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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13157699 No.13157699 [Reply] [Original]

>find a place I like to eat
>staff eventually gets comfortable enough with me to make small talk
>have to find a new place

>> No.13157704

maybe you tipped too much

>> No.13157708
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>have to go 5 mins further to the next liquor store since clerk randomly asked if my purchase was for me or a gift
wtf man we were good for like half a year why did you ruin what we had?

>> No.13158202
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>girl cashier asks if im going to drink all of that myself
why do you even care bitch?

>> No.13158232

You are a fucking idiot. Being a regular is the fucking best. In the last city I lived in, I got into the habit of only ever ordering the daily special at a restaurant. It was a different small appetizer, small salad, and main dish every day. As soon as I walked in the door i could hear them pouring me a pitcher of water (they didn't normally serve pitchers to guests but I drank enough that it was easier) and shortly after sitting down they'd bring me a salad. I didn't even have to place an order.
Man, I really miss that.

>> No.13158240

Found the boomer

>> No.13158291

weird response

>> No.13158293

boomer alert

>> No.13158299

hello boomer

>> No.13158305

>mom always picks me up chinese lunch (for me, it's kung po pork)
>they start throwing in a free fried chicken wing
boomers know how to get deals

>> No.13158321

My local McDonald's calls me three for free

>> No.13158427

Fuck you, normalfag. Fuck your regularity, Fuck your pitcher, fuck every place you ever patronize. Get fucked and fuck off, cunt.

>> No.13158433

I really like this response. It expresses what I was thinking but was too scared to say.

>> No.13158481


>> No.13159444

Never happened, no one wants to know you.

>> No.13159455

how are you going to get a girlfriend if you cant even handle wagie normies?

>> No.13159494

you should have invited her to your place you pathetic fagets

>> No.13159502

lmao just imagine being these posters IT'S FUCKING HILARIOUS

>> No.13159920

find an asian place those insectoids will never recognize that its the same roundeye

>> No.13161036

It's the opposite for me. I usually find some non fast food joint that doesn't look like crap whenever I move. The first week of not really knowing about the restaurant and not feeling comfortable sucks, but by then the staff start recognizing you. My best experience has to have been walking into the place when it had a bunch of customers- only to discover they had kept my spot open. I didn't even have to order- the water just shot some finger guns at me and asked if it was the usual. Only needing to nod to get your food is the fucking best.

>> No.13161174
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This is why I keep a large collection of wigs

>> No.13161192

That sounds really bad. I bet you can't wait until everybody has all your data.

>> No.13161205
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>I think that's my favorite wig so far, anon.

>> No.13161272

are you going to post comments like that all by yourself? I see you here everyday

>> No.13161409

>Being a regular is the fucking best
If it's a restaurant they usually give you extra portions or the best cuts of meat.
If you're a regular in the bar you usually either get heavy discounts or everything you order comes double/triple shot at no extra cost, not to mention random free drinks and free tequila shots.
t.a regular in a bar that ended up becoming a bartender there for a year, totally worth it for the mountains of free drinks and being drunk every shift.

>> No.13161991

I dunno what to tell you Anon. Certainly beats feeling like a stranger by eating somewhere different every week.

>> No.13162141

>knowing they probably talk about you and watch you eat
yeah no thanks, i like being a stranger

>> No.13162229

>being this mad about such a trivial thing
da fuq

>> No.13162258

>not asking her if she'd like to join you when she gets off shift

Even I know how this works and I'm a woman. That cashier is going to have hot lesbian sex because you incels have no idea how this works.

>> No.13162289


>> No.13162299

>people want to talk to me
what the fuck? im just as shut in and antisocial as most 4chantards but do you guys really want to live alone? i like when people make small talk becuase, as uncomfortable as it may be, it is still someone showing a tiny fragment of kindness towards me. grow the fuck up and put yourself out there.

>> No.13162339

These kind of threads attract literally the most resentful, hateful, spiteful permavirgin neets who screech about everything that makes others happy.

>> No.13162354

>im just as shut in and antisocial
>i like when people make small talk

>> No.13162359

have you ever been on 4chan before? eat shit and die pussy

>> No.13162374

Have you been to /r9k/ or wizardchan? Maybe you should stay there to avoid being triggered.

>> No.13162378

But anon, that's the best part.

>> No.13162386
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>boulangère started making small talk to me

>> No.13162409

Agreed. I am so tired of these gross incels thinking they every belonged 4chan. Like, get a clue already, permavirgins. You do not belong here.

>> No.13163571
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>tfw glownigger starts making small talk

>> No.13163652

>wagie starts getting too friendly
>They should be seen and not heard
>While they're talking I let loose a barely audible nigger

>> No.13163703
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I like the better service and friendliness from being a regular but I get really uncomfortable when people start talking about themselves or ask about my life. Why can't it just be a knowing nod and appreciation showed through actions? If I'm a regular that means I like the food. It doesn't have anything to do with the people, even though I clearly respect their craft and trust their consistency. I want it to be a professional relationship.

I get why normalfags like smalltalk and stuff and I can empathize but really I do end up going to a place I like less when they get too familiar with me. I don't want to necessarily I kind of feel bad about it, since I can't blame the restaurant staff for treating me the same as everybody else, but man, I have my comfort zone and at the end of the day it's still just a transaction.

>> No.13163945

Fuck off normalfaggot

>> No.13163951
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>> No.13163961

hideaki anno?

>> No.13163967

Doesn't the staff get upset about you eating the place?

>> No.13163976

They probably get some sweet insurance payouts from it

>> No.13164003
File: 161 KB, 634x901, 2B5C09C800000578-3200934-A_McDonald_s_worker_in_Taiwan_is_encouraging_extra_custom_after_-a-10_1439819390263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped going to my nearest mcdonalds because a fast food worker was nice to me
This tall white girl named Sam started smiling at me and laughing whenever she recognized my voice on the intercom, and gave me free food all the time. One time I asked her why, she said it was because I was nice. I was polite, but I am pretty sure I didnt say anything overly nice. What is there to say at a fast food drive thru, right? And she was white, I was asian. I felt strange getting hit on by a white girl. She was gorgeous and didnt belong at a mcdonalds doing drive thru work, so I had no idea how to approach this situation. So I simply ignored it, like the spineless cuck nobody raised me into. Sometimes Id go back inevitably, and she would be there. I never forgot when we first met, she handed me my order and her eyes got super wide while staring at me, like she was looking at the most beautiful guy in the world, but again how could that be me? Well, it's over now.

>> No.13164010

You just have to ignore them dude. One day you'll wield powers mortals can't even conceive of.

>> No.13164205
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>> No.13164208

It’s a pasta

>> No.13164215

What's it like to feel the need to say that? How does it feel to satisfy the urge? I want to understand.

>> No.13164339

>become a regular at noodle joint
>old chinese lady who owns the place loves me
>gives me free wontons and stuff
>tells me she's going to introduce me to her grand daughter
>can no longer eat the best noodles in the city

>> No.13164593


>> No.13164596

next time pretend you're deaf and point to the item on the menu.

>> No.13164598

Probably fake like all of these threads but why not have a gf and noodles too?

>> No.13164603

I can smell him from here, why do these people exist
excellent selection

>> No.13164606

Is this what white boys fantisize about nowadays?

>> No.13164627

just trolling not glowing or a nigger stay safe anon

>> No.13164641

Man, i wish i could become noticeable to anyone, i'm a literal ghost irl.
Even though i go buy groceries to the same spot for years, it's still just "hello, goodbye"

>> No.13165009

Start stuffing your shorts. It's crazy how much better people treat you.

>> No.13165026

Seriously, this generation is so fucked. And all these men do is blame women for it.
Reminds me of this thread I saw on /pol/ a while back, this anon was complaining that his female coworker was talking about having a birthday party for her pet because she was single and childless, and he was all like "i have a huge load just waiting to make her a mother" yet he didn't even so much as try to even speak to her. Like wtf?

>> No.13165042

Why's that?

>> No.13165050

It takes effort from both sides, doofus. You can't just show up to the same spot and expect camaraderie if you don't make an attempt to show you're receptive to it. You probably stare at the ground/floor most of the time and talk quietly or not at all.

>> No.13165057

Rejects on 4chan aren't representative of "this generation."
Most young people have plenty of casual sex and also tend to have more serious and longer-lasting relationships than the last generation.
>this anon was complaining that his female coworker was talking about having a birthday party for her pet because she was single and childless, and he was all like "i have a huge load just waiting to make her a mother"
It's probably a good thing he didn't talk to her. Sounds like a rapist-in-training, jesus fuck.

>> No.13165066

based pants stuffer

>> No.13165078

That's sexual assault and women don't put up with assholes like you anymore.

>> No.13165107
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Classic thread
It's comforting how some things rarely change

>> No.13165150


>> No.13165257

I'm so ashamed I actually wore a wig because i didn't like the staff talking to me but liked the food. I only did it once tho

>> No.13165273
File: 77 KB, 750x733, 1530309169221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't you just tell them you'd like them to talk to you the minimum required? I mean I don't give a fuck usually, but I guess if someone starts talking to me too much I'd end up telling him to please leave me alone.

>> No.13165309

bring back the alck threads

>> No.13165314


>> No.13165432


>> No.13165673

im black

>> No.13166052

ru gay?

>> No.13166753

Fuck you.

>> No.13167322

Hi can u be my gf???

>> No.13167464


>> No.13167469

No you

>> No.13168071

>girl at counter says “I remember you! I’ll get the usual!”

>> No.13168867

This always happens when I want to try something new too.

>> No.13168939

>being too anxious to eat alone in public
>being too autistic to partake in small talk
Never going to make it.

>> No.13168969

>me too
>divorce laws
>sex doll factories
and you think relationships are doing better than ever? who are you trying to kid, yourself?

>> No.13169337
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>Tfw the cashier recognizes me, and is clearly disgusted

>> No.13169396

ive actually got a date with a cute chinese waitress because of this

>> No.13169450

>getting this mad about such a trivial thing
Shit like this makes me realize I am not so bad.

>> No.13169528

>well, its over now
Where did you bury her body parts?

>> No.13169596

>"Hadn't seen ya for a while"
>never return

>> No.13169658

how can i stop wanting to disappear?

>> No.13169843

Ironic you're telling people to grow up and you're still not old enough to stop caring. Clinging to your breadcrumbs of feigned kindness; "it is still someone showing a tiny fragment of kindness towards me."

I will say I'm indifferent with interactions and don't avoid them, but the real key is being happy with yourself. Just about no one can really do it, but then you're never bothered by anyone else again and can actually enjoy good interactions without coming off desperate like your post.

>> No.13169882
File: 78 KB, 373x373, 9FD829B6-7BA2-4BCA-A28F-1CA1D5DB98F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I would go to a bar I’d get picked up by a couple that would bring me with them out of pity and we’d go bar hopping. On multiple occasions I’d hang out and play pool with various couples and just tag along. I’m reserved and I like eating dinner alone along with copious amounts of beer. The couple always makes the first break in conversation. The guys weren’t cucks or anything wanting me to fuck their girl. I suppose the just pity me. But I enjoy eating alone occasionally and just watch sports or play keno. I gave up on relationships for a while. Sometimes I’d piss the couple off and they’d ditch me or I’d swap number with them and lose contact or interest after a few weeks because I rarely visit the city. I was hanging out at a bar and a another couple approached me. Turned out to be her brother in law so I gave her my number and we started dating. I no longer hang out in bars that much but still do occasionally. My confidence is up now that I’m getting laid again. Had a dry spell for a few years. Anyway, end of blog. I just wanted to shed some hope on fellow anons that haven’t been laid in a while or ever.

>> No.13169900

By actually disappearing.
Alternatively, find something that makes you want to stick around.

>> No.13170444

Just wait till you're a wizard and can cast Greater Invisibility.

>> No.13170459

>Clinging to your breadcrumbs of feigned kindness

Why are you assuming the kindness is fake?

>> No.13170461

You sound pretty approachable if random couples keep wanting to hang out with you in bars. I've never had anyone even talk to me in one.

>> No.13170468

I think he's confusing fake kindness with just politeness. Making small talk with people you see often isn't kindness.

>> No.13170485

I hate when people acknowledge my existence.

>> No.13170601

thread reminds me of the golden age of /r9k/ before "they" took it over. Fresh memes, good times, all gone like tears in the rain.

>> No.13170709


>> No.13170763

Everyone on this board is an autismo

>> No.13170839

Cause we're talking about food service and shit? I mean you're fucked if you dont treat your customers well so some people have to fake their kindness and smile just to earn money(not applicable to richfags since they dont work in food service shit anyway).

>> No.13171103
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Excuse me, madam?

>> No.13171448

I've had this happen too often. I don't know why. I usually don't stop going there, but I'm not good with small talk.
It happened at a sandwich shop, a coffee shop, and a Chinese restaurant.

>> No.13171554

gonna get drunk lads, wish me luck

>> No.13171565

Not a single shagger in the world gives a fuck about metoo
It's just a cope for incels

>> No.13172367

update:v drunk

>> No.13172389


>> No.13173050

call me an idiot or whatever but
does OP mean that he's sad because he has to find a new place (due to some reason) after getting the staff to know him? (hence the feelsbad wojak)
he has to leave because he doesn't want the staff to know him?
talking with the staff is pretty fun, just 1 or 2 exchanges or compliments may make their entire exhausting day worth while.

>> No.13173068

And you know it was a genuine girl because she knows all about taking bait.

>> No.13173072

Post benis.

>> No.13173078

congrats friend

>> No.13174011

post your tits

>> No.13174292

Dude, go back there and ask her out

>> No.13174853

I used used to order a panzerotti at this place all the time in college, at one point they started making me these xbox huge panzerottis because I mispoke and said xlarge despite them not doing it for anyone else

>> No.13174865

Thanks for making this thread yet again you virgins

>> No.13175200


>> No.13175212

Yeah, I unironically wish restaurants / stores were all just a bunch of non-perceptive robots who gave you exactly what you ordered without trying to get to know you or guess what your order will be later on when you go there other times. It always startles and agitates me a bit when people start telling me what my order is going to be or making conversation based on whatever happened the last time I was there.

>> No.13175285

>you really like those, huh?
Yeah, well I bet you really like COCK.

>> No.13175373
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>coffee lady on campus says shes noticed I havent been there in a while
>says she missed me

>> No.13175421
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>> No.13175521

Know your place chinksect.

>> No.13175524

You aren't any less pathetic now than when I made fun of you in this exact same thread a year ago.

>> No.13175532

She knows asians got money

>> No.13175570


>> No.13175573

t. incel

>> No.13175595

too bad that family was probably mad rich.

>> No.13175648

they want to die but killing themselves would be akin to work which is the only thing the zoomer hates more than life

>> No.13175657

>be pet
>get birthday party
yay, this is nice

>> No.13175662

oh it's this thread again

>> No.13175669

being a regular in indian restaurant, eating there 2 or 3 times a week, it's good

>> No.13175675

to clarify, 2/3 times may not be much but this is going consistently for years

>> No.13175687

>everything you order comes double/triple shot at no extra cost
hard to believe this, are you larping or there is some weird place doing this? is the barman a bigger autist than you or what?

>> No.13175696
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I like giving my dog a "gotcha day" treat: it's like a birthday party for rescued pound pups.

>> No.13175711

>are you going to get a girlfriend
ofc not

>> No.13176183

>im just as shut in and antisocial as most 4chantards
I bet you also get """depressed""" on occasion.

>> No.13177266

>know its feigned kindness just to get you to spend more and that she doesn't care for you at all
This is the hard to swallow pill

>> No.13177287

Nice. I bet that one cut deep if he's smart enough to understand it like I am.

>> No.13177306

It’s kind of fashionable to be mentally ill at the moment.

>> No.13177356

Sure you are Wan.

>> No.13177365

>show up just to spite them
>knowing you you are making there day just a little bit worse

>> No.13177390

>Find something I really like on the menu
>Start ordering it every time
>"Aren't you ever going to order something else?"
Why can't you just shut up and take my money you dumb faggot?

>> No.13177393

No cashier has ever asked you that.

>> No.13177399

fuck off i hate people and I don't want anybody to talk to me

>> No.13177452

>finally find barber that knows how to cut my hair
>nice and quiet sessions for the first year or two
>after that, barber starts trying to small talk with me
>don’t want to be rude so I answer all his questions
>now he won’t stop trying his to talk to me every time I come in
>end up growing my hair so I don’t have to see him frequently

>> No.13177457

You are trolling, nobody is that autistic

>> No.13177474

Multiple cashiers and waitstaff have.

>> No.13177479

Well I am. Also I have a bad case of dandruff that I’ve been trying to combat for 5 years and he always mentions it when I go, which makes me feel bad.

>> No.13177483

Nigga just buy some dandruff shampoo and bath more than once a week.

>> No.13177498

Stop buying dollar-store shampoo.

>> No.13177499

Dandruff shampoo rarely works.

>> No.13177501

Works for me also. >>13177498

>> No.13177512

Nigga. Dandruff shampoo doesn’t fix dandruff. It just makes it go away for half a day, only for it to come back in the afternoon. Also they make the scalp really dry and the hair brittle, so it becomes impossible to comb my hair, even when I use conditioner.

Like I said, I’ve been trying to get rid of it for 5 years now. I’m no stranger to the countless dogshit remedies out there.

>> No.13177521

ok boomer

>> No.13177523

Just shave your head, and if anyone asks say you just finished chemo.

>> No.13177525

Have you never thought to ask if he has any ideas for how to get rid of it?

>> No.13177526

Fuck that's a really good idea, just ask him for advice, he probably has some.

>> No.13177531

Just say, "Yeah, I've been having trouble with it for a few years".

>> No.13177578

>muh approach first

>> No.13177584

My parents unironically never taught me how to pick up girls. It's not my fault.

>> No.13177587

Bathing more often would worsen dandruff

>> No.13177591

I’ve been a regular at a Japanese bakery and no one has ever given me a single rice grain for free.

>> No.13177592

That's 100% not true and you know it.

>> No.13177599

Such is the yellow semite

>> No.13177638

Quit being paranoid. U freak.

>> No.13177647

The only problem I have is I hate eating at a place by myself and will usually go out to eat with friends.

>> No.13177696

Found the finder!
Found the responder!
Found the alerter!!!!

>> No.13177868
File: 305 KB, 704x528, 1736519093654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling OP.

>> No.13177885

Don't think that guy meant that the anon should have delivered the load line word for word, but rather he was saying that anons would be better off if, instead of bitching about women, they tried to make contact (not physical, at least not without consent) with them. Basically, anons out here bitching that women don't give them the time of day instead of talking to women.

>> No.13177902

Feels breddy gud

>> No.13177904

Is this from Mr. Rodger's manifesto?

>> No.13177914

Absolutely based

>> No.13177919

Shit like this is why I forced my self to learn how to cook. Now I no longer have to make small talk with anyone.

>> No.13177927

>get a girlfriend
I fail to see the appeal.

>> No.13177970

>need a haircut
>go to the walk in, no booking place at my small local shopping centre
>decided 2pm Saturday afternoon seemed like a good time, hopefully no one there
>get there, 2 qt hairdressers sitting down talking because no customers
>one immediately sits me down and goes to work
>awkward small talk ensues
>glance in the mirror and see the other girl watching me from behind
>Start to stare at the floor in front of me
>girl cutting my hair asks where I’m going tonight, what time I’m going to start drinking, tells me how the last time she went out it was so boring
>ask her what she’s doing
>”going to be a boring night for me, just making dinner then watching movies by myself”
>spend next 10 mins daydreaming about what I could say and how I would pick this girl up
>more small talk, lie and say I have a job lol
>say thanks, pay and leave

>> No.13178353

What kind of autist takes pick up advice from his parents?

>> No.13178514

Your dad should at least help you get started.
>dad suspects I like a girl
>starts busting my balls and bantzing me about it
>deny everything
>I actually did like her
Th-thanks dad.

>> No.13178531

Just use common sense ffs.

>> No.13178534

>common sense
You gotta learn it somewhere.

>> No.13178549

Cultural osmosis and not being retarded. Done. No boomer anachronisms needed.