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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13131461 No.13131461 [Reply] [Original]

>when you have the most kino ingredients but the plainest cuisine

whats wrong with island countries?

>> No.13131470

In what way does a culinary ingredient exhibit cinematic art

>> No.13131484

Japan like to showcase their ingredients with little to no preparation and focus on fresh simple flavors. France is the exact opposite where they prep each individual ingredient for maximum flavor.

>> No.13131490

>>when you have the most kino ingredients but the plainest cuisine
that's how it be
when you got it all you don't have to work hard for nice things
like africa

>> No.13131492


>> No.13131512


>> No.13131526


>> No.13131543
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>be year of our lord 1870
>be a buck toothed jap
>taste british """curry"""
>get your mind blown so hard you adopt it and now have your own bastard-bastardised version of """"""curry""""""

>> No.13131552
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go away, the meaning of kino has evolved now

>> No.13131556

No one cares, get back in your containment board.

>> No.13132267

Japanese food has more of a focus on texture and being a healthy balanced meal than on spice and overpowering flavor.
it results in most of their food being broths or fried and overall being bland but there's a large variety of it, nearly all of it being good for you.
unlike in the west where everything's just cooked in a pound of butter and wrapped with cheese & bacon.

>> No.13132270

Is that the new meme word to throw around in ever thread ?

>> No.13132282

faggot detected.
go back to Facebook.

>> No.13132286

Hello, newfaggot

>> No.13132472

Based and kino pilled

>> No.13132766

>when you manage to do the impossible and make desserts taste bland
Hard not to be impressed by their incompetence

>> No.13133377

> more of a focus on [...] being a healthy
> most of their food being [...] fried
> unlike in the west where everything's just cooked in a pound of butter
Smelly dumb american bred gook detected.

You are not japanese, but you don't want to be american because you're either yellow-faced or brain-damaged - possibly both - so you go on the internet and hate on the country whose teat you suckled on?
FYI I'm european, been to several european countries, and none of that bullshit about the ``west'' aplies; I don't even have to disprove it since you didn't bother proving it in the first place, you just claimed it out of your ass.

Most food jap eat is either soy sauce or miso flavour. And by most I mean 95%. As for broth? Besides miso soup, oden and sumashijiru is there really anything that stands out?
Notice how you carefully omitted ramen, yakisoba, okonomiyaki and other 粉もの they are so fond of. And while they tend to dislike overly sweet flavour in deserts that mostly apply to candy bar and soda, as they sprinkle the living shit out of everything in their HFCS loaded bulldog sauce, add mirin to pretty much everything and so on and so forth.
I mean seriously, have you even heard of 大学芋?? it's fucking fries made from SWEET potatoes with ACTUAL FUCKING SUGAR sprinkled on. Fuck Japan and its retarded ``culture'', two bombs weren't enough.
Unless you're eating 会席料理 then you're eating carb heavy scraps that have had any original flavour choked by the various condiments.

The only reason why their food is "healthier" is because of pacing. That and it tends to be more balanced, but not much more than a big mac.
And the reason a lot of okinawan live longer is because they are literally RENT FREE, not because they snort goya or some equally stupid shit.

>> No.13133398
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>> No.13133529

Enjoy your heart disease, arteriosclerosis and diabetes, butthurt anti-weab.

>> No.13133556

That's honestly why Ducasse is so successful. When it comes to cuisine He's an adherant to the best of both the French and Japanese school of thought.

>> No.13133760

Did not read

>> No.13133837

>that long autistic chimp-out rant for literally no reason
cunt I lived in Japan for 10 years, i know exactly what you're talking about and half of what you said is bullshit filled with /pol/ memes.
maybe you should calm the fuck down and go back to eating sunflower seeds & vodka or whatever it is you eat.

>> No.13134847

>half of what you said is bullshit filled with /pol/ memes.
>but I won't mention it because I don't want to be motherfucking TOLD so I'll just pretend I'm right
Sure thing, chicken shit

>> No.13134983

It is still used for the same thing : spotting a dumb /tv/ poster.

>> No.13134999

you know they make more than meme sushi right?

>> No.13135002

ah yes they also have bland broths and meat slathered in teriyaki gunk

>> No.13135150
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kjino ,,kimo

>> No.13135154


>> No.13135159

you sound like an insufferable weeaboo faggot tbch

>> No.13135165

>FYI I'm European
thanks, now i know i can discard your opinion

>> No.13135236

I don't know what you expected from a country that was isolationist for most of its life. Cereals weren't even a big thing even in the Renaissance.

>> No.13135729

Fuck off cultist

>> No.13135800
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After a month in Japan everything started to get a bit repetitive, but I still enjoyed the food. It's a good thing we aren't limited to eating just one nation's cuisine and can switch it up.

>> No.13136412

Wtf is wrong with this crossboarder? You have to go back.
>Leddit spacing
>Talking shit about Japan on a Japanese forum
>Fake stats (95% of the food are soy sauce or miso flavour) source: my ass
>sprinkle, bulldog sauce
Just like ketchup, mustard,HP sauce, Lea & Perrins etc.? Nitpicky as fuck.

>> No.13137025


>> No.13137032

It's only reddit spacing when you do it between individual sentences. When you write properly you have paragraphs and you do separate several sentences with a full break.

>> No.13137131

>when you have the most kino ingredients

They only have fish. Serves them right for trying to live on a volcano

>> No.13137212
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>> No.13137318

Much appreciated, but too much girl not enough food.

>> No.13137385

theres too much anger in this thread

im outta here

>> No.13137589

double nigger

>> No.13137630


i came back to see if it was less angry

its more angery

>> No.13137677


Let me guess, you're from a country with shit nazi food that you try to pretend is 'cozy'?

>> No.13137723

I watched travel show with a documentary about Japanese cooking and learned something I didn't even think about.

Japan is only one of a few food cultures that is a "water-based" cooking culture than it is an "oil-based" culture.

When making things such as noodles, rice, hot-pots, etc, Japan generally uses water and water based methods for cooking.

While not exclusively, it really made me think about something I generally didn't consider. I suppose a lot of countries out there do use butter, fats, and oils as a 'base' to start cooking from putting it on a skillet before chicken to pancakes, to deep-frying everything.