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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 764x1142, mushroompuffballcooming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13121693 No.13121693 [Reply] [Original]

''foraging for wild mushrooms is highly dangerous and shouldn't be odne unless you know how to''

Biology fan here, how do I qualify to safely forage for mushrooms? I have an app that scans mushrooms and gives a list of visuals, spore prints , anatomy, substrate growth stages and preferred trees/soil pH are all things I understand but it's all amateur level. I did find a destroying angel though!

>> No.13121702

There might be a local mycological society or university or something that will positively ID them for you, especially if you live somewhere that mushroom foraging is popular. You can probably pick whatever with almost no risk, just don't eat them unless you're completely sure.

>> No.13121705

What's the app?

And I would also like to know since 420chan /psy/ didn't help. Looking here in Morelos, Mexico. Already been to Tetela del Volcan.

>> No.13121709

Would they charge?

>> No.13121717

I’d not use a phone app and use a book. Typically you can buy a book for different regions/states in the US.

>> No.13121719

bumping. much interest. id like to know what the app is. I want to forage for shrooms and edible plant life. I have a book but im scared to eat anything I find. im in eastern ontario canada. any info on courses, people, apps etc is helpful

>> No.13121721

The Field Guide to North American Mushrooms has all of the information you need about spore print, spore morphology, gill morphology, color, range, habitat, etc. Hundreds of species.

>> No.13121725

the mushrooms app. I wish I was joking about the name, logo is a bolete with a golden key infront of it.

>> No.13121729

Don't eat if it's a fully white or olive shine gilled mushroom with a middle ring and cup at the base. I know that much.

>> No.13121734

Sometime there is a small fee to join the club. But most people who are enthusiastic about mycology are happy to help ID mushrooms for you. Also I know mainstream subreddits are cringe as fuck, but the small subs like /r/mycology are an excellent resource. You can post your finds there for identification.

>> No.13121736

where is the book from and what year it is? if it's old, or worse, from Euro in your case, it isn't reliable. Invasive species are a thing, colonists brought these fucking deathcaps to Europe.

>> No.13121741

isn't lesson 1 learning how to ID the deathcap, funeral bell and destroying angel? they are the ''big 3'' in killcounts. If you mix an edible with an inedible, you'll get stomach cramps at worst. Whomever named these mushrooms must be metal.

>> No.13121742

Dude haha

>> No.13121781

I collect these to put people out of harm's way. a Deathcap can be used as pesticide and is basicly a really potent fly agaric.

>> No.13121976

No charge for them

>> No.13122031
File: 14 KB, 400x400, tripping ballz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you'd probably be better off asking here:

>> No.13122041

As a /lit/fag I've thought about that a lot. In Russian and european literature you often see references to even children going mushroom hunting in 19th century literature but you see no such thing in american lit of the same time period. It's almost like europe has very few poisonous mushrooms while the US has shitloads and requires expert level care in picking.

Are US mushrooms the equivalent of Australisn reptiles and arachnids?

>> No.13122095

>Are US mushrooms the equivalent of Australisn reptiles and arachnids?

worse, you may stumble upon an unknown species abroad and mistake it for one of your natives. colonialism caused some bads to be exchanged both ways, and I doubt the parents of said cihldren didn't double-check and deliver feedback.

>> No.13122166

Dumb ESL.

>> No.13122909


>> No.13123048

Of the thousands and thousands of wild mushroom species in North America, we know of at least 250 significantly poisonous mushrooms, and they are typically divided into eight different categories based on the chemistry of the toxins and the symptoms or syndromes that they elicit.
I few years back a Mexican moved into my neighborhood and I saw him picking mushrooms after a good rain. I didn't think anything about it until I saw paramedics pull up to his house a few hours later. The fool ate death caps and his kidneys started to shut down.

>> No.13123051

>>>/out/ usually has a mycology general thread going. Ask them

>> No.13123053

Why even bother with mushrooms? The calories are low. Better off sticking with berries which are so much easier to ID.

Further more if you are starving then you need to kill something and eat it!

>> No.13123055

It’s actually the correct English term.
Try harder,.

>> No.13123060

You want to double check that, anon.

>> No.13123243


It's regional, PNW here

Avoid gilled mushrooms to start. Morels are easy af to identify, you'd have to,be an absolute mong to misidentify a morel.

Boletes are next easiest, in my area porcini grows fucking everywhere. Looks like lung issue, can't mistake it.

Chantarelles are p easy too

>> No.13123290 [DELETED] 

Lol. Guess who paid for the ambulance ride and hospital stay? Hint: They weren’t Mexicans

>> No.13124422

Listen to this poster OP.

Also, lil tip. "Chantarelles" growing out of decaying wood in big bunches are in fact Jack o' Lanterns, which will give you a stomache

>> No.13124466

I get extremely nervous about any mushroom that isn't babby's first edible shroom.

I went foraging recently and we found milk caps but fuck me if the more I looked at them the more they looked like Paxillus Involutus or whatever it's called, which I guess gives you anemia like years down the road out of nowhere lmao

>> No.13124697

cool, got told to carry a potato knife to cut open morels as multiple chamber morels are false morels (also known as banker's morals, ZING!)

Isn't a mushroom per definition bad if it has a cup AND vulva as gilled mushroom?

>> No.13124701

Jack o lanterns supposedly are bioluminescent, but it's too weak to see even under the moonlight.

>> No.13125106

those are called wolf farts in french.

>> No.13125118

I wish giant ones existed, like fist sized or larger.

>> No.13125539

No, there are plenty of mushrooms in the US but the Brits and by extensions Americans never really got too into it.

>> No.13125783

You start with the easy ones, boletes, chanterelles, morels, parasol.

>> No.13125793

the Dutch and the natives though?

>> No.13125869


I mean sure, to be safe, but false morels don't even really look that similar on the outside to begin with

>> No.13125885

People still died to them, people even died to the sulphur tuft. How in the actual fuck do you die to the sulphur tuft?

>> No.13125974
File: 501 KB, 1485x1800, XN_Flammulina_velutipes_473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because wild Enoki looks quite similar?

>> No.13125980

Why the fuck haven’t human’s farmed more mushrooms yet?
It seems like in the world of mushrooms there’s about 10 “starter” mushrooms that anybody can just buy, and then there’s just hundreds that are up to yourself to find. Why haven’t we farmed more to avoid poisonings? It obviously isn’t that hard

>> No.13126040

>It seems like in the world of mushrooms there’s about 10 “starter” mushrooms that anybody can just buy,

What do you mean? From what I've heard it's quite hard for americans to buy fresh chanterelles and boletes.

>It obviously isn’t that hard

It is. A lot of mushrooms like boletes and chanterelles require a complex eco system of right soil and the right trees growing nearby, which we haven't really figured out how it works exactly to replicate it. Oyster mushroom and Enoki are easy because they grow pretty much on any dead wood. Agaricus/button mushrooms grow on any soil.

>> No.13126082

>any soil.

To clarify button mushrooms/portobello are grown on animal dung. If you think wild mushrooms are icky becase they grow in the woods think about that your cultivated mushrooms are covered in farm animal shit.

>> No.13126156

All 3 of you are retards. Being a grammar Nazi is pants-on-head retarded, but you know what's worse? When the "correction" you make isn't even correct
Whoever = he/she/they
Whomever = him/her/them

>> No.13126165


>> No.13126207

because mushrooms are little bitches that hide in the ground who need everything just-so to make their delicious genitals pop out

>> No.13126270

when i worked at a grocery store after highschool,i was woring produce, and a chinese guy came up to me and asked if our garlic was from china.

i told him, no, sorry man. mexico's finest. he told me never to buy any produce from china, because they grow it all in human shit

>> No.13126753

Reminder the runners, aka the chinks you meet, did so for a reason. aren't their stories overblown? I'm no fan of the CCP but still…

makes sense, but sulphur tufts are far more piss-colored and only grow close to the ground?

I do know they require humidity, soil pH, soil salinity and presence of the roots of certain plants. why can't we hydroponic the fuck out of them? plant multiple age groups of the plants and sell them when they get too big?

>> No.13126767

don't all mushrooms taste similar? thus I don't really see the point... oh look, that guy tastes a bit more strongly than that guy!

>> No.13126822

Pretty any variety of food all tastes similar, you absolute retard

>> No.13126930

so all the fruit tastes the same? okay.

>> No.13127027

About as much as all mushrooms tasting the same. You're just speaking from a place of ignorance

>> No.13127059

He asked a question you absolute assfag.

>> No.13127340

Literally going to forage right now with my lovely wife. I'll post a pic of what we find.

>> No.13127411

I somehow read fornicate, kek.

>> No.13127459

it's more than that. we don't know what the fuck it is that some fungi want, besides what correlates to them appearing.

>> No.13127467

how about getting out the heavy artillery and mess with the genes? we did so with maize. Or is mycology not advanced enough for it yet? another idea, but it's utterly stupid…. why not build the farm over the spot the wild mushroom you wish to farm was found?

>> No.13127896

yes, our mycology is just not that advanced. fungi as a kingdom are profoundly poorly understood compared to the others (except maybe protista). Many of their commonplace mechanics are absolutely alien compared to other life forms.

>> No.13127904

Just go with your grandma. Thats how we do it here in Russia.

>> No.13127978

>live in east yurop
>learn how to gather shrooms for some books I picked up less for a dollar
>all marketplaces have qualified inspectors who will check your shit free of charge anyway
>tour just for fun once or twice every week and gather several hundred kilos of shrooms each year for free plus berries, deer antlers, minerals and other shit to sell

Get /out/, OP

>> No.13128064

Yeah, but at the end of the day, you still squat in east Europe.

>> No.13128078

>implying I'm a slav

>> No.13128192

Calm down, buddy. There are over 100 species of mushroom being actively cultivated commercially around the globe (Japan boasts 80+), despite there typically only being 2-3 for sale in the typical American grocer.

The US is a soil rich meat loving nation. Countries with high quantities of cultivated mushrooms have very poor soil quality, limited space, and very little meat in their typical diet. Due to media shitshows around mushroom poisoning from the 1970's through today there's no mass demand for cultivated mushrooms in the US beyond portobellos and shiitake in the more gentrified areas. There are roughly 20 specialty mushrooms farmed or foraged for the high end dining segment, but at $8-$200/lb wholesale, there's really nowhere for the operations to expand into wider markets.

>> No.13128335
File: 424 KB, 1280x960, 93D7B4F3-0F8F-477B-B929-A85E781BEB23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight’s haul, chanterelles, hedgehogs, and some puffballs.

>> No.13128392

This. why the fuck do they even call the false morel a false morel? Maybe if you'd never seen an actual morel and got a really vague, incredibly inaccurate description that was just "a wrinkly mushroom."

>> No.13128402

Overall it's fine, we don't want every foodie getting interested in mushroom foraging.

>> No.13129459

Yeah but he’s right and you’re the absolute assfag, fag ass

>> No.13129505

I wish I could fart cum with my dick too

>> No.13129517

why not just grow them

>> No.13129535

Just do it YOLO!

>> No.13129718

Mushroom hunting seems to get popular among the food hipster crowd.

>> No.13129756

Some of that might be from them seeing them in hipster grocery stores for shitloads of money.
Morel season in the Eastern Midwest has been so shitty the past couple years that the prices skyrocket.

>> No.13129786


aren't people that overgather to blame? how do you expect morels to stay gatherable if guys like the third don't let them spore?

>> No.13129820

Maybe, but I'm talking about the weather.
As soon as mushroom season hits there have been frosts that fuck them up and by the time the good morels are supposed to pop up it gets too hot and dry.

>> No.13129824

climate change works two ways - shouldn't there be sites that are made fit for Morels due it?

>> No.13129851

That means going South to Kentucky and West Virginia which are so dangerous to wander in the woods and then half of Tennessee is a fucking mountain range.

>> No.13129858

Plus rural WV is a post-apocalyptic shithole

>> No.13129892

how are these spots dangerous? wildlife? I'm from Europe. Second, can't you just get a high powered non-automatic rifle if it's wildlife?

>> No.13129895

>can't you just get a high powered non-automatic rifle
Why not get a high powered automatic rifle???

>> No.13129903

aren't these illegal even in the US?

>> No.13129908

No, unless you mean fully automatic machine guns which are basically unobtainable.

>> No.13129919

well okay, is the threat in these 2 states wildlife or are there moonshiners or something? I got no problem with you shooting people but it's a bit silly for a few morels.

>> No.13129933


Only if provoked

>> No.13129943

I actually smelled such young puffball, how do you eat something with such an extremely strong stench?

>> No.13130037

Mountainfolk: The hillbilly's hillbilly. Some spots in those areas have poverty and education levels comparable to the third world, no hyperbole.

>> No.13130944

so does that make them good or even worse than hillbillies? I mean, some tribes are super friendly (Namibia as reference) with education and wealth like that you would basicly get tribe mentality.

>> No.13131013
File: 2.02 MB, 2160x2160, 15722819493946011926519387398084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats this?

>> No.13131030

that's grass, anon. it looks like that close up.

>> No.13131055

extremely common species, either nonedible (makes you poo poo) or tasteless morsel. Not worth the effort.

>> No.13131144


>> No.13131167

another extremely common shroom is the Yellow-Stainer, you know, like you in your bed. look the species up, it grows where Nitrogen is overabundant due fertilizer abuse or dog shit spam. edible, but would you?

>> No.13131176
File: 7 KB, 300x168, Bjdelivered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't say!

>> No.13131182

yeah but are they bad or basicly like a feral tribe? weirded out if you approach them but most of the time, not aggressive.

>> No.13131414

You have to harvest them when they’re pure white all the way through. They only smell once the spore sac is maturing.

>> No.13131429

yeah, when they're ripe the only use is to make them go kaboom. which is mad fun.

I opened such an unripe white one, smelled it, the scent is extreme. Like garlic with mushroom. it isn't the smell of rot, as I once smelled a rot bolete and it made me puke in my mouth. does the puffball smell/taste diminish with cooking?

>> No.13131457

I've never smelled one that was distasteful, and I consider them to be mild. Perhaps the ones in your geographic region have a stronger odor? I have eaten puffballs from many areas, both small and giant, and never noticed this extreme scent.

>> No.13131497

the small ones without stipe, in fields that turn brown and have brown-yellow puffs. I opened one and a cream colored paste came out that had this garlic-shroom odor when I sniffed it.

>> No.13131522
File: 88 KB, 800x536, Lycoperdon perlatum %4 Steve Trudell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that was long past edible. If it's not pure white on the inside, it's not edible.

>> No.13131595

They do

>> No.13131627
File: 381 KB, 1024x682, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, and they're delicious. But you may need to upgrade the size of your frying pan.

>> No.13131636

Oh my gosh, I've never seen one that big before. I bet biting into it is like a dirt-flavored marshmallow. I'd slice this into steaks and grill them!

>> No.13131651

that's a disgrace to the puffball family, it doesn't even go boom! what is the largest one that goes boom if you step on it?

>> No.13131847
File: 1.24 MB, 3024x4032, rd5mqyyydbv31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked these today.

>> No.13131864

these boletes look a bit too old… what's the white one? fully white amanita and veil makes me a bit uneasy… hope you are safe!

>> No.13131872
File: 38 KB, 720x576, 3769E9EC-0C87-4D05-AF08-B4D1CBD29761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See ya on the other side...

>> No.13131981


u mirin?

>> No.13131993


wtf 4chanx. why you put random thread name to my post name

>> No.13132001

yeah it does that, Always doublecheck

>> No.13132317


No, a porcini will taste very different form a morel or a morel from a lobster mushroom, for example.

I think thos sentiment mainly comes from America or similar places where most people only know white button crimini, and portobello, which are all just dofferent stages of growth of the same mushroom.

>> No.13132327


Looking at that white one makes my liver hurt

>> No.13132469

your kidneys are far more precious :^)

anyway, i'm collecting destroying angels to use them as juiced up fly agaric insecticide (they're genetic cousins anyway…) does Amatoxin affect flies too or is it just the muscarin?

>> No.13132501

just pick chantrelles, hedgehog mushrooms and maybe boletes
bolotes are kinda meh tho

>> No.13132566


I've done fly agaric before. Sort of like somewhere between alcohol and ketamine, or like a high dose of phenibut.

Anyway, destroying angels are vastly more toxic. You can buy powdered amanita muscaria for cheap online if you really want some for insecticide.

>> No.13133827

They will have a distinctly mushroom taste like how lots of citrus fruits have a distinctly citrus taste while also still tasting differently enough from each other that you can tell them apart and like some more than others or use some for certain dishes over others.

>> No.13133910

>Biology fan
>relies totally on an app made for dummies instead of spending the time to learn about what he claims to be interested in


>It's almost like europe has very few poisonous mushrooms while the US has shitloads

>Many of their commonplace mechanics are absolutely alien compared to other life forms.
You have no clue what you are saying. You can find chitin, filamentous cellular growth, saprotrophism, mutualism etc in many other kingdoms. Yes they have unique taxa and characters but every kingdom does. Just because you don't know anything about fungi doesn't make them alien or magical.

>> No.13134051
File: 3.11 MB, 1960x4032, mushroom cluster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone tell me what these are? Fungus already creeps me out conceptually, but I've never seen anything like this before. I'm in New York, if that matters.

>> No.13134076


delicious in an alcohol sauce like a rum sauce

>> No.13135396


why is that

>> No.13136992

Lactarius family member for sure, but not all are dible are they?

>> No.13137008


I always thought foraging for shrooms would be cool until I remember I'm slightly color blind.
Mistaking brown for blue is the difference between delicious and fucking dead.

>> No.13138109

you shouldn't venture in the wilderness alone anyway. hey, is your stamina storng? you can carry the determination kits we would need to use.

>> No.13138325

It's for the best. I always try to dissuade people from getting into mushroom foraging.

>> No.13138706

Bump, OP’s a legend. I’m an Indian and we would probably die if we tried to eat food this spicy.

>> No.13138730
File: 3.37 MB, 4160x3120, 20191023_184755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi new forager here, I actually found it not as hard as anticipated you just have to be careful and double check as well as stick to easy to recognize varieties to start.

Puffballs like you have in pic are pretty foolproof if you're paying attention. Pic related is a haul from a couple days ago. The white mushrooms are elm oysters which grow like crazy around here. I've collected about that amount most days for the last week or so.

>> No.13138812
File: 2.16 MB, 2982x3299, 20191019_164509~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elm oysters (hypsizygus ulmarius) being cooked. They're probably my favorite wild mushroom, some specimens can get quite big and they have a firm but juicy texture. The flavor is similar to normal oysters, classically mushroom but with a light taste of the smell of tree sap. They aren't earthy at all, which I do really like in some mushrooms but I find the clean woody mushroom flavour very appealing.

>> No.13138819

I get elm oysters at my lake home. I can often collect a couple pounds in ten minutes, they are that prolific. Looks great, anon.

>> No.13138824
File: 1.62 MB, 2704x2602, IMG_20181008_205231_931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is turning into my mushroom blog. Here's some giant puffballs. They are honestly probably my least favorite wild mushroom I've eaten so far. Still good and worth cooking up if you find them, but I find the texture a little mushy and the flavour pretty good but not up there with oysters or morrels of even shaggy manes.

>> No.13138841
File: 1.03 MB, 2735x2307, 20190930_180359~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if you have the right kind of trees in an area they can be a real bonanza.

Here's some chicken of the woods from a few weeks back, another foolproof beginner's mushroom and extremely tasty in my opinion. The texture and even flavour really is surprisingly like chicken with deep mushroom undertones. These are pretty rare w

>> No.13138856
File: 3.20 MB, 2959x3545, IMG_20181014_115334_666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty rare where I am so I really cherish when I find them.

Pic related are shaggy manes, also very easy to identify. Very earthy flavour and they cook down to almost nothing, but very worth collecting.

>> No.13138945
File: 941 KB, 1488x1984, fungi (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some yellow/orangy boletes I found some time ago. Anyone knows what these are?

>> No.13138953
File: 396 KB, 1488x1984, fungi (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left one is a parasol, right I am not sure. Shaggy parasol?

>> No.13138969

Are you joking? They're not even similar.

>> No.13138977

I was refering to the one in my picture.

>> No.13139226

Golly I'm dumb, you're probably right but worth checking the spores.

>> No.13139861

You are very smart and epic. I am sure people like to be around you in real life.

>> No.13140680

I dunno the english name, I learn the latin ones for this very reason. Boletus Badius I think, it stains blue. that one is too beat up to be any good. Yes, it's seriously named ''Badius'' but the deathcap's name had ''Phalloid'' in it.

aren't all the Euro deadlies like the deathcap imported by unwitting colonists when they shipped hardwoord from the new world to here?

Apps are where my searches START. thorough research on mycology institutes (I use the US and EU ones) is where it ends.

>> No.13140683

couldn't you let the left one be for a day or two? this way it looks like the false parasol, which gives you poo in loo syndrome.

>> No.13140686

Keked and cheked

>> No.13141184

I wish fungi developed into complex life like animals. like, why don't we got a giant walking shroom that shoots puffballs?

>> No.13141226

>not carrying a .50 caliber belt fed rotary cannon with you at all times
It's like you're asking to get mauled by squirrels

>> No.13141446

Not in America. Hillbillies are the dregs of society.

>> No.13141464
File: 2.14 MB, 2660x2659, IMG_20180620_192743_111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some sort of do. This is a dog vomit slime mold that I have pop up in my garden periodically through the summer, it moves around and they are said to be semi-sentient. It will show up, then meander around the garden for a few days before drying up and becoming spores that will then grow another slime mold.

>> No.13141517

I thought slime molds are bacterial and the name is a misnomer? How fast are they?

>> No.13141546

Yeah they're not classified as fungus anymore but still seemed worth mentioning. They're certainly not fast, move a foot or two a day I would say. They seem to move around more on days when there's a lot of moisture like light drizzle all day.

>> No.13141570

if you grab two of them, and smash them together, will they act as a singular colony or defuse?

>> No.13141616

Not only will they act as a single colony, they will exchange information and the new colony will have the knowledge of both.


>> No.13141676

Get some slides, get a microscope, one of the most reliable ways is spore printing.

>> No.13141690

No, There were like 5 there a couple days before I picked the one in the picture which I waiter to mature. When I went there again someone else already picked them all and this was the only one left. If I would have waited it would have been picked too.

>> No.13141722
File: 311 KB, 1300x956, boletus-badius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boletus Badius
The google results look nothing like the one I found. Pic related is the picture I get when I google it.

The boletes here >>13138945 weren't brown, they looked intensively yellow/orange/almost red in some spots. They weren't really beat up, the blue bruising was just me touching them, they bruised blue very fast very intensively.

>> No.13141741

what kind of knowledge? like, if I fuse all of them they'll take over the world?

well, growth stage and location may affect the look abit, but try out mycokeys. it's a website just for this.

>> No.13142237
File: 3.60 MB, 4128x3096, 20190924_204257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a kilogram of yellowfoot one month ago. Not bad in my opinion

>> No.13142275

Zeller's Boletes also had a reddish cap and bruises blue, but I'm not used to seeing them with such long stems. I've got some dried ones from Deep Cove last year, but even looking at fresh ones online should give you a good example.

>> No.13142317

are bite marks a surefire to ''this is edible'' (rodent sized) or doesn't it mean shit?

>> No.13143503

doesn't mean shit

buy the book Mushrooms Demystified if you want to be safe

>> No.13143564

you go with your grandpa as kid and so you learn it and can go alone later, that's whole science, also don't pick any shit you are not completely sure about

>> No.13143690

>>Who is Paul Stamets

>> No.13145108


>> No.13145281

Really? If so, good on you, anon.

>> No.13145491


>> No.13145560

did you guys see larry "tree" lonik the morel mushroom man?