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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 220 KB, 1440x1080, governmentcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13181817 No.13181817 [Reply] [Original]

You guys ever eat that government cheese?

>> No.13181837


>> No.13181859

never had it but i heard the texture is disgusting, like eating a hunk of velveeta or something

>> No.13181873

I always assumed it wasn't real, or that it was some kind of joke hyperbole, until Planet Money on NPR did a thing about it

I've still never seen it and I'm not quite clear on how one goes about obtaining this. It's like understanding how to get excited about the World Series or the Super Bowl. I'm sure it can be done but it's an alien concept

>> No.13181916

salty velveta.
melt with equal parts gubmint tomato juice, stir in unclesams spaghetti noodle and you best version of spaghettios.

>> No.13181958

>I've still never seen it and I'm not quite clear on how one goes about obtaining this.
Good. That means you're not on welfare.

>> No.13181967

Didnt the planet money thing say it was over in the 80s?

>> No.13181980

Yep. It was like better american cheese you had to slice. It looked like real cheese.

>> No.13182034

There is nothing wrong with being on welfare. I'm sure you'd work if there were jobs, right? Right? Ok just making sure. Hypothetically,

Keep in mind you didn't pay for it anyway. Flyovers raging about "big gubmint" while accepting payouts from non-blighted states are very strange to me. Why keep voting against your interests? I don't mind paying taxes but some gratitude, not for me but just generally towards the system that keeps you fed, seems to be in order I should think.

>> No.13182081

>There is nothing wrong with being on welfare.
>I'm sure you'd work if there were jobs, right?
There are jobs and I have one.
>Keep in mind you didn't pay for it anyway
Yes I did
>Flyovers raging
I live in new york
>Why keep voting against your interests
Keeping my own money is in my interest
>the system that keeps you fed
The system doesn't keep me fed.

It's honestly impressive that not a single sentence in your rambling was true.

>> No.13182094

The program came about as an indirect result of the US subsidy program for dairy farmers. When Reagan was elected to office the US had a giant warehouse full of almost expired cheese that had been bought in previous years to prop up the dairy industry, and they put 2 and 2 together and realized they could give it away to the poor

>> No.13182104

>hey lets keep feeding and housing niggers who contribute nothing to society
>this definitely won't incentivize them to keep reproducing

>> No.13182111

have you ever tried to procreate in an apartment full of cheese farts??

>> No.13182134

shut the fuck up, boomer.

>> No.13182144

guy picks apart your whole diatribe and all you can do is cry boomer?
wow, great comeback there little zoomer

>> No.13182178

You're poor

>> No.13182192

>shut the fuck up, boomer.
I'm not a boomer either.
At least you're consistent.
Consistently false that is.

>> No.13182211

yep, back when it was real cheddar, not velveeta

>> No.13182225

Y'all are forgetting, " mama, please don't eat that government cheese"

>> No.13182236

>>There is nothing wrong with being on welfare.
The system needs impoverished voters that can be led by the nose through various programs
>>I'm sure you'd work if there were jobs, right?
>There are jobs and I have one.
have you tried getting poor people to do the work for you? you can pay them a fraction of their worth of labor and they'll never know.
>>Keep in mind you didn't pay for it anyway
>Yes I did
Ha ha. Multiple entendre.
>>Flyovers raging
>I live in new york
Oof. I stay at my chalet in Whistler most of the year.
>>Why keep voting against your interests
>Keeping my own money is in my interest
hoarding fiat? c'mon man, at least buy gold or real estate.
>>the system that keeps you fed
>The system doesn't keep me fed.
the system absolutely keeps you fed. and safe. if we pulled the plug i sincerely doubt you'd even make it out of the city.

>> No.13182343

holy shit you got owned so hard you could legally classify yourself as a nigger rofl

>> No.13182438

>the system needs impoverished voters to manipulate
Openly anti-democratic and anti-liberty
>have you tried getting poor people to do the work for you? You can pay them a fraction of their worth of labor and they’ll never know
That’s what this county was built off because morons need to stop breeding or this will continue forever and we’ll never reach a new golden age
>multiple entendre
How? He literally pays taxes which, in part, go to specifically welfare
>I stay at my chalet in whistler most of the year
Explains why you’re too retarded and disconnected to see what’s wrong with welfare, bet your daddy’s money helped you pretty good
>hoarding fiat
Not giving your money to the government = / = hoarding money, it means losing your vote in the economic market, strawmanning retard
>the system absolutely keeps you fed. and safe.
Are the police ruthless, racist, cold-blooded murderers or are they good enough to protect me now? When can the government ensure this happens?

Also, how did the government ensure food distribution occurred? States had to have a certain population to exist in the first place, which means food distribution had to exist naturally BEFORE a government was allowed to be formed.

>> No.13182442

are you schizophrenic? how did you completely misinterpret his post?

>hoarding fiat?
like how the fuck did you even conclude that you fucking faggot

>> No.13182699

uh oh bros the box says I can't sell it

uh oh


the box says that I can't sell it

>> No.13182705

Never had it but everyone who has tells me it's the best

>> No.13182754

Never had it but I hear it's fuckin 10/10.

>> No.13182784

kys boomer

>> No.13182790
File: 1.36 MB, 1431x679, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checkmate, thieves

just wait until I patent my theft proof cheeseboxes and then your cheese stealing days are over

>> No.13182866


ok boomer

>> No.13184376

This is foolish because depriving them of the necessities for living drives them to more crime.
Most people have ambition and wants for some amount of success. And giving them enough to not have to worry about starving is a cheap enough way to discourage crime.

>> No.13184403

>5lb block of gubment cheese
Sounds like a slow Tuesday night for me.

>> No.13184438

>suicide rates have been lower on Super Bowl Sundays than other Sundays, and it is believed that the social connectedness that occurs from being a fan of a sport's team increases one's feeling of belongingness.

>> No.13184461

Its been forever and a day since my last bite
Maybe sometime 30 years ago

>> No.13184468

MRE jalapeno cheese is indeed based.

>> No.13184934
File: 424 KB, 600x721, help me gov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first learned about government cheese when this photo was making the rounds

>> No.13184962 [DELETED] 

>This is foolish because depriving them of the necessities for living drives them to more crime.

Good, then they get caught, and put in Nig-Zoo (prison), where they can't breed
>Most people have ambition and wants for some amount of success. And giving them enough to not have to worry about starving is a cheap enough way to discourage crime.

>Most people

Niggers are not people, stop with your "Everybody is equal and we need equal outcomes" bullshit. It is cost prohibitive to continues to fuck with Darwinism

>> No.13184992

Whoever thought it was a good idea to use the words belongingness and connectedness in actual research should commit suicide himself.

How exactly does the American Government cheese thing work? Were people really given those big blocks of it or was it used in soup kitchens etc.?

>> No.13185007

>tfw the block is already halfway gone
Dios mio

>> No.13185028

>non-blighted states

California is one of the most blighted states in this country. I've seen cleaner ghettos in eastern Europe

>> No.13185038

>their worth of labor
Every time one of you Commie retards says this I wonder what the actual worth of my labor is.
I'm an RN. I have saved probably somewhere between 100 and 150 human lives in acute situations and many more if we're counting long-term care and rehabilitation.
What should I be paid for that?
I know you idiots also think healthcare should be "free" so I guess I should be paid nothing?

>> No.13185059
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1521671175519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>healthcare should be "free" so I guess I should be paid nothing?
It should be free, or subsidised at least: I can't comprehend how any developed nation *wouldn't* want a healthy population.

But, conflating "free healthcare" with "I won't get paid as a healthcare provider" is absolutely braindead-tier. Do police and firefighters not get paid? Come on.

>> No.13185084

If you're just forcing someone else to pay for it it's not free, retard. That's the point.
I do think it would be overall better for society if people were healthy but I don't see why I have to pay for the health issues of others. And I'm not entirely sure that providing healthcare to them at no cost encourages healthy living either.
I'm much more interested in the first part of my post, though. What is the value of a doctor's or nurse's work?
What is the value of a firefighter's work?

>> No.13185143

aw hell that's that shit that doesn't melt isn't it?

>> No.13185146

/pol-ck/ is the best crossover for April 1st

>> No.13185176

I heard somewhere Kraft has massive underground stores of cheese. Like larger than a baseball field, underground. They know they won't sell it all to the public, but they're crossing their fingers the gubmint gonna buy it all up for muh programs again soon.

America fucking sucks, but I always laugh at third worlders and retards in this country talking about "muh end of days" as if we don't have enough shitty food like this and grain to sustain us for a decade or more if shit went south.

>> No.13185180

Unless you have access to this baseballfield of cheese you "heard about" I don't see how it does you any good, though.

>> No.13185184

Nobody who bitches about 'muh taxes' and shit actually understand how government, specifically Federal, grants work. You realize they just straight up fucking print bills to pay for shit, right? Taxes are just a way to fight deflation and prevent trusts. Ironically, the fact that both of those things are constant threats to the economy should tell you that taxes are probably too low.

>> No.13185186

>I don't see why I have to pay for the health issues of others
And I don't see why I should have to pay because some dumb schmuck's house burnt down or because some moron got themselves kidnapped and murdered. But, that's the world (country) we live in: co-opting the cost of the misfortune of others. And putting healthcare outside that bubble is retarded and irresponsible.

>> No.13185211
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 1508404057658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes I do engage in debates on political economy on internet anime imageboards

>> No.13185227

Firefighters and police benefit all of society and they also can and do charge people for their own stupidity. 300lb Consuela having 6 kids on welfare does not benefit society.

>> No.13185228
File: 12 KB, 187x270, redditfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like
>why yes I do engage in debates on political economy on internet anime imageboards

>> No.13185248

But if someone burns down his own house on purpose he is punished for it.
Why not at the very least have something similar in place for people who ruin their own bodies on purpose and then demand healthcare?

I'll give you the benefit of doubt and assume that's a joke. It's pretty funny, so good job.

>> No.13185757

>California is one of the most blighted states in this country. I've seen cleaner ghettos in eastern Europe
How halarious
Goes to show the areas you hang around and belong
Head back home and stay ... filthy scum

>> No.13185760

its great. too bad you cant buy it in stores

>> No.13185780

I work 70 hours a week own my own business and make less than 300$ a week. why shouldn't I get free money from the govt?

>> No.13185836

>70 hours a week
>less than $300/week
I think you fucked up somewhere

>> No.13185861

>eating 60$ worth of cheese in public


>> No.13185867

yes it is the cheese bunker. but its not because they wont sell it all. Cheese cant be kept forever unless youre making aged cheese obviously.

its underground but it also has advantages being that cheese needs to be kept at certain temps.

good read for ya


>> No.13185883

I've had it. I thought it was a good cheddar

>> No.13185890

>This is foolish because depriving them of the necessities for living drives them to more crime.
No, it drives them to not have children and gradually die out smothered by a white majority.

>> No.13185931

i ate some last week
it gave me a leaky anus

>> No.13185943

who's your favourite jonas brother

>> No.13185953
File: 11 KB, 240x240, 1542174942373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that 1940s MRE style packaging.

>> No.13186115

Jacking off to childrens cartoons and asking mommy for money is considered a business now?

>> No.13186120
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmhmmm american cheese

>> No.13186185


>> No.13186548

That looks too firm to be Government cheese

>> No.13186635

I hate it when I agree with frogs. Yeah that looks awesome.

Never seen these things distributed, and I really want to try them. I understand the many reasons they're not to be sold, but damn do I want to try one. It's not waste, relative has a deli slicer and we have a church that will take anything.

>> No.13186698

Retarded, destitute people have kids. See Africa. If you want to drive down birthrates, keep them comfortable and educated

>> No.13186712

It's remarkable how good a job this shit does of capturing the feeling of having drunkenly stayed up all night and being obliterated as the sun rises

>> No.13186764
File: 79 KB, 249x249, 1561580625292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuming wagies itt

>> No.13186940

underrated and mild-effortpilled