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File: 77 KB, 900x900, 66031A67-762C-4A61-9F76-3F12BEC958AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13147032 No.13147032 [Reply] [Original]

>started keto diet
>now I have heart pains and cardio problems
>still fat

>> No.13147043


>> No.13147044

I heard if you kill yourself you dont feel anything anymore. Try that.

>> No.13147046


>> No.13147047

keto is a meme

don't listen to ketards.

>> No.13147057
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>eat like shit
>feel like shit

>> No.13147061

>started keto diet
>im a huge faggot confirmed
sounds about right OP

>> No.13147064
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Keto is a l*ddit meme diet for pic related

>> No.13147092

keto people are THE biggest faggots
>doesn't eat fruit anyway
>now has an excuse to not eat fruit

>> No.13147123
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>> No.13147126


what did you expect?

>> No.13147128

Ketolards are always fat as shit and end up getting fatter whenever you meet one IRL, yet all of them claim the diet is magic. Literally retarded.

>> No.13147132

Diets like keto are unnecessary. Eat less, weight less. It's that simple.

>> No.13147151
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Objectively false.
Reminder that you don't lose more weight if you keep calories the same and only change the macronutrient ratio.
>Comparison of weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
>CONCLUSIONS: Reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize.
>Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets
>KLC and NLC diets were equally effective in reducing body weight and insulin resistance, but the KLC diet was associated with several adverse metabolic and emotional effects. The use of ketogenic diets for weight loss is not warranted.
>Energy expenditure and body composition changes after an isocaloric ketogenic diet in overweight and obese men.
>The carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity posits that habitual consumption of a high-carbohydrate diet sequesters fat within adipose tissue because of hyperinsulinemia and results in adaptive suppression of energy expenditure (EE). Therefore, isocaloric exchange of dietary carbohydrate for fat is predicted to result in increased EE, increased fat oxidation, and loss of body fat. In contrast, a more conventional view that "a calorie is a calorie" predicts that isocaloric variations in dietary carbohydrate and fat will have no physiologically important effects on EE or body fat.
>CONCLUSION: The isocaloric KD was not accompanied by increased body fat loss but was associated with relatively small increases in EE that were near the limits of detection with the use of state-of-the-art technology.

>> No.13147153

It's good that keto is helping people lose weight, because being overweight is pretty bad in general no matter what you're eating. But it still deserves criticism for using some pseudoscience about carbs and not making people face the fact that overconsumption is what causes weight gain. You can literally eat nothing but carbs and not be overweight if you portion control.

It's also a problem that it has people blaming healthy sources of carbs for their health issues instead of just the soda and junk food that they were probably consuming too much of.

>> No.13147165
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The fact the one thing ketogenic diet is indisputably beneficial for is treating intractable epilepsy yet almost no epileptics can tolerate it even though *it actually works* should tell you something about how not meant for human consumption that approach to diet is.
To break this down some more, these epileptic seizures they have cause them to suffocate to the point of turning purple, gives them brain damage that makes additional epileptic seizures even likelier in the future, happens commonly in response to stress (meaning you know if you feel worried about it you're actually making one more likely to begin), makes them drop to the floor spasming and shitting their pants, etc.
Yet the ketogenic diet is *worse* than that. It has one of the most notoriously poor tolerance rates of any treatment, even when counting shit like chemo therapy.
If you look at the data on the kids who've been placed on the ketogenic diet as a treatment for childhood epilepsy, the normal annual incidence of pediatric kidney stones is something like 3.7 per 100,000 kids, compared with 1 in 10 kids on the ketogenic diet:
>There have been several reports about renal calculi developing in children on the ketogenic diet since the first report more than 30 years ago.9-11 The prevalence of renal caculi in people on the ketogenic diet is 3-10%, compared with 1 in several thousand in the general population.12 Chronic acidosis, dehydration, low urine pH, and fat malabsorption all contribute to the formation of uric acid and calcium oxalate stones.9,10
That's an increase in annual kidney stone risk by a factor of 2,700.
If you do "keto" and don't have epilepsy you're completely retarded.

>> No.13147168

>and not making people face the fact that overconsumption is what causes weight gain
Also you can find people who say they gained weight on keto because they didn't care about portion control.

>> No.13147172

>Thermodynamics barely works for anyone

Based retard

>> No.13147187

OP here. Forgot to mention I have also been on HRT for the past month

I’m a 21 male 90 pounds of that helps

>> No.13147227

I'm pretty sure that "CICO doesn't work" is just trolling

>> No.13147238
File: 88 KB, 1024x726, smu g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much or not enough salt
too little water
your burning through all the fat you've stored which is full of shit your body didn't want to use when you ate it originally.
you're going to have a bad time.

once you've gotten rid of all your fat you'll be able to put on new and healthy fat that won't give you heart palpitations when you burn it.

>> No.13147401

These posts were typed by fat plebbitor hands. It is notoriously reddit to hate keto

>> No.13147431
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It's funny that you chose a picture of Penn Jillett who was a fat fuck for the majority of his adult life before eventually turning vegan and in addition to losing tons of weight almost all his health problems cleared up.

>> No.13147436

But now he looks like a soyboy beta cuck and he has to eat veggies every day lose lose.

>> No.13147443

He lost weight because he ate fewer calories you retard. Just because you eat fewer calories while doing X meme diet doesn't mean the diet had any actual value beyond providing fewer calories. What you have to do is show keto causes weight loss in a way that isn't explained by the fact they were eating fewer calories. Which you can't.

>> No.13147451

>It's reddit to not fall for stupid memes
Nope, keep trying little buddy.

>> No.13147461

>in addition to losing tons of weight almost
because he only ate potatoes

>> No.13147472

Guys don't overcomplicate this shit, keto makes you feel way less hungry, so you end up consuming a lot less food, if you're such a lardass that you can't avoid eating even when feeling full, keto will do nothing for you.

>> No.13147475

This, starving does in fact make you lose weight. Not sure why anyone thinks this is an argument in favor of "doing keto."

>> No.13147476

Carbs are the primary source of fuel for the human body. There are different types of carbs, twinkies are different from spaghetti which is different from black beans which is different from a watermelon etc.

The keto diet is essentially purposefully draining your primary fuel tank so that your body runs on its secondary emergency tank, ketosis. It's very dangerous. It is stimulating to the body which is why short term people benefit but its truly because they are now in survival mode and it's not sustainable. A lot of cancer and kidney/pancreas issues from low carb high animal protein diets.

Stay away from meme fad diets. Eat better foods and exercise.

>> No.13147481

You really think he looked better as a fatass? Lol America!

Also interesting though when he originally made the switch he fully intended to still eat meat on cheat days and made fun of ethical vegans a lot. Now he talks about how the thought of eating meat seems revolting and even cheese which he used to crave just seems sour and gross. Will wax all day about how many poundsof blackberries he can eat though and how many flavours you notice when everything doesn't just taste like salt, fat and sugar.

>> No.13147498

Only for two weeks to reset his palate and shake the desire for eating from the need to eat.

>> No.13147512

Sounds about right OP

>> No.13147537

>keto makes you feel way less hungry
Except keto has the same high relapse rate every diet does. So clearly these keto dieters are getting hungry again and eating too much again. Not sure how that's a feature in favor of keto.

>> No.13147632

Fuck fruit. Veggies and berries are great though

>> No.13147638

Fruits are vegetables.

>> No.13147653


Vegan keto with intermittent fasting master race

Eat nothing but salad, olive oil and lupins or soy or gluten for a week, water fast 3 days, and repeat. Selectively lose bodyfat like melting butter and get high as balls off of high blood levels of GHB-mimicking ketones and ghrelin.

>> No.13147655

Bad genes

>> No.13147666

There is nothing wrong with eating fruit. Just because it has sugar doesn't make it like drinking a soda.

>> No.13147686

There are now evidence that keto changes gut bacteria composition towards species of bacteria that increase blood triglycerides level, and that effect is more pronounced in people who were fat before starting keto diet. They might have lost weight, but they clogged their arteries more than ever before thanks to keto.

>> No.13147691

Wait you mean, if you want to burn your massive amount of fat, you should eat the foods that will give you the quickest boost of energy, and not the foods that burn at a slower metabolic rate?

Dude keto takes into account that store energy becomes the energy output to power the human body, if you consistently eat carbs that's all your body will burn before your fat storage.

Keto works to a certain extent, you either need to be extremely active to make it work, or a fat fuck and plateau, at a certain weight and start actually burning calories while sustaining healthy amounts of carbs.

>> No.13147700

Everything you eat affects your gut bacteria, what a lot of people don't realize is your gut bacteria also affects what you want to eat.

>> No.13147702

>I’m in a fad diet
>why am I having health problems?

>> No.13147712

You should have lost weight first. Keto isn't for losing weight. It's for optimising your biological potential.

>> No.13147719

>It's for optimising your biological potential.
You can get the benefits of eating fat without completely shunning carbs which we evolved to eat and benefit from too.

>> No.13147726

That's not it. I'm not in the mood to give a full explanation today, but in effect we have evolved to be smarter, stronger, better in periods when vegetable availability is low.

>> No.13147739
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Thank you sir, here's your coffee.

>> No.13147745

You still need to exercise dumbdumb. I did it for 2 months and lost 40 lb with a daily 2 mile run and IF with a protein shake in the morning and a steak for dinner.

>> No.13147751

yes it does its literally the same thing
>muh good sugars

>> No.13147755



After two years of keto, I got tested with a triglyceride level of 36

>> No.13147756

>fuck toes and glue gross do the same thing
leanr about the human body you stupid uneducated fat fuck moron

>> No.13147766

you first retard
they do do the same thing

>> No.13147804

Cool meaningless anecdote, friend.

>> No.13147820

Remember to do the needful and add the proper herb to the daily anti-meat threads the vegans plaster on the board.

>> No.13147823

>I'm not in the mood to give a full explanation today

>we have evolved to be smarter, stronger, better in periods when vegetable availability is low.
I thought keto let you eat plenty of low carb veg though. And cooking starchy foods to get more calories benefited us as much as cooking meat.

>> No.13147827

that totally happened

>> No.13147841

I doubt anyone has gotten fat from fruit. Overweight people usually just want concentrated sugar in the form of soda or candy, or something with a lot of sugar and fat together like cookies, ice cream, etc.

The sugar itself is the same, but fruit has more than just sugar which makes it not cause a blood sugar spike in the same way. There are pretty much no studies showing downsides to fruit consumption, but the opposite, plenty of benefits. "Soda is bad because sugar and fruit has sugar so it must be bad too" is missing a lot of other factors, though I understand the logic.

>> No.13147873

Try it for a couple of days, I did for a week and didn't feel any urge to eat unless I wasn't eating at all, I eated because it was time to eat, I think the fat makes you feel full for a longer time, or maybe it's the lack of the insulin crash that comes with sugars, anyway I found it easier to avoid overeating in keto

>> No.13147877

not all fruit is high sugar but eating too much sugar is bad for you regardless of if its fructose or not

>> No.13147897

The limit for "too much sugar" just seems to be a lot higher with whole fruit compared to refined sugar, to the point where most people won't reach it unless they're doing a fruitarian diet or something.

>> No.13147916

>people can only eat one type of food
eating a bunch of sugary fruit is common for fatasses trying to be "healthy"

>> No.13147939

>>people can only eat one type of food
Not sure where you got that from.

It is healthy though, unless you're going over your calorie limit, but that's a lot harder with fruit because it doesn't have the fat of cookies and shit like that to push the calories even higher.

>> No.13148015

>Guys don't overcomplicate this shit, keto makes you feel way less hungry
Why the fuck would you severely alter the way your body processes energy at a basic level just for the sake of maybe feeling less hungry? You don't need to maintain a state of ketosis to feel satiated. That's like deciding to do chemo therapy so you don't have to keep getting haircuts.

>> No.13148034

All memes aside the average American eats way too many fuckin carbs, even if you do a bumpy version of keto where you fuck up (so, low-carb technically) you're doing yourself a god damn favor.

>> No.13148140

What do you mean epileptics can't tolerate it?

This thread is missing the point though, don't do keto, you should do carnivore-keto (which lends itself well to IF, I do 2 meals a day)

>> No.13148145

>you should do carnivore-keto
humans aren't carnivores

>> No.13148174

>the average American eats way too many fuckin carbs
>We have for the past 15 years treated numerous diabetic patients with the rice diet. Since more than 90 percent of the calories in this diet are derived from carbohydrates, it was anticipated that increased amounts of insulin would be necessary to keep the blood sugar at its previous level. However, the opposite proved to be true. As previously reported, not only is the rice diet well tolerated but in many instances the blood sugar and the insulin requirements decrease.
>There is no indication that healthy people taking a diet rich in carbohydrates are especially liable to diabetes ; in fact numerous observations show improvement of carbohydrate tolerance following its greater intake. The Staub-Traugott effect is a classical example of this in acute experiments. As a long-term effect diabetes mellitus is not especially common among the huge and mainly carbohydrate-eating populations of the world-e.g., the Chinese-except the rich and the sedentary among them who partake of large quantities of fat as well and encourage obesity by overeating.

>> No.13148187

taking those studies as gospel is just as retarded as taking the Gospel as gospel. they'll tweak data to show anything.

>> No.13148203

If you want to ignore the studies that's fine. There's a common sense argument too which is that massive populations of hungry skelly Asians have been eating almost nothing but carbs since forever yet the nations eating fewer carbs have been American Spurdo in a mobility scooter mode in contrast.

>> No.13148210

keto is a scorched earth tactic that avoids the carbs in the American corn, soy, and sugar based diets.

>> No.13148219

>massive populations of hungry skelly Asians have been eating almost nothing but carbs since forever yet the nations eating fewer carbs
the other nations don't eat fewer carbs they eat more because they stuff everything with sugar and rinse it down with sugar water

>> No.13148228

Then it's not a carb problem, is it?

>> No.13148236

no it's absolutely an overeating and constant hunger problem caused by sugar in everything and a purposefully retarded populace.

>> No.13148243

>avoids the carbs in the American corn, soy, and sugar based diets.
>American corn, soy, and sugar based diets
we all know what the real problem is

>> No.13148245

it's a pointless distinction when you consider the american diet, but sugar flavored sugar in everyfuckingthing is the issue. sugar is a carb, sugar needs cut out, keto cuts out carbs, ergo keto works. deal w/it.

>> No.13148257

Yeah, cutting off your balls prevents testicular cancer. Doesn't make it a good idea.

>> No.13148261

there is no way to avoid sugar in the united states WITHOUT avoiding carbs, unless you go home-grown paleo route, but i'm sure you'll meme on that as well. no more (You)s

>> No.13148271

>there is no way to avoid sugar in the united states WITHOUT avoiding carbs
you can easily do "keto" with rice or potatoes and not get the extra sugar that you'd be eating with prepared food.

>> No.13148277

are you talking about added sugars? it's pretty easy to avoid them. bread has it added more often but even then it's easy to find bread without. rice and pasta never have it. potatoes and sweet potatoes don't have added sugar.

it's only an issue if you're eating a lot of premade food which you shouldn't be doing for other reasons anyway.

>> No.13148290
File: 410 KB, 544x477, twinkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have a good reason to avoid sugar in the first place. You have a good reason not to become overweight, but again, this isn't carb specific as an issue nor sugar specific.
>In the present study, we investigated the association between dietary intake of carbohydrates and the risk of type 2 diabetes.
>These prospective findings suggest that the intakes of starch and sucrose are not associated, but that those of fructose and glucose are inversely associated with diabetes risk.
>Is diabetes caused by eating sugar?
>A diet high in calories from any source (including sugar) contributes to weight gain and weight gain increases your risk for type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease. Type 2 diabetes is not caused by sugar, but by genetics and lifestyle factors.
>Increased food energy supply is more than sufficient to explain the US epidemic of obesity
>With Type 2 diabetes, though we know sugar doesn’t directly cause Type 2 diabetes, you are more likely to get it if you are overweight. You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs, and sugary foods and drinks contain a lot of calories.
>Comparison of weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
>CONCLUSIONS: Reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize.

>> No.13148321

The dude in the pic even said his blood tests came back better once he lost weight even though he was mainly eating Twinkies.

>> No.13148338

Yeah, I don't know why fat people are so determined to do everything in their power to deny the basic, proved thousands of times over, really obvious fact that it's the calories which matter, not whichever latest fad diet is going around this year.

>> No.13148348

Because they hate having to take responsibility for how much and how often they shove food in their gullet.

>> No.13148352

Also inb4 someone else shows up and starts posting bullshit about macronutrients and "inflammation."
>Hop on the Internet or visit a bookstore, and you will see “anti-inflammatory” diets galore, dishing out recipes and hope.
>The underlying science, however, is somewhat shaky. Sure, plenty of foods have been found to reduce inflammation—many of them in laboratory experiments as opposed to in people: turmeric, blueberries, ginger, tea, various vegetables, dark chocolate, fish.
>University of South Carolina epidemiologists James Hébert and Nitin Shivappa valiantly surveyed 1,943 such studies and published in 2014 a Dietary Inflammatory Index, with 45 food elements. They created it as a research tool for evaluating diets but concede it's built from studies that varied widely in methodology.
>When I asked Ridker his views on anti-inflammatory diets, he grew uneasy. “This has caught on like wildfire,” he says, “but I have seen extremely little data that say this piece of food is ‘anti-inflammatory’ and this piece is ‘pro-inflammatory.’” He advises his own patients to eat a Mediterranean-type diet, heavy on vegetables, whole grains and fish and light on red meat and processed foods.

>> No.13148356

its easier to blame it on literally anything else. they dont want to take responsibility.

>> No.13148362

You do realize you can cook yourself, right? You are on a god damned cooking forum for fuck's sake. Yeah, if you eat all prepackaged food it's going to be loaded with salt and sugar but it's not rocket science to make things without all that.

>> No.13148484

We CAN eat plants, but we don't tolerate them well.

Any plant food gives you gastrointenstinal problems e.g. bloating farting nausea brain fog. Thinking critically, this stuff is not a good sign. Meat digests perfectly.

>> No.13148502

Some plants are harder to digest and benefit from cooking. I have no issue eating cooked broccoli but get indigestion from eating it raw. Other than farting a few times after eating beans, I don't really have any of those other issues. I get strong cravings for vegetables if I eat a lot of meat too.

>brain fog
Seems like it's a meme for people to blame it on diet rather than poor sleep and overuse of caffeine which is really common today.

>> No.13148508

I've literally never seen a non-fatty ketard. Except for my mom but that's because she's a w*man

>> No.13148544

To eat less you brainlet, fat people have fucked up their bodies to a point they can shove to their face 10000 Calories in one sitting, they are fucking addicted to sugar and food, if you don't have a weight problem you don't need keto is that simple.

>> No.13148792

This is some retarded shit you posted right here.

>> No.13148878

>keto isn't for losing weight
Well, it helped me lose 50 pounds and shaved 25% off my mom and dad, so I'd call that optimizing my biological potential.

>> No.13148888

>it works for diabetes so it must work for everyone

>> No.13148892

look at my penis

>> No.13148924

>I have no issue eating cooked broccoli but get indigestion from eating it raw.

You can change that over time by slowly eating more and more raw. Once you get a better colony of the bacteria that like to eat and break down stuff like broccoli you'll digest it better. And you do that by feeding them. It works that way with a great many things actually.

>> No.13149281





>> No.13149762

This. A diet should be a lifestyle change, not a temporary phase. If you just go keto until you lose weight, then you'll just put it back on when you go back to your regular diet

>> No.13150076

Tried it body went into gluconeogenesis lost over 40kg muscle mass body stored 55kg more fat feelsbad

>> No.13150079

Keto is a positive lifestyle change for most people. But it's definitely a major one. You need to read a lot about it before committing. It's certainly not for people who only want to reduce body fat.

>> No.13150333

>Keto is a positive lifestyle change for most people.
[citation needed]

>> No.13150360

Keto helped me understand the importance of eating whole foods and good protein while ditching all the sugar and packaged shit. I'm not saying everybody will make that same change, but the diet is the main reason I realised how badly cheap and easy food was fucking me over.