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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 344 KB, 2048x1374, Waiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13096893 No.13096893 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, fuck you, chili dogs and fries are good. You can choke on a shit piece you dumb fuck.

>> No.13096907


>> No.13096957


>> No.13097111

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based

>> No.13097113

But I love chili fries and dogs. What Yuro-pig would say chili food are bad?

>> No.13097133

This guy really shouldn't be doing that in such a tiny restaurant, there's just no need for it. Cool skill to have but not worth the risk. It doesn't matter how good you yourself are, some dumb fuck will inevitably bump into you and ruin everything.

>> No.13097394

He's stoned, look at his left eye.

>> No.13097424
File: 108 KB, 1200x800, Coney-105.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Coney in Detroit if not the World

>> No.13097425

whoah somebody shat on the fries. Do indians really eat this?

>> No.13097450

I would go so far as to say that the Detroit Coney is ultimate form of hot dog, seconded by New York, thirded by Chicago, fourthed by Mexico, fifthed by L.A.

>> No.13097471

God I wish that were on its way to my corner booth

>> No.13099517

Looks good.

>> No.13100020

What the fuck are you assuming the toppings are? I can order a chili cheese dog damn near anywhere that serves hog dogs and they sure don't ever call them or any other dogs by the name of some random city

>> No.13100033
File: 42 KB, 500x370, nycstyleslice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get a slice of NYC style pizza in any city too. Be smart, don't be a retard.

>> No.13100221

Why do people shit on British cuisine but laud this kind of horrible food?

>> No.13100231

NYC tap water is a vital ingredient so no you can’t faggot

>> No.13100252

Chili has spices

British food does not

>> No.13100267
File: 90 KB, 777x424, coney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magic water meme
What a massive numbskull you are!

But let's for a second pretend that "magic water" is a real ingredient, your point goes both ways, you can get a "chili dog" anywhere but it doesn't make it the same as one from a specific place. You can go to Sbarros and get a slice and you can throw a can of Hormel on some Ball Park Franks, it might look the same but it's not gonna taste the same.

>> No.13100282

Ignoring the British food with spices (for example, literal curries), herbs > spices.

>> No.13100429


>> No.13100446

I'd rather eat other foods I find equally enjoyable, and not be flabby like you.

>> No.13100474

Food spreads from one nation to another when one nation rules the other for a good couple of centuries. You will find curry recipes in old Victorian cookbooks, and obviously the 20th century brought a lot of innovation from currynigger immigrants (vindaloo, korma, tikka masala).

To illustrate, Japanese curry is based on British curries brought over by sailors, not Indian ones. Which...is probably why Japanese curry is so bland.

>> No.13101160

Are you a European by any chance?