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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13181503 No.13181503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I m not speaking about restaurants. I m speaking about people you know from your social circle,excluding your parents ofc. I always refused food to avoid poisoning by people who want me to die. Some workmates made fun of me for refusing to eat the food they offer me. Should i stop being honest to them? How to avoid such a situation without being honest?people dont like honesty apparently so lets bring out the lies

>> No.13181524

Yes, but it's very rare. I don't think people are trying to kill me. People are usually disgusting, non-hands-washing, butt-picking, cat-having goblins who only present the facades of being humans because they took a shower right before work.

>> No.13181547
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>not simply stating that you only cook and purchase your own food for dietary independence and discipline
if you really never accept food from other people, you might as well just say that you prefer self-sustenance and leave it at that. no need to mention poison... unless you catch them slipping something in your cucumber water

>> No.13181556

I used to, but after getting food poisoning at two consecutive office potluck lunches, I don't eat food other people cooked anymore.

>> No.13181562


>> No.13181572

Property of BLACK MEN

>> No.13181582

I exchange food with my neighbors all the time.
I enjoy social barbecues at work regularly.
It's literally no different from a restaurant, you are trusting a stranger to handle food safely.
Indeed the only time I ever did get sick from food was from a restaurant, one of their gormless teenaged staffers spilled soap into the rice and didn't tell anyone.

>> No.13181594

I only eat food prepared by attractive people. Unless I’m at a restaurant of course. Everything my gf makes is delicious. Had some cabbage rolls last night

>> No.13181605

Didn't we have this exact thread with the same pic like a month ago?

>> No.13181701

I was friends with a hot chick who said "If there's a drink in my hand, I'm gonna drink it". I wish I had taken advantage of that.

>> No.13181716

God I wish I was that cake

>> No.13181729

See a mental health professional.

>> No.13181737

Yeah, I cook for my friends and they cook for me when I come over. My coworkers frequently bring homemade desserts to work. We did a chili cook-off at work recently and I ate like 10 different chilis and managed to not get sick.

I really don't think most restaurant kitchens are any cleaner than the average home kitchen. In fact, they're probably much worse a lot of the time.

>> No.13181773
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I looked up this photo. It’s from her 13th birthday party.

>> No.13181779

Sad that she's already so obese at such a young age. Too much RBGH in the milk I suppose

>> No.13181782
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We as a culture should probably have a conversation about xenoestrogens in the food, drug, and personal care industries, and if the pros outweigh the cons.

>> No.13181799
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I'll eat just about anything that smells half decent. The source is irrelevant. If i'm gunna die i'm gunna die with a full stomach.

>> No.13181804

nigga you gay

>> No.13181808

>14 candles
>14 year old girls with D cups

Anime tits are becoming real

>> No.13181810


But I count 14 candles

>> No.13181812

I have a cold.

>> No.13181816



>> No.13181818

When I was a kid the neighborhood ladies would all share their baked things. I always liked my old Italian neighbor's baked ziti and her cakes. And of course whenever I'd go to somebody's house if they served food I'd eat and vice versa when people visited mine.
I don't really do it now since I don't know my neighbors very well but at the last place I lived I lived next to a family with kids so whenever I baked I'd give most of it to them since I can't eat all those sweets in one sitting and they'd occasionally give me casseroles and soup and stuff especially in the winter.

I've never gotten sick from eating food from my neighbors' food.

>> No.13181820

You cannot possibly so much older than me that you did not have large breasted women during your formative education. The only young woman in my 7th year of education without significant breast flesh was an Indian. Probably owed to genetics more than diet in that case.

>> No.13181821
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How do you function in normal society

>> No.13181824


If her age is off the clock she’s old enough for...

>> No.13181827

I'm gay because I know what a 13 year old's normal bodyweight should be? How does that work, in your mind, exactly?

>> No.13181835

how would you know what a 13 year old girl's bodyweight should be?

>> No.13181841

I was one once?
Have you ever been outside? Talked to people who aren't your mother?

>> No.13181842

There's nothing indicating you know anything about that beyond pure speculation. You do not know her height, shoulder or waist measurements. You don't even know her weight.
That being said you are clearly homosexual, but that is irrelevant to the conversation I will give you that.

>> No.13181853

post ribcage or gtfo roastie skeletor

>> No.13181860
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I think we found the chairman of the itty bitty titty committee

>> No.13181865

Yes i accept food unless it looks/smells bad.
I offer food to my friends too if im too full or something and most of em will eat it.

>> No.13182096

They're loose-fitting pants. Its an unflattering style and you're a moron.

>> No.13182108

>14 candles


>> No.13182228

nobody cares enough about you to want to kill you and refusing food because you have an inflated sense of self importance makes you look like you got the 'tism, boy.

>> No.13182272

Seek psychiatric care.

>> No.13182277

Sometimes when I'm at an anime convention, some of the cosplay girls have a batch of home made cookies as part of their costume and offer it to people. I'm too beta to turn them down, but in the back of my mind I keep thinking about /k/ getting protein brownie'd.

>> No.13182286
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Xenoestrogens are a fabrication of pseudoscience peddled by fear-mongering charlatans and the alt-right propaganda machine. Don’t be fooled by their lies.

>> No.13182293

is that lana del rey? god she had some honkers at 14

>> No.13182296

>when I'm at an anime convention
Get the fuck out, now.

>> No.13182328

A few years ago during my Senior High School year I was waiting in the gym before the morning bell because I had weightlifting class. Anyways this cute freshman girl (geeky, big tits, black pixie cut hair, glasses) I knew from another class had PE at the same time so she would always be in the gym in the morning with her friends. One morning the came up to me and handed me a package of regular chocolate poki. I didn't know why she did it but it made my day a little better. Since I and my brother never had poki before we shared the package on the bus ride home. Fun memories. She was a nice person and I wish she had some social media account since she probably is a senior this year and it would be nice catch up or something.

>> No.13182341

>I wish I could stalk her online

>> No.13182351

Okay? What's wrong with wanting to talk to an old friend?

>> No.13182479

You don't know?

>> No.13182640
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>> No.13182651

Yikes my dude

>> No.13182653

You should get help for your schizophrenia

>> No.13182753

>people you know from your social circle
Where the fuck do you think you are normie?

>> No.13182770
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>The current year
>Not stalking women online
>Not having a 300+ folder of photoshopped pictures of you and her.

>> No.13182874
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>social circle
i meant schoolmates,workmates etc. I dont have any friends either

literally my first time posting in /ck

for what?

whats her name?i must find her

i dont. I barely go outside only for work or groceries so basically just like most anons here

for what?

>> No.13182902
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A year ago some ugly bitch i worked with gave me some chicken salad she made at home specifically for me. I forgot what I did with it. I think I just left it in the fridge at work

I told her it tasted good.

She had a mustache.

>> No.13182924

Probably had her DNA in it.

>> No.13182937
File: 62 KB, 1195x498, 1563487541506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. She really was gross.

I think she wore a wig too. Combine that with the freaky mustache and we have a problem.

>> No.13182983

>14 candles
finna go to jail

>> No.13182987

Those are...... *Ahem* those are some fine BAZOONGAS milady...... Mind if i do? *Motorboats you're CHUMUCHANGAS* ohhh yes, this will do l, mmmh oooooh damn, oooOOOO AHHHHHH FUCK AHHHHH YESSSS AAAAA

>> No.13183014


>> No.13183026

Read the time

>> No.13183028

Yup. I'm coming to /ck/ more often. Holy fuck.

>> No.13183237
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>Only 14 candles

>> No.13183240
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>social circle
>i meant schoolmates,workmates etc. I dont have any friends either

They're what you'd refer to as NPCs fella, don't worry I don't like you either.

>> No.13183243
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legal in germany

>> No.13183251

luckily a typical teenage girl would never consent to you unless she was on drugs or mentally ill

>> No.13183252

And they also eat shit in a sexual capacity.

Do goats really live to that age?

>> No.13183256

I only count 13 candles on that cake. uh oh

>> No.13183277

cope, roastie

>> No.13183298

OP you suffer from persecution mania and need to see a doctor

>> No.13183321

There are so many teenagers with college-age boyfriends here. I'm pretty sure the only country in the entire world that treats teenager/college relationships as taboo is america.

>> No.13183325

Ironically, it's the western secularists that bumped it up to 18 in Turkey. The muslims wanted it to stay at 15 or even lower.

>> No.13183576

So it's ok

>> No.13183582

Post more haha

>> No.13183679
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It's a serious fucking problem, estrogens are fucking up an entire generation.

>> No.13183700


you're retarded.

>> No.13183733

>Anime tits are becoming real
praise the sun

>> No.13183752
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Could you imagine being this girls dad and having 6 of her friends all walking around in bikinis in you garden while you try and act like nothing is wrong and that you arent fighting an erection every second of every minute.

>> No.13183757

>says its fucking up a generation
>posts proof its improving it

>> No.13183767

>tig ol' bitties
>a problem
Not if you're straight, Anon.

>> No.13183782

a glock

>> No.13183785

Nice tits

>> No.13183790

>Thinks they'll try to poison you
You have actual paranoia. Please go to a psychologist

>> No.13183802

Yeah as long as they dont have cats

>> No.13183842
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>> No.13183843

I'm sure you can dig up some pictures of man titties, boss.

>> No.13184007

Thank you for not raping

>> No.13184015


>> No.13184020

Why are women so vain and desperate for social media validation? Seeing shit like this just reinforces my belief that they truly are the inferior sex. Never forget, men are interested in things, while women are interested in people.

>> No.13184069
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me and a friend was going home one night after drinks and 2 girls walking past us on the street just gave us 2 entire sticks of baguettes.

Ate mine the day after--nothing wrong with it at all. Must have been leftover from some company function or event and they didnt want it but felt too wasteful to throw away.

>> No.13184109

Is people giving away extra bread not common where you're from? I receive a loaf or two a week from the neighborhood women.

>> No.13184114

No, not everyone is a socialist. Even fewer are social.

>> No.13184130

That must be rough. I'm not even social, just a NEET who only goes out on weekday afternoons to buy food. Usually I buy groceries that go well with whatever kind of bread the ladies give me.

>> No.13184140

Based chad elephant

>> No.13184146

It isn't to say that I have not been given things by neighbors, just last week I was invited to a party and given great amounts of free liquor. But being a money man I made sure to puke all over his lawn in thanks for the gesture. If you take you should also give.

>> No.13184148

Yes. I'm going to a potluck myself this weekend. I know people who can cook.

>> No.13184153

God I wish that were me

>> No.13184170

I do share when I make more than I can eat but in my area the people with children and the empty nesters seem to always make two or three times more than they can eat and share it with anybody they see walking outside, which my occasional quiche and canelé can't compete with. They always seem so grateful when I do share though, which feels good. Sharing is nice.

>> No.13184197

You wish you were fondled by an elephant?

>> No.13184202

no, i live in super antisocial asian hive city and people dont even look at each other

>> No.13184213

I'm not convinced.

>> No.13184260

I'm sorry I can't force you to believe me but to me it's more strange if neighbors never share food.

>> No.13184279

I can't believe she would just discard 4 candles on the ground like that. Who's gonna pick them up?

>> No.13184299
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Whenever I'm at parties I just bring an empty water bottle and steal liquor when people aren't looking

>> No.13184303

I believe you, just don't believe sharing is nice.
You can't afford cheap booze?

>> No.13184380

Yep all the time. It's one of the most rude things that you can do, refuse food given. If you don't trust that I pickled or canned something, then we aren't friends. If you think I'd give you toxic wine that I homebrewed, we aren't friends. Everyone has been conditioned to need FDA seals of approval and shit so that companies can make money. your neighbor, with the garden? Ask them for some peppers, they will give them freely.

>Oh ew you made those pickles? Gag me with a spoon I don't want to get sick!
>MMmm, oh, god yes, this imported chinese ground beef is so good and to die for MMMM


>> No.13184405

fuck you. No one wants your shit pickles, people know you as the weirdo who gives away pickles, they say oh shit here comes that pickle freak again everyone hide

>> No.13184414
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>> No.13184417

You shut your whore mouth, I'll take one of those pickles

>> No.13184603

Not him but I just don't trust other people to handle food prep safely w/o contamination. One reason I refuse to eat at restaurants anymore.

>> No.13184619

Fuck off. Homemade pickles and chutneys are the best.

>> No.13184622

The brief history of polacks

>> No.13184682

Suck my cock. I'll suck anon's pickles any day.

>> No.13184687


I remain convinced this word exists solely to make homosexuals expose themselves.

>> No.13184720

as if you're not desperate to get a hot gf to show to your friends and validate your masculinity

>> No.13184731

working the dock

>> No.13184803

ok boomer

>> No.13184816

If that bitch is 14 year’s old that’s fucking insane, would smash anyways.

>> No.13184821

more big titties, less gay homos

>> No.13184824
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>> No.13184836

>Hey lets take a picture of me looking out at the lake
>Wait, lemme pull my pants into my fat ass so everyone gets a better look at it

>> No.13184878

those melons better be real!

blame the hormones, not the boner

>> No.13184953

>14 years old
Any tips on how to survive jail?? Asking for a friend

>> No.13184969

not really, no, if I had a super hot girlfriend I’d chain her up in the basement