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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13095005 No.13095005[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13095012
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I really hate her
Why the fuck is she coming to Canada to bitch about climate change when China and India are so much worse
Oh, right, because we're a bunch of pushovers

>> No.13095016

no u

>> No.13095020

Because the people that stand to gain from societal upheaval in the west under the guise of combatting climate change realize that their tactics wont be allowed to gain any traction in countries like China and India.

>> No.13095024

She would be convicted without charge in China and disappear before the end of the maximum three month limit.

>> No.13095026

Aka Soros' Secret Subterfuge?

>> No.13095032

Yeah, I guess my statement was more rhetorical than anything
They'd harvest her organs in a heartbeat

>> No.13095041

When you can make them taste as good or better than the food I eat on the regular, I will agree.
I've tried bugs. Too starchy and mealy, it's like eating sawdust.

>> No.13095250

Vegans don't eat bugs you fucking retarded /pol/incel

>> No.13095266

If she goes to China, she disappears forever

>> No.13095267

Eat your bugs or your a bad human mmmkay

>> No.13095275

Didn't click. Is this some fetish ASMR?

>> No.13095279

Na it's a 7 minute look into the future.
Kinda like 1984

>> No.13095281

Do you support antinatlism? If you continue eagerly producing new workers for them, conditions will not improve.

>> No.13095282

>/pol/ is leaking again

>> No.13095293

>not liking a teenager who comes into my country and tries to tell us we're shit people because we want to use oil sands in Alberta
nah kiss my gay married ass you fucking prick

>> No.13095297

Only sissies get married, not that there's anything wrong with being one, but post bussy

>> No.13095299

On average, how much of your day is spent seething over this girl?

>> No.13095305

Samefagging the same response as last time. OP is a shill.

>> No.13095311

Except I'm not OP
If you understood numbers and looked at the post count you'd gather that

>> No.13095312

This is why everyone should trip post. Machine learning can detect sockpuppets.

>> No.13095314

Is there a single reason why bugeating is any more disgusting than eating mammals/birds/fish? As a kid I used to catch and roast these big-ass grasshoppers but then I grew up and can no longer stand the idea of eating insects. Seems like a cultural divide more than anything.