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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13130971 No.13130971 [Reply] [Original]

Why are mexican baked goods so fucking dry? They all look delicious but they're consistently dry. Every last one. I had a Mexican tell me that American baked goods are too moist. They live in the fucking desert and they want their food dry too. Blows my fucking mind.

>> No.13130974
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>> No.13130975

Only the French can bake.

>> No.13130978

this is a good question and one I don't know the answer to. have experienced this my whole life growing up in california

>> No.13131001

bring me los marranitos

>> No.13131016

I think one anon mentioned it was because dry baked goods don't spoil as fast, and is more ideal when your traveling. There dank with coffee though.

>> No.13131050
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you just gotta find the right stuff, mi amigo
usually the ones that have jam or custard in em never disappoint

>> No.13131081

Sorry for the sideways pics. They're vertical in my gallery, not sure what's happening.

What are the names of things I should try? I can never tell what's filled and what isn't. The filling is usually shit too, though.

>> No.13131207

You wouldn't believe but italy has the same fucking issue, their only decent bread is freshly baked and has been topped with tomato and cheese.

>> No.13131214

>Why are mexican baked goods so fucking dry?
I've been told that they are meant to be paired with coffee.

>> No.13131228

Correct answer. Even then most of them arent that great though.

>> No.13131236

Its because 4chan strips the image info

>> No.13131273
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>for me it's this mexican pink cake where you can taste the shit food coloring and the cake has the texture of a dry cornbread

>> No.13131282

They were raised on it being dry as fuck so that's the norm for them. Most of Mexico isn't desert by the way, just take a look at a picture of Earth from space. It's mostly just the very north and northwest.

>> No.13131283

Mexicans drink coffee all the time and they always dip their bread things into it

>> No.13131290
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Tres Leches

>> No.13131291

>Want a moist cake from a Mexican bakery.
>Get a sopping wet tres leches with all the flavor of a bath sponge.
One extreme or another with these people, fuck.

>> No.13131309
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I stopped buying the Mexican shit from the bakery, fuck them. They always looking good and don't cost much but are dry and taste like shit. Last thing I bought were those goddamn pig cookies, it was like gnawing on sheetrock. Never again.

>> No.13131317

Last Mexican bakery I went to I got a bunch of those elephant ear things, nothing but a massive fried sugar wafer.
Holy shit it was disgusting. I fed them to my nephews and sicked them on their father.

>> No.13131321

You've never heard of pane di Genzano? You are in for a treat!

>> No.13131326

Dammit I meant to reply to >>13131207

>> No.13131331

That's because Italians are Spanish.

>> No.13131363

These are literally the only mexican pastry I actually like. I fucking hate the rest of that shit. Maybe you just get old ones or something?

>> No.13131379

Why are mexicans so obsessed with tres leches cake. I tried it and it was pretty meh.

>> No.13131388

It's the only cake then can intentionally fuck up and claim it's perfect.

>> No.13131389

Mexicans suck at baking.

>> No.13132626

ugh, no. anyone can bake as long as they are classically trained and proficient in baking. retard. can you bake? are you french? what makes your say this? do you have a lack of knowledge?

>> No.13132631

<<<< autist found >>>>

>> No.13132638

Are those supposed to be skull shaped?

>> No.13132668

I just moved to Italy, can confirm.
So far a major disappointment compared to France.

>> No.13132674

conchas and elotes are cash.

>> No.13132711

I can tell you've never had anyone French bake for you. Baking is an instinctual knowledge all French people have.

>> No.13132855

Orejitas are fucking amazing with black coffee

>> No.13133051

Not true. Italians can bake too.

>> No.13133064

You're supposed to compliment them with a coffee or milk.

>> No.13133111

>my stupid american pallet can't handle anything but pure corn syrup!

>> No.13133242
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Indeed. I doubt get why they are shat on so much.

>> No.13133527

God I hate this shit so much. I also hate the mexican cornbread with frosting and 30 pounds of sprinkles.

>> No.13133572

1. they're meant to be eaten with a beverage
2. mexicans are retarded and allow their bread to be constantly exposed to air

>> No.13133594

Damn I haven't had bean bread in so damn long. My locan beanery used to sell these breads but the owner didn't want to pay a price hike to the bakers and he got new bakers and new bread. New bread fucking sucks. Dry as fuck and full of twig seasoning. I swear it has sand or something. I miss these little fuckers so much tho. I would go when they were freshly delivered and eat 3 or 4. The filling was some sort of pudding. Kind of like eclair filling.

>> No.13133601
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forgot pic. fuck

>> No.13133609

What the fuck is that ? I'm Mexican and I've never seen that shit here

>> No.13133627

>anyone can bake
>as long as they are classically trained
>and proficient at baking


Anyway, do you know what classically trained means? It's not just another way of saying trained jsyk, beaner.

>> No.13133633

What should I tell them?

>> No.13133739

stale cornbread with lead paint

>> No.13134381

it's cake, not cornbread you dumb slut

>> No.13134423

that concha looks dry af

>> No.13134447

Most are
They sell some nice moist french ones in cali

>> No.13134448

I can tell this is the picture of a bitch by the shitty fucking cup.

>> No.13134475

it helps if you go to the most popular bakery so their stock is probably getting refreshed daily and ask or order their most popular product. most of that shit has been sitting around the whole week and we all know how fast a fucking baguette gets stale in a single day.

>> No.13136242


>> No.13136254

Italians are awful people.

>> No.13136776

It was from a gastation selling a cali brand so maybe it was French? It's like a bread/shortbread cookie. Its dry, but not shitty. Tea Biscuits are dry and those are great with teas and coffee.

>> No.13136781

Yeah those are the exact same baked goods at our local mexican shitstore. Super dry, minus the cakes with sprinkles there

>> No.13136794

They really are dry compared to every other nationality of pastry. I am going to ask my Mexican friend why Mexican pastries are so dry. I'll report back in several weeks.

>> No.13137431


>> No.13137437

Those gas station Mexican breads are shitty

>> No.13137805

It tasted better than walmart; yes I know its not saying much. It wasn't the cheap Bimbo brand though. It didn't have a fuck load ingredients either. Theres a Mexican bakery almost an hour away but don't have the time to drive there.

>> No.13139040

Texican here I like them dry pairs well with black coffee or coffee with a tablespoon of heavy cream. Y’all.

>> No.13139095

You are absolutely correct. Went to a Mexican bakery, and was excited by what I saw. Looked kinda good and wow, its cheap too! Think I found a gem here...
Bought at least ten items, and all ten were absolute trash. First bite, oh that one is stale. On to the next, oh that one is stale too, bad luck huh. Next one, also stale and dry. Hmm whats going on here? Number four, STALE. Literally everything was dry and completely shitty.
Somehow they can fake the illusion of tasty baked goods, but as soon as you bite in, your dreams are instantly shattered.

>> No.13139102
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>like eating sawdust

>> No.13139727

>Only the French (and former French colonies in SEA) can bake.
Gotdam, the Vietcong can shore make a baguette.

>> No.13139944


conchas are really good but you have to get them before noon, and places will leave them out all week.

The pigs are always dry to me, good for dipping into coffee or chugging with a horchata on a cold day.

>> No.13139958

Why does mexico care about Trudeau

>> No.13139960

my mouth dried out just looking at this pic

>> No.13140067
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I like pan fino

>> No.13140071
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Also how does Spanish bread compare?

>> No.13140116
File: 32 KB, 500x333, Cream-Cheese-Jalapeno-Bolillos_web-4f8682214ffd8174391d57a3c5e3b4d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ck/ think of these? You can usually find them at the same damn place that sells pan dulce

>> No.13140129

They're based. I wish that Mexican bakeries would produce more savory breads

>> No.13140132

crusty jalapeno poppers?

>> No.13140246

They're meant to be paired with coffee or hot chocolate or any similar beverage. You can't just eat that shit by itself.