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13166811 No.13166811 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good non-alcoholic drinks?

I'll start with my personal favorite.

>> No.13166819

Water & coffee

>> No.13166824


>> No.13166825

Bud Light

>> No.13166826

OP here, Im gay, does that matter?

>> No.13166831

Who the fuck are you lol

>> No.13166849


>> No.13166864

You got memed on kid lurk more. To answer your question the drink you posted is based- my votes gotta go to this brand of natural root beer. Very refreshing and full flavor, tastes almost like beer but not really. A real pickerupper in the heat of the south

>> No.13166881

>You got memed on kid
Cringe, you say that as if he "got totally pwned bro"
But also lurk more

>> No.13166882
File: 110 KB, 445x445, serveimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit dude even store brand ginger beer is better than Reed's
Reed's is trash

>> No.13166927

How is it trash? Tastes miles better than generic ginger ale. Reeds have very pungent ginger flavor that most brands lack.

>> No.13166930

This. Anything else is for children.

>> No.13166937

Ginger ale is a different product entirely.
Reed's is piss weak for a ginger beer, even the "extra ginger" is mild and limp.

>> No.13166972

I am always trying to get something hotter in my area but reeds is all I have. It's either reeds or canada dry, which is absolutely horrid. I tried blenheim stuff, it's good but not $60 for 24 pack good.

>> No.13166978
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I have gone on record several times to say that it's almost a waste to make beer when this is something you can make with the same ingredients.

>> No.13166980

Canada dry is not a ginger beer.

>> No.13166981

Is this really spicy?

>> No.13166987


>> No.13167004

What is the difference? I've always thought they were the same.

>> No.13167007

Ginger Ale is more mild with the ginger whereas Ginger Beer is much more ginger forward.

>> No.13167017
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ginger ale is a lightly ginger flavored tonic water. Ginger beer is a fermented product brewed with a melding of ginger and yeast, which greats a much stronger flavor.

>> No.13167027

Decent flavour?

>> No.13167040

Huh I never knew. Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.13167049
File: 18 KB, 375x500, Faygo RedPop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red faygo.

The kind that comes in glass bottles is made with sugar instead of corn syrup and it really improves the experience.

>> No.13167323
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I love those malt drinks. Askania Malt is the best one I can get in my area.

>> No.13167348
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i like this one

it tastes like molasses

i mostly just drink unflavored seltzer now though. the flavored ones all taste really flat and most other drinks just have too much sugar to be a regular thing.

>> No.13167884
File: 54 KB, 640x480, B43BA7F6-231A-4BBC-B894-28E3F0076E32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy breh. I find the ginger taste too strong though

>> No.13167909
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Ito en green tea, any type. Zevia sugar free soda, esp black cherry. Pennsylvania Punch, the same as Delaware Punch, sugary but very nice. GT Dave Divine Grape Kombucha(original has etoh, reformulated doesnt). kona deep hawaiian bottle water, from an undersea aquifer (???), nice mineral taste. goat milk.

>> No.13167952

well r-tard that says 100% extra ginger than the original so I think your solution is at hand

>> No.13167978

How do I get a 50% reduction of extra ginger?

>> No.13167997
File: 43 KB, 450x450, tarhun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tapхyн master race reporting in

>> No.13168072

Arizona Orangeade is my kryptonite, I do not understand why

>> No.13168124

I do say that like that because its true, and you got memed on because you were mad enough to care. Lurk more.

>> No.13168201

This shit is so incredibly based. I only wish it went back to being 4 bucks instead of 6.50 at the store now for a 4 pack

>> No.13168230
