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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13157740 No.13157740 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13157744

ay whatchu making nigga

>> No.13157747

Dis gonna be good.

>> No.13157754

Looks like a stew.
The gelatin and anchovies concern me though.

>> No.13157757
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How are you all tonight?

>> No.13157766

im gay

>> No.13157773
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>> No.13157779
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>> No.13157781 [DELETED] 

>all american
>specifies kosher salt
the absolute state of amerika

>> No.13157787

Take your anti-Semitic drivel back to /pol/ where your ilk belong, who hurt you?

>> No.13157791
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Fuck you

>> No.13157796
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Nice. Thanks for sharing with the group.

>> No.13157818

the JIDF are really coming out in force tonight

>> No.13157829
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>getting upset about the best general use kitchen salt

Maybe try meditation or some other sort of calming technique, anon.

>> No.13157833

Kosher salt isn't even special, it's just coarse salt traditionally used in the process of making meat kosher

>> No.13157839

> kosher salt
> best general use
*laughs in black salt*

>> No.13157842

>>getting upset about the best general use kitchen salt

Show us your bacon anon. certainly you're no defending this because of your... well... you know

>> No.13157862
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This feels like not enough carrots/celery but we'll see.

>> No.13157874
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>> No.13157904

bro thats not enough

>> No.13157905
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>> No.13157914

>making a thousand post look at me and my skills thread to show off something your grandma could make in her sleep

Are fucking numale hipsters all like this?

>> No.13157920


I'm sure you can find a tendies thread in the catalog, friend.

>> No.13157935

Yo i'm watching you cook dude. Maybe i'll learn something. Looks delicious so far, fuck the haters

>> No.13157941

Stop samefagging your shitty thread. Putting meat in a pot like a braindead moron can do isn't impressive of notable.

Especially when you need a fucking recipe book to do it.

>> No.13157944

Looks good, man. I really need to work on making more from The Food Lab by J. Kenji Lopez-Alt as well, friend.

>> No.13157948
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>> No.13157949

I can see anchovies working, to add depth to the dish. They'd melt away and make the dish taste richer. As for the gelatin, I imagine it's because real stock contains gelatin from the bones, which isn't present in store-bought stock.

The thing that concerns me however is that he's using chicken broth and not beef. If you're going to make a beef stew, then you should use beef broth.

>> No.13157960

Absolutely based.


>> No.13157964

You fucked up already OP. Onions should always go in first and by themselves, with a generous knob of butter, some oil and some salt. You want to cook them for 20 minutes, without messing with them too much and only stirring around occasionally, and only after that is when you add your carrots and celery and cook for a further 10-20 minutes. Then garlic for 2-3.

This is how you create depth of flavor. Onions are extremely important and people don't cook them for anywhere near long enough.

>> No.13157969

This is another clear fuck up. You should have added your tomato paste in this stage to the pan and let it cook for 5-10 minutes to remove any bitterness. And then you add your wine and reduce by half.

>> No.13157979


nah just kidding I dont give a fuck

>> No.13157988

that's not how you use mirepoix

>> No.13157993

Not really true actually. I've because using chicken stock in beef dishes and vice versa sometimes. You generally can't tell and even if you can it just makes it taste more interesting.

>> No.13157996

That is highly dependant on the dish. You sound extremely uneducated

>> No.13158000

There are a few flaws that have been pointed out by other viewers in this thread, but I think the stew will ultimately come out ok, or at least better than the shitty chinese takeout I had tonight. I need to make something good from scratch tomorrow. Thinking chicken provencal with cauliflower and extra feta...

>> No.13158017

Yes it is. You want your onions to soften to the point where they're almost about to brown, but not quite. This is what will add depth of flavor to the dish. But obviously you don't want your carrots or celery turning to mush, when a beef stew is going to be cooking for hours, so you add them later, buy you still want them to saute for at least 10-20 minutes.

Honestly, OP might as well have not cooked his onions at all and just thrown them into the liquid.

You sound like you must eat a lot of sub-par stew. I bet you use a slow cooker as well.

>> No.13158038

Dude it depends on how you want the onions to taste in the dish dude... you don't always need to brown the onions.

>> No.13158057

Right, either you want them to taste sweet, buttery and slightly caramelized , or you want them to taste of nothing after only being simmered for 3+ hours.

>> No.13158069

Probably to help get that worcestershire flavor.

>> No.13158074


fucking plebs

>> No.13158091

is this the redditor with the cat

>> No.13158256

damn this thread is white

>> No.13158466

I want to believe you, but the way you used "depth of flavor" awkwardly in both posts makes me think you're just throwing buzzwords around. In short, you come off as uneducated.

>> No.13158524

And now so do you.

>> No.13159497

can tell by your starting ingredients you're trying to do kenji's pot roast. if you're gonna go that hipster might as well get the marmite as well. and get a larger quantity of unflavored gelatin instead of the individual packets. you can get it in a large container.
on the subject of gelatin, make your own chicken stock.

out of curiousity, why do you buy tamari if you are obviously not a celiac? I also get it, but it's because my girlfriend is a genelet

>> No.13159703 [DELETED] 

Yeah, what happened to the dickered cat thread?

>> No.13160451

maybe he killed himself

>> No.13160498

>out of curiousity, why do you buy tamari if you are obviously not a celiac? I also get it, but it's because my girlfriend is a genelet
Just think of Tamari as the more premium soy sauce. That's the real reason to buy it. It's more delicious and less adulterated with additives than crap from China.
I am not OP, but I buy low sodium tamari exclusively over soy sauce, so I can get more rich flavor before I reach that maximum salt limit, and that's especially important in a dipping sauce use.

>> No.13161924

This is a cooking board, moron.

>> No.13161940
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Sorry for leaving - my girlfriend and I broke up last night. Basically just put the whole lot in the oven at 275 for 4 hours, them the fridge, then reduced the sauce and reheated it all today.

Super good - really deep flavor and I couldn't even pick up the meat with tongs because it was falling apart.

>> No.13162002
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Already had the gelatin on hand, and I couldn't find marmite at the grocery store and had to get cooking.

Tamari is for the now ex-gf who has Lyme disease which affects her ability to process gluten. She can, but she tries to eliminate it where she can.

This was the whole kaboodle after being in the fridge overnight.

>> No.13162152

>I couldn't even pick up the meat with tongs because it was falling apart.
That means you overcooked it.

>> No.13162165




>> No.13162168


Nah - it was super tender and juicy. Perfect.

>> No.13162187

Wrong. You can overcook a stew, to the point where the meat becomes mushy and falls apart in the way that OP describes.

>> No.13162195


Never said mushy - it still had form, just fell apart along the grain, like really good barbecue.

Also, still not a stew.

>> No.13162197

So why'd you break up with your girlfriend?

>> No.13162388

she left me for her black bull, I suppose it was to be expected

>> No.13162402

Nigger it's just salt

>> No.13162427


>> No.13163330

We call medium coarse salt "kosher salt" in the US, and like >>13157833 mentions, there's nothing special about it. All salt is kosher. Coarse salt ("koshering" salt) is used for making meat kosher.

>> No.13163336

so how was it refrigerated the next day? I remember he said something about it being better the day after but i've never been willing to forgo a fresh hot roast
show us what it looks like after reheating because that gelatinized fat layer is not only looking quite unappetizing it's also making my penis soft

>> No.13163616
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>whole bottle of wine
I usually only use about a cup.

>chicken stock


>> No.13163725

Damn, overcooked. That's too bad.

>> No.13163814

samefag who wouldn't know a good pot roast if it bit him on the ass

>> No.13163819

i'll bite, tell the breakup story mr lonely boy
what happened who was at fault

>> No.13163921
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Damn, btfo. That's too bad.

>> No.13164146
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everyone knows that doesn't mean shit anymore. check me out, i'm actually everyone in the thread
go blow a horse retard

>> No.13164191


>> No.13164219

i'm good
thanking my lucky stars i'm not as dumb as you

>> No.13164221

Damn, mad. That's too bad.

>> No.13164542

samefagging tastelet, damn shame desu. momma raised you better. you the only retard on this board who thinks a fall-apart tender chuck roast is "overcooked"

>> No.13164561

Damn, seething. That's too bad.

>> No.13164581

if you're over the age of 12 still spouting this u mad shit at this point you're really far behind mentally.

>> No.13164591

Damn, agitated. That's too bad.

>> No.13164592

If you're over the age of 12 and accusing others of mental deficiency on 4chan, you're also mentally fucked

>> No.13164690
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Nah, you’re just a pleb.


Enjoy your dog food.

>> No.13164691

>If you're over the age of 12 and accusing others of mental deficiency on 4chan, you're also mentally fucked
No. You think you're forgiven for being a fucking retard just because we're on a mongolian beef jerkying forum?

>> No.13164699

OP used the same motherfucker's recipe who wrote that article. unless you're guessing he cooked it for hours longer than recipe called for, which is unlikely considering he went all the way added the stranger ingredients such as anchovies and soy sauce, then his pot roast recipe would have been to the same standards as he wrote that article

also, that article is about cubed beef stew, which a whole pot roast is not

>> No.13164734
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A whole pot roast is still a stew, it’s just using one big piece of meat instead of being diced. And as the article suggests, even when following a recipe you should only use the recommend time as a guideline and you should be checking for doneness yourself every so often. This is because every piece of meat will be different and so will require different cooking times.

Here’s a picture of a pot roast done properly, and as you can see the pieces of meat still retain their shape when cut up and have not turned to mush like OPs, who’s roast was apparently breaking apart when merely being picked up with a fork. A definite sign of an overcooked pot roast.