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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13095959 No.13095959 [Reply] [Original]

Rent free obsession thread!

I've noticed so many americans that don't have any table manners to speak of. They have such a weird way of holding their cutlery, or often they only eat with their right hand while the other hand is in their lap.

Why? Even english "people" have better table manners than americans!

Post pictures of amerikans and their table manners please!

>> No.13095967
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>> No.13096012

Getting autistic over table manners is dumb boomer bullshit that needs to die

As long as you eat with your mouth closed and don't spill anything/make a mess you're fine

>> No.13096035

because americans have no real culture

>> No.13096080
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This is Trumps America

>> No.13096081

i was raised with ultra strict manners in general so i always notice people's manners and usually they are bad
but when i see my friends doing some bad manner stuff like picking at their food or eating with their hands or fucking around in general whatever i can relax and sometimes i'll even join in because bad manners can be fun and it doesn't hurt anybody
also manners vary culturally like slurping vs no slurping allowed
it's nice to be able to turn it back on though like if i'm having a fancy formal dinner for some reason

i also used to punctuate every thing i wrote on the internet correctly but as >>13096012 says it's mostly boomer bullshit
and also a waste of time

>> No.13096085

This post is unreadable. Do you know how to use punctuation, capitals, and paragraphs?

>> No.13096087

retarded phone poster detected

>> No.13096093

>i also used to punctuate every thing i wrote on the internet correctly but as >>13096012 says it's mostly boomer bullshit
>and also a waste of time
sentences are indicated through line breaks
the rest is unnecessary bullshit
stop being obtuse

>> No.13096095
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I would like to request the thread to include American sharts, it goes well with the topic too.

>> No.13096117

The main reason is that society has collapsed. Most kids, even whites, are raised as feral savages by whore single moms. It did not used to be this way. Modern American children, in addition to being ill-mannered, are unchurched, uneducated, fatherless, undisciplined, untrustworthy, and the results show.

>> No.13096120

Idiot savage. For fucks sake watch an old movie or two. Boomers are the ones who burned it all down, so that they could be ill-mannered unwashed louts. God damn, some of you are beyond ignorant.

>> No.13096131

Have you ever been so obsessed with a group that you spend all day trying to think of a criticism and settle on how they hold forks?

>> No.13096150

No, i just saw a few american tourists in a restaurant here on saturday, and they were super american: fat, speaking very loudly, ignorant, etc. Now, i know americans are like that, buttheir table manners took the cake lol they held forks and knives like baseball bats. All of them

>> No.13096155

If only it were just fork-holding. Elbows on table, poor posture, being a poor conversationalist, reaching over other people's food for the rolls instead of asking politely for somebody to pass them. The list is endless.

Just because it is a Eurotroll pointing it out does not mean that boomers didn't decide to "let it all hang out" in the 60s, with disastrous consequences including at mealtime.

Think of dining with Grace Kelly in 1959 and dining with some typical American woman in 2019. Casual curse words and food bits flying out of her mouth as she updates her instagram page. Dressed like a hobo, cannot carry a conversation about anything substantive.

>> No.13096162

Please refer to my recent posts. It did not used to be this way. Emily Post mattered. People went to charm school. Parents and older siblings rebuked children whose manners were poor.

>> No.13096294

>325 million people who are BY FAR the most photographed and recorded in history
>this was his go to image
nigger you ain't even trying

>> No.13096405

One of the more bizarre lapses in etiquette I've observed was at Thanksgiving Dinner about three years ago.

Eating Thanksgiving Dinner with us were a number of college baseball players. Two of the baseball players were from New York City and had clearly never eaten family style before.

There were sitting in the middle of a long table. We'd all pass the food along but it would stop when it got to them. They didn't pass a single thing on. They just got their food out of it and left it there. The result was that the rest of us had to get up and go over to where they were sitting to get whatever we wanted to put on our plates. That meal was a real madhouse in there -- I never even saw some of the foods that we had at the table.

Because of this, we no longer pass the food along for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. Instead, the food goes on a separate table and we line up and get what we want cafeteria style.

>> No.13096418

Why do you invite 'college basketball players' to dinner?

>> No.13096431


Their coach invited them.

It's so rare that we have a Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner without at least one or two guests that I can't remember any without guests in at least ten years.

>> No.13096434

Their coach wouldn't happen to be your wife or mom?

>> No.13096442

His wife is their "trainer".

>> No.13096443


By the way, it's not all that unusual for one or more guests to be from out of the country including Canada, Bulgaria, New Zealand, France, Japan, and Jamaica.

>> No.13096448


He's a relative.

>> No.13096454
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Which is why china will defeat the jews

>> No.13096470

There are some people who I absolutely refuse to sit across the table from while they are eating. They either eat with their mouth open or they start talking while eating and end up spitting food on your plate.

>> No.13096477
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>> No.13096482

imagine unironically supporting the chinese version of antifa just because its china

>> No.13096487

china's culture is being a slave and proud, though, even einstein noticed this subhuman trait in them

>> No.13096500

>the redt is unnecessary bullshit
>let me eat that dick
>let me eat that, dick
No thanks. I will keep my punctuation.

>> No.13096501



>> No.13096747

heh, yeah... who in their right mind would fight to stop fascists?

>> No.13096813

Hey, K-State! Go Cats!

>> No.13097018


>> No.13097141

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.13099011


I'm well aware of the "European" way of using knives and forks and the "American" way of using knives and forks.

Either way is appropriate.

Supposedly, the only faux pas is to switch back and forth between approaches as I sometimes do.

In general, though, using your knife and fork to cut something, then setting the knife down and switching the fork to the other hand works better if you are eating bites of different foods along the way.

Only in a multi course meal where you get your meat course without any sides with it does the European way ever make sense.

What I don't do is tear a piece out of my bread with my fingers, butter that piece of bread, and then eat it.

Also, I don't set bread out on the table like the French, but I have no objection to doing so.

>> No.13099025 [DELETED] 
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>caring about table manners

>> No.13099029


>> No.13099052

I hold my spoon like that when I'm starving tbhwy

>> No.13099056

looks like this faggot is new

>> No.13099092

I don't wanna color in the Jayhawk, I wanna color in a Powercat!

>> No.13099096


That is a strange way to hold the knife. Of course, being Kansas State, the steak is probably tough as hell.

>> No.13099101

You start letting the trivial shit, like proper utensil holding, slip and it becomes far easier to for the serious shit to slip too.

>> No.13099105

Broken Windows Theory. Based and brainpilled.

>> No.13099110

Church going has nothing to do with morality. If anything, they're less moral since they can simply mumble their magical incantation at the end of the day, be absolved and start all over again in the morning. Hypocrisy, thy name is christianity!

>> No.13099116
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I've noticed that so many Europeans get very expensive dinners and then only leave the exact amount that's on check.

Even canadians treat servers better than europeans. Let's talk about how Europeans are subhumans that never tip

>> No.13099123
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Hong Kong are just the new Kurds for the west to fawn over until they don't want to anymore, leaving them to get stomped by regional powers, prove me wrong.

>> No.13099131

Our lived experience tells us different. Also, go spin your filthy dreidel somewhere else, shlomo.

>> No.13099135


I'd sooner just do away with tipping here. Let the restaurant charge for the meal what they need to charge in order to pay the wait staff properly.

>> No.13099143

yeah sure thing buddy. the world's turboslaves of human history will take over any day now lol

>> No.13099148

Skinflint miser detected.

>> No.13099154

>they switch hands to cut things

>> No.13099265

Truth hurts, eh christfag? Go seethe in your charnel house, lol.

>> No.13099301

I'd support a Chinese ISIS if they were fighting against the PRC.

>> No.13099303

Wow an edgy 15 year old has discovered fashionable atheism. Stop the presses, this is a new one.

>> No.13099331

Servers in Canada make the same minimum wage as everyone else, only burgers tip servers here.

>> No.13099361

You don't have to tell us what cheapskates canucks are, we see it for 5 months every year in Hallandale. Bastards.

>> No.13099382

>why did Americans stop partaking in our absurd tradition of LARPing as 18th century royalty

>Also why did Americans stop wearing powdered wigs and shit? In parts of Europe we still make lawyers wear them

>> No.13099383

to be fair god almost certainly is not a thing and if he is its very unlikely one of the powerful religions is the right one

>> No.13099398
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>> No.13099402


>> No.13099410
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>> No.13099438

We're all entitled to our opinion. What's undeniable is that ALL of our institutions collapsed after the 2nd world war, by design of the kikes. Stripping Christendom of its protective armor has exposed our soft underbelly, which they are currently devouring.

Kikes are gonna kike, that is lamentable but to be expected. What is unforgivable is their brainwashed attack golems, from whom we have already heard very loudly and ignorantly in this thread.

Shake the family tree of any of these edgy modern day brainwashed atheists, and it will rain parsons, vicars, ministers, priests, friars, monks and clerics of all stripes. Why should we believe them now, when their ancestors exhorted us so passionately not to? And then of course they call US the hypocrites. The kikes sleep uninterrupted as their regrettable minions do their work for them. Sad, many such cases.

>> No.13099511

Well there is absolutely no evidence of the existence of any major religion's god, or any sort of interventionist god for that matter

>> No.13099523
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>What's undeniable is that ALL of our institutions collapsed after the 2nd world war, by design of the kikes.
lol what? We live by far the best and longest lives in human history. The capitalist Pax Americana of the from WWII's end through now has been without any doubt the most prosperous time in human history. People live long, better lives with better stuff, better homes, better health, better communication, better ability to travel, an absolutely tiny portion of the population involved in wars etc

None of your lament makes any sense

>> No.13099525

haha, WTF is any of this, is this what /pol/ is like?

>> No.13099547

I don't need table manners since the only place I eat is alone at my computer.

>> No.13099563

>the world
Totally irrelevant, my quality of life is not a function of the average quality of life across the entire planet. Why should I be happy that other people now enjoy things like democracy and literacy when I already have these things?

>> No.13099570

even in the west things are way better than ever. Obviously it is a lot harder to continue to improve when you are already the best, there is obviously going to be some sort of cap and diminishing returns but we have still done absurdly well for ourselves. What the fuck stats are you looking at that make you think everything is so bad?

>> No.13099845

Nah. The west isn't going to do a thing about HK, because China can actually fight back, has nukes, and the capitalist & billionaire class is reliant on Chinese imports to make money.

>> No.13100629

I bet OP doesn't have the gall to ever say such things directly to the people in question while they're minding their own business
I want to see OP walk into a Denny's or IHOP on a Sunday morning and spit vitriol at the biggest group he can find because chances are he's either gonna get escorted out by staff for being a whiny disruptive bitchboy or end up with a fork in the eye.

>> No.13100634

My grandmother once told me good manners are not about following a bunch of arbitrary rules, but about making the people around you feel comfortable.

Call me crazy, but it seems like what we call "political correctness" is really just good manners in the 21st century... aka, unwritten rules for speaking and acting politely in a diverse society... so that the people around you feel comfortable.

I don't get what the big deal with "political correctness" is desu. There are always going to be unwritten rules for behavior -- humans are social creatures and we need social rules to live in groups and not murder each other. Obviously those codes of behavior are always going to be different depending on the social setting, the culture, and the time period. It's always been like that. Why would this culture and time period be any different?

Just like there are some things you shouldn't do or say at work, or when you first meet someone, or when talking to a judge, or when you meet someone's parents, etc.... there are some things you probably shouldn't do or say in a diverse environment with people from different backgrounds.

People seem to seriously believe "pc culture" is a form of censorship. But you can still say what you want -- and the only consequences you face are going to be social consequences.

You can go through life talking with food spilling out of your mouth, interrupting people when they're mid sentence. But people are going to think you are ignorant and rude.

Being proudly "un-PC" in 2019 is just being proud of the fact that you're being rude.

>> No.13100650

There is nothing political about the way somebody eats their food and nothing you posted actually pertains to the topic at hand

>> No.13100663

why are europoors autistic

>> No.13100933

amerikans are uncultured swine!

>> No.13100934

me too thanks

>> No.13100974

>american table manners

>> No.13101005


>> No.13102410


>> No.13102552

obsessed. some might even say 'rent free'