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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13109478 No.13109478 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly speaking, how does one maintain a vegan diet while still getting the required amount of protein and iron daily and not overspending?

>> No.13109495

Eat whole foods
Eat green plants

inb4 toothless antivegans shit up the thread

>> No.13109496

You cannot be a healthy vegan.

>> No.13109506
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>> No.13109517
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Eat meat when you think nobody's watching, while preening publicly about your superior morality.

>> No.13109534

how can you tell if someone is:
mormon, catholic, vegan, or gay?
they will tell you.

>> No.13109666

Spending isn't the issue. It's nutrient density.
My sister recently went vegan and is apparently meating her iron/protein requirements by eating a shit tonne of beans every day.
Sounds horrible to me.

>> No.13109667

They don’t.

>> No.13109726

This is so cringe. Please tell me you posted this as bait

>> No.13109753
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>> No.13109775

MMM! Healthy steroids!

>> No.13109794
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>> No.13109810

OMG, spoilers? What a dick infographic. Dickbag vegans...

>> No.13109833 [DELETED] 

Don't eat processed foods, have a cup of beans, wa-la

>> No.13110026
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>another vegan thread

>> No.13110400

greens, tofu, nuts

>> No.13110468
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Are non-vegan leftists in 2019 just conservatives with bad luck and poor impulse control?

>> No.13110732

Beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, leafy greens. It’s easy.

>> No.13110777

you can get iron from legumes, nuts, and some grains.
and protein can be found in most of the same things as iron but with some leafy greens added in

>> No.13110816

You don't. The only way is through heavily processed food like fake meat and protein powder, which is pretty expensive.

You ever try eating 5 cans of beans a day every day?

>> No.13110824

no I have not anon but if you wan to eat 5 cans of beans you can

>> No.13110946

Not everyone is a bodybuilder, and every competition-level bodybuilder relies on refined shit. For everyone else, it's easy to get nutrients by just avoiding refined foods (which can be somewhat challenging with the way things are set up)

>> No.13110984

1g/lean kg is pretty minimal just to sustain yourself anon

>> No.13110986

they dont

>> No.13110993

I get more than that just eating plants that haven't had the protein removed.

>> No.13110997

It's easy if you're a stick figure, it's true

>> No.13111020
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All of these are valid arguments against vegans, and the passive aggressive attempts at """""counterpoints""""" only reinforce them.

>> No.13111029

This is stupid and you know it. There are plenty of skeleton vegans just as there are plenty of morbidly obese vegans because they eat falafel and fries all the time. Also the vast majority of the swole dudes pretending to be vegan aren't natty.

>> No.13111086


>> No.13111188

>protein powder

>> No.13111202

Vegans I've seen have a lot of large protein/vitamin jars in their kitchen that presumably supplement whatever they need.

>> No.13111239

Why don't you eat my whole dick? Howaboutthat?

>> No.13111563

Not enough mass to provide significant nutrition.

>> No.13111565

lol tooth loss is a common problem among vegans.

>> No.13111577

Wrecked and kek'd

>> No.13111915

I don't know about mormons, but I have personally never experienced any of those three things. Vegans are obvs the butt of these jokes normally, but what possessed you to choose gays (who usually hide it) and Catholics (who are one of the most common religions in the world)?

>> No.13111927

>be sure to sexually assault someone and then point at your dick when the police question you as to why you did it
I will, but not because some stupid vegan told me to.

>> No.13111935

Money, that's it.

Veganism is like the vegetarian of the 1960s in America, you needed to be well off to eat healthy then.
Now days being a vegan just requires money and a trip to the health food store to buy meme food filled with preservatives.

>> No.13111974

>fresh/frozen vegetables, dried beans and grains are full of preservatives
This is the malnourished brain of a carnist, everybody!

>> No.13111987

You don't really require a whole lot of protein to survive. As for how to get enough protein to maximize muscle protein synthesis, that's tough with whole food sources without soy ... and fuck soy.

There are some relatively high protein content vegetables on the horizon such as duckweed and laetiporus mushroom, but they aren't in the supermarkets yet. So for the moment you'll probably want pea/rice protein powder if you're vegan and /fit/.

>> No.13111992

Yea and boring as fuck and then you get gout and kidney stones at 40.

>> No.13112029
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>> No.13112038
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Most peasants were vegans 90% of the time, they didn't eat meat except on special occasions. This 'humans have always eaten meat!' thing is a total lie. Unless it was Christmas you were subsisting on grain as a medieval serf.

>> No.13112045

Imagine the smell

Also fuck this gay board for letting this get go unmentioned

>> No.13112265

Go vegetarian. Animals raised properly aren't harmed and makes life easier to eat and to get certain nutrition like B12. Vegan is unrealistic.

>> No.13112268

unironically soy

>> No.13112285

>subsistence hunting is a myth

Why are vegans always so batshit retarded

>> No.13112329

>grain was the ONLY food to be found in a time of wild roaming pigs used for clean up, cows for milk, and goats. So many goats and sheep. Oh, and chickens.

And that's only europe.

>> No.13112391

>most of western civilization's history is under feudalism
>thinking you could hunt on the nobility's land, which was all the land
based retard who wouldn't pass 3rd grade social studies

>> No.13112401

You can go back 50 years and most of Asia was still living off of rice and little else, like they have been for thousands of years.

>> No.13112423

>civilization didn't exist until 1393ce

>> No.13112436

>Eat green plants
Greens might have iron but it's not as easily absorbed as the iron from meat. I was vegetarian for a couple years and still ended up with ridiculous cravings for iron while following all the typical advice. I think even with a perfect vegan diet you'll probably still need supplements.

Beans are good for you and I eat them pretty often, but they still only have like half the protein of meat. You might end up getting too many carbs or too much fiber if you entirely rely on them for protein. You can get more protein from processed plant proteins like TVP, but they're not cheap.

>> No.13112458

How does one google shit one does not know?

>> No.13112890

Just eat more unsustainable crops bro

>> No.13113148

or any legume
use cronometer

>> No.13113155

If you eat beans all the time you don't fart from them

>> No.13113173

What do you think animals eat retard. All energy animals use comes from the sun via photosynthesis, energy is lost every time it's converted for use from one organism to another. More eating animals = much more "unsustainable crops" need to be grown.

>> No.13113209

Why do people feel bad about eating meat in the first place. It's not like you killed the fucking pig yourself. Humans allow animals to exist for a reason.

>> No.13113222

it takes more water to grow strawberries than meat
humans don't eat feedcorn or any of the other shit that farm animals get fed

>> No.13113226

>required amount of protein and iron
whey powder... and you don't need to worry about iron. iron is toxic!

>> No.13113233

now look at asia. child-sized people infamous for their sexual impotency and apathy toward generally all beings

>> No.13113244

Humans can and do eat field corn
Also no one uses strawberries as their stable food it's mostly legumes, grains, or root vegetables so why use strawberries as the comparison?

>> No.13113246

The average Korean is taller than the average American. And the point was it isn't just Europe that lived off of wheat, Asia lived on rice.

>> No.13113259

>unsustainable crop

>> No.13113262

not sure u thought this 1 thru

>> No.13113307

america is not good for comparison to anybody

>> No.13113317

The only thing that determines unsustainability is how much is needed to be grown (and thus land to be cleared, native fauna to be killed off, etc.) to feed people
So yes grass -> cows is very unsustainable more so than soy -> cows actually

>> No.13113367

>green plants

Do not contain heme iron

>> No.13113374

Should correct that fertilizer need is also an issue for sustainability but legumes (like soy) get their own nitrogen from the air so are generally good on that front. Grass needs more external nitrogen
Don't need heme iron most people unless they're eating blood don't eat much even meat eaters and they're doing fine

>> No.13113528

Fertilizer is needed because we are such poor recyclers. Sewage sludge is contaminated as hell.

Same goes for rangeland though, you're still taking micronutrients out of the ground far faster than nature does and then flushing them out to the ocean or burning them up. Eventually all rangeland will suffer micronutrient depletion ... and unlike the relatively small area we need for intensive human vegetable farming, you can't really fertilize rangeland.

>> No.13113855

Yeah so you won't get colon cancer. Win/win.

>> No.13114800

I just ate your dad

>> No.13114819

>Not overspending
Dont be a retard about it

>> No.13114826

Ice cold take tbqh
Non-vegans are all filthy fucking liberals whether they like admitting it or not

>> No.13114878

eat a bullet. You'll have all the nutrition you'll ever need. You'll also drastically reduce your carbon footprint!

>> No.13114939

That's a strange one to be concerned with. Iron is in everything.

>> No.13115966


>> No.13115969

Vegan sustain themselves purely on their own egos and sense of self-satisfaction.

>> No.13116229

Get a large tub of yellow pea protein powder from amazon and put a scoop in your breakfast cereal.

>> No.13116247
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>iron daily and not overspending
All the iron you'll need, and more.

>> No.13116499

>medieval times are the only ancient times
holy kek

>> No.13116560

>tfw vegans will never ever be able to enjoy a good cheese or butter added to any dish
Being a vegan must suck so much imagining all the good dishes which use cheese/butter that they can't have

>> No.13116740

Protein actually is too and there are no "incomplete proteins" as in food lacking certain amino acids except gelatin
Even orange juice has more protein than most people would probably assume but I wouldn't try to live off it

>> No.13116743

iron from plants isn't absorbed as easily. low iron levels is a definite possibility on a vegan diet without supplements.

>> No.13116846

Lower absorbability doesn't mean much when you're getting 400% the RDA

>> No.13117192

In most places, meat's more expensive than whatever you may eat to keep your blood afloat on iron and protein levels. Mushrooms, beans and lentils anon.
Still, if you want proper information don't look for it on 4chan. This is a shithole filled to the brim with dumbasses, us two included.

>> No.13117230

>The bioavailability of iron is approximately 14% to 18% from mixed diets that include substantial amounts of meat, seafood, and vitamin C (ascorbic acid, which enhances the bioavailability of nonheme iron) and 5% to 12% from vegetarian diets
Some other sources even say non-heme absorption can be as low as 1%. But even in the best case of 12% absorption you're still only getting about half of your iron needs with 400% RDA of non-heme iron.

>> No.13117290

Cute pige

>> No.13117393

RDA is designed to take into account that people don't absorb everything they eat from plants or meat so if vegetarians have half the absorption of people who eat mixed (what they're probably mostly calibrating for) and you're getting 4x the amount recommended you're most likely more than good

>> No.13117447

otherwise people who eat mixed and get 18% absorption would be having to eat 500% the RDA to get enough iron

>> No.13117535

>most of western civilization's history is under feudalism

By most do you mean more human lives or more years? Because either way you're very wrong.

>> No.13117643

Protein deficiency only exists in people who are starving. If you're not a bodybuilder, and you're getting maintenance calories from actual food (i.e. not total trash like soda) you're good.

For iron, 1 cup each of legumes and greens per day and you're more than set. I take a vegan multivitamin because it's cheap and convenient (take it within a few hours of some fat for maximum absorption), but I meet my RDA just from whole food plants, and I barely pay attention to my micros honestly. 4 years vegan, never had a criticism of my bloodwork or health other than that I drink too much booze, but that's another story.