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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13142671 No.13142671 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13142749

Are you a virgin? Legit question. The world must know!

>> No.13142756


>> No.13142757 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 250x214, jesus3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus never existed

religion is a lie

>> No.13142779 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately, no.

It has nothing to do with weed.


>> No.13142780

God bless you OP.

>> No.13142800

A person named Jesus existed, that's an established historical fact

>> No.13142802

God bless you both.

>> No.13142856


Seethe more.

>> No.13142882

God bless you too.

>> No.13142907

>porongo completely filled with yerba
>water almost to the top
>porongo so large its enough for only 2 giant servings before running out of water
why don't just drink terere, you turbo faggot

>> No.13142914

Why is everyone who drinks mate a smelly communist?

>> No.13142922

It's actually a pretty small one. I usually finish it in 3 or 4 sips.

>> No.13142940

Is brazilian yerba any good?

>> No.13142946

Hey at least it's not wood or plastic.

>> No.13142952

Oh boi that smells like Argentina

>> No.13142964

Give it a go if you can find any. We've got many kinds, some are coarse, others more powdery. I like it, but it's the only kind I ever had, so...

>> No.13142979

I thought Pinochet and his helicopter rides was a /pol/tard fantasy?

>> No.13142998

Maybe in America here only faggots don't drink mate. Bitter mate, that is, people who add sugar or stuff like that are thoroughly patronized.

>> No.13143023

It is most likely a myth spread by his enemies. Not saying he took the commies to lunch or anything, though.

>> No.13143058
File: 441 KB, 2448x2323, 4D9E5CBC-4F3F-4E9F-8891-0180DA347D1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very good, indeed.

perfect way to end the day.

>> No.13143059


Everyone in Montevideo drank this shit when I lived there. Nice place but ultimately Uruguayan people are pozzed as fuck. Too relaxed and weirdly kind.

>> No.13143060

Because it was a common name at the time. Doesn't mean anything in the bible is true or remotely historical.

>> No.13143067
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>> No.13143069

It's not. Also there not as fond of mate in chile as in Argentina, Uruguay or even Brazil.
>Uruguayan people are pozzed as fuck
They're kinda like Argentina's Canada
>A person named Jesus existed
He did, painted my wall last week.

>> No.13143072

Stop brainwashing kids into believing hateful lies.

>> No.13143076


More white people in Uruguay than Argentina though.

>> No.13143078

no point arguing with such people.

>> No.13143080

and Peace be with you, God bless

>> No.13143082

based retard

>> No.13143089

He mowes my lawn

>> No.13143093

Like in Canada?

>> No.13143100

>nothing in the bible is true, even remotely

I meant Jesus of Nazareth.

>> No.13143166
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That midday slow down. I need it brahs

>> No.13143169

Shut up gay

>> No.13143189

God bless you all. I pray that you allow Jesus to enter your hearts and souls.

>> No.13143191
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>> No.13143201

I have a restraining order against Jesus.

>> No.13143228

all homosexuals do

>> No.13143265

>peso liquido 500g
since when is tea a liquid

>> No.13143276

It means net weight (kinda)

>> No.13143287

>waaaahhh punch nazis drown conservatives hunt republicans assassinate trump rape melania feed them to the lions
>waaaaahhhhh i'm oppressed metoo muh resistance muh global warming muh socialism muh collusion racist racist alt right waaaaaaaahhhhh
>hurr durr muslim ban

You've never dealt with genocide, famine, or slavery in your entire self-entitled life you stupid whiny piece of degenerate shit. Your spoiled pretentious Antifa ass should be dragged out in the night and beaten for all the missed beatings your degenerate liberal parents should have given you. Every thing you lying baby-murdering eugenist hypocrites control is third world ghetto shit.

Stay the fuck out of my state and stay the fuck out of my country.

>> No.13143312

Do you have throat cancer?

>> No.13143330


Most of Canadas under-5s are not white.

>> No.13143356

did you prove that canarias yerba? why the fuck is so expensive holy shit

>> No.13143360

Not to my knowledge.

>> No.13143367

no. Mate is for poor people

>> No.13143376

>why the fuck is so expensive holy shit
Uruguayan yerba is more expensive, they have a different process. I wouldn't say it's better, it's a matter of taste, but it is definitely less "powdery" than Argie yerba

>> No.13143391

>Mate is for poor people
I thought so myself, even though my parents always drank it. But ever since moving out and living on a different state, I began to crave the habits of my people. It's weird. I was also not interested in making churrasco, but I've done it a couple times, still learning.

>> No.13144068

Whats the point in drinking mate? Does it actually do anything? What makes it different from other teas?

>> No.13144094

It's tasty, reduces appetite, it's a diuretic, gives you energy. Also a social activity (for most people)

>> No.13144104

Cool thanks. Need anything special to drink it or can it just be like normal tea?

>> No.13144113

It has caffeine, makes you feel full, tastes good. It becomes a habit, kinda like smoking but not as damaging.
You can prepare it like tea, it's called "mate cocido" here. The regular way to consume it is having a thermos of hot water and pouring it slowly into the mate (the container is called mate, and the herb is called yerba mate) and sucking it through the metal straw.

>> No.13144118

I know, revel berry is way better than the shitty mint one

>> No.13144139

It's best drunk with a gourde, like OP's doing, but if you've never had it, I'd say buy some yerba mate and prepare it like normal tea (you'd need to strain it somehow) and see if you like it and if you want to make the investment of buying all the stuff.

>> No.13144141

Do you try to avoid swallowing the leaves or does it not matter?

>> No.13144161
File: 17 KB, 450x480, katana-yerba-mate-bombilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The straws we use have small holes in the end that goes into the leaves so you don't swallow them. Still nothing bad would happen if you swallowed a few, just a bit of coughing, maybe.

>> No.13144169

Oh and of course if you're making it like tea strain it. Don't but bagged yerba because it has lower quality, just like with tea.

>> No.13144176

Oh thats a pretty nifty straw. Would be great for loose leaf tea as well.
Thanks for all the info guys, I'll give it a go. Only ever had yerba mate in tea mixes before.

>> No.13144212

I'm gonna get some tonight. I have a Yellow Deli near me. Thanks, anon.

>> No.13144220
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y dale, aunque es tarde y no debería

>> No.13144242

OP pone el mate y yo la bombilla.

>> No.13144244

Scholars, even atheist scholars, accept the existence of Jesus of Nazareth as a specific historical figure.
I'm an agnostic myself (though I am intent on studying Taoism and other belief sytems, but that's another story entirely).

>> No.13144251

hes fake news and a spook invented by jews to tear down the roman empire from within

>> No.13144257
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>I'm an agnostic myself (though I am intent on studying Taoism and other belief sytems, but that's another story entirely).

>> No.13144262

¡No, hombre!

>> No.13144266

Sh-shut up...

>> No.13144268

>It has caffeine
There are a lot of different teas that have caffeine...

>> No.13144308

>Are you retarded?
Are you?
I didn't say it was different from other teas because it has caffeine. He asked what was the point of drinking mate so I told him that, among other things, just like the guy above me said "gives you energy", I don't think he was saying that other kinds of tea don't. I'm sorry I didn't specify which of his questions I was answering.

>> No.13145495

Is mate a meme drink? I'm a big tea drinker and I like brewing tea and brewing mate seems like a nice detour from my usual habits but I'm apprehensive since hipsterfaggots were hard memeing it for the past few years.

>> No.13145504

>established historical fact

>> No.13145632


>> No.13145649

if I move the bombilla would I die?

>> No.13145710
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Superior version.

>> No.13145724
File: 204 KB, 600x600, CMORIG16_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside kiddos

>> No.13145752

it would be extremely painful

>> No.13145774

Roman historians

>> No.13145775

I tried this stuff in Uraguay. Tastes OK but why a metal straw? It just burns your lips.

>> No.13145777

Mate and mate don't rhyme you mongrel, fucking argentineans

>> No.13146115

You get the rope.

>> No.13146861
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>> No.13146922

What does mate tea taste like ? Do the leaves get into the straw?

>> No.13146931
File: 6 KB, 250x214, jesus3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus never existed.

Religion is a lie.

>> No.13146943
File: 12 KB, 474x474, bomba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good mate is bitter and earthy with some light citrus notes (faggy description, but it's true).

The leaves are retained by the bottom of the straw.

I know it doesn't rhyme, but it was a play on the different meanings of the word mate.

>> No.13146950

Although the Abrahamic religions might seem like bullshit to you, it's imperative to know that the absolute truth of what happens after death is unknown and falling into a specific ideology will always feel like something is missing.

>> No.13146956

Nobody should repress being gay or otherwise change their life because of human-created fictional books.

>> No.13146966

There are people born with sexual orientations that the majority of people would strangle them to death for, yet being gay makes you think it's an exception.

I'm agnostic so really could care less though.

>> No.13146972

It isn't that hard to not be violent or hostile towards gay people, even fem gay men and butch lesbians, for what is beyond our control.

Adults with imaginary friends are not a valid source of information for life-altering decisions.

>> No.13146973

What I said went over your head.

>> No.13146981

Why are you so triggered?

>> No.13146994

Because religious symbolism is used to isolate, exclude, and oppress gay people.

When religion disappears, gay people will finally be free.

>> No.13147009

I hope you are trolling. I can't believe people with this mindset frequent 4 channel.

>> No.13147018
File: 176 KB, 791x767, religionrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not trolling in the least. Religion is used as a political weapon to deliberately oppress and exclude gay people from full participation in society.

>Oh I don't hate gay people my religion does.

Toxic mindset.

>> No.13147021

Facts that magically appeared 200 years after his death

>> No.13147039

In which country does religion "exclude gay people from full participation in society"?

Being gay is a protected class in the West. Say anything about gays and you will be fired, lose your bank account and all sort of things.

You are, I'm convinced, trolling.

>> No.13147053

Sexual orientation is not a protected class at the federal level in the United States. You are both ignorant and incorrect.

There are still plenty of adoption agencies with a religious backing and state funding that refuse to serve gay parents wanting to adopt.

There are 6 states where gay sex education is explicitly banned as "promoting homosexuality".

This is far from over.

In a majority of U.S. states firing people for being gay is perfectly legal.

Not a single business that refused service to gays in the news recently has shut down due to "losing their bank account". In fact, they all made tons of money from private donations from religious bigots.

Religion is used as an excuse to justify the continues social exclusion and mistreatment of gay people.

>> No.13147073

No one has the fucking time for this on a fucking mate tea thread on /ck/.

Just move to California if you you're so paranoid, early Buddhism appears to have placed no special stigma on homosexual relations.

For the love of fuck, FUCK OFF.

>> No.13147096 [DELETED] 

California is too pricey.

Nobody should have to worry about being discriminated against or mistreated on account of their sexual orientation just because they live in a poorer state.

You could discuss tea without explicit religious symbolism, but that's asking too much apparently.

You push your shit in people's faces, don't wonder why we are pushing back against your bigotry and oppression.

>> No.13147131 [DELETED] 

Just don't shove your gayness into people's faces. Keep your private life private.

>You push your shit in people's faces
The lack of self-awareness is remarkable.

>> No.13147133

I don't control my voice sounding effeminate. You control being deliberately hostile in response.

>> No.13147201

>I don't control my voice sounding effeminate.
Yes, you can. See a speech therapist or google "how to sound more masculine" and such.

Anyway, I hope you convert to the Catholic Church.

>> No.13147604
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Whats the matter? I thought you wanted people to drink with you? Hot mate sucks on a hot day. The britbongs lost their shit when the found out we were drinking iced tea. Besides its the perfect pick-me-up for that afternoon slowdown.
Its meh