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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13107132 No.13107132 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your best foods and recipes to fight constipation /ck/

>> No.13107134

Magnesium citrate.

>> No.13107135

Coffee, black.

>> No.13107143

Alcohol. Lots of it.

>> No.13107197

Guacamole and water in about a 1:10 ratio. You'll be able to shit through the eye of a needle from 50'.

>> No.13107216


that's like asking what food fights cardiac arrest

only science and a bit of pushing and grunting can help you now

>> No.13107218


Eat it everyday and you'll be regular.

>> No.13107235
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Here you go bro

>> No.13107240

Eating lots of peanuts.
I don't know why, it just gets things moving in me.

>> No.13107269

Eat probiotic stuff

>> No.13107294



>> No.13107317
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That's no food anon
It's my go to remedy but I noticed it lost its potency recently. Drinking coffee doesn't do the trick anymore
Same as above
I meant what food could help on the long term. I'm chronically uh incapacitated by the issue that's why
I will definitely try this, thank you
Nice thanks for the tip. Would red cabbage work as well?
I'm but a sad Yuropoor anon, don't flaunt your national delicacies as if I could ever taste them
You mean salted toasted peanuts? Those make me nauseous
I usually eat greek yogurt at least once every two to three days. Will try yakult though, I was always curious as to how it tastes
For real? How do you cook your broccoli without it stinking the place?

>> No.13107327
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French onion soup and a nice long walk. Exercise can help a lot with constipation.
I guess you might want to do the walk first, just in case the soup is very effective.

>> No.13107328
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You buy it as a drink though. Works better than coffee.

>> No.13107333

Popcorn is very high in fiber

>> No.13107339


anything with fiber can help keep your poopoos soft, including broccoli and who cares if you don't like the smell, do you like that vein on your forehead to bulge?

i just buy frozen broccoli florets, rinse them with water and drain, and microwave them to warm up, then i typically toss them in the pan i cooked meats in with some salt and olive oil, maybe some lime juice

>> No.13107376
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What makes French onion soup help with bowel movements ? Is it the cheese/onion combo? t.never had French onion soup ever
The yakult I find in supermarket are the little bottles like pic related
I know, I ate about 200g of salted pop corn yesterday to no avail.
Based and pragmatic. I will try your recipe anon

>> No.13107399

Magnesium supplements

>> No.13107459

I was referring to mag citrate. Large grocery stores and drug stores will carry it. Yakult is pretty much a sickly sweet yogurt drink. I used to drink then as a kid.

>> No.13107983


>> No.13108364

dried prunes and lukewarm water


>> No.13108818

eat rotten food so you'll have diarrhea

>> No.13108947

vegetable oil and digital removal.