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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 321x450, RedMagic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13164639 No.13164639 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's the versatility and flavor enhancement that make chup the king of condiments. Burgers, dogs, fries, eggs, hash browns, home fries . . . the applications are seemingly endless.

Then think about how, in combination with horseradish, it elevates the bounty of the oceans to unimaginable heights of flavor and enjoyment. And, for those so inclined, it enhances salad dressings and "fry sauces" (I loathe mayo personally, but some people love to chup in concert with mayo and they are entitled to do so, I guess).

Also note that, in combination with mustard, it makes a wonderful "galze" for meatloaf.

In a pinch, it can even serve as a steak sauce!

Again, I ask you: why is it so wonderful?

>> No.13164651

>posting in a chup thread
>posting in a galze thread
>posting in an anti-mayo thread

>> No.13164653

It's good because it ads acidity, and it's king for you because you're too much of a pussy to eat mustard

>> No.13164743

Nah, I love mustard too. Just personally not a big mayo fan.

But if sandwiches are on the menu, I reach quickly for mustard. Horses for courses, &c.

>> No.13164789

Yeah we chup it in the mountains
And we chup down in the valleys
We chup it up on Main Street
And in the very darkest alleys

We chup it up with burgers
And we chup it with our fries
We chup it up at Wendy's
And over at Five Guys

You don't need an E ticket
To get on these chup rides
Just chup up some burgers
And delight your insides

>> No.13164824


>> No.13165667

100%. Based and Red(Magic)Pilled

>> No.13165765
File: 26 KB, 280x249, bbqretardsAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13165788

Based and chup-pilled

>> No.13167650

This anon reminds me that ketchup is integral to many excellent bbq sauces. Again, the versatility really stands out.

>> No.13167653

chup sucks


>> No.13167660
File: 245 KB, 280x9944, 2430E812-2AAE-4364-BD10-D5CF477B3BBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he unironically likes ketchup
The reddit overflow here is Malthusian in scope.

>> No.13167705

I chup it up out front
And in the backyard
I grill and chup burgers
Whenever life gets hard

Once you start to chup
You begin to realize
That life is very short
And you must prioritize

My family complains
Chupping takes up all my time
I calmly explain that
Chupping is not (yet) a crime

I can always make or buy
Some new family members
It's 'chup that gives the moments
One TRULY remembers

Me and my burger
Alone by the wayside

Life and family and work and school
All make their demands
But my burgers, my ketchup, and I
Are making other plans

I've had it up to here
With paying taxes
Once I chup it up
The tension relaxes

My family's gonna meet
With an accident while we're hunting
I've had enough of them
And I'm finally punting

Once I've gotten rid of them
I can chup it up whenever
'Cause chuppin up some burgers
Is my number 1 endeavor

>> No.13167713

Wow, you'll change a lot of minds with these persuasive arguments, I daresay.

>> No.13167792

The single most distinguishing characteristic of these mayonnaise mavens is their joylessness.

The joie de vivre that comes naturally to us chuppers, that certain effortless Red Magic which animates us and causes others to see us as fully-realized, 3D human beings in a world of flat, drab cardboard cutouts, is entirely lacking in them. They shamble bitterly across life's landscape spreading misery in all directions. Fetid chipotle-reeking mayonnaise oozes from their pores like pus from a suppurating wound on a mexican whore's profane backside.

Never a cheery word or greeting from these reprobates. It's all foul oaths, childish insults, and endlessly retreaded buzzwords like "unironically." How very, very original that one is in 2019.

The elderly cross the street when they catch a whiff of their noisome mayo stench. Women of any delicacy instantly burst into tears, and the wee children, given to brutal honesty as they are, laugh and point merrily at life's losers ad they slime on by. Decent people recoil at the very mention of these oily dregs, these oozing outcasts.

>> No.13167815

sweet sour salty umami it has it all

>> No.13169276

This is not a good contribution. It does nothing for your cause.

>> No.13169325
File: 197 KB, 696x928, 1564789427343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fondest memory growing up was riding in the back of my mom's station wagon. She was blasting the contours do you love me and I was eating some nuggies from Wendy's and got ketchup all over myself and the back seat rocking out. I remeber washing the chup out of my hair. Not as easy as it sounds once it dries up.

>> No.13169408

I miss station wagons. My family went through several. Underrated, wish they would make a comeback but under current epa regs they will not.

>> No.13169432

ketchup is like the microwave of condiments

>> No.13171274

Yes, it reminds me of Vinnie the Microwave Johnson in that when you put it in the game, good things start to happen very quickly. Good comparison!