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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13102227 No.13102227 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck, I burned my bacon.

>> No.13102231


>> No.13102282

How long did you cook it for, a week?

>> No.13102291

Thats flavour

>> No.13102299

Thats not burnt its just a bit of the ol cajun seasoning

>> No.13102329
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Cooked it for ~15 minutes. I just left it to simmer with a cover on while I was shit posting for 5 minutes. I cone back and I see goo.

>> No.13102333


>> No.13102501

cook at a lower temp

>> No.13102510
File: 72 KB, 768x512, CreepyClown-58adabee3df78c345bb07fb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck

>> No.13102545

Ahh, a perfectly seasoned skillet.

>> No.13102561

That's not possible, nice try though. Meat doesn't "goo", 15 minutes at simmer temps wouldn't even be enough to burn it, even going an hour plus at that temp it would only char and turn completely dry.

>> No.13102565

Oven baked is best way to go.

>> No.13102814

That's what you get for being a weeb.

>> No.13102851

>Meat doesn't "goo"

Maybe it was really shitty bacon

>> No.13103202

You burned your pan lad.
Get a new one, everything you'll cook in that one will taste like shit

>> No.13104033
File: 2.21 MB, 2998x3998, IMG_20191022_185838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me.

>> No.13104065

I see you're enjoying the impossible bacon there.

>> No.13104075

that's chicken slag, not from bacon.
chickenslag is rendered fat and broken proteins that coagulate around the chicken as it's cooked

>> No.13105266


Do you not know how to use steel wool

>> No.13105300

Clean your stove

>> No.13106184
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what did you cook it with, a thermonuclear warhead?

>> No.13106491


Do this OP.

Cooking bacon in the oven is a game changer.

>> No.13106794

Besides the part where it takes 20 minutes and you can pan fry bacon in 5

>> No.13106797

No way bro it's just heavily browned

>> No.13106817

Nope, but keep believing that.

>> No.13106820

So is your girlfriend when you're out of town.

>> No.13106853


>> No.13106881

Microwave bacon is best, nice and chewy

>> No.13106886

y-yeah my girfriend yea...

>> No.13106902

spread it on toast

>> No.13106995


So, set a timer and prep the rest of your meal while the bacon cooks, faggot.

>> No.13107229

Why didn't you microwave it anon? That's not how things work