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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 262 KB, 1667x824, When she gives you that look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13171424 No.13171424 [Reply] [Original]

Kino is back on the menu boys and this time our girl is going south of the border to make us another snack that she definitely never ate before. (I can actually kind of believe it this time I don't remember seeing them in stores before about 5 years ago.)

>> No.13171434

gonna try to watch this without losing no fap November
>i've never actually had takis
dumb pig

>> No.13171440

i haven't had takis before either and im a 20 year old coomer

>> No.13171441

even brad lied about not knowing what they are

>> No.13171445

>implying Takis are some sort of universal experience
They get harder and harder to find the further you get from the Mexican border

>> No.13171451

desu i only had them for the first time a couple of years ago because i saw them at a walmart. they're good. check your cvs or walgreens or gas station store. The lime flavor is addictive.

>> No.13171468

I live in northern canada and they are everywhere

>> No.13171479

I also live in Canada and they weren't anywhere until last year, and even now they are only in two or three flavours when you do find them.

>> No.13171489

claire is racist

>> No.13171512


>> No.13171519

Stop shilling your fucking e celebs here you fags

>> No.13171524

God, I want to cover Claire's ass in Takis flavor powder and lick it all off.

>> No.13171526

white chefs should not cook traditional foods from cultures of color

>> No.13171532

Adam isn't it about time to be prepping the bull? You don't want your wife to make you sleep on the couch again tonight do you?

>> No.13171564

How is it I make 3 threads of the sam topic and they all get pruned, but this one stays?

>> No.13171566

Why is she so desperate for Brad's semen

>> No.13171573

Claire: A woman with the body of a potato, who can't cook and has graying hair at 30 years old.

>> No.13171587

its diyed hair. looka at this episode compared to others you can tell.

>> No.13171600

It's not a dick, don't take it so hard

>> No.13171601

jealous roasty

>> No.13171603

Probably because you’re illiterate.

>> No.13171605

They're trash though. The flavor is artificial as fuck and they're drenched in thick powder. Its fucking gross.

>> No.13171709

She's not white

>> No.13171718

>morbidly obese
>claims she never eats junk food in every single video

>> No.13171741

they are getting more widespread. three years ago they were non-existent in WA, now any supermarket i walk into probably has some.

they suck ass, though. i bought a bag out of curiosity and didn't finish it.

>> No.13172014

She wants Brad so badly.

>> No.13172075

I want Brad so badly

>> No.13172089

it's all wine calories

>> No.13172091
File: 214 KB, 274x249, 1555796418569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are too much of these you'd get sick
>I'm not liable to buy a bag of chips

>> No.13172095

Aren't they just rolled-up doritos?

>> No.13172202

Just don't think about how that frilly pink shirt looks on her with the top ~4 buttons undone and her cleavage all sweaty after a hard day in the kitchen.

>> No.13172306

> eating some protein directly from the tap.
> I've never actually had cock
Sure thing, alcohol makes me forget things too.

>> No.13172316

Her tits were a huge letdown, actually.

>> No.13172338

I will never understand threads like these across the various boards where you guys fawn over some person. Nothing about her is remotely attractive at all. Women have very little physical differences between them once their clothes are off.

>> No.13172371
File: 78 KB, 970x546, keen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im into claire
im also into grannies, gilfs, whatever you want to call them. that grey hair. whooof...boner town.

>> No.13172381

one of the test kitchen people posts the thing and then memes the character as desirable mommy to boost views
claire is a faggot who bitches about her job non-stop like a child working at mcdonalds
fucking pathetic.

>> No.13172391

whats with the Cruella D'evil hair too? It looks stupid.

>> No.13172421

>across the various boards
it's /tv/. The big guy meme emboldened them to spill over to the rest of the site, but everywhere they go they obsess over the same two things: mediocre women and feet.

>> No.13172541

I want his steak "in" eggs "in" me.

>> No.13172565

hell yes. I was just thinking how jews control politics and tell me what is funny and offensive as well as control all my money, I was just thinking I need them to also tell me what to cook

>> No.13172575

>I need them to also tell me what to cook
they want you to cook candy with MSG in it

>> No.13172609

everyone is

>> No.13172797

Brad or Chris would do a better job

>> No.13173101

If a cute girl gave me that look, I would drop infinite spaghetti. That is the way the world would end.

>> No.13173157

It's so obvious Brad did that because he wanted to flirt with Claire before she started. His wife is going to see through that trick.

>> No.13173200 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 600x600, 0041421177452_a1c1_0600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck off ba test kitchen

cla*re is a stinking jewess whore

>> No.13173251

Molly's are better though

>> No.13173739
File: 7 KB, 249x202, 555E4F50-D40B-4461-A269-4FC813585873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Waiting for the day Claire does funyuns.

>> No.13174522

This is bullshit, they’ve been in WA all my life.

>> No.13175261

this guy is a liar and is not to be trusted

>> No.13176663

The quality varies from bag to bag

>> No.13176728

The gay mexican dude took a trip to Fire Island. He's like a walking stereotype

>> No.13176880

My crack theory for this show: The show is not shot daily. Prep-work for multiple days is done in advance of the shooting and several "days" worth of shows are shot back to back with clothing changes in between "days". Claire has mentioned changing clothing for a shot before, and Brad can never seem to remember what "day" it is.

>> No.13177198

After work, I bet she takes a shower and pick one of her favorite dildos and masturbate thinking about Brad
Can you imagine her little moans?

She looks like she never got a good dicking in her life

>> No.13177215

Oh yeah, that's not new
This most recent series "The Perfect Thanks Giving Meal" was shot in July
Its just an example, but most videos are months old when they actually hit youtube

>> No.13177260

I wonder if they spent 2-3 months shooting an entire year's worth of content

>> No.13178737

She can cook though

I've unironically learned things from watching her videos

>> No.13178754

At first I was happy for Keanu to find a cougar gf, but then I found out she’s only 46. How does this happen? Artists literally live the easiest, most posh lives imaginable. What happened to make her look 25 years older than she actually is?

>> No.13178823

She does, but anons think she.should be able to cook anything perfectly as fast as possible
The fun thing about Gourmet Makes is exactly the strugling of a professional chef trying to make shity snacks

>> No.13180921

I think deep down she wants to get BlackedRaw

>> No.13180965

Has she even eaten before? I ask because she's in such great shape. I bet she drinks kale smoothies non stop.

>> No.13180973

>i-it's bad on purpose!
kek nice cope

>> No.13182422

Shut up

>> No.13182548

I find it really odd that there are so many poor fucks here who genuinely don't believe Claire has never eaten nig-tier foods before.

I grew up in a well off east coast family and we never had almost any of the snacks on this series. When I went to other kid's houses that did have them, I wouldn't eat them and even looked down on people who did. Claire is obviously from a rich east coast family. I bet her version of "junk food" was like scones the private chef made or cupcakes from the expensive cafe in the good part of town.

>> No.13182629

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.13184031

she's from stl I think

>> No.13185638

He does

>> No.13186973

She has the body of someone who lightly exercises so they can continue to eat 4500 calories a day.

>> No.13187216

It doesnt work like that, nigger
Exercise burns feel calories

>> No.13187223

Work for most people. Maybe you're genetically fucked up.

>> No.13187225

they are in every walmart in the US

>> No.13187237

the implication being she's a fat fuckin pig cow

>> No.13187259

youre a fucking retard if you think light exercise burns a substantial amount of calories

>> No.13187271
File: 39 KB, 720x383, 5d484525260000ad0f04658f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her look of tiredness and despair when she can't get the recipe right turns me on.

>> No.13187278

I don't think. I know. Maybe you're imagining that light exercise means twenty star jumps and a walk to the end of the street and back. That's not any type of exercise.

>> No.13187279 [DELETED] 

Jews arent white

>> No.13187290

so we agree that its retarded to think that? okay.

>> No.13187854

Yeah, you are right, sorry
I just did some research and saw that exercise don't burn that much calories

>> No.13189368

I want to creampie her

>> No.13189784

Drugs, what are you retarded?

>> No.13189800

This used to be a cooking show and then they turned it into a sitcom with characters, If you listen carefully you will notice which trope each character is. Cooking Sheldon always makes me laugh when he talks like an autist. Also I would bang the shit out of mommy claire.

>> No.13189824

havent had them either. seen them in stores though.