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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 826x620, 1382539317193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13173883 No.13173883 [Reply] [Original]

>The chicken "sandwich"
>Not on sandwich bread
>Clearly on a bun
>Always on a bun

These are clearly chicken burgers.

>> No.13173906

Counterpoint: fuck you

>> No.13173907

Correct. But American's are very insecure when it comes to identity, and they're fat. So don't upset them.

>> No.13173913

Burger is the ground meat ya dingus.
It’s only a chicken burger if the patty is ground chicken.

>> No.13173923 [DELETED] 

Burger is what it is, minced meat is the patty.
OP is based and enlightenpilled.

>> No.13173926

this bait is getting stale

>> No.13173928

>sandwich bread
No such thing.
A sandwich is anything between two slices of bread.
The chicken sandwich uses buns, that are also bread, those buns are sliced and between them there's stuff.
If between those buns there's ground meat patty, then it's a burger sandwich. As you can have burgers without having to put them between bread.

>> No.13173929


That's a fried chicken sandwich on a bun. Or, in shorthand, a chicken sandwich.

>> No.13173941

burger isnt a real word

>> No.13173966

Sandwich: an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, or other filling between them, eaten as a light meal.

Damn, you use google to get on this sight but you can't use it to save you. RIP another eurofag

>> No.13173980 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 400x299, images (78).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light meal

>> No.13173984

thats a light meal for me. hate to see what you twig boy third worlders eat

>> No.13173986 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1280x814, 1280px-IceCreamSandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a sandwich, yet where is the bread?

>> No.13173988

See now that's not a sandwich, that's a abomination. That's not even food at that point.
plus I'm sure that's just for a eating challenge.

>> No.13173989
File: 214 KB, 1200x825, 1530805926949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya'll need god

>> No.13173992

The biscuit its between you retard.
"An ice cream sandwich is a frozen dessert consisting of ice cream between two biscuits, wafers, or cookies."

>> No.13173994

The real enlightenment is realizing that you could argue either side of the argument and end up in a heated debate for something that you care little about. The problem here is that once you choose which side to argue for, you become stuck in the argument fighting for that side and will end up getting butthurt over something so trivial. So, your best bet is to not even bother discussing this bullshit in the first place because you really don't give a shit whether or not it's called a sandwich/burger/taco/dickshit/etc.

>> No.13173995

No a pop tart is a ravioli.

Also what the fuck is a "chip buddy"? Looks American, doesn't sound like it.

>> No.13173996 [DELETED] 

But according to >>13173966 a sandwich consists of two pieces of bread.
Cookies or "biscuits" are not bread.

>> No.13173999

thats because its from the uk where they love to combine starches

its french fries on bread

>> No.13174002

those are fries in america. obviously its a british or australian thing

>> No.13174004

thats just chocolate bread

>> No.13174010 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 692x443, images (79).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a sandwich as the bread count doesn't check out.

>> No.13174014

You really need to google shit.
"American biscuits are considered a type of quick bread." Biscuits are a type of bread, just like sourdough is a type of bread. Made a bit differently for a different taste but apart of the same family.

I'm convinced you've only eaten white bread your life. Or have never cooked a damn thing.

>> No.13174017

Sure, the way the bread is cut makes a difference. You really are slow.

>> No.13174021 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 209x241, images (80).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this isn't a sandwich?
The goalposts keep moving.

>> No.13174024

I wasn't being serious. I was showing how dumb you are. Now you've proven me right. You are like hitting bottom floor here man.

>> No.13174030
File: 895 KB, 3704x2688, not a sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It'S nOt A sAnDwIcH, wHeReS tHe ChEeSe?"

>> No.13174033

thats a toastie

>> No.13174034

Meat* talking to you is hurting me.

>> No.13174035 [DELETED] 

I thought we were discussing sandwiches not my level of intelligents

>> No.13174037

You see how your wrong and change the subject, nice one. Also this was always about your intelligence, since you can't tell the difference between sandwiches.

>> No.13174042 [DELETED] 

I bet your a keyboard warrior and wouldn't say mean things to me if this was real

>> No.13174048

Sandwich = Sandwich bread
Burger = Burger Bun

It's a fucking chicken burger.

If you don't like it, why don't you go out and discover new species of food so you can name them whatever you want.

>> No.13174052 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 500x334, images (81).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the original hamburger.
Note: no bun

>> No.13174055

burger = hamburger

>> No.13174058

So you wont respond to the previous subject, and you can't take mean words a screen.

Also imagine trying to act tough by saying "I bet you wont say that to me irl." lmao

>> No.13174059

But no burgers have ham on them, therefore the bun defines the burger.

If you put a ground beef patty on marbled rye, you wouldn't call it a burger.

>> No.13174063

>t. PHD in linguistics
what makes a word real?

>> No.13174066

"an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, or other filling between them, eaten as a light meal."

>> No.13174071

"The smarts peoples puts it in a books"

It is a Hamburger, because its earliest version was made in Hamburg Germany. People call it a burger which is also right. All depends where you come from.

>> No.13174085
File: 19 KB, 521x589, images.jpeg-61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine actually being enough of a faggot to argue about this topic

>> No.13174088

Words can have multiple definitions such as:

>you should have seen your wife sandwiched between my cock and your mom's cock last night

>> No.13174153

burgers are sandwiches

>> No.13174160

sandwiches are burgers

>> No.13174161

Yep, but some people are slow and think that a burger is its own category.

>> No.13174164

Germany's hamburger is just ground meat with gravy poured onto it. What does that have to do with a sandwich?

>> No.13174168

The origin of the name. Can you read?

>> No.13174171

I can call ice cream Washington but it won't resemble the city LMFAO.

>> No.13174172

I disagree; some sandwihes are burgers but not all of them

>> No.13174178

Yo're an idiot, they were arguing over the name of it, Hamburger or burger. I said its Hamburger and burger, it depends on where you are from. Read brainlet, read.

>> No.13174185

Who the fuck says chicken burger. That combination of words makes me irrationally angry

>> No.13174186

Yet you call large rhomboid trash containers "Dumpsters", even though that's just a brand name and not a real word

>> No.13174189

Burger is beef sandwich.

>> No.13174192

Nope. A burger/HAMburger entails any meat item ground, cooked, and them sandwiched between salad and two slices of bread. There can be no compromise here, Einstein. There isn't and never was anything inherently German about the hamburger at any point in time. The hamburger was solely a British invention.

>> No.13174196

It's not a chicken patty so it isn't a burger.

>> No.13174200

Big Brain Time right here. Guess we'll have to rename
> the HAMBURGer
>the Sandwich
>Belgian waffles
>Worcestershire sauce
>the Philly cheesesteak
And others (like the "chihuahua," but that's not /ck/)

>> No.13174203

Google it you English purist. Cossacks brought it from Eastern Europe to Germany.

>> No.13174215

The common belief is that the American hamburger borrowed its name from a dish called "Hamburg Style Beef" or "Hamburg Steak" which arrived in the United States from the German city of Hamburg in the 19th century.

>> No.13174222

afaik 'hamburger' was a marketing name for the ground beef toasted sandwiches made by one restaurant in Connecticut ~110 years ago

>> No.13174227
File: 148 KB, 1200x782, b83e3206-f74a-459d-bfc6-c5718dc9bcd0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers are made from ground beef or pork. This is a chicken burger because it's made from ground chicken.

This is made from a friend chicken breast, not ground.

>> No.13174229
File: 30 KB, 500x396, ground-chicken-meat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ground chicken. What a chicken burger is made from.

>> No.13174271

That's a mutt hormone slab. Real ground meat isn't comparable.

>> No.13174278

>The common belief is that the American hamburger borrowed its name

>> No.13174399

When did I say Americans made it? You guys are really dumb.

>> No.13174477

And you are a nigger

>> No.13174513


>> No.13174795

I think you should'nt be here on this web site.

>> No.13174929
File: 270 KB, 1024x768, 1570318057422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question is: Are Poptarts sandwiches or ravioli?