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13107556 No.13107556 [Reply] [Original]

I’m not much of a potato chip fan but on occasion, I will pick up a bag of Better Made Sweet BBQ chips (metro Detroiter here).

>> No.13107563

My dad grew up in Dearborn. I'm glad I'm not stuck there.

The clouds are so low and ominous and everything feels forgotten.

At least Pittsburgh has hills and doesn't have an overwhelming feeling of being reclaimed by the deep.

I'm actually in D.C. and I miss Tim's Cascade chips from when I lived 2 years in Oregon.

They were thicc and well flavored, esp. the salt and vinegar and bbq iirc.

>> No.13107582

We have corn mazes because corn is also called maize. It's a pun that has gone beyond mere words.

>> No.13107637
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>> No.13107734
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This shit right here.

>> No.13107761

Not the biggest fan of corporate twitter account drama but I wish the smaller companies would shit on the bigger ones more like this

>> No.13107797 [DELETED] 

>bawww look how stupid you are I'm so offended by your tweet

This is why Trump won and these miserable assholes didn't.

>> No.13107801

I get Better Made's regular BBQ chips, they make the best BBQ chips hands down

>> No.13107802

What book even has that bit of trivia?

>> No.13107808

>trump won because rich people are allowed to be stupid because how else will i become rich one day otherwise
Sounds legit.

>> No.13107815

You retarded?

>> No.13107818
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Only thing I know about Dearborn is they make sausages.

I quite like the Detroit area, there are downsides like a lot of retarded people but I feel like any area has a trade off, it'd be nice to live around NYC but the tons of hipsters would ultimately annoy me more than Joe Bob who happens to be a bit stupid.

>> No.13107819

Thanks for sharing I guess

>> No.13107836

Dearborn also has the highest Arabic population in the entire country, half the non-chain pizza and burger places don't serve bacon or pork products, you can get some actual middle eastern food though

>> No.13108122

People who engage with corporate media profiles on Twitter need their heads checked.

>> No.13108567
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these are godtier

>> No.13108572

kys libtard

>> No.13108605

>Seething at a larger, superior potato chip chad company for making a joke
More like BITCH Made lmao

>> No.13108689

damn better made autist bringing the HEAT
(jk but really you'd have to be an autist to assume Lays wanted to turn crops they could buy into useless tourist attractions)

>> No.13108692

they are etymologically unrelated

>> No.13108713
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All of their products are good tier, but especially their cheese curls

>> No.13108734

You sound legitimately triggered.

>> No.13108747
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I like these and for some reason they always taste better made.

>> No.13110109

No, the "clap back" shit is petty and stupid and contributes to cancel culture insanity. Why the fuck does everyone want twitter discourse to sound like a high school drama fight? It's like they never mentally grew up past it.

>> No.13110112
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Which brand has the most folded chips? They are my favorite. So far cape cod seems to have the most.

>> No.13110115

>flavorless starch slivers

just Mckill yourself

>> No.13110124
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For me, its Martin's

>> No.13110134
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>> No.13110137
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dr pepper is a must

>> No.13110154


>> No.13110189

Thank you genius

>> No.13111886
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>> No.13112646

Fucking addicting

>> No.13113973

I was thinking about chips last night. in Australia there doesn't seem to be much variety at regular supermarkets. in fact the main brand sold, smiths, are complete fucken shit and I refuse to eat those flavourless pieces of shit. we also have thins, samboy, red rock, kettle, pringles and a few more I cant think of right now. there doesn't seem to be much variety of flavours either. just boring shit like chicken, salt and vinegar and all that gay shit anyway almost everytime I buy a packet, and I switch between brands, im disappointed. whats the chip situation like in America? whats the go to brand? I see you guys have flavours I cant even dream of and so many more brands. im jealous as fuck,

>> No.13114033
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you dumb niggers missed the best chip on the market

what else was I expecting

>> No.13114045
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>> No.13114048

Trump did win didn’t he.

>> No.13114066

could we go one fucking day without two dumb kikes arguing about Donald Trump fuck off no one cares

>> No.13114074

I’m just saying trump won

>> No.13114114



>> No.13114126


>> No.13114129

whoa this really says a lot about our society guys

>> No.13115559

Like that you and other trump haters are not cool?

>> No.13115576


sound like somebody get clapped on heavy lmaoooo

>> No.13115583

Unironically this is the least mature generation in like ever. 10 years ago people considered “chad” now would be laughed at for being egotistical, but now it’s literally a virtue

>> No.13115600
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Make way for the true chip GOAT

>> No.13115885
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>whats the chip situation like in America?

Like BBQ sauces, we've got a bazillion brands each with a bazillion flavors.

>> No.13115891

the best part about liking unsalted regular chips is that nobody is going to ask you to share.

>> No.13115893
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Only choice there is

>> No.13115902
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is this supposed to be skewer flavored?
fuck man, i remember when chio chips released a kebab flavor once. it literally tasted just like kebab, that shit was uncanny. how the hell do they do it?

>> No.13115905


>> No.13115909

utz salt and vinegar or herrs sour cream and onion

>> No.13115915
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>nobody posted zapps
shitty convenience store near where i live sells them for a dollar, absolutely god tier

>> No.13115930
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My man. You can occasionally find the roasted chicken version which is also spot on. Otherwise I like Chio's cheese tortilla chips, it's the ultimate crunch.

>> No.13116006

>twitter discourse

>> No.13116018

>like 3 feet tall
>read a book
which book? it's not like that scientific "like 3 feet" is in just any book. zoomers and twitter are faggots

>> No.13116019

We just got these in bumfuck Indiana near me. What do they taste like?

>> No.13116147

Salt and vinegar plus barbeque. Pretty tight especially the spicy version

>> No.13116346

imagine being this autistic

>> No.13116799

go suckle on putins cock some more you traitorous faggot

>> No.13116872
File: 1.57 MB, 2195x3346, mike-sells-old-fashioned-salt-pepper-potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike sells.
Salt and Pepper.
They are Delicious.

>> No.13116955

For a second i read "sweet bro" and could hear the screams of a thousand fragile white males, critically injured by being called sweet LOL