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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 646x362, sugar-647_101617045117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13109915 No.13109915 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to lose weight and my second biggest hurdle is my sweet tooth. I could abstain from everything sweet completely but I feel like that hurts my already dwindling morale. What are some sweet treats I could eat that are good, or at least "not that bad"? Looking at anything from recipes or quick snacks.

>> No.13109932

Fruit, dumbass.

>> No.13109935

fruit nigga
hard candy if you have willpower to not chomp on it immediately

>> No.13109950

What fruits? And fruits alone isn't enough.

>> No.13109953

>what fruits
Are you literally retarded? I'm not going to spoonfeed you everything, fuck off and stay a greasy fatass if you're going to be this much of an insufferably helpless manbaby.

>> No.13110029

I was told avoid bananas because they're high in carbs, so "what fruits? is a pretty valid question

>> No.13110044

strawberries, blackberries, blueberries are all fine to eat. I like to buy the fruit cups (no sugar added) from the store because they make it easier to control portion sizes. peaches and pears are also fairly low in sugar. if you like cottage cheese, you can eat that with fruit just fine.

blue bell no sugar added ice cream is pretty low in carbs and I like the no sugar added klondike bars. aldi sells low calorie ice cream yogurt bar things that are like 30 calories each and pretty cheap. edys outshine (no sugar, splenda) bars aren't bad but I personally feel like they're a total waste of money. my personal preference is just to forgo the sweets.

>> No.13110122
File: 219 KB, 273x273, lakanto-golden-monk-fruit-sweetener[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkfruit sweetener. Why abstain when you can just eat a heaping spoonfull of brown sugar to make the cravings go away for <10 calories.

>> No.13110159

thank you, this is good info

>> No.13110193

Cantaloupe is the only answer anon. Relatively low in sugar and more filling than the other mentioned fruits.

>> No.13110198

if you are willing to cook sweets, you can make chocolate chip cookies with artificial sweetener and almond flour. I also make brownies from scratch using sweeteners and cocoa and just reduce the needed flour and sub for almond flour. they are really fudgy and good. I've tried several artificial sweeteners and think truvia works best for baking. the only thing I find difficult with it is getting the grains to break down fully when mixing. for some recipes that call for me to cut the sugar into butter first, I always run it through my blender

>> No.13110203

oops and by that I mean I run the dry sweetener through my blender to break the grains down. I don't mix the butter in that way.

>> No.13110227

Nice, any other recipes?

>> No.13110233

Rice pudding, tapioca pudding, small bars of dark chocolate, 90 cal fudge bars

>> No.13110267

id say berries but they are about to suck for the next 8 months

>> No.13110310

You should sucking dick, something tells me you'd love it.

>> No.13110378

Just use artificial sweeteners. They're not bad for you at all, despite what hippies on this board and elsewhere will tell you.

>> No.13110380

are you doing keto? who gives a shit if its high in carbs. Its healthy. If you are taking advice from someone who says fruit will make you fat than you need to reconsider who you take advice from.

>> No.13110404

You can make all sorts of stuff with fruit. The fiber makes it self-limiting. If you're currently fat, you'll probably lose weight just by not eating *added* sugars and fats. That includes all oils, creams, butters, etc. and the "healthy" sugars are still 99% non-nutritive calories.

I maintain my sub-20 BMI while having a huge chocolate shake each day, made only from fruit and seeds. Also a little calcium carbonate, because I don't always eat all my green stuff, and it seems to improve the flavor and texture.

>> No.13110409

Also, Okinawan sweet potatoes :-)

>> No.13110413
File: 8 KB, 220x229, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going to make it.

>> No.13110416

Not everyone's gonna enjoy your hobby faggot.

>> No.13110437

Eat apples. High in fiber, good for cutting belly fat in particular.

>> No.13110444

Just fucking abstain you cocksucker. Your body is addicted to sugar, and I swear to god, you'll get the fuck over having your sugary sweety snacks like you're some kind of child.

The worst thing about "satisfying your sweet tooth" is that this is the most empty, least filling shit in the entire world, and you know you're going to lose your willpower if you have "just a bite" or some weird substitute.

A 6 oz. ribeye steak is less calories than a Snickers bar. Think about that. Cut it out, or keep being a fat crybaby. two options.

>> No.13110449

ahh you fell for the low carb meme, please go to r/keto and kill yourself

>> No.13110456

Processed food is the problem, not sugar. Bake your own desserts/make ice cream, you will lose weight.

>> No.13110482
File: 68 KB, 480x720, 1571839214598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13110499

I'll be honest dude, I gave up added sugar and felt great after like 2 weeks. My bloodwork improved, I lost weight, and fruit started actually tasting good

give it a go my man

>> No.13110503

Just cut back where you can. baby steps.

>> No.13110508

>Cut it out, or keep being a fat crybaby.
I didn't realise that was an option. Gonna stick with being a fat crybaby.

>> No.13110513

I know it’s hard to let go of your carbs but you have to do it if you wanna see your 30th birthday you fat fuck.

>> No.13110515

After I quit sugar my triglycerides dropped considerably. Sugar is a shitty food.

>> No.13110528

>good for cutting belly fat in particular.
this comment is so retarded.

specific foods don't make you lose weight, eating less calories than you burn does. sure an apple has less calories than a bowl of ice cream but that doesn't mean you wouldn't gain weight if you ate enough apples to surpass the calories you burn in a day.
you can't spot reduce fat, it's predetermined where you'll lose fat first and last.

>> No.13110609

No, not everyone. You will though. Just through the angry way you text I can tell you've got pillowy lips made to suck cock. Maybe start with an Asian, they're basically girls anyway. Either way let me know how it goes. And hey, if you hate it....then I was wrong.

>> No.13110614

Stop spreading your gay around.

>> No.13110767

maltodexterose is by far the best sugar you can find
it improves your life expectations and you will always smell like axe dark temptation
i just went from a 3/10 to a 7/10 just by eating it twice per week
imagine what is possible by eating it on a daily basis

>> No.13111983

This would be true if your body didn't process different foods differently. Do you not shit anon? Are all your shits perfectly identical?

>> No.13112005

Literally just don’t eat and take sodium and potassium supplements.
If you’re eating fruit stick to berries because they possess high fiber.

>> No.13112008

This, obviously.

Yes they are. All of them.

>> No.13112080

Sugar free jellos and puddings
If you're on the keto train, whipping up cream with sugar free jello packet is a nice treat
Raspberries are great, you can spread yogurt of choice on a pan and sprinkle raspberries (or other berries) on top and then freeze and break up into pieces, makes a frozen bark type of treat

>> No.13112825

>taking a shit counts as losing weight
why are you being difficult?

>> No.13113013

I've lost about 7 pounds in the past two weeks cutting back alone, I'm just looking for some better alternative treats.

>> No.13113116

so you’ve lost weight by cutting down sugar and despite seeing results want to go back to eating sugar again?