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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.74 MB, 2880x1777, 20191102_213953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13156794 No.13156794 [Reply] [Original]

Ah, the local Pub. Possibly the greatest place in the world.

What's your pint /ck/?

>> No.13156798

uno Budweiser for me bar keep

>> No.13156799

Butt Come

>> No.13156800
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The patrician's choice of beer.

>> No.13156811
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Pubs need more dogs and less women

>> No.13156814

Tankard of Stella

>> No.13156820
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>> No.13156859
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>> No.13156959

A nice local ale.
Failing that, Guinness will do just fine.

>> No.13157741
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>> No.13157777

based pubposter. in canada all we have are overpriced and soulless corporate sports bars.

>> No.13157794
File: 22 KB, 728x475, Ptbw9yHg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you will never have a nice local pub to go to every Friday

>> No.13157804


its not a fucking 'pub' if it has 'choices' for beer. my lord.

>> No.13157812

It's on dundas just west of keele, and they make all beer on site

>> No.13157843

i wish USA had pubs like this.

>> No.13158028

Too expensive cause the taxes went crazy

>> No.13158249

1 Fruit Braggot

>> No.13158266

that looks like a shitty hipster bar with no heart

>> No.13158340

Pubs are full of utter norf FC dregs. There a reason they're all being shut down and it's because no one wants to be near those cretins.

>> No.13158344

It is a bit zoomy, but they make good beer.

>> No.13158368

Zoomers can barely drink what does that even mean??

>> No.13158377

where is this, that's crazy its the exact layout of the pub I used to go to in the UK. They must of had a layout many pubs used back then?

>> No.13158387

a glass of water and a table in a far corner by myself please

>> No.13158955

That's a great looking pub. Shame it does food.

>> No.13158961

Whatever scrumpy they have, if not, Guinness or scotch.

>> No.13158990

Pint of Stella my good man. And in a none gay glass.

>> No.13159032

That's a great looking pub mate

>> No.13159050

tfw no comfy local pub to read in all day.

fuck my gay american life. this is why i'm going to england when i'm on my deathbed

>> No.13159181

Pint of Guinness, good lad.

>> No.13159191


>> No.13159193

I'll get a pint of bitter and a pork pie, please.

>> No.13159198

What's the pub? Looks comfy.

>> No.13159201

for me it's oxford, england, the city with the most comfy pubs. If you're planning to an hero, this is the ideal city to spend the rest of your bank account/credit limit on before you do it.

>> No.13159221

pubs are gay

>> No.13159290

uno beero and a large portion of chips please lass

>> No.13159299

>dog without collar in a public place

This is a surefire way to lose your dog.

>> No.13159308


It's allowed in pubs with the landlords consent. Unless it's a chain, the landlord can make any rule he likes in his own pub.

As to OP's question, pint of stout. I'll take Guinness, but it's piss.

>> No.13159309

That could be literally anywhere in Britain/Ireland

>> No.13159312

honestly i had to google pictures of my local pub to make sure it wasn't the same place as the picture. it wasnt

>> No.13159316
File: 864 KB, 2688x1520, IMG_20150926_115528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to live in Dublin Ireland, and I have to say I love the classic Irish pub style. I had a place next to this lovely O'Briens pub on Sussex street which I adored. Lots of old wood, great bartenders, no loud music, quite interesting people to talk to.

Some of my best times in Dublin were had in that pub. Pic related.

>> No.13159348

pint of peroni cheers

>> No.13159354

>oxford, england
As opposed to?

>> No.13159357

when i'm in NA and mention oxford everyone asks me to specify. i guess there's a bunch of bumfuck NA towns called oxford or something

>> No.13159360

Fuck em

>> No.13159362

Sounds comfy, anon. Maybe I'll check out the place next time I'm in Dublin. Although I am usually North of the river it doesn't look like too long of a walk if it's a nice day.

>> No.13159368
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Check it out. And if you want someone that's really good with whisky selection ask for Maciek, he's a great bartender.

>> No.13159401

t. terminal beta who has never been in a pub outside of wetherspoons.

>> No.13159405 [DELETED] 

This. Those handpulled cask conditioned ales, fireplaces and naturally comfy interiors as opposed to sterile, manufactured visual and sound noise. You have to admit, the bongs get that shit right.

>> No.13159418

>pubs are full
>pubs are shutting down

>> No.13159433

Don't be mistaken, we bongs have our fair share of horrid, sterile, corporate 'pubs' (Wetherspoons being the biggest culprit here), but theyr're populated by the kind of people you expect. Loud early 20s LADS, drunk slags, and lately bitter old brexiteers due to the owner being such a vocal brexit supporter.

The best pubs are in small towns or on the dges of city centres. Usually closer to traditional industrial sectors, where men would go for a peaceful pint after a hard shift. Most are closing because breweries are suicidally greedy, but there's still a lot of good ones.

>> No.13159491
File: 13 KB, 236x320, 75D770B9-6CBA-4528-9841-36C4BB0D6139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Murphy’s, without a doubt

>> No.13159500

>sterile, corporate 'pubs'
>brexit supporter
what? how? wouldn't they be remainers?

>> No.13159509

two pints of lager and a packet of crisps please

>> No.13159541

Murican here, that looks like the exact pub I went to a lot when I visited Bristol. Even the dog. Do they all look like this?

>> No.13159585


>> No.13159853


>> No.13159906
File: 127 KB, 550x739, bicuitsandgravybritstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>visit distant cousin in England
>go to "pub" for lunch
>very hungry
>order biscuits and gravy
>get this
>pretty good

>> No.13160164

More likely Britain, the taps on the left hand side are for real ale which is (unfortunately) rare in Ireland.

>> No.13160470 [DELETED] 

Why would that be? Are the Irish brewers just pricks or what?

>> No.13160602

They called you a poof didn't they?

>> No.13160607

Cider and fat plate of over salted curry fries

>> No.13160623

The owner of the chain is an loud supporter of leaving the EU. The places themselves are a cheap and accessible place to eat and drink for most people, quality is pretty lousy, but it's reliable.

Remainers tend to like to huff farts out of pedigree gerbil's arses while debating the finer points of humus. So a place that isn't quite so gay friendly will make them feel scared.

>> No.13161290

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.13161362

Currently drinking a bottle of Flensburger

>> No.13161446

While I enjoy the social experience of a bar it's not worth the price premium 99.99% of the time.
Unless someone I haven't seen for months is in town I can't be assed to pay that much.

>> No.13161901
