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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13113654 No.13113654 [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering: does your religion (or belief system if you're not religious) affect how you eat and drink food and/or alcohol?

>> No.13113663

I am a grateful recovering alcoholic by the grace of God and I believe that I can't take one drink.

>> No.13113671

"It is not what goes into a man that makes a man unclean, but rather what comes out that defiles a man"
Alcohol is not forbidden unless you're a member of the Mormon cult, Jesus literally said He would not drink "the fruit of the vine" until He returns- however drunkenness like all sins is heavily discouraged.

>> No.13113679

Jesus sinned a bunch of times but gets a pass I guess.

>> No.13113680

when He returns***

>> No.13113682

Christ was without sin, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.13113686

>please don’t drink any alcohol

>> No.13113688

that's Blasphemy, Jesus did not sin as He was God. God cannot sin.

>> No.13113691

So, god saved you from alcoholism, but even taking one drink would be enough to make you lapse into your addiction?

Sounds like a pretty crappy god you've got there.

>> No.13113703

the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

>> No.13113711

I know that I feel spiritually disconnected if I drink too much.

>> No.13113718

>God cannot sin
Well he created you.

>> No.13113728

Wrath is a sin. Jesus wrathfully overturned the moneychangers' tables. Is it okay to sin to prevent another from sin?

>> No.13113740

>hulks out in a temple and flips tables, throws chairs
Matthew 21
>curses a fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season
Mark 11
>did not respect the laws of the land
Most of the new testament
>spit/rubbed mud in blind peoples' eyes when he could have just made them unblind
Mark 8, John 9
>caved to demons' demands
Matthew 8

as I said, maybe he gets a pass because "fuck you, I'm god" but he sure wasn't practicing what he preached.

>> No.13113743

Righteous vengeance is an attribute of the Lord, God was clearing out the money changers from His house. Wrath is like Cain killing Abel

>> No.13113750

So he was the Donald Trump of the Iron Age? BASED

>> No.13113751

idk if it counts, but I eat what would today be called a "flexitarian" diet for cultural reasons.

That's about it for me.

>> No.13113755

I got my muslim girlfriend eating bacon and her dad hates me for it

>> No.13113756

before you quote Scripture to bolster your blasphemy- you need to understand what you're doing and saying.
God forgive you.

>> No.13113766

So God is allowed to seek revenge but people are not allowed to seek revenge, as per His own Sermon on the Mount, right?

>> No.13113770

the Lord does not seek vengeance but imparts perfect justice- what He does is not for carnal reasons borne of anger.

>> No.13113771

Arrogance is a sin, too, my sinful friend. : )
Also, that's some speck of dust/log type shit right here.

>> No.13113773

Don't pretend to understand the motives of God. He can do whatever he wants because He is Good. Not a good deity, he is literally the concept of Goodliness. Don't you dare think you have the right to question Him.

>> No.13113774

Sounds pretty angry to me bro.

>> No.13113778

i'm confused
was it or was it not >>13113743
>righteous vengeance?

>> No.13113779

wasn't being arrogant and never said I wasn't sinful-we are all are that;s implied. but I yield I'm not furthering the pissing contest.
God bless

>> No.13113785

lmao too late, homo. You already knowingly conversed with a blasphemer out of self-righteousness. I'm dragging you to Hell with me, bitch

>> No.13113788

I'm tired, so yeah I mucked that one up anyway I'm not that erudite so I'm gonna stop trying to explain stuff.
>>13113773 sums up what I'm ring to say better than I'd be able to do.
That's my two cents.

>> No.13113799

I'm clearly not pretending to understand God. I'm asking questions because I want to understand God. That's how people learn. Am I not allowed to want to understand God?

>> No.13113802

For fucks sake. Jesus was not God lol he was just a person. He was probably influential, good looking an effective speaker & a cult leader but not the son of God lmao. Mary just had a baby outside her marriage and didnt want to tell her hubby that she wasnt faithful, so she made up this elaborate story that got rly carried away by everyone. It's pretty clear, his blood isnt really made of cheap liquor store wine. communion doesnt get you closer to a random guy who died in the desert years ago (and isnt coming back by the way).

>> No.13113811
File: 90 KB, 500x628, ISHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gn*stics really believe this

>> No.13113812

Yes, no meat on good fridays, that's about it.

>> No.13113814

I apologize. I thought you were being facetious.

>> No.13113822 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 580x386, A1C1B673-9C45-4268-B5A9-CCB4428E2CFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the best way to cook and eat palestine?

>> No.13113838

marinate in yogurt overnight and grill

>> No.13113854

My frickin boyfriend won't eat sugar or pork or any grains

>> No.13113890

>as I said, maybe he gets a pass because "fuck you, I'm god" but he sure wasn't practicing what he preached

Wut? Based on your list it doesn't seems like anything that goes against what Jesus preached
I know you are acting stupid on purpose but you sure can find something at least more questionable

>> No.13113896

Well, the branch of Christianity I was raised with consider the Son an entity separate from the Father and the Spirit. We believe in the Trinity, just not quite the same way as most other Christians do in that we're taught that the Father, Son and Spirit are three separate entities which work in tandem as one entity, the Godhead Himself. Does that make sense? Cuz I never quite got it myself, to be honest.
A priest once explained it to me that 'of course' Christ is separate from the Father because He was otherwise simply 'talking to himself needlessly whenever He prayed,' especially during the crucifixion when Christ said 'Father, let this cup pass from me not by my will but by your will.' Basically, the priest said, if the Father and Son were One and the same, then the will of Both would be One and the same but clearly, in this one example (in Matthew's account of the crucifixion, IIRC; perhaps also in the other two synoptic gospels), Christ Himself thought of the Father and Son as two separate entities. And let's not forget the myriads upon myriads of times Christ told people that He is not His Father.
Never quite understood how the Western Chuch conflated the Two as One when that teaching is a heresy in clear contradiction of Christ's own words.

I couldn't be considered a believer, let me be clear, but I genuinely would like to believe. Just none of it ever made much sense to me, no matter how much I read back and forth and how many questions I asked.

>> No.13113922

wait until you turn her out onto the streets
>dad is gonna FREAK

>> No.13113947

I am southern Baptist. I like to drink every now and then. But suffer from massive guilt the next following days. It's a battle.

>> No.13113983

I never eat meat on Fridays.

>> No.13113985

Then don't drink so much

>> No.13114057

Genesis 11:4-8
Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.

Your god is afraid of humans working together because he fears we could be as powerful as he.

Judges 1:19
"And the LORD was with Judah, and he took possession of the hill country, but he could not drive out the inhabitants of the plain because they had chariots of iron."

Your god can't beat technology, technology from humans sharing knowledge.

Seems like a weak god or fiction...probably poorly written fiction...there are more examples in your silly grimoire.

>> No.13114073

I would refrain from using the word grimoire ever again if you want people not to call you faggot, faggot.

>> No.13114077

>let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens
I mean, he could have just let them keep building. God would have had his laugh, and they would have learned an important lesson in physics and engineering.

>> No.13114153
File: 63 KB, 552x347, burgerstinians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're high in fat

>> No.13115552

Why are women so much fatter than men

>> No.13115557

What was the post that got deleted?

>> No.13115646

I'm Jewish but not religious. Despite not giving a rat's ass about eating kosher, my upbringing made it so I have troubles with dairy-meat mixtures in dishes. I'm just not used to these combos. Meat on breakfast, mac and cheese as a side for a serving of meat, etc. just don't make sense in my head.
I also don't fancy bacon. I tried it multiple times since having it for the first time at the age of 17 or so, I tried it in different countries in different forms and they all tasted the same. I guess pork just tastes like turkey pastrami, and since I tired of that taste many years before trying bacon, it doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.13115694

Who like those r/athiesm faggots in here? This is a cooking board.

>> No.13115698

Jesus must had some nasty shits if he said that.

>> No.13115700


>> No.13115715

All the Abrahamic religions operate on the false dichotomy of good vs evil.
Humanism is the next step in the right direction.

>> No.13115995

Would you eat dog? If not then your believes dictate what you eat.

>> No.13116014

I refuse to believe any Christian has actually read the bible, because if you actually read it you realize it's fucking insane and barely makes any sense from page to page. Ah but let me guess, it just needs (((interpretation))).