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13173997 No.13173997[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do boomers get so offended when you don't like a food that they enjoy?

>> No.13174007
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why do so many ramen eating wagies fall for the boomer maymay?

>> No.13174012

So, how long until the normalfags realize "zoomer" exists and pretends it's a new development?

>> No.13174015

once they realize it exists and is the boomer equivalent to them, they will push to get it labeled as hate speech just like everything else they dont like

>> No.13174019

“Boomer” was mildly entertaining for a while when it referred to guys in their 30’s who play old video games and drank Monster Zero Ultra.

>> No.13174020

Looks like the Boomer meme just hit Facebook then if they just found it.

>> No.13174027

Boomers are control freaks who want to control everything just because they’re older, and despite the fact that they’re considerably dumber. Most of them can’t even use a computer lmao.

>> No.13174102

Most times someone says "boomer gets offended" it's really just kids hoping boombers get offended by claiming boomers get offended. Trolls, in other words. Boomers don't give a fuck about anything. Especially now that GenX is getting up there.

>> No.13174107

>older people aren't as smart as me
Really? That's what you're opening with? Anyone under 25 is practically disposable for all purposes other than manual labor because they're inexperienced. I don't care what ivy league school you went to. You're a dumbshit that has no idea what you're doing.

>> No.13174108

Ok boomer

>> No.13174113


>> No.13174114

Ok boomer.

>> No.13174121

try to learn something useful.

>> No.13174150

It's alright boomer, eat your casserole and calm down.

>> No.13174154
File: 33 KB, 720x588, 61DE265F-39F2-4A93-9D3C-F6F0A5DE9F52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomers are out of touch
>can’t keep up with technology and pop culture
>constantly refuses to listen to the problems of younger generations
>gets mad as fuck whenever younger people try to make their own decisions
>boomers make up the vast majority of lawmakers and other politicians

>> No.13174165

>boomers don’t give a fuck about anything
Except Pokémon creatures

>> No.13174169

ko boomer

>> No.13174177

>idea what you're doing
You just summed up boomer culture perfectly, the difference being that millennials aren't nearly as willfully ignorant and arrogant as boomers.

>> No.13174179

>boomers boomers boomers

>> No.13174187

>I will evaluate your qualifications for this task solely based on your age and project personal qualities onto you as a result.
What ever happened to "by the strength of their character"? Your worthless ass WAS around when MLK said it, right boomer?

>> No.13174241

>your value is based purely on how much perceived money you can earn for yourself or for me in the work force
boomer spotted

>> No.13174259

Everybody does

People get mad when you refuse donuts when you're trying to lose weight. People get mad if you refuse meat because you're a vegan.

>> No.13174264

great, now that the normalniggers found out about the boomer meme, it’s only a matter of time until boomer and zoomer posting becomes a shitshow of “gb2reddit”, “no u”, “newfag”, etc.