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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13162389 No.13162389 [Reply] [Original]

give me one good reason i shouldn't go out to eat alone at dine-in restaurants? i just had pic related. much better than ordering some shitty pizza or fast food.

>> No.13162391

Its okay. But eat less.

>> No.13162403

Do as you wish.
You are as a ghost to others, they see but do not see.
Your presence is ethereal, observed but ignored.
You are one of the disappeared ones.

>> No.13162425

Why the fuck would anyone care if you went to a restaurant by yourself? It's commonplace.

>> No.13162547

Penis poop

>> No.13163111

Most times you'll have a better meal if you cook it yourself, but obviously the trade-offs are your time and effort in the kitchen. That being said, there's nothing wrong with going out to eat alone. You deserve a nice meal just as much as anyone else.

>> No.13163356

isn't it kind of boring though?

do you listen to joe rogan or something while you eat lmao

>> No.13163445

I do go at dine-ins if there's a bar, but I don't if there isn't because it sucks to sit at a 2 or 4 persons table, but not face anyone.

>> No.13163460

Congrats you paid at least 3x what it would cost (+ tip) to make the same thing yourself. But if you’re so insecure that you need to be around people, go out by yourself. But try to find a place with a bar and eat at the bar. It looks less pathetic.

>> No.13163490

i literally just today got stoned and went to a diner this morning for lemon rice soup to cure my hangover, i listened to the Edward Norton JRE while i was eating. Not too uncommon!

>> No.13163499

>caring what normies think
I eat out alone all the time and refuse to eat at the bar unless the resturaunt is full.

>> No.13163508

>doing x costs money
>doing y doesn't cost as much money but has the same result as x

>> No.13163516

>Normal person: I watched jre when I went out for lemon rice soup
Why are you bragging and trying to seem like a party boy on 4chan?

>> No.13163536

It's a growing trend for restaurants to have a no singles policy.

>> No.13163537

Those fries are pathetic. Have the cook fired for having the audacity to serve them.

>> No.13163548

And turn away all the business travelers with fat expense accounts, right?

>> No.13163565

This is not the trend for the restaurants I have experience of.
Would you care to expand on your statement/opinion ? I find this line of thought intriguing.

>> No.13163576

You can’t spot the troll?

>> No.13163593
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Fuck yeah, I applaud the OP. The OP is an Autist like myself. Fuck normies and their opinions. Sometimes I like to go out and eat by myself. I do prefer to eat at the bar and not take up a table for two if I'm by myself.

>> No.13163601

I believe my statement was more than enough.

>> No.13163606

>It looks less pathetic.
I know /ck/ likes to shitpost about this but are there really people who think like this? Eating at a restaurant by yourself isn't unusual at all even for normalfags and I've never heard this sentiment irl.

>> No.13163625


Hardcore normies hate going anywhere by themselves, they are that pathetic.

>> No.13163627

it's an imbecilic /tv/ meme refitted for /ck/ but you knew that

>> No.13163628

i often eat alone and browse 4chan on my phone
or i watch vidya streams

>> No.13163635

Yes it’s because of your autism that you don’t understand the impression you leave on people. If you are at a table, eating alone, people are looking at you funny. Like “What’s with that weirdo?” Snicker. Especially if you already look like a child molester. So eat at the bar if you can. There will probably be others at the bar eating alone. It’s less sad looking.

>> No.13163646

Did you just get a car or something? I don't have any friends or family so the only way I'm gonna eat somewhere is by myself. Nobody cares unless it's 3AM and they're looking for someone to rob.

>> No.13163659


>> No.13163660

Huh? I may be autistic but I have ears and eyes. Nobody looks at you, nobody cares. You sound like you're projecting your own insecurities on regular people doing normal things. It's a restaurant. People are there to eat, not to waste time staring at strangers.

>> No.13163670

This was getting pushed on reddit like 5 years ago.
Restaurant industry wants to cash in on single dining, they are doing a reverse-psychology campaign.
The only reason people don't do it more often is that it's expensive and maybe they feel it will waste the experience. If you're alone, just eat a burger, right?

>> No.13163734

Listen, you bunch of autistic weirdos, it's time for a life lesson. I'm a normie who is borderline autistic, which I realized to my great shame... I can have sex whenever I want but I prefer to be by myself because I'm a weirdo.

Every person who doesn't know you judges you based on your appearance. People say "Don't judge a book by its cover". But that's exactly what people do. Because it's part of our DNA. It occurs in our older "lizard" brain, which processes lots of information subconsciously. It comes from our ancestors, from millions of years ago, trying to determine if a stranger was a friend or an enemy.

Hell, even if you're with a girl or a woman at a restaurant, other people judge you by how attractive the woman is (that is, social status). But if you are eating alone, people are judging you as a LOSER and a WEIRDO. It's just our nature.

Unless you are in a business suit and have a nice Rolex on and a nice haircut and look like you are reviewing documents for a big business meeting (then you might even get laid). I was in a suit at an airport, standing in line to buy a Philly cheesetsteak, and a very fuckable woman began talking to me out of nowhere. I didn't know what was happening because I am a weirdo like you. Now I know--it was based on my being in a suit and looking normal. It was based on my appearance.

Sorry, this is human nature. Humans are visual creatures. We make assumptions based on appearance, every second of every day. And so do you, you autist. You can choose to say "Fuck it who cares?" Good for you. But that doesn't mean other people are not constantly judging you.

>> No.13163759

Wow, this isn't copypasta, you actually typed this all out.
Yeah, people make assumptions and judgements. And then unless you make a scene they proceed to not do anything about it and forget about it in a couple hours. Most people are too busy with their own shitty lives to really care about some goofy guy eats with the fork in his right hand and for his burrito with no tomatoes. At worst they'll make a joke about him to their friends later and it'll never affect you.
You don't sound like an autist. You sound like, at worst a mild schizo and more likely just a normal guy who wasn't socialized very well as a kid. Nobody really cares who or what you are, pal.

>> No.13163767

once I get a job I'm gonna do this all the time

ahem fuck cooking fuck ramen noodles and FUCK SARDINES

>> No.13163768
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I too am an Autist, and acknowledge that I will be judged, but I don't give a fuck. Their opinions literally don't matter to me that's exactly why I do such autistic things. To me, it is true freedom. When you refuse to play by the normie groupthink, you truly live life free.

>> No.13163774

What an unironically ironic post.

>> No.13163775

Sorry the truth hurts. But what I said is based on actual research. Those are not my conclusions but the conclusions of professionals. Having read that stuff, I realized "Oh shit...that's why so and so thought I was a retard..."

I should tell you the other side of my own thoughts. I have always believed that the mentally retarded, those with dementia, etc., are maybe the happiest people because they don't know what real life is like. They aren't aware that others are constantly judging them and laughing at them on the outside or on the inside. So if you can ignore "societay, Murr-ray", then good for you. Maybe you have achieved a higher state of consciousness.

>> No.13163783
File: 88 KB, 720x681, leftistfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with normies like you is simple. You care. You actually care what a lot of these faggot reddit soyboys think about you.

>> No.13163786

>that's why so and so thought I was a retard
Were you acting like a retard around someone who knows you? Then of course they'll think you're a retard. Some stranger in Denny's who thinks you have a funny haircut and use too much Tabasco has absolutely no impact on your life and for all intents and purposes doesn't exist. You're nobody, just like everybody else.

>> No.13163813

>Some stranger in Denny's who thinks you have a funny haircut and use too much Tabasco
Haha is that what you think life is like? A bad haircut and using tobasco sauce? I'm talking about a thousand social interactions over many years. It sounds like you have yet to see through your veil of autism. And let me tell you, once you see through it, you will say Oh my God...

Or, hey, maybe just persist in your autism. Just don't whine that you can't get a girlfriend or whine that your family thinks you're a weirdo. I'm just trying to teach you guys a life lesson. Take it or leave it.

>> No.13163822

You know, it genuinely looks like you're trying to cope with your own personal issues and I do hope you get those worked out. Don't worry about the rest of us, we'll be fine.

>> No.13163827

>muh "yolo" teen faggotry
OK, Oprah. Thanks for the insight.

>> No.13163832

HAHAHAHAHA. I'm the one with issues? I can have sex with an attractive woman whenever I want. And normies respond to me very well because I've learned how they think. But you and other losers on this board carry on, hugless, kissless virgins until you die. No one will notice or care.

>> No.13163836

The yolo kids were right, you know. Life is short. You'll be dead in a few years. Best to get out of it what you want while you still have the chance.

>> No.13163847

Cool story bro.

>> No.13163850

>HAHAHAHAHA. I'm the one with issues? I can have sex with an attractive woman whenever I want. And normies respond to me very well because I've learned how they think
Uh, are you alright? Reread this and ask yourself whether it sounds well-adjusted to you.

>> No.13163944

It's fine to eat out by yourself but why get stuff you could cook as well yourself? Steak is one of those things, and so is lobster, but both of them together in a restaurant are outrageously overpriced.

Get a ribeye and a lobster tail and do it yourself. Steak cooked exactly to your preferences is one of the best things you can eat and costs a lot less to do yourself as well.

>> No.13163947

no, son

>> No.13164018


I've usually just take a book or magazine to read. These days, though, I usually take a laptop and use their wifi.

Only one time did I ever hear anyone complain about me reading at a restaurant. I was reading that week's Economist magazine at my favorite Chinese restaurant in Houston one night and some ignorant twit at the next table complained about me reading in there. I just ignored the twit. He was probably some damned yankee.

>> No.13164029

The restaurant next door to my office has a communal table for locals who come in alone to sit with others they know. If someone was driving through town, walked in, and sat down at the table with the locals, it would seem pretty strange, though.

>> No.13164039
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Are those fucking pubes in your rice?

>> No.13164074
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Regarding communal tables, in my area those who sit at communal tables will usually at least know who each other are. In many cases, everyone knows everyone quite well.

In my town, I will readily sit at a communal table unless I want to sit by myself and read. At the next town over, I only sit at a communal table if I know someone already at it. The last time that I sat at the communal table in the next town, it was because I knew the judge who was sitting there who I grew up with.

In other places where it would be unusual for everyone to know each other, I have no problem sitting at them even if I don't know others. I remember at one place in Canada a few years ago, I found myself sitting at a table with people from Texas, Peru, and Germany.

The first time I remember sitting at a communal table was at a livestock auction to eat barbecue. I was in the 1st or 2nd grade at the time.

>> No.13164085

I just sit wherever looks the most comfortable and eat silently dude.

>> No.13164094

>I just sit wherever looks the most comfortable and eat silently dude.

I bet that you are a whole lotta fun to be around.

>> No.13164104
File: 2.03 MB, 2001x1462, communal-table-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is worthwhile to take a look at the communal table to try to get an idea about how comfortable you would feel sitting at it.

>> No.13164114

I'm not and I know I'm not. That's why I silently eat my food quickly and leave, so the other people don't have to suffer my presence. I expect to be allowed to sit and enjoy my food until I'm done but I'm only there to eat and get out.

>> No.13164126

>whole lotta fun to be around

you sound like an annoying fuck to be around. are your friends sick of you judging them yet? do you even have any friends left?

>> No.13164253

At most you will have a pair of teenage girls laugh at you for a minute before going back to their snapgramming