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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, roundup-weed-grass-killer-500261005-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13123155 No.13123155 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it okay to have trace amounts of this in our food?

>> No.13123198

It probably isn't: https://www.nature.com/articles/srep39328
In this study, rats are given rat-equivalent doses thousands of times lower than what the U.S. and E.U. deem safe for humans. The researchers found a link between these ultra-small doses and liver disease.

>> No.13123203

poor rats

>> No.13123205

Monsanto and soybean-dependence.

>> No.13123211

Trump said it’s safe so it’s safe. End of story.

>> No.13123218

because society doesn't care about lower testosterone or any associated effects.

For society to care even a bit, you have to bring up cancers that affect women.

>> No.13123237

>trace amounts
Actually conventionally grown grains and pulses are completely soaked in Roundup 3 days before harvest, in a process known as Pre-Harvest Staging. Modern farmers spray their crops with Roundup in order to make the grains and pulses go through the harvester easier, it can increase yields by 10-15% so everybody does it now except organic farmers.

This is the cause of what a lot of people think is gluten intolerance. Not gluten, but massive amounts of poison.

I wouldn't eat non-organic grains or pulses, or products containing them, in today's clown world.

Actually Obama's people are the ones who gave the OK to Pre-Harvest Staging.

>> No.13123296

Society doesn't care about glyphosate in breast milk either

>> No.13123301

Because by the time you get cancer the people who profited off of this will already be in the clear and there will be enough reasonable doubt to shift the blame to any number of other causes.

>> No.13123318

When you have as much money as Monsanto you'll be able to tell everybody else what is and isn't okay. Until then, shut up.

>> No.13123325

because there is literally no evidence that trace amounts of it are harmful to human health

Also, you need to understand what trace amounts means, all plants have trace amounts of dozens of harmful chemicals, many, many mundane components of healthy food are not healthy when concentrated

>> No.13123333

Wait, Obummer said it? Never mind. Shit is toxic and needs to be banned.

>> No.13123341

> (15 in 8 rats) than the control group (6 in 4 rats)
Do you honestly think this is a reasonable sample size?

>> No.13123350

lol what?

>> No.13123357

Science is a liberal’s way of justifying banning everything.

>> No.13123359
File: 203 KB, 684x1108, Pew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientists strongly support the use of GMOs and glyphosate

>> No.13123364

You're confusing liberalism with progressivism. It's convenient for politicians to convince us that everything falls neatly into one of only two baskets, but words do have particular meanings.

>> No.13123371

A liberal doesn’t have anything to do with liberalism. It’s a title they stole in America and we use it to conveniently identify them.

>> No.13123380

>humans have evolved over time
False. The Bible references Adam and Eve as people, not monkeys.

>> No.13123392

>Groups of 10 animals had access to either plain water (control) or to the same water supplemented with 1.1×10−8% of Roundup (0.1 ppb or 0.05μg/L glyphosate equivalent dilution).
Your excerpt clearly does not refer to the entire sample size.

>> No.13123393

well you will fit in really well with the people who think GMOs are bad

>> No.13123399

God provided us with plants to eat. It is sacrilegious and, dare I say, liberal, to think we can change it all willy nilly

>> No.13123406
File: 19 KB, 240x249, troll_thread_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll harder

>> No.13123411

shut up biblefag
no one gives a fuck about your religion, if you don't want pesticides, grow all your own fuckin food instead of imposing it on other people

>> No.13123413

I will pray for you.

>> No.13123416

Why don't you down a bunch of it and make a proper report to us all, while at it mix some ammonia and chlorox?

>> No.13123423


>> No.13123425

Reminder that farming is inherently unnatural and against God's plan

>> No.13123426

Just download Monsanto's Roundup Pre-Harvest Staging Guide and read it all for yourself.

Yeah, you've been eating pure cancer for years, thanks to Obama's relaxation of regulations for his buddies in big-ag.

>> No.13123432

That's contradicted by the Bible, actually. One thing that's funny about you fedora faggots is that you've never even read the Bible, you have no idea what's in there at all, so you constantly make yourselves out to be retards.

It's why atheism is dying.

>> No.13123441

Get your shit straight bitch.

>> No.13123448

>It's why atheism is dying.
its literally more common than ever while religion is dying

>> No.13123456

That's actually not true. People who don't adhere to any religion are not atheist by default. Atheism is a religion where people believe, with no proof, that there is no God. It's another religion.

>> No.13123459

Loves the water but wont drink it publically, that's about as staged as a shillary convention with maybe 50 people showing up, paid people which is about as much as shillary types can do on a good day.

>> No.13123462

Atheism IS a religion

>> No.13123464

The thing is, I can just make up shit and it will sound plausible because the bible has all sorts of arbitrary bullshit in it like no eating shellfish, or God sending bears to maul kids who make fun of bald people

>> No.13123467

>People who don't adhere to any religion are not atheist by default.
not true, being an atheist literally means not being a theist. People whoa re not religious are inherently atheists, a somewhat broad group generally people guided by reason rather than blind faith

>> No.13123468


>> No.13123472

it is not, don't be ridiculous

>> No.13123483

Why do religious people on the internet love this myth so much?

>> No.13123490

California shitheads wearing their vans with pelosi and schmucy schumer and climate control is the new real religion.

>> No.13123500

carbon credits, transferring money to shithole african nations without it going through congress, that's not the new religion? Debate carbon credits and get a load of shit even though it's 100% full of shit.

>> No.13123501

Liberals so so obsessed with their “heroes”

>> No.13123507

Some people are weak so "have to believe" even if it's not believing in anything at all.

>> No.13123510

This, farmers are poisoning you and laughing all the way to the bank. Before they get Parkinson’s from that one time the wind drifted wrong as they sprayed the poison on your food.

>> No.13123516

>being an atheist literally means not being a theist
No, it’s a faith based belief system where you believe, with no proof, that there is no god.

Not being a theist is agnosticism, which, unlike atheism, is NOT a religion.

>> No.13123517

Piss off commie cuntwad. Do you really believe in your commie NK bullshit or are you just plain stupid or gaming?

>> No.13123519

Because Dawkins and his acolytes do indeed pursue it with religious fervor, and they're the atheists most people usually hear from.

>> No.13123520

Did you know atheists have murdered far, FAR more people than any other religion? Just thought that was interesting.

>> No.13123526

Some of us just don't care, we know that in the USA we can have a voice but that doesn't equate to forcing others to listen. It's like that old parable I think it is, one can bring a horse to water but you can't force it to drink.

>> No.13123527

>No, it’s a faith based belief system where you believe, with no proof, that there is no god.
Its not this at all, you can't just redefine atheism. Most atheist do not believe there is proof that god doesn't exist, just that they see no evidence at all for his existence so they do not blindly believe in god anyways

Anyone who does not affirmatively believe in the existence of god, even if they leave the possibility open, is an atheist

>> No.13123533

America is a Christian nation and you shouldn’t have citizenship until you recognize Christ

>> No.13123534

We have reached a point where we are now consuming more chemicals than ever before in the history of humanity. Everything from now onward is uncharted territory.

>> No.13123535

to be fair, leftism is a religion. It is actively choosing to believe in an economic and political system for which there is no evidence because it makes you feel good or gives you power, so all of Mao and Stalin count for religion

>> No.13123536

It seems to me that people trying to force others to believe or not believe are goofy in their ways and not quite comfortable in their own believes, whatever they might be.

>> No.13123539

So kill yourself, prove your point if you think so highly of it.

>> No.13123544

most of the Founding Fathers were against organized religions and would have almost certainly been atheists today as educated scientific leaning men. It was basically impossible to be an actual atheist if you were born in the 1700s though, it just wasn't an option. Jefferson made his own version of the bible where he edited out all of the Jesus doing magic and shit. Just wanted only the moral teachings of jesus because he thought those were good but the magic stuff was ridiculous, he was pretty typical for thinkers back then

>> No.13123545

Being adamant about not believing in god is not the same thing as being adamant about believing in god. Don't be retarded. It's like saying firmly believing in astrology is the same as firmly not believing in it. There is a big fucking difference.

>> No.13123546

You people think Trump is a literal god.

>> No.13123550

No. We think of Trump as something closer to a saint. He hasn’t attained godhood, but he’s on the road to do so.

>> No.13123552

no one is trying to force you to not believe. People pointing out the ridiculousness of believing in any given religion or mocking religion in general is not the same as using force to stop you

>> No.13123557

>We have reached a point where we are now consuming more chemicals than ever before in the history of humanity
WTF does this even mean? All foods are made up literally entirely of chemicals

>> No.13123571

Being adamant about not believing in God is not the same thing as pursuing atheism with religious fervor. Your simile is also excessively reductive, as similes tend to be. Similes rarely add anything to an argument unless the topic is technical enough to require initial simplification for the sake of accessibility.

>> No.13123585

I don't agree with that, just because they were against the hypocrisy of organized religion didn't equate to them being atheists. It seems that you're connecting one thing to another without reason. A lot of that's simple politics, most people are really stupid so folk have to play the game so to speak.

>> No.13123587

And yet there is a fundamental difference between strongly believing in god and strongly not believing in god. Calling atheism a religion is beyond retarded. They are literally the polar opposite of each other. The simile works, no matter how much you hate that it does.

>> No.13123588

>/ck/ - theological discussion and proper pesticide use

>> No.13123593

They were at the forefront of enlightenment thought for the time, this thread became atheism as time progressed. Its unlikely many would have been religious with the same educational background a couple generations later

>> No.13123595

It's the same really, people trying to force their ways and religion or lack thereof down other's throats because they "need to believe" in something otherwise they go hysterical and freak out.

>> No.13123601

except one is telling you real things, science and facts, and the other fake things and asking for money

>> No.13123602

It's very political, make the stupid masses believe as social control and engineering.

>> No.13123611

I know that, we all know that on 4chan, all of us are expected to not be suckers.

>> No.13123619

>we all know that on 4chan
Oh you sweet summer child

>> No.13123631

Go for broke

>> No.13123766
File: 46 KB, 647x435, 20B6D8D2-23D4-44EC-A49C-4F5A2417687B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s already clearly attained boddhisatva status. He is also an actual Hindu god with about fifteen thousand adherents.

>> No.13123769

When people complain about “chemicals” they are complaining about toxic, synthetic chemicals. Everybody knows this, and nobody thinks you’re clever for your pedantry or your pederasty for that matter.

>> No.13123776

No thanks, I'd rather go for woke.

>> No.13123780

When people complain about "chemicals" they have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.
> toxic, synthetic chemicals
There is absolutely no correlation between being toxic and being synthetic. Whether something is synthetic or natural has absolutely nothing to do with whether it is toxic or healthy. The fact that you connect the two suggest you are trying to be misleading to people

>> No.13123822

See, you’re doing your pilpul thing again. I keep telling you, people will notice your big honkin’ Jewish schnoz if you keep doing that all the time.

The goyim are noticing like crazy as it is, maybe time to dial back the chutzpah a notch.

>> No.13123860
File: 82 KB, 1854x237, ∕pol∕ delenda est.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is pure cancer.
Be the chemo by reporting any and all political threads and posts as off topic.

>> No.13123872

4chan IS /pol/. You can escape it by going back.

>> No.13123944
File: 6 KB, 469x107, B159DAE5-6467-498E-B335-A8F76A14468C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AECOM on the Monsanto beat now too?

>> No.13123972

You go back to r/t_d. You mentally ill sociopath.

>> No.13124217

because it kills plant and you don't have the physiology of a plant, even if one could argue that you are a vegetable