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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13119826 No.13119826 [Reply] [Original]

I saw no appropriate thread for this story so Im just gonna make one and vent, feel free to vent yourself but either way I just need this as relief

>Be me
>Wageslave at a build your own pizza place
>Operates like subways where you pick your toppings from a line of ingredients
>Food is pretty decent but nothing to write home about
>We do salad also
>Look up to see a familiar fat man walk through the doors
>Imagine Bubble Bass from spongebob as a human
>Enough of a regular that I'm already dreading his presence
>Everytime he comes in he abuses our unlimited toppings and just gets obscene ammounts of topping and makes pizzas that never cook all the way through
>Today he decides to get a salad much to my absolute shock
>"I'm trying to lose weight" he tells me in 100% earnest
>Thus begins the construction of the most repulsive salad Ive ever seen

>> No.13119832

>abuses our unlimited toppings and just gets obscene ammounts of topping

Fuck you bitch. Of course people will abuse it.

>> No.13119833

...go on. Please. :)

>> No.13119835

I've watched my uncle make a "salad" that was only cheese, bacon, ranch dressing and croutons. But he was beaming with pride at his salad, since he's never used a salad bar

>> No.13119851
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>First starts with chopped romaine
>But because he is the worst, he asks for the romaine that we keep BELOW the line
>He claims that the lettuce on the make line is a bit too brown for his liking
>I do as he asks because I just want him gone at this point
>The lettuce bellow is literally the same because it was all prepped at the same time
>Imagine my shark
>We continue to our cheese section whrre normally people either omit the cheese or get Asiago/Parm
>He asks for mozzarella cheese, our not fresh mozzarella that we use for pizzas normally
>Comply because why not
>"Can I get a little more?"
>Normally we only give one tong full unless asked, so I comply
>"More please"
>This continues until he has amassed the equivalent of a softball worth of cheese
>We continue on to the meats
>He repeats the same thing he did with the cheese only this time with Chicken and Italian sausage
>We continue on to the vegetables where I assume he'll attempt to fill up on vegetables
>Banana peppers
>A single tong of banana peppers
>Thats all he wanted out of the veg section
>Looking down in contempt at his pille of mest and cheese atop some lettuce garnished with banana peppers
>We get to dressings
>"What dressing would you like"

>> No.13119858


>> No.13119883
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I dont mind when people get a lot, I mind it when people get a lot and are surprised when they receive a shitty pizza that isnt cooked through because they ordered a mountain instead of a pizza

Either way, continuing

>We do not have a Buffalo salad dressing
>He wants me to get the buffalo sauce that we top already cooked pizzas with and put it on his "Salad"
>I do it anyway because at this point god has been dead for quite awhile now
>I give a normal ammount of dressing
>Que him doing his "More" meme
>His shit is now drenched in Buffalo sauce
>Assuming it's done because the dressing is typically the last step before we toss it
>"Oh and can you also add BBQ sauce?"
>I actually pause for a moment pondering what he had just asked of me
>I have to physically restrain myself from reflexing asking "Why"
>Without another word I grab the BBQ and dump it on
>And to top it all off... he wanted croutons on it
>I tossed that salad in absolute confusion and dissapointment as I then watched his elderly MOTHER pay for him at the register
>I handed him his creation
>I watched him eat that whole fucking thing
>He's trying to lose weight he said
>And the worst part is
>He's apparently gotten this multiple times while I wasnt working, that was just my first time seeing it

>> No.13119888

Man I love pissing off dumb wagies like you by ordering random shit

>> No.13119894

Yes but then you have to either throw away and WASTE, or EAT the nasty bullshit you order. Because as funny as it is to do shit like this, you still paid money for something that isnt even good.

>> No.13119896

>Chad NEET with his mommy buying based food vs. Virgin loser making it

>> No.13119902

I want you to slather bbq sauce on uncooked romaine and tell me again if it is based, you fucking mongrel

>> No.13119908

Not your personal blog

>> No.13119910

I mean, at that point just get a steak or something

>> No.13119913

Meh, he sounds autistic. Severe autism roots your mind and tastes in childhood. It's unironically not his fault, even if that doesn't excuse him for being a fat disgusting pig.

>> No.13119914

That's hardly stopped anyone before

>> No.13119918

Nothing. I don't waste my or my guests time watching over what other's order. Why do you do that?

>> No.13119921

Ok, and now what really happened.

>regular walks in
>ey bro I have a cool salad idea, do you mind trying?
>s-sure s-sir
>let me get some lettuce
>mozzarella please
>chichen and sausage
>some peppers
>is it ok if we put some one the buffalo sauce that goes on the pizza?
>looks good man and I'm bulking too! have a nice day bro!

>> No.13119922

you could just as easily have said tldr

>> No.13119927

You could have as well but we didn't, this is a discussion board. If we all did tldr then there wouldn't be any discussion.

>> No.13119928

Oh by the way, I made a mess in the toilet, you might want to check it out ;)

>> No.13119932

Do the people who make the food also clean the toilets in these fast food places?

>> No.13119937

barkeepers friend helps with that

>> No.13119939

Nah but don't tell him that, might ruin the illusion for him

>> No.13119941

I have an interest in my surroundings. Try leaving your phone at home.

>> No.13119942

Don't autistic people have a thing with textures? Because honestly this whole salad seems like a sensory nightmare

>> No.13119952

fags need their mouthfeel and they're a segment of the population that goes to restaurants

>> No.13119957

You come across as a control freak, just don't shoot up a school.

>> No.13119964

Worked in some small kitchen. A skinny junkie type ordered the meal-du-jour. Girl serving put a good amount of food on his plate, he wanted more. Probably ended up being like 4-5 pounds on that plate.
Funny thing he ate every bit, but then again, I did the cooking.

>> No.13119965

I don't know that it's autistic but there are people that claim to taste colors. Maybe it's just different brain wiring, with billions of people not everyone is going to be the same, personally I think that's a good thing. If everyone was the same we might as well all be from Twilight Zone or some shit.

>> No.13119976

Some of them do. I have an autist brother that wouldn't eat pasta for years because he hated the texture.
That's synesthesia.

>> No.13119979

That's the word, it wasn't on the top of my head.

>> No.13119988

>Don't autistic people have a thing with textures?
Autistic people have a thing with details and patterns when concerning food. So it could be color, texture, cooking method, etc. that they autistically latch onto. Some autistics will only eat white foods for example.

>> No.13120224

stay mad wagecuck I do whatever I want

>> No.13120750
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>unlimited toppings
get fucked wagie

>> No.13120800

I think it's usually that they then complain that it isn't cooked all the way through when they ask for mounds of food.
If it isn't cooked properly than the wagecuck gets in shit from their boss.
If they cook it properly the outer layers are going to overcook and the dough is going to burn so the wagecuck gets in shit from their boss.
It's a catch-22 scenario, wagecuck gets fucked either way because of the customer.

>> No.13120817

>imagine my shark
Stopped reading there, you dont have a fucking shark.

>> No.13120834


You're going into the extreme range of turbo autism there my dude. I am aspie and have an extreme aversion to sauces on sandwiches/burgers.

>> No.13120841
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My shark.

>> No.13120925

>unlimited toppings include meat and cheese
where do you work, i want to abuse your generosity too

>>He's trying to lose weight he said
if he had gotten all that shit on a pizza it would have added a ton of calories.

>> No.13120942

i work at a bakery within a grocery store, so people dont come and order some nasty shit very often. just when asking about gluten/sugar free items, which i tell them we have about 2 of. Latinos have the best taste in desserts and 30s-40s age white parents and their kids tend to get the worst. old people just get the same shit.

>> No.13121011

I worked at qdoba in high school and there was this severely retarded guy who looked like peewee herman. He ordered a burrito with nothing but ground beef and cheese. Not disgusting I guess but just go to taco bell man, same thing will cost you two bucks.

>> No.13121181

>not imagining an increasingly concerned shark making a salad for the character from spongebob

>> No.13121215

did he also order as much hot sauce packets as possible? because that may have been me.

>> No.13121260

All the sauce would probably smooth it out.

>> No.13121328

he's the buffalo haha

>> No.13121434

It's a very nice shark.

>> No.13122024

I saw someone order tuna on white bread with nothing else on it at subway.

>> No.13122246

About 6 months ago, I was drinking in a bar and some soccermom ordered americano with orange juice. I was quite curious and ordered one myself. Never fucking mix those two things. Ever.

>> No.13122334

>be customer at wageslave build your own pizza place
>thinks to myself about getting pizza
>talks to friend about getting peetzer
>we bitch about how they never give you enough toppings
>well not today, today would be the day we got based peetzers
The stars aligned and my fate was ordained
>head to build-your-own-bear err I mean pizza place
>talk to 5ft qt3.14 behind counter
>seems like she’s new here
>get my standard red sauce, herb butter, mozzarella, Gorgonzola, and obligatory ricotta
>now comes the time of retribution
>she looks me in the eyes
>”any toppings, sir?”
>”mushrooms, please”
>she grabs two fucking fistfuls of mushrooms
>she unironically covers the pizza
>I can’t see dough anymore
>my brain can’t comprehend what I’m witnessing
As far as I was aware, these places were like subway where they train you to be skimpy
>my confidence and constitution have faltered
>what if this wasn’t the day for based peetzers
>I wipe the sweat of my trembling brow
>i look her in the eyes
>unironically layers chicken on the pizza like she’s trying to cover all the mushrooms
>how the fuck is this even gonna be a pizza anymore
>what the fuck do I just tell her I want a new one
>can’t find it in my heart to break this qt3.14’s work determination
>what if it’s her first day
>ask her for one last topping
>she actually puts less bacon, but still far more than normal
>I see the monstrosity of mushrooms and chicken before her
>oh well, it’s peetzer
>tell her I’m done and pay

It was definitely soggy but not as bad as I imagined, hopefully her managers fixed her heavy-handed topping problem. Shit was wild, it was like I was living in a dream, given that I was prepared to tell a worker to put extra toppings since I never get enough mushrooms, bacon, or chicken unironically. She taught me.

>> No.13122367

I want to slather your asshole with my saliva faggot

>> No.13122478

Asshole always order 8 of everything like Tacos or Original Chickens and it always gives me a panic attack. But the biggest pani attack I had today was when I had to make five Crispy Chickens. Luckily there was at least 4 up already that had been sitting for two hours so only one was fresh.

>> No.13123075

>get wagie job at Starbucks in a small long island airport
>most of the people passing through are intimidated by Starbucks as they think it's rich people fancy Manhattan coffee
>most people are clueless on what to get, assume that Starbucks doesn't carry just regular coffee
>one lady comes in
>repulsive fat lady with a receding hairline
>crooked gross teeth and breathed through her mouth
>she was huffing and wheezing after walking from the escalator
>she asks a vanilla frappuccino
>she wants the lower calorie syrup and nonfat milk
>then proceeds to ask for 13 splendas thrown on the drink
>not mixed in
>but on top
>like a sugar topping on top of her already sugary drink
>forgot to mention she got it in the largest size we had, i forgot what comes after vente

>> No.13123086

that's absolutely disgusting. I can't drink a frap larger than tall because there's so much fat and sugar it's just a stomach ache.

>> No.13124293

kaluha in orange juice is good

>> No.13124311
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OP confirmed for twink faggot servant getting absolutely BTFO by top stinky GutLord

>> No.13124317
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Imagine living this life. Cut a finger off on the job and join the NEET master race my man

>> No.13124348

I used to work in a servo and occasionally this man would come in who was so fat he would be huffing and puffing and sweating from the effort of walking in the store and buying 5 packets of chips and some soft drinks. Thought the cunt was going to have a heart attack. He couldn't even really speak.

Maybe it was this guy. You still kicking?

>> No.13124364

I wouldn't be under regular circumstances, but thanks to 20% of your paycheck going to pay my health care bills I'm doing alright! Now if you don't mind, get off your phone and re-stock the Mt. Dew. I'll put $20 on pump 3.

>> No.13124368

he got u there anon

>> No.13124373

I knew somebody who really did this. He was passed over for team leader for the umpteempth time at the age of 35 and just pushed a finger through a circular saw in a fit of rage. He was an asshole and nobody liked him, but there was still enough solidarity that none of us admitted to seeing him do it on purpose. They installed cameras after that incident, so he was the last guy to get away with it.

>> No.13124374

Nah lad, I manage 1000 acre farm now, it was a desperate job post infantry service and moving to a new country with nothing but a backpack but I threw too many shitheads out of the store for it to last. Earned enough to travel the country figure out what I was doing and come back to my roots.

>> No.13124377

That’s why I send it back so you have to make it again except better you retarded wagie

>> No.13124383


>> No.13124511

Imagine coming into a store acting entitled, trying to get something over the newest university student desperate for work, the teenagers, the jaded killers from the military who are one step away from being homeless or in biker gangs, the people who are sticking to their company and end up in top management. While you are some fat fuck on welfare with an autistic coffee order. Do you notice the changing faces, the world where only you are a constant?

>> No.13124515
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>Imagine coming into a store acting entitled, trying to get something over the newest university student desperate for work, the teenagers, the jaded killers from the military who are one step away from being homeless or in biker gangs, the people who are sticking to their company and end up in top management. While you are some fat fuck on welfare with an autistic coffee order. Do you notice the changing faces, the world where only you are a constant?

>> No.13124584

I've sort of done that with a subway sandwich, of course there were some more vegetables on top of the lettuce as well and meat underneath it.

>> No.13124588

I suppose that's what they look like after going home to their jizz sock and calling a manager who doesn't give a shit

>> No.13124594

> he doesn't hide his jizz sock under his bed

>> No.13124597

>literal /biz/ wagecuck vs. neet greentext occurs irl

>> No.13124721

A place where you make your own pie!

>> No.13124747

I do both of those things in my own home.
What was your point?

>> No.13124750

Haha, this.

>> No.13124780

>he was the last guy to get away with it.
I saw something in a documentary or something once about some town in the US where almost everybody was missing a limp or a digit due to "accidents".
I can't find it, though.

>> No.13124785

saw a filipino looking dude walk into an italian restaurant and order fish tacos. lady was like "uhh we don't have fish tacos but you can get some spaghetti" i think he took some spaghett to go

>> No.13124939

>I tossed that salad in absolute confusion and dissapointment

That's what it's like tossing the salad my man.

>> No.13124943

Please direct me to the quality threads on /ck/ you approve of..

>> No.13124970

op is a fag and also sucks at greentexting

>> No.13124978

based qt3.14

>> No.13125726
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>no ranch

>> No.13126287

Well obviously. Someone who is retarded would only be complicit in that behavior in the first place... I mean how stupid and miserable do you have to be to waste your own money to try and make someone else feel as stupid and miserable as you are... He should consider the rope.

>> No.13126305

of course he doesn't have a shark, that's why he told you to imagine it

>> No.13126410

This doesn't happen.

>> No.13126419

I was shopping at the grocery store the other day and some fat neckbeard that was like 35 was with his mother shopping. He caused a big scene because they were out of fresca and he was saying "I'm tryin tuh lose weight! Howm I supposed to lose deh weight if you dont have fresca? It has no calaeies!" Everyone was looking at eachother like "wtf?" I looked at his cart and it didnt have a single thing of produce or fresh meat in it. It was all frozen junk food based around cheeses (hot pockets, pizza) and other shit like corn chips (I swear to God he probably thought it counted as a vegetable) Kraft dinner, etc. It was unreal how he was waddling around like he owned the place without shame.
He was dressed in a really loose dirty t shirt that looked like you could make a 4 person tent out of, cut off sweat pants as shorts and velcro shoes. Hair in brushed and probably hasnt bathed in weeks. How do people get like this? I felt embarrassed for him.

>> No.13126432

What's it like always larping and never being yourself?

>> No.13126440

What a fucking psychopath!

>> No.13126453

when I see people dip anything except vegetables into salad dressing I want to keel haul them. Why the fuck do people order buffalo wings drenched in hot sauce and then also dunk them in ranch? That's so disgusting.

>> No.13126467

this guy is mexican, right? Mexicans love piles of shit stacked on top of each other in a big cup, so I could see that. Anyone got one of them webms of mexicans stacking corn, chips, globs of mayo, peppers, quarts of clamato juice, in huge cups?

>> No.13126478

When I was in highschool I worked at a grocery store. We'd always fuck around I'm the back. On evenings none of the real bosses were there, just other highschool kids with the title "manager" even though they didnt manage shit. Anyway, so we were horsing around out back flying around on our trucks (the flat carts you see them using to stock shelves with) doing crash derby type shit. I.smashed into my buddy and pinched my hand in between our two trucks. It ripped 3 fingernails out and completely crushed 2 fingers like pancakes and they turned green.

Everyone covered for me and said a box of cans not stacked properly from the daytime shift fell on my hand, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten workmans comp. It was right before summer time, comp is 60% of what you normally make. They take a running average of your last 3 weeks of hours to determine how many hours you will get paid for comp. I was normally working 15hours a week but recently picked up crazy hours (covering other peoples shifts) because I was saving up to go to a music festival so my running average was like 30hrs/week. Got 3 months off, entire summer. Worth it

>> No.13126490

>do it again
>get out of my store and never come back

>> No.13126854

stupidest fucking thing
OP's story is ironically way more belivable due to the shit I've seen

>> No.13126863

>high class german restaurant
>someone orders the wiener schnitzel
>"no sides please"
>"just 40g of shaved alba truffle on top"

>> No.13127409

synesthesia is the one disorder i wish i had. In particular i wish i saw sound. That would be fucking dope.

>> No.13128300

Who would want to eat foods invented by non-whites anyways?

>> No.13128310
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>unlimited toppings including meats and cheeses
Could I top my pizza with a second crust on top and ask you to cook it "open faced"?

>> No.13128406

this man is an example of why serving customers face-to-face brought out my deepest cynical feelings toward humanity. working in a back of house setting is all i can manage at this lou t

>> No.13128453

isnt like orange liqueur a thing? seems like orange and coffee mixes well from time to time. just like chocolate and oranges!

>> No.13128479

I wouldn't have money to coax out Neet men, though, and I don't want to fuck my brother because he's ugly, no.

>> No.13128588

Arby's register monkey here, I clean the toilets
90% of the time they're fine and I have a lot of younger siblings so it really doesn't bother my beyond the fact that EVERY FUCKING TIME someone comes in while I'm doing it even if we've had no one for 40 minutes and I have to stop, unglove, wash up, take their order, then finish cleaning

>> No.13128657

Autist here, there's not really rhyme or reason to it between different people. Sounds like he likes meaty, cheesy, doughy/bready and crunchy textures. I personally like mushy and crunchy, basically carb shit. Vegetables and fruits don't feel right (on top of not tasting good) because they're mushy in the wrong way, or they feel like lawn litter, or they're "slicey" like tomatoes.
I've been wanting an opportunity to explain this one so:
When you bite a piece of tomato it gives a bit in a weird way, then your teeth slice through, and then you can also often feel some connective tissue if you grind it or even just on the way down. Meanwhile is slides around in your mouth like it's alive and feels weirdly slick. It's also why I don't like Jello or gummy bears.

>> No.13128713

Once saw a guy come through checkout with what was clearly his mom wearing a suit for some reason, looked adult but just barely. She was buying alcohol and the cashier asked for ID for both of them. He got massively indignant, said "I am not a child", I think he wanted an apology... I had to stifle my laughter. If I didn't work there I probably would've laughed in his face.

>> No.13128718

crust isn't toppings, brainlet

>> No.13128726

I had a friend who would only eat salami on herb and cheese bread there, with a fuckload of mayonnaise on it.

>> No.13128890

>hot chick I knew from HS
>super picky eater
>ordered a pizza with no sauce, just cheese

>> No.13128946


>> No.13129002


>> No.13129083


>> No.13129130

>be me
>be 25
>never worked a day
its ok

>> No.13129135

fuck man

>> No.13129231

Uncooked romaine?

>> No.13129240

Didnt hurt as much as you would think. At least not at first. You kinda go in to shock. When I got to the er the doctor didnt want to give me pain meds because he didnt want to get me pill popping as a teen. So it slowly started to hurt more and more as the shock wore off. When I got home my mom said
>I never thought I'd say this, but if you have any weed now may be a good time to smoke it
Mom knew I smoked weed regularly but didnt like it.

>> No.13129266

Woah nice shark my man

>> No.13129475
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what a loser

>> No.13129479

But that actually happened
Why is that even an unbelievable event in your mind? Not outside enough to notice the spontaneity of random events?

>> No.13129849

not op but how do you like carrots? isn't that a kind of crunchy too?

>> No.13129862

Exactly how I imagined it.

>> No.13129886

>Everytime he comes in he abuses our unlimited toppings and just gets obscene ammounts of topping and makes pizzas that never cook all the way through
Thanks for the tip, now I'll be ordering a hot salad ontop my pizza everytime I go to one of these.

>> No.13129887

Imagine if he reads this and gains satisfaction in how much it bothers you.

>> No.13129888

>Work at subway
>Lady comes in
>Plain white please
>Extra cheese, put on twelve slices of cheese
>Excuse me I said extra
>Bitch this is extra! In a friendly tone and manner ofc
>Well I want more
>18 slices of cheese later, cheese 3x for those who don't know subway
>I want more
>Motherfucking 24 slices of disgusting processd cheese
>Are you happy lady?
>Double it
>I do not process, you want 6 more slices?
>No double what's on there
>48 slices of fucking cheese on a 12" sub
>I stare at disbelief at the abomination that is more cheese then bread
>Any meat on there? Ofc not
>Do you want it heated?
>Oh I don't know, do you think it will be good?
>Bitch this sandwich stopped being good after you took cheese 8x
>I actually reply yes
>take it out of the oven
>I can see that not all the cheese is melted, don't give a fuck
>Any veggies? I already know the answer I pray that I am wrong
>No just mayo
>I get the feeling she wants alot of mayo so I drench it
>More please
>This is now mayo and cheese with a side of bread
>She sits down to eat
>Unwraps the whole thing
>Takes a bite, mayo and cheese squirt out one end
>With every single bite
>Greedily sucks up the conglomeration of fat that has escaped the bread once she is done with the "sandwich"
>Thank you that was delicious!

>> No.13129967

Was in line at Subway and saw someone order this monstrosity
>italian herbs and cheese bread
>banana peppers
Fucking disgusting

>> No.13129968

literally whats wrong with that order you double mcnig?

>> No.13129987

That sounds good

>> No.13129993

Damn, now I want a pet shark.

>> No.13129996
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>> No.13130001

I think it's autistic enough to be true, notice how he mentions the girl was cute even though they never relate or talk meaningfully. he's just overwhelmed by finally having an interaction with a girl and had to talk about it somewhere

>> No.13130011

I saw "people" order cucumber lettuce sandwiches at Subway while I was in UK. Cucumber and lettuce. Nothing else, no meat and just a touch of sauce.
This happened on more than one instance.

>> No.13130020

OP do you work at mod pizza
this sounds like a mod pizza story

>> No.13130031

Well, I don't know if this matters, but I am very gay.

>> No.13130243

How fat was she?

>> No.13131830

your faggot taste buds are accustomed to feces and salty seminal fluids. Why are you disgusted by a normy sub

>> No.13131832

I know they take out the trash. My older brother said they made him take off his gloves to take out the trash. It's convoluted but their reasoning was that if a customer saw you take it out wearing gloves, they'd assume you didnt change them to then make their sandwich.

>> No.13131907

>working at subway
>man comes in with his own tuna salad and just wants a wheat footling bread
>he asks me to heat up the homemade tuna salad in microwave
I open the Tupperware
>homemade tuna salad smells like shit
>put it in the microwave and turn the knob
>turn around as he’s running out the door
>think “what the fuck” and run over to the door thinking someone is messing with his car or something
>hear him crying laughing as he hops into his friend’s car
>run back inside and i can hear firecrackers goin off
>it smells like the inside of mother teresa’s snatch
>unplug microwave to find that they had mixed firecrackers in the tuna salad

microwave was ruined and boss fired me the next day for heating up outside food

>> No.13131922


>> No.13131952

I actually don't get why they card 2nd peoples. Like when I go grocery shopping sometimes I bring my gf, but since she's not getting anything she leaves wallet in the car. Go to get my beer, and we're both carded. Fuck, now she's gotta go get her wallet (sometimes the cashier just says fuck it your fine).
However some mommy with her 14 yo gets her wine without questions.
1, are they just assuming since she's an old bat the kids probably hers or something? Cause I used to get older ladies to buy me booze
2nd, why should they care. They sold it to a 21 or over person, from there isn't it my responsibility to keep it out of underage hands and they can't be held responsible?

Also autism story incoming. Wanted to get her some wine once. Don't know her tastes cause she drinks liquors. Ask dude what a "young girl might like... Err woman... Like my girlfriend my age, not like a kid *hand gesture representing the height of a child*"
He pointed me to some white wine, God I hope he didn't think I was a pedo

>> No.13132154

This has nothing to do with the girl tho the story was entirely about my fucking peetzer
What is wrong with you redditors and thinking every story is about girls and every autist on 4chan is too autistic to even encounter girls outside
Everyone who goes to any restaurant encounters cute women, what the fuck?

>> No.13132269

You need to go back.

>> No.13132379

yea I would have to side with the customer on this one. It's always older women grocery store cashiers who make life difficult, no problem selling to someone with a 10 year old but you go through the line with someone in their 20's and they make everyone show ID. They've refused to sell to me because I was trying to use my passport rather than a drivers license. It pissed me off so much, I only ever go to Stater Bros to use their ATM now I even wrote corporate about their ID practices and they never responded. Fuck em.

>> No.13132385

oops meant for >>13131952
not >>13132154

>> No.13132392

Shut the fuck up wagie faggot

>> No.13132399

Euthanize all NEETs

>> No.13132486

>in kfc because the closest chick fil a was an hour away
>2 girls in line behind me order the $5 tendies combo
>wagie asks if they want any sauce
>first girl says just ketchup
>second girl says also just ketchup and asks for no gravy on her mashed potato
I thought white people going out of their way to avoid even a tiny bit of flavor was a meme, but this actually happened

>> No.13132509

Why do you hate flavortown anon?

>> No.13132691

retard lmao

>> No.13133582

My sister worked at Starbucks and said it was an unknown stereotype of black women to literally get 1/3 of the drink filled with the flavored syrups, and they’re always assholes about it. Said she knew for a fact that was the reason there were so many diabetic nig-nogs

>> No.13133634

At least first girl was a chupper. I wonder if she was in that magical thread?

>> No.13133665

Somewhere between adult walrus and jupiter's 3rd smallest moon.

>> No.13133945

>Working at a Taco John's
>Taco Tuesday, bean burritos and Hardshells are 85 cents
>Guy waddles up and orders 12 Tacos, 12 Burritos
>Boss sees him and escapes to the back
>WTF bro why you leaving on our busiest day
>Boss comes back with a 40oz cup filled with hot sauce
>Watch the fat fuck soak every taco and burrito in the sauce like its a fucking oreo before eating
>He does this every week

>> No.13134288

Dude encountering qt3.14’s in the wild and being autistic is one of the oldest memes on 4chan
Do you even know about the bombing of /pol/ harbor? Fuckin newfag

>> No.13134358

I was eating at arby's once and this big lady was there eating by herself. I noticed she had 4 cups of au jus and I was like wtf. I went to refill my drink and as i passed she was drinking one of the au jus straight from the cup.

>> No.13134376

Was at the gas station and saw a dude there I kinda knew. He was fat as fuck and had diabetes and he bought every 1 liter rc cola in the cooler then asked if they had any more in the back. To make it worse he was missing part of a leg due to his severe diabetes.

>> No.13134507

I used to work at subway and I was surprised by how expensive extra cheese was. That lady must have spent a small fortune on that sandwich.

>> No.13134562

Whats the one topping on the top one topping pizza

>> No.13134635 [DELETED] 

>hthinks that's meat

>> No.13134663 [DELETED] 

better to have both, not one or the other

>> No.13134666 [DELETED] 

How'd you get a picture of my ex?

>> No.13134669

Just a quick question. If unlimited toppings is really unlimited what's stopping people from stocking up on cheese and meat just say you want a plain pizza with no sauce just chicken a godless amount of it then after its baked some piles of cheese because "you prefer it that way"

>> No.13134677 [DELETED] 

Because it's not unlimited, that's just a retard level marketing term that idiots with marketing degrees came up with and shit licking advertisers put on tv.

>> No.13134691

>be autistic fat fuck
>girl i think is cute makes my pizza a tiny bit retardedly
>spaghetti and post about it on 4chan
how was that a farfetched story at all?

>> No.13134697

How much is it then? I mean Is it sizeable enough that people try to scam the place?

>> No.13134699 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 681x1024, pizza_delivery-underboob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about as farfetched as this cute girl delivering your pizza.

>> No.13134711 [DELETED] 

Go onto some website like from pj or any major chain, plus there's taxes and delivery fees, it's retard level which makes me happy that I have a local joint on the same block that I live on.

>> No.13134755

if this actually happened then I am sorry m8 that fucking sucks; try to be nice and lose your job. the >devilish meme is funny but that's too far

>> No.13134765

"qt3.14" is a very vague term. It's not like he said, "10/10 busty babe who was all over his dick". Do you really think someone who uses the word "peetzer" has high standards?

>> No.13134774 [DELETED] 

Got me on that one but it could be worse, that anon could have used the term "peeter" like skeeter on my peeter got me down.

>> No.13135331

Not a land whale, but definitely enough to be able to hibernate the winter

>> No.13135335

According to my math, 5 dollars extra
I don't live in the u.s though

>> No.13135354

And then we tell you to fuck off because we don't need your money.

I do it with absolute politeness in front of all the customers, nicely painting you like a fuckwit and lying about you having insulted our staff, so the crowd thinks you're a cunt. Chef here, eat my shit with a side of over priced garlic bread.

>> No.13135824

Firecrackers wouldn't go off in microwave lier

>> No.13135858

I'm literally crying for his mother. Nobody should live like that.

>> No.13135888

At first I thought he figured out how to make his own pizza at home and was scamming you for the ingredients but then I reached the buffalo dressing

>> No.13135939

>Be at wendys
>family behind me, the teenage girl goes up and asks for a cheeseburger with no cheese, no meat, no bun, no condiments, and no onions
>she literally wants to pay $6 for one piece of lettuce and 2 tomatoes
>proceeds to rant about how she is gluten free and dairy free and vegan
>At wendys
>where literally half of the menu is fucking salad
>instead decided to order a burger and make the most confusing backshit retarded order

>> No.13135971

White pizza is a thing dipshit

>> No.13135978

worst thing I witnessed while restaurant waiting is fries with mustard

>> No.13135981

or b8
kys either way

>> No.13135994

lemmme get uhhhh
burger with no meat
no cheese
and no vegetables

>> No.13136362


>> No.13136437

work in a sandwich shop so i've seen every combination of toppings under the sun. you just get numb to it after a while. we're not very friendly to heavy customizations in-shop, but we get mile-long tickets for only 2 sandwiches online because that's where people abuse the customization system the most. big things that piss me off are:

1) modifying the meats: most of the time they add a meat that just makes the base price higher than if they'd ordered the other sandwich that already comes with those meats
2) adding mayonnaise & cucumbers to the italian sandwiches. the fuck is wrong with you?

we also have a sandwich that comes with just cheese & bread, and you can order the 16" version, and people actually do this. it's like 11.49 for eight slices of cheese & bread. yeah that's great if you wanna burn your money just to get our freshly-baked french bread then take it home and make it into something else, but you know people are ordering this just to eat it plain like that. it's peculiar, but whatever, go ahead and line my pockets with your money.

>> No.13136606

this sounds like it would be worse for you than just getting a normal pizza

>> No.13136617

One of the only disgusting things I've eaten in years was mayonnaise on my capicola sandwich. I thought "it's oil and eggs, I like those with peppers and meat, why not?"
it was terrible

>> No.13137117

the taste of cap is offensive to most since it's so strongly spicy. "no cap" is the single most common meat modifier in my store. i never understood mayo with italian meats, it goes better with smoked ham and cheese, not salami onions and french bread, but people insist on messing them up regularly.

>let me take that perfect italian sandwich, get it on wheat, add extra mayo, take off the onions and tomatoes, add cucumbers and avocado because i hate food and have no taste.

>> No.13138016

Teenage girls in modern times are quite often the stupidest humans around.

They get all these ideas in their head that “good people do this and good people do that” (which is part of why it’s common for them to be liberal) because they watch TV and movies and aren't able to distinguish that this media isn't akin to real life.
It’s even worse if the “adult” women around them are equally this stupid at their adult age, and follow silly trends and take up “causes” to represent themselves, despite taking no real action to make any change in the world. I think this is because of the quote from Ghandi “be the change you want to see in the world”, which every elementary school kid in America is exposed to.
What it comes down to is, in social terms and cultural terms, women are a lot easier to brainwash. They’re kinda preprogrammed to follow the herd, because by being “desirable” to men is what women want, being we are biological creatures. A 50-year old liberal who cheats on her husband, pretends to be vegan, and always voted Democrat with a Hillary sticker in 2019 seems successful. Because people like this pretend they are the happiest people alive outside. Behind closed doors they’re miserable.

>> No.13138049
File: 61 KB, 1000x1000, 1571804193669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redback, is that you?

>> No.13138163

I actually tried a carrot not too long ago to try to broaden my diet, the texture was bad but not too bad, but the taste almost made me gag, I had to force myself to swallow

>> No.13138227
File: 38 KB, 443x443, good__guys___B3zTV0cFbJe___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at my local CiCi's pizza
>It's a buffet but they will make whatever kind of pizza you ask for
>fat (like really fat) couple ask them to make two pizzas
>no cheese
>white sauce
>two of these monstrosities
>a whole pizza each

>> No.13138238

Why do people on this website like capitalism again?

>> No.13138329

what I don't get about italian subs is that they always have non-italian ham on them. why the fuck would I want regular deli ham on a sandwich that already has gabagool or proshoot?