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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13115021 No.13115021 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to the alcoholics general? did it move somewhere else?

>> No.13115029

There's one autist here that throws a fit when these threads are created, to stay on topic though, I just got me a pint of Hennessey. Will be a good drink later tonight

>> No.13115031

they are banned here, and thankfully so. They were off-topic and super depressive black holes. They were usually saged and reported.
If you need one of those threads, go to where you belong: /r9k/ or /adv/

>> No.13115035

Kek, there he is

>> No.13115036

good bye thread

>> No.13115038

if you dont like the thread dont open it? people ruin everything.

sounds nice man. enjoy

>> No.13115043

We pretty hard the last few nights so staying off it tonight.
Got weed to get me through, though.

>> No.13115044

Video card's memory is going bad and I lost track of time barely being able to do shit. Had too much fun already. Shit is stressing me out waiting for the new one in the mail watching the VRAM fuck around.

Tempted to make some sort of rum sauce tomorrow, just because I have an excess of rum and cooking slows my drinking. Idle hands and whatnot. Not sure it'll be great with beef though, so I might have to pick up some fatty pork and fruit juice? Recommendations? I can make just about anything work.

>> No.13115055

thread should 404 soon

>> No.13115057

my wife and kids are out of town for the weekend, i was supposed to work tonight but my shift was cancelled. enjoying the very rare occasion i get the house to myself with craft beers and some gentleman's jacks. still cant shake the depression.

>> No.13115065

Basically there’s a mod who is not cool with anything related to food/beverages but is okay with anything related to corporations, cooking methods, and junk food. Also anything that’s just on the cusp of being on topic is good but anything that’s too on topic or too off topic is bad.

We are plagued with a completely shit mod.

I’ve been sober 3 months and want to drink really badly today. Thinking about getting something good. Obviously is a pretty bad idea though.

>> No.13115067

It died of liver failure.

>> No.13115072

i want to tell you not too and that its a terrible idea. but i cant even control myself so who am i to give advice.

>> No.13115077

these threads are not at all about food or beverages, but about mental illness, depression and addiction. It's just right that they are banned :)

>> No.13115080

Imagine larping as an alcoholic. Why, even?

>> No.13115081

If anything recommending drinks would be better to stay on topic

>> No.13115088

If every alcohol thread is just presumed to be about alcoholism and invaded with faggots, then yeah I guess.

If people just talked about fucking alcohol it would be fine. It’s like the threads about McDonald’s and shit that get bombarded with political garbage. The thread didn’t do it, the dumb obsessed faggots did it.

>> No.13115102
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theres plenty of alcohol threads that get made without getting deleted
probably because they stay more about the taste of the alcohol than the symptoms of long term abuse

alcoholism is a sickness, and it affects too many cooks
you only got one body guys, and it's not that hard to take care of as long as you use moderation

>> No.13115103

Eh people who want to discuss drinks get bullied out by whiny fucks.

Who is going to break their arm making homemade egg nog this year by the way? Shit hurts. Way too much whisking.

>> No.13115124

I’m not even aware of the process desu

>> No.13115130

Everytime I dont drink for a week I feel so much better, but then I get depressed and drink like an idiot.
I also feel ashamed for the shitposts I make, they are really cringe but dound so funny at the time.

>> No.13115134

there's always plenty of threads about beer, whiskey and other beverages. If you wanted to discuss this, go there.
If you want to discuss your sickness, depression or whatever go r9k

>> No.13115226


What about an eating addiction, you want to go put baby in a corner?

I know most of you people are on the spectrum, but you should really stop trying to enforce infantile rules because it doesn't help anyone. Because the discussion doesn't hurt anyone.

>> No.13115242 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13115244


You've figured out 'Not Hotdog'. Good for you, not totally on the spectrum.

>> No.13115259

>/al/ck/ threads are regular on the board for years
>keeps alcohol discussion mostly in one thread
it was retarded that they got removed and the mods never gave us a reason as to why. anyways what do you guys mix with your vodka, for me its flavored soda water with lime juice.

>> No.13115277

I'm not sure why the al/ck/ threads left. Probably just a dumb person or two moderating the board? It's almost like they don't realize there would be less al/ck/ posting if they just accepted the thread.
Anyways, just trying to ween off vodka at the moment. Eating some soups for food.. what are you favorite canned soups, my friends? For me, it's been a variety of cambells. Tried some progresso potato/brocolli/cheese chowder today, and it wasn't too good.

>> No.13115281


Campbells tomato is good, if you have acid gut. Nothing really fixes it. Probably pepto and tums. Just try to equalize your gastic acid so you don't puke all day every day. I'm down to 3 pounds underweight for 5,10'. I'm sure I have GIRD.

>> No.13115289

I know, I've been through it many times. But, with dat tomato soup, do you opt for water or milk? I've been having a lot of original vegetable, or vegetable barley. It seems to be getting along with me pretty well. Definitely trying to avoid pancreatitis for the 3rd time, kek. That usually only happens when I don't eat for around a week though. Not planning on going back to that point.

How is it going with you tonight, anon?

>> No.13115293

fucking hell lad are you me
let's drink tonight :)

>> No.13115301

fuck off these were the most /ck threads ever

>> No.13115373

surprised it lasted this long, all the boards just got new jannies so they're banning for almost everything now

>> No.13115447

Some awful group of mods started instabanning any al/ck/ related threads. but- they got rid of the harem of them, and now it's just one mod that deletes them. An al/ck/ thread will stay up for a few hours. minimum. Happy to see one, though.
>drinking vodka
>playing drunksouls
>thinking about any food in my house
I got so shithammered that I l lost my house key today. I'm losing.
1.75l faggot checking in.

>> No.13115451

seconding this.

>> No.13115603

Yes, they tried moving to a couple of other boards but it turned out the dickheads who partook of the thread didn't want to continue if they couldn't shit up this board.

>> No.13115613


>> No.13115612

Most of the shitposters trashing this place today originally came here because they were invited to an al/ck/ thread while at another board. I guarantee.

>> No.13115624

al/ck/ threads are not halal. this will be deleted and everyone ITT will get banned including me.

>> No.13115627


Wildly hosed, but never use milk. Ever. Soup and water because lactic acid is no joke. If you have GIRD, you're fucked.

>> No.13115629

If I was a mod, everyone who talked shit about al/ck/ threads would be permabanned.

>> No.13115631

how is having one general "shitting up the board" more than having a thread for each specific alcoholic drink?

>> No.13115632


because you're an autistic, worthless human. We get that. Go rock in the corner for 5 minutes.

>> No.13115634


>> No.13115636


because you're a freakshow. Stop being a screw up and people won't hate you.

>> No.13115639


>> No.13115774

any of you fags still enjoy pairing alcohol with food? if i don't have nice appetizers for my liquor and a nice meal for my beer/wine, i wouldn't even start drinking.
of course this doesn't mean i skip getting shitfaced, it just means i always have to get food too.

any favorite foods to pair with alcohol? for me a nice brie with crackers, some cold cuts and a spread are ideal. and then some type of meat and potatoes for the main course.

>> No.13115785

kill yourself, you disgusting piece of garbage

>> No.13115808

Actually you belong on /adv/, it’s the awful normie containment board. And there’s no reason for you to be ashamed of it either. /adv/ is 60% female, 30% orbiter, and 10% soy chads. Doesn’t that literally sound like heaven to your type?

>> No.13115811

Do you know smreka? It's a fermented juniper tonic. I'm waiting for mine to get ready, I want to try gin & tonic with it.

>> No.13115813
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none of that is rakia though

>> No.13115832

I'm a light weight, I know. But the older I get, the less I "feel" my drunkness. It just leads to more drinking, no additional fun and harder hangovers. I'm a bit worried.

>> No.13115845

i like to mix a san pelegrino lemon 50/50, it's really nice

>> No.13115846 [DELETED] 
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Mods banned me for posting pic related but won't delete the thread. I've noticed I've been banned more over the past 3 months than I ever have browsing this place in the 5 years prior. It's probably one person, too. Kill yourself you fucking faggot.

>> No.13115850

ah, had the same thing happen to me. fuck, the drinking nights in my early to mid twenties were amazing. it sucks that it's less fun now, but at least i still love the taste. and if you're making smerka i think you probably do too.

>> No.13115861

yeah, i got banned for total bullshit as well. There are new SJW tranny jannies, and since these types believe that mental ilness is a civil rights issue they tolerate these off-topic threads.
Same with those faggot claire threads. Paid advertising is good!

>> No.13115867

“This thread is off-topic“

>> No.13115882

>implying al/ck/ has anything to do with the discussion of liquor
These threads are basically a /soc/ thread about lonely degenerate drunks boasting about going through a 24 and a handle of Canadian Mist a day and then feeling sorry for themselves for shit behaviors.

>> No.13115907

I drink about 4 days a week. I’ve been drinking more because the woman I’m dating is a heavy drinker. We’re both chill, relaxed drunks though so it works

>> No.13115910

Nah. I’m not gay m8

>> No.13115914

Mods are either camel jockeys that hate alcohol because Allah told them to or they are too young to legally drink so this makes them jealous.

Either way mods are faggots

>> No.13115918

Exactly. If they left one to contain the piston there would be less spam


>> No.13115921

Everyone knows that these threads are off-topic and belong on r9k, soc or adv. We have like 2 active threads about alcoholic beverages, but faggot alchies don't care for those. They just want to have their r9k circke jerk

>> No.13115925

Humans consume alcohol. You drink and cook with it. That is why these threads belong on /ck/


>> No.13115932


even the normiest of all normie forums have drinking threads, and yet we can't have one on 4chan?

>> No.13115936

just stop feeding these retards already. literally half the posts in this thread are them just repeating at each other how much they hate the thread using different words

>> No.13115939

Sorry. I’ll stop


>> No.13115944

So you're fully admitting, for the record, that you're too much of a little bitch to ignore one thread you don't like. Noted

>> No.13115946

We have ten threads about food and cooking and also about beer, whiskey. However, you do not care for these threads because you want to discuss your addiction, your sickness, your depressions. Make no mistake, that's what these threads are about. If you can not see how this is off-topic, maybe you already killed off too many braincells with your crippling addiction

>> No.13115957

We have drinking threads. This thread is about drug abuse

simple as

>> No.13115982

no one was whining about these threads before mods started banning them out of nowhere

>> No.13116013

Insecurity: The Post