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File: 92 KB, 760x507, 2D11340979-140116-dietsodas-dahl-1325.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13135325 No.13135325 [Reply] [Original]

Have you found diet drinks make you hungrier or is that just a meme?

>> No.13135328

They do make me need to eat something.

>> No.13135430

Last time I heard about it they have the sweet taste that makes your body think that it just got a bunch of calories from sugars.
Then your body doesn't know what to do because it got fuck all and says to your mind get energy eat food.
It also does something with how your body processes energy from fat and sugar in a bad way.

>> No.13135655

Nice momscience

>> No.13135838

I drink a cool Diet Mtn. Dew and I never get hungry. Checked my blood sugar and it literally stays the same. Meme science.

>> No.13135845

Whatever the case may be, Diet Coke whoops regular Coke any day of the week.

>> No.13135853


Never noticed it, no. I drink it on multiday fasts instead of eating dinner, in fact, and it doesn't affect my ketone levels.

>> No.13135927

Yes, they do make you hungrier. The artificial sweeteners trigger insulin secretions, which are not used. It also makes you insulin resistant, which will cause weight gain

>> No.13135993

They make me want to drink more sorry soda. That's about it.

>> No.13136642

>if I consume 0 calories I will gain weight

>> No.13136779

It's true, I didn't even realize it until I asked my doctor why he drunk full fat even though his office is covered in weight loss posters.

>> No.13136788

>It also makes you insulin resistant, which will cause weight gain
this thermodynamics 2 spicy 4 me

>> No.13136853

Everything except diet A&W does this. That's why I exclusively consume the best soda which is Diet A&W Root Beer. It's the best soda. Best flavor, best mouthfeel, and fills you up something mighty. Yep, man now I'm craving a nice cold Diet A&W Root Beer myself. Mmm... can't wait to go crack open a cold one, get a whiff of that Real Vanilla. So creamy too. It's like they took a frother to it. Oh my God I want one so bad right now, but I have to be good and wait. I'll drink too many if I don't control myself. Its annoying too, because they never go on sale, I have to pay full price. But it's worth every dollar. Diet A&W Root Beer is the prince of sodas. The soda, every other soda wishes they could be. Go try it yourself. You wont be disappointed. Just visit your neighborhood grocer, and tell him you want some Diet A&W Root Beer made with Real Vanilla.

>> No.13137795

Diet colas are for middle aged women named Linda.

>> No.13138428

Coke Zero is way better though

>> No.13138966

Okay to back you up, you're not entirely wrong but it won't cause weight gain. It will fuckup your appetite, and cause your body to prefer storing fat due to the insulin resistance.

>> No.13139167

Based. I really want a Diet A&W Root Beer right now.

>> No.13139171

Just drink water, tea or black coffee you fat fuck

>> No.13139271

its a meme, diet sodas help hold me over til the next meal when cutting. also they taste a lot better imo

>> No.13140168

hungrier compared to what? drinking nothing, drinking water, drinking something else calorie free or drinking 150 calories of sugar?

>> No.13140323

No, but the sweetener makes male pattern baldness more aggressive as well as arthritis.

>> No.13140515
File: 157 KB, 736x736, 27d1652c90d383271e842018e307192d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink regular high fructose corn syrup or real sugar only

>> No.13140543

Ants don't eat it because it doesn't have any calories.
Ants will eat pure refined sugar. Does that mean you should too?

>> No.13140572

>he doesnt know about fructose
Stop basing your opinions on a single source/sources sponsored by big companies Anon

>> No.13141064

Ants and flies eat poo poo and vomit and rotten filth tho

>> No.13141744

Diet Pepsi>Coke>Diet Coke>Pepsi

>> No.13141752

Bangs root beer is better

>> No.13142999

I'm not a roach, ant, fly, or cat.

>> No.13143037

Small critters do as well because plants are really hard to digest even for cows. Thats why flies love shit.

>> No.13143223

That's just Coke with a weird after taste. At least Diet Coke has it's own taste. Only reason to drink Zero over regular is if you need to avoid the calories.

>> No.13143269

>won't cause weight gain
>increases appetite
>body prefers fat
Sounds like weight gain to me. I don't care if it's secondary or not, fat is fat.

>> No.13143286

pretty sure caffeine suppress appetite, it's probably not the diet liquid.

>> No.13143298

Firstly yes. Your body needs sugar and raw sugar is the most efficient way to ingest it. Causes weight gain when taken in excess != unhealthy. Ignoring the presupposition that all people are overweight to start with.
Secondly people who eat raw sugar will doubtlessly consume less sugar over all because the sweetness is not disguised as it is in other foods. Coffee with two spoonfuls of raw sugar contains less sugar that an energy drink for example.

>> No.13143317

Go fuck your mother's corpse, heretic

>> No.13143324

Diet drinks do not make you hungry. There is no sugar being absorbed, and therefore no insulin being produced to facilitate said absorption. It wouldn't make sense metabolically to suddenly crave more glycogens when none were broken down and absorbed. The most I can guess is that it's a neurodigestive placebo that you will soon get over. Did you recently switch to diet sodas or something? That would further support my little hypothesis.


>> No.13143337

If these charts and internet existed back when people thought MSG caused those same things, then they would have been made too lol. Guess what? My cat will not, nor will ants, nor will my houseflies eat the potted mint plants I have in my house. Does that mean I shouldn't eat mint because I might experience an X number of common symptoms of literally hundreds of common afflictions after eating it? No, retarded Dave Sommers.

>> No.13143385

i only drink soda with a meal so it doesn't really fucking matter.

>> No.13143397

>Have you found diet drinks make you hungrier or is that just a meme?
they do nothing.
what makes people hungry is high fat foods. anything deep fried, for example.
To not feel hungry, eat very little fat, and lots of starchy foods,

>> No.13143401

Shut up dad you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.13143610

Mint reduces testosterone. Enjoy being even lower than soy tier.

>> No.13143654

You are a moron. To not feel hungry, higher protein intake is the best way. Also fats are necessary for a healthy life.

>> No.13143676
File: 402 KB, 557x557, universally applicable image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related mfw
>he fell for the plant estrogen meme from big dairy
I feel like you're projecting some insecurity caused by low test. I get this kind of vibe from your post. Do you have bitch tits, by any chance? You have some little love handles, don't you, huh big guy?

>> No.13143685

ok boomer

>> No.13143697

Dont drink dairy or eat your shit plant estrogens. No bitch tits or any unecessary fat. 14% body fat fitizen. Stop projecting soyim. Mint lowers your T. Thats it

>> No.13143720

>projects his low test onto me
>admits to falling for the plant estrogen bullshit not because of big dairy, but because of worse-tier Paul Joseph Watson /pol/science from 2016
>accuses me of projecting
You know how many times I've read that tea leaves of any "variety lower test" or that "soybeans lower test"? A multitude of times. When has it ever been substantiated by anything other than made up stories and poorly constructed anecdotes? It never has. And it never will.
>I'm now the one projecting because of some sardonic retorts
You're a walking meme.

>> No.13143728

stfu you keto loving piece of garbage.

>> No.13143759

I dont drink your shit teas, eat leaves, drink milk or watch Zion Watson. Fuck you are never gonna get close.





Dozen more easily available with 1 simple search. Enjoy toying with your fertility levels and hormones

>> No.13143815

>posts several unrelated studies
Uhhh... who wants to take this one?

>> No.13143836

You make no sense and you dont have a proper response to the studies I posted which show mint plants to mess up T levels in animals and humans. Deluded pig. I am done here.

>> No.13143838

>Hirsutism is a condition of unwanted, male-pattern hair growth in women.
>Recent research in Turkey has shown that spearmint tea has antiandrogenic properties in females with hirsutism.

>1: Sampaio FJ. Effects of peppermint teas on plasma testosterone,
follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone levels and testicular
tissue in rats. Int Braz J Urol. 2004 Jul-Aug;30(4):350-1. PubMed PMID: 15679984.
>no content

>Spearmint induced hypothalamic oxidative stress and testicular anti-androgenicity in male rats - altered levels of gene expression, enzymes and hormones.
>a pure concentrated extract of spearmint in unknown quantity fucked up some tiny rats

>fucking reposts the same rat study twice in a row

What you're doing is called verbosity, especially because those studies are not relevant to how tea effects the test and androgen receptors and thereby the first and secondary sex characteristics of humans. The only one that partially gets close is the fact that a 5-day study showed that it can help benefit women with caveman hair. Did you know that there are alpha androgen receptors and beta androgen receptors? Did you know that there are different types of androgens? Did you by chance know that different body parts react different ways to different things just by nature? For example, the bones react positively to beta estrogenic binding, and the heart reacts badly to alpha estrogenic binding? You probably knew that muscles react positively to test, at least, so maybe you can wrap your head around that. Maybe just drop the dunning kruger and realize that this subject is infinitely more nuanced that what you know right now?

Are you by chance that fucking retard who posts spam walls of text decrying coffee and vegan diets on /fit/?

>> No.13143928

I knew 70% of what you listed. Biology nerd and also wasted 2 years on indepth study of histiology. Cant copy paste efficiently links on phone so thats why the duplicate, wanted to link study on HUMAN males. You can type mint effect on testosterone into the search bar and you will be showered with all kinds of studies. The rat study used TINY amounts of the concentrate. Also you can try to spin the female study in a positive manner but there are implications to it and mechanism proposals which make sense.
>drop the dunning kruger
Projecting more.

And also no.
I am not that guy. Still wrong.

>> No.13143984

Fructose literally keeps you hungrier longer as the chemical breakdown of it in your liver blocks the ability to feel satiated, but sure.

>> No.13144071

nope but they do make me shit if I drink too much

>> No.13144073
File: 89 KB, 715x646, showered in studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I can totally see the issue, had you posted the study of the effects of tea on human males instead of the effects of a chemical extract in X quantity on male rats there might have been some dealbreaking discussion on the issue! I'm glad to hear you have such insight into biology! Good job! I'm sure you'll go places --- and thereby I'm sure you'll get it right next time. You literally admit you don't know what your fucking talking about and then you forego the apology warranted for shitting out maybe two or three unrelated studies on the effects of mint on hormone receptors in various mammals. Oh, was it only a tiny amount of synthesized chemical extract? Color me surprised, I guess I can't read.
Pic related. I have so many more reasons to suspect that you're just following the flow of /pol/ momscience, thanks so much dude, my "biology nerd" bro! It's so cool to geek out, lmao! What's ur username on rebbit so I can friend you, nerdbro?

Fructose is relatively lower on the glycemic index. In theory this means a proportionate amount of insulin is released into the bloodstream and your blood sugar drops a lot, you store fat, get hungry for more carbs because the blood glucose just plummeted, et cetera. But it's more nuanced then that. For numerous nutritional reasons some simple carbs actually break down slower than complex carbs. For example, fruit contains fiber that slows the rate of carb absorption, and it also needs to be broken down into glucose before it can be absorbed into the blood. For this reason you will feel satiated longer after eating some bananas than you will after eating an equivalently sized pizza serving, or if you just chug a table sugar container. So no, fructose does not keep you "hungrier longer"

>> No.13144643

>Have you found diet drinks make you hungrier or is that just a meme?
I have not.
Why would they?