast iron and a fuck load of butter paired with a leafy green pear and balsamic blue cheese salad. Primal instincts will take over.

>> No.13195083
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Emma Fontanella

>> No.13195466

you can fuck off with lemon

>> No.13195601

Ricotta gnocchi in a mushroom cream or brown butter and sage sauce. Simpler and a bit unusual.

>> No.13195634

>Butter on a steak

>> No.13195682

just rape her bro