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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 422x446, Discord_2019-11-04_21-23-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13167606 No.13167606 [Reply] [Original]

Post pictures that show political agendas related to the food industry. Dont talk politics, talk food. I've never had veal. Don't care about it or foius gras or however the fuck it's spelled. Should 100% be allowed to make it though.

>> No.13167614

What's the issue here

>> No.13167618

Look at the presentation of the articles and the breakdown in the description. One baits emotion the other baits the stomach. They are both food.

>> No.13167623
File: 13 KB, 352x307, bolle_fragezeichen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post pictures that show political agendas
>don't talk politics
what did he mean by this

>> No.13167629

>show me pictures of politics but dont talk about politics

that's a weird request.

>> No.13167636
File: 161 KB, 915x245, 5307b01956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean post fucked up foods that politics have allowed and foods being clamped down on because of politics. Veal is one being attacked, like the goose. These are important foods for food culture and they should be preserved.

>> No.13167639

>we should be allowed to shove a tube down a bird's throat and force feed it to death because muh culture

no dude.

>> No.13167647

This is completely fine, it's being as neutral as possible.

>> No.13167648

I see what you mean.

But if you're bothered by images of hanging carcasses or the idea of killing young cattle and yet you still eat meat, that's kinda on you, no? You have to decide how to handle that dissonance.

>> No.13167651

Fucking yikes. Let people eat babies because we wouldn't want to step on their "culture", right? Fucking libtard meatcuck

>> No.13167672

It doesn't make sense to criticize foie gras production yet tolerate other kinds of animal agriculture. Chickens, cows, pigs, and all other animals routinely receive equally brutal treatment.

>> No.13167683

>It doesn't make sense to criticize foie gras production yet tolerate other kinds of animal agriculture.
so you agree that we shouldn't tolerate any of it.

>> No.13167689

Should all /pol/tards just be euthanized? Why doesn't hiro just shut thst shit hole down?

>> No.13167698

>why don't they shut down the concentration camp

because it keeps things contained

>> No.13167703

I don't see it that way though. The whole point of veal is that it's young. A veal steak will taste different because of the age of the animal so it makes sense to talk about that

>> No.13167709

>why doesn’t hiro shut down the board that makes him the most revenue?
You may actually be genuinely retarded.
Seek help, you fucking spastic.

>> No.13167710

>shouldn’t people with different beliefs be killed?
>I’m the more tolerant one btw

>> No.13167711

Human babies are not livestock you furfag. There is no comparison

>> No.13167714

a lot are young and will likely grow out of being an ignorant edgy tard.
It should be shut down though, it's the ultimate cancer on this site.

>> No.13167720

You should go to reddit if differing opinions hurt your feelings that bad

>> No.13167723

>wants to shit up /ck/ with politics
>too honest to be subversive about it

I like OP. Let's just have a /Food Politics General/ to corral the retards and hardline ban any other thread remotely political.

>> No.13167882

>in MY opinion we should ban people for having opin--

>> No.13167899

This is the dumbest fucking thread I've ever seen.

Kys OP

>> No.13168635

I wish I could, but the food industry is part of the agricultural industry, and they're akk regulated by the health industry. and our health is a matter of national security. so it's a matter of financial security in this regard.
what you're asking for are aggressive marketing tactics associated with foods and drinks for the purpose of all financial gain.
the political agenda of food relates to trade restrictions in the global market and local economic stimulation through american labor.
I don't have pictures, but you can always put together your own research and find correlations between consumer perceptions and product trends over time. I don't what the fuck you expect to find though.

>> No.13168726
File: 113 KB, 720x720, 1568753543313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13168892

Should've searched for beef instead of steak

>> No.13168980

I mean, wouldn't a veal steak look exactly like a regular steak?

>> No.13168984

Just because it would be torture for a human doesn't mean its torture for the geese, stop anthropomorphizing animals. Tigers don't play soccer and eat breakfast

>> No.13168993

Where exactly are you going to sell meat? Half the world is too poor to buy it, the other half is took autistic over how the animal is killed and butchered and even American fast food franchises still choose to buy their ingredients locally. Who the fuck is your costumer? Why the fuck are there restrictions at all?

>> No.13169044

Imagine being this much of a snowflake.

>> No.13169172

What are you on about they are both just explaining what the word is, if you search for pork the picture will probably be of raw meat too and if you search for meatball you will see cooked meatballs, you are just a bit slow anon...