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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 500x375, Pasta-in-the-Microwave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13104306 No.13104306 [Reply] [Original]

Cooking pasta in the microwave is the ultimate method.

>faster (you don't need to boil the water first)
>energy efficient (700-800w instead of a over 1kw for a induction cooktop or using gas)
>less things to clean aftterwards(cook in a glass container and eat directly from it)

If you live alone it's the best way to go.

>> No.13104313

if youre a fucking autist who has no culinary skills, yes. youre a fucking moron.

>> No.13104325

Pasta is pretty bad, can't imagine a microwaved version to be any better

>> No.13104347

frying frozen tortilinni is the best method prove me wrong. you can't.
>crunch crunch
>mmmm cheesy
>salt yes
very good

>> No.13104359

make your own damn pasta you lazy fuck. geez all you motherfuckers buy frozen garbage from walmart and samsclub. you limit yourself, pathetic.

>> No.13104410

>frozen food
Don't do that

>> No.13104426

agreed only chicken tenders for me!

>> No.13104430

imagine unionically being the sad person that microwaves pasta. Fucking hell how long till he ends it all?

>> No.13104433

after this thread at our rate of grilling him lmao.

>> No.13104467

Yes let me buy a plot of land, grow wheat, harvest it, and mill the flour entirely on my own. At the same time growing tomatoes, raising chickens for their eggs and meat, and growing olive trees to press out the oil myself later

>> No.13104501

go to the fucking store and buy the flour, tomatoes, eggs, and buy your choice of meat. make the pasta hand scratch and make the red sauce. you are seriously a fucking retard, in what fucking life would i expect a person to cultivate a fucking field for some pasta? god damn. you are d e n s e. im literally having an out-of-body experience out of the sheer cringe i feel for you popping off like some 13 year old.

>> No.13104512


>> No.13104515

you jest, but that would be a very cozy existence until you die.

>> No.13104516

>Buying premade anything
Bet you don't even mine and then smelt your own iron to make your own pots

>> No.13104521

do you need a classically trained chef to walk you through this? because im here. read this very close, i know its gonna be hard because your pea brain thinks in order to make pasta you have to grind the flour yourself. geez, alright.
Combine 2 cups all-purpose flour and 1/4 teaspoon salt on pastry board, culling board, or countertop; make well in center. Whisk 3 eggs, 1 tablespoon milk, and1 teaspoon olive oil in small bowl until well blended; gradually pour into well in flour mixture while mixing with fork or fingertips to form ball of dough.
^ thats a copy paste but a good recipe, now for the steps.
Litteraly roll it out thin and make a rectangle, yeah, its a square but hotdog style WOAH crazy right? slice into thin strips. BE CAREFUL WITH THE KNIFE. then NOT MICROWAVE IT.

>> No.13104536

Why is it worth the time and effort to prepare the pasta from scratch but not the meat?

>> No.13104537

Honestly there's no reason to use anything other than a microwave ever when it comes to preparing food at home. I'm 33 and the last time I haven't touched an oven or stove in about 15 years now.

>> No.13104540

Tendies are infinitely more nutritious

>> No.13104546

What a sad existence.

>> No.13104548

You could, carving your own meats and fabricating cuts saves money and is fun. no problem there.

>> No.13104550

Not whichever anon you're talking to, but Jesus, you gave me a headache just trying to make it through the first few words of your insanely convoluted pile of needlessly hassling instructions here. Way to prove why microwaves are a great invention.

>> No.13104556

you are a 33 year old and cook like a 7 year old. fucking hell.

>> No.13104558

But that's just cutting something that's already been made for you. Why is it worth the time and effort to create the pasta from scratch but not the meat?

>> No.13104559

Has this shitty board of ramen-microwavers actually come to this?

>> No.13104566

It isn't. I feel bad for people like you who spend all this time and energy on foods that have microwave equivalents. Or restaurant equivalents for that matter if you really feel like there's some huge quality gap. I would gladly spend extra every time for the convenience then have to pay with my own time and effort on pointless busy work like that.

>> No.13104577

ok this bait is too raunchy now. my guy you fucked it up, you had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

>> No.13104586

I'm completely serious. I probably have a harder time believing people like you exist than vice versa to be honest. To me living the way you do is like voluntarily taking my head and slamming it repeatedly against a board with a rusty nail poking out of it, over and over and over and over again for an hour straight. Except what you do is worse than that because it isn't confined to one hour at all and instead contaminates every day of your entire fucking life.

>> No.13104594

you cant be serious, you seriously have to be fucking with me. nah, youre funny man lmao.

>> No.13104602

You're the one fucking with me. How do you keep doing all this work every fucking day of your life? I think people like you just trained yourself to stop noticing how much time and effort you're bleeding into this.

>> No.13104612

im not lazy, im passionate, im a fanatic of the culinary world. that simple man

>> No.13104624

to put it in lamens terms. its fun, interesting, and enjoyable. you might build model airplanes, i wouldn't do it, but i notice the difference between a model plane and a die cast. you need to open your worldview.

>> No.13104642

I think almost any fun hobby thing like building a model airplane would become obnoxious if I had to start doing it every single day as a routine upkeep thing. Actually haven't played the guitar in years for a similar reason. It feels better to not bother picking it up, not putting on fresh strings, and not playing it than the enjoyment I would get from playing it after doing the chore / upkeep part. Sort of like how back when you were in school it would always feel better to quit a sport or club and get your freedom back than it would to participate in it. You can't beat the high of free time and total relaxation knowing you have nothing you need to take care of.

>> No.13104651

I’m gay btw

>> No.13104653

i see your viewpoint, and i really get the relaxation. the thing is though, to make that carefree feeling sweeter. ill wake up and put myself through hell 6 days a week and on that blessed sunday or vacation day. it'll so much more sweet. to know, truly nothing lies for me to do, and if its vacation days, i'll be paid.

>> No.13104657

I think I only use the microwave for heating up leftovers, and cheese.

>> No.13104762

You will die from all that pre made frozen food.

>> No.13104799

dried pasta has a more complex mouthfeel than homemade pasta. you can't simply substitute dried pasta for homemade pasta in every pasta dish. homemade pasta cannot be cooked 'al dente'

by cooking dried pasta in the microwave oven in water in a pyrex bowl, you are making the exact same process happen as if it were being boiled on the stove top.

In a microwave:
The microwave boils the water. The pasta is in the water being boiled. The pasta gets boiled.

On the stove top:
The water heats to a boil. The pasta goes into the boiling water. The boiling water boils the pasta.

The only difference is that it's harder to taste the pasta to tell if it's done or 'al dente' while it's in the microwave. You first need to open the microwave and then taste the pasta. With enough experience, you can dial in the exact amount of time needed for the desired doneness of the pasta.

Microwaves get a bad reputation because they're associated with gross, unhealthy microwave TV dinners from the freezer aisle or worse - canned soups. However, despite common prejudice, the microwave oven is a very useful and versatile kitchen appliance with more possibilities than you probably know.

>> No.13104831

>I've literally never fried fresh noodles before

>> No.13104834

I just eat dried pasta without cooking it for that full crunchy al dente mouthfeel

>> No.13104857

desu I cook rice in the microwave

>> No.13104858

>dried pasta has a more complex mouthfeel
>homemade pasta cannot be cooked 'al dente'
>*italian grandmother cringes on the grave*

>> No.13104878

this is a thread about boiling pasta, not stir-fry dishes
pasta cooked to an 'al dente' consistency is tender but firm. as you bite into it, the pasta is supposed to "bite back" a little. This is done by not cooking dried pasta all the way through. If you tried cooking fresh pasta like this, the very middle of it will just be uncooked pasta dough. It will not have the firm part of the "tender but firm" desired texture. This is why homemade pasta isn't the universal pasta. It cannot substitute dried pasta in every single pasta recipe.

>> No.13104889

if you want eldente fresh noodles you just fry them in a little olive oil.
there's no reason to boil water if you want your fresh noodles to be tough, it won't work.

>> No.13104931

indeed, there are recipes that specifically require the use of fresh pasta, such as these stir-frys. again, this is not the stir fry thread. if you're arguing that fresh pasta is the only thing you should cook and to never use dried pasta again, you are wrong. You're probably not making that argument but someone else did earlier in this thread. Italian cuisine has uses for both types of pasta. They both have recipes that require one or the other specifically.

I come back to this board after 2 months and every single poster is a troll or a cooklet. I'm out. I'll try back again next year.

>> No.13104947

Using a electric kettle is the method for true patrons though.

>> No.13104966


>> No.13105304

Speaking as someone who used to make Kraft mac in the microwave a lot as a kid:

It's barely faster, requires more effort because you have to stir it halfway through, the pasta often clumps together *despite* stirring, the boil isn't consistent (sometimes it boils over and sometimes it doesn't) and the bowl you cook it in is as blistering hot as Satan's taint.

>> No.13105311

It's not really pasta from scratch if you're buying PREMADE flour, salt and eggs from the store, dipshit. Go buy a McChicken and stop wasting my time if you're just going to buy PREMADE shit from the store.

>> No.13105455

Literally everything is pointless, you existencelet. Spending a bunch of time making a dish is equally as wasteful of time as not doing it. What's really sad is you've memed yourself into believing that microwave meals are on the same level as home made, from scratch meals with fresh ingredients. You're so miserable that you can't even fathom why someone would want to spend a little time to make something worthwhile. You really sound like you've given up on life if such ideas are so alien to you

>> No.13105466

Milling flour, mining salt, and raising chickens is not practical for the average person. Mixing water, eggs, and flour is practical and produces a better product when done fresh at home instead of having it done for weeks ago for you. Stop being obtuse on purpose

>> No.13107499

continue preaching truth brother, amen

>> No.13107536

microwaving pasta doesn't cook it properly

>> No.13107789

Microwave is best for creme brulé

>> No.13107838

>all-purpose flour
You blew your chance at making a point here. What makes you think you can lecture anybody on pasta?

>> No.13107850
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, weber cooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13109195

>all around me are familiar faces, worn out places...

>> No.13109209

You could, raising your own meats and killing them yourself saves money and is fun. no problem there.

>> No.13109214


Do you use semolina? Because semolina tastes like sand.

>> No.13109240
File: 186 KB, 1600x1200, pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade Pasta Recipe
Yield: 1 1/4 lbs dough
Prep Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
• 3 1/2 cups all-purpose unbleached flour, sifted (plus extra flour for preparing)
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 4 large eggs, beaten
• 2 Tablespoons water
1. Place eggs, water, flour and salt in mixer bowl. Attached bowl and flat beater. Turn to speed 2 and mix for 30 to 60 seconds. Add more water if the dough is too dry, in 1/2 Tablespoon increments.
2. Change out the flat beater for the dough hook. Turn to speed 2 and knead for 2 minutes. Remove the dough and knead by hand for 2 minutes. Let it rest for 20 to 30 minutes.
3. Cut dough into four pieces before processing with pasta sheet attachment. Take one piece and flatten into a rectangular shape. Adding flour to both sides. Be sure to cover the other pieces. Attach the pasta sheet roller to your stand mixer and set it to #1. Turn on the stand mixer to speed 2 and run the pasta dough through the pasta sheet roller. While on #1, fold the dough in half and run it through again. I do this several times.
4. Adding a little bit of flour on each side of the dough again, change setting to #2 and pass the pasta dough through the sheet roller. I do this twice and then twice each on #3 and then #4. If you want thicker dough, don't do the #4 setting.
5. Once again, add flour to each side of your long pasta sheet. Change the attachment to your spaghetti or fettuccine cutter and turn on to speed 2. Run the pasta sheet through and with your left hand, hold on to the pasta as it comes through the cutter. It's usually really long so I cut it and then wind it around my hand to create a nest. Allow pasta to dry for a few minutes before boiling.
6. When boiling your pasta, it only needs 3 to 7 minutes to boil.
7. With this pasta recipe, I prefer the fettuccine cutter.
If drying your pasta, hang on clean plastic clothes hangers or a pasta drying rack for at least an hour.

>> No.13109429

sure thing buddy, enjoy your pasta

>> No.13110180

>spending an extra hour and a half for preparation every night you want to eat pasta is practical
Get a job and stop stealing welfare from the government, NEET scum.