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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13091789 No.13091789 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /tea/. This is a thread for general discussion about tea, tisanes, and mate.

What are you drinking today?

/tea/ FAQ:

Ippodo sencha

>> No.13092166 [DELETED] 

I forgot to mention. Niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.13092186

Just drink water what do you need tea for

>> No.13092198
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tea is best tea, haven't had it in a long time but i'd drink it just for the flavor At first its bitter as hell but you grow used to it and then never want sweet tea ever again

>> No.13092204

green tea reduces inflammation, which lowers risk of cancer

>> No.13092208

Yawn. Next.

>> No.13092600

What's a good but cheap tea for cold-brewing in large amounts (about a liter at a time)? I'm waiting on some daily sencha from O-cha though I'm trying to find something even cheaper and quicker to ship. At that price am I limited to commercial brands like Ito-en and YMY?
I drink chilled tea daily for lunch and am just trying to replace bagged stuff with a reasonable quality loose tea. Tips on ratio or multiple infusions would be appreciated, too.

>> No.13092612

Throat coat

>> No.13092633


>> No.13092646
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I don't know if you like jasmine, but this stuff is pretty decent, can be found anywhere and comes in a big tin for nothing at all.

>> No.13092689
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Black tea

>> No.13093600

it has based flavor

>> No.13093607

im lucky. im white and my parents took me to the japanese tea garden in san francisco. they have a garden with japanesy trees, stepping stones, water, bridges, buddha, but also a small tea house where they sell rice cakes and pots of tea. i got a small taste for green tea there, and that flavor has a strong emotional resonance for me. its nice to have strong associations from childhood for foods that i can still eat. green tea (or oolong, similar), nori sheets (mom probably bought them at cost plus), cream of wheat, oatmeal, beef borginuone, chicken cacciatore, beef stroganoff, spaghetti with meatballs, salmon croquettes. mom was good cook. now i am.

>> No.13095547


>> No.13096437
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Got this stuff yesterday at world market. It’s okay, a bit light for me.

My preferred is a lapsang souchong. I love the dark smoky flavor.

>> No.13096472

Just had some white tea with dried apricot flowers and peel, kind of soft tasting.
Might do some sencha later

>> No.13096800

I'm interested in starting a career in tea but have no idea how or where to begin. I'm guessing most of you are demi-weebs too shy to admit they like drinking tea as a hobby, but if anyone has any experience in the industry let me know. I hope Scott reads /tea/ threads sometimes.

>> No.13097947

i love the tea garden, it’s my favorite thing in SF

>> No.13098404

what's a good tea flavor to drink in the evenings as a replacement for alcohol? would love to get into tea as I can feel my memory has gotten noticeably worse over 3ish years of rampant alcoholism and I'd like to get off the shit

>> No.13098456
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>he pretends to like tea without milk and sugar

>> No.13098509

Yum, leaf water.

>> No.13098524

Camomile is supposed to relax. I really like sage and rose teas.

>> No.13098542

yum, yeast water
yum, bean water
yum, fermented grape water
yum, sugar water
tell me anything you like, faggot.

>> No.13098543

Are you sensitive to caffeine? I like hojicha and rooibos in the evenings.

>> No.13098629

Just good old black tea, Irish breakfast teas are my favorite as they are generally darker and higher in caffeine content.

>> No.13098908

fill your gaiwan to the brim with chamomile flowers, steep for a long time. I honestly would compare effects to 1mg xanax

>> No.13098930

do y'all brew kombucha, or is that a violation of your principles?

>> No.13099815

It actually aligns directly with my principles, the only problem is that I despise its flavor

>> No.13100010

I've got a gallon going right now. Kept this culture alive since early 2014

>> No.13100030

Not sensitive to caffeine at all, I typically consume 300ish mg a morning. I'll give it a try

>> No.13100036

And I'll try chamomile as well, though I think it won't be as good a replacement for alcohol because I mainly need something I can sip ~4 pints of an evening, maybe less if it'll be hot instead of cold

>> No.13100048

Bottle earlier, experiment with infused simple syrups.

>> No.13100175

Neither of those have caffeine really...hojicha has a bit. Puerh presumably helps the liver but who knows probably chink magic

>> No.13100182

Lovely picture. Way too much jam for my taste but still looks delicious

>> No.13100215

lapsang is the good shit, smokey tea is best tea

>> No.13100675

Trying chamomile right now for severe sleep problems. Melatonin only goes so far. I was reading on fuckcombustion about vaping chamomile so might as well incorporate that and get real fucked up.

>> No.13100863

the need billions of plastic nanoparticles to fuck up their endocrine system.

>> No.13101521


>> No.13102089

how has the chamomile helped your sleep problems, and how much do you drink in a given evening in volume? also on the chamomile vapes, ehh maybe for the future but I still just stick to DUDE for now.
you can see I don't make very good health decisions.

>> No.13102463

Are you interested in growing it or just buying and reselling?

>> No.13102491

Fucking love matcha a full set is expensive but getting a nice cup of matcha with some daifuku is great

>> No.13102577

Second this.

>> No.13102723

Well I fell asleep after about an hour, slept 6, then slept another 4. My brains fucked. Chamomile vape was fun though, I'll do that more since its dirty cheap. Tea was p good too. I'll bottle some kombucha with chamomile soon.

>> No.13102778
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I upgraded from Earl Grey to pic related.

>> No.13102791

I like water, pretentious fuckface.

>> No.13103480

Sky water or ground water?

>> No.13104242

i don't know if i would necessarily call it an upgrade, but still at least variety is the spice of life...

>> No.13105075

hmmm possibly growing longterm but not immediately. Just maybe a tea store ? i don't even know, I just really like tea...

>> No.13105883


>> No.13105904

>beef borginuone
fuck you dude my mom can't even cook macaroni and cheese

>> No.13105966
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Bai mudan or bye bye

>> No.13106633


>> No.13108278


>> No.13109389


>> No.13109533

I just put in a new order for another ~750g of puer. I will post photos and reviews when it comes in. I'm pretty excited, both teas I ordered were described as very smokey.

>> No.13109577

Ayyo who all up in here is down with the yerba maté?

>> No.13110006

Darjeeling Tea > Shit > All other teas

>> No.13110939


>> No.13111014

i wish i could be, but won't start until i save for a nice gourd. It is kind of like a yixing pot right? porous

Thank you, protector of /tea/

>> No.13111372
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Currently making tea with cordyceps sinensis and I have no idea what I'm doing

>> No.13111585

sippin cruz de malta rn, shit just good

>> No.13111595

Ain't that that zombie fungus stuff? Shit, we bouta have mf patient zero over here

>> No.13111818

I swear drinking matcha every day and eating dark chocolate has helped my carpal tunnel syndrome. Am I crazy?

>> No.13111901

I think you had a stroke

>> No.13111937

Based Britbong still holds attempts to stick a solitary flag into the virgin lands of this thread. Our tea's shit though, we've gotta admit it.
Also assam > all others, and if you take sugar you are weak. I bet you rhyme scone with stone too.

>> No.13112769
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>> No.13113101

do you dislike commercial kombucha?
word, mine's been alive since '17. what are your favorite flavors?

>> No.13113466

yeah tastes and smells like bo to me, and the fermentation process is especially gross (my brother grows it). Tea is slightly involved in making it but really doesn't matter much, you can't tell in the final product

>> No.13113733

like body odor?
you need someone in your life who understands the principles of fermentation, yo

>> No.13113972

Get swingtop bottles, start buying frozen fruit and trying everything. Blackberry lemonade is great, fresh ginger works great. Cherry limeade is choice. Sleeper hit is to make a lavender simple syrup. I actually had 4 gallons going but 3 succumbed to mold, letting the last one get real funky to jumpstart the other 3.

Explain to your brother he's trying to bottle wine, not vinegar. Master the secondary fermentation. Bottle early, make sure they've got a food source.

>> No.13114786
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What are your favorite bedtime teas?

Also: Can anyone suggest something that would blend well with Chamomile? Not a big fan of lemon-y blends with Chamomile. I'd like a significantly bolder tea.

>> No.13114872

I guess it would still be kind of lemony, but I like fresh ginger with chamomile.

>> No.13115457


>> No.13115534
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the ebay puerh just came in the mail. gonna post after tasting

>> No.13116017

those are all yours? Great collection

>> No.13116021

Ouch, take an F.

>> No.13116042

Going through something similar. I say similar because my drinking hasn't necessarily been that bad, but if I don't stop soon it will be. Been trying to find alternatives too, but it can be hard to replace. Especially the effect. Are you looking for something to relax and fill the habit? Some others teas and herbs that supposedly help relax you are passion flower, skullcap, and valerian. I think all can make you tired too depending how much you take or drink. There was some article that said hawthorn berry tea can give something similar to a buzz, but I never felt one. Though I would only have a cup.

You might even try regular teas. Tea leaves have l-theanine which is said to promote relaxation as well. It also apparently works well with caffeine, which you'll get both in teas.

Really? How long did you steep it?

>> No.13116044

What's bean water?

>> No.13116053

didnt measure it but the chamomile swelled up a lot, at least 6 minutes. I used only whole flowers and used a sieve to remove little pieces

I'm sure Erowid can help you all out

>> No.13116066

Supposedly it's not a good idea for me to drink chamomile because of asthma, but I might give it a try.

Knew of a site called hams but this looks good too. Thanks, my man.

>> No.13116079

Ah right there's kava too. People say it gives you a decent high like a buzz. You can get it in a lot of forms, including tea. If you want some pure kava, and you don't live in some hipster place like LA, you'll probably have to buy it online. And preparing it isn't easy. But Yogi teas has one that has some kava in it if you want to give that a try. You can probably find a supplement somewhere, but last time I tried one I felt it gave me a headache which seems common.

But it also comes with its own fun warnings for your liver. If you do want to try, don't mix it with alcohol and quit drinking for a day first. You can read all about that online.

>> No.13116082

I feel like chamomile, an already apple like flavor, would get lost in the apple like taste of plain kombucha, but that’s just me. Give it a go and report back anon

>> No.13116091
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Is this shit?

>> No.13116094

>drinking recycled piss that’s been around for almost a billion years

>> No.13116106

Chamomile is a pretty mellow flavor so that might be tricky. I could see mint or lavender being nice. I’m a big fan of sage and tarragon/licorice in tea but I don’t know how well they’d interact

>> No.13116138

Try passionflower. It has a more subtle earthy taste, so it will probably blend okay.

>> No.13116142

Bigelow is top teir bagged tea in my book.

>> No.13116152

So what was all that shit about microplastics? What tea will not ruin my estrogen levels

>> No.13116155

Loose leaf.

>> No.13116440

home grown loose leaf

>> No.13117052

Kava gives a good buzz, but it's not something you drink for the taste.

>> No.13117753

dumb cunt, lapsang souchong and nothing else, i like a cold cup of milk but why mix it with tea when i want the tea flavor?

>> No.13117762

thats good too, i live in asia so we only have english breakfast but its almost the same.

>> No.13118076

That's what I hear. Which makes alcohol a bit hard to replace because the taste can be enjoyable.

>> No.13118952

Anyone who says alcohol tastes good is a liar, at best it tastes slightly less bad than whatever other alcohol. My favorite tasting alcoholic beverage is Everclear, because it does not lie of its intentions.

>> No.13118959
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just dont get the ones in the plastic mesh tea bags

>> No.13119119

>I don't like x
>so that must mean no one else does
Nice projection there.

>> No.13119485

Just found out tea leaves have a lot of fluoride in them. Will I fuck my pineal gland if I drink it daily?

>> No.13119798

Because tea with milk is its own, separate flavour. Lapsang souchong is max comf though, it's a shame it doesn't receive much attention either from western normies or eastern chan monk LARPers.
where tf do you live in asia that only has english breakfast

>> No.13120152

I have an ebay coupon expiring in a couple days and I'd like to buy some tea, do you guys know of any reputable sellers?
Health Tea House doesn't have stuff as high quality as I'd like and Dragon Tea House has let me down more than once, upselling low-ish quality tea, so any input would be greatly appreciated

>> No.13120172

Drinking some japanese sencha with lemon juice honey and ginger right now

>> No.13120178

Beer and wine is the exception tho i would say the alc content is low enough and both beverages can taste quite good

>> No.13120887


>> No.13122061

Brewing two separate gallon jars right now. One has hojicha, the other has hairy crab oolong. I've been using some local apple cider for 2F. Last batch I used yorkshire gold, which was pretty tasty.

>> No.13122905

milky green tea is BASED when done correctly, the problem is only that it's much harder to get the perfect tinge of bitterness to complement the milk than with black tea. Usually pretty gross but can be amazing if brewed just right

>> No.13123414

do the tea flavors come through clearly or do they morph into a surprise?

>> No.13124425

What is the difference between English and Irish breakfast tea?

>> No.13124500

Not much really. They're just blends of black tea. Irish breakfast is usually meant to be stronger and have more Assam in it.

>> No.13125309


>> No.13125937

Been trying out a local blend of CBD tea that's helped with stress and a lotta muscle tension I've been having. Also been feeling way more energised naturally as opposed to caffeine from coffee or energy drinks, takes away the grinding comedown off the caffeine that I have trouble with

>> No.13126795


>> No.13126806

I like the Lapsang souchong with some brown sugar and no milk.

>> No.13127931


>> No.13127977

I really like cold brewing oolong. Can look into YunnanSourcing or TaiwanTeaCrafts. Since it's cold brew I usually just get the cheapest one from these sellers

>> No.13128319

this picture made me nut
A+, is it yours?

>> No.13129638

H UK mo

>> No.13129705
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I tried making tea Turkish style today by steeping black tea for about 25 minutes while keeping the water near boiling as pic related does. The result was completely flavorless, I can hardly even taste the tannins. Do turks really enjoy killing tea leaves this way?

>> No.13130064

It may be top tier bagged tea, but it's still dust from leaf processing wrapped in microplastics

>> No.13130315

I haven't been doing it long enough to notice, so usually morphs into a pleasant surprise.

>> No.13130356

good ol cuppa of morrisons basics with orange juice

>> No.13130363

So, I'm a brit. I used to be really into loose leaf tea but to be honest, I simply prefer normal bagged tea (english breakfast or whatever you want to call it) with a little bit of milk in. Like your classic british cup of tea. Sure I'll have some darjeeling every now and then and ceylon/assam are also nice, but they're just slightly more subtly flavoured normal tea.

Do I have extra chromosomes?

>> No.13130365

Who else
>two tea bags

>> No.13130377

no, both are great and you probably have a bit of a genetic taste for it (? not scientist but I think so). I like it with milk but mostly end up having it that way when I know whenever I am won't have good green/oolong/tea in general that can really stand by itself

>> No.13130408

Do you drink your tea out of plastic bags or something?

>> No.13130421

Unironically, roasted dandelion root. It has a mild bitter/acrid flavor and stimulates digestion.

>> No.13130427

Out of curiosity, how old are you?

>> No.13131536


>> No.13131555

>local teashop was hiring some months ago
>was going through some shit at the time so didn't apply
>spend every day regretting

>> No.13131686

biscuits with the jam and butter looks great.
But the milk and sugar in the tea is no from me.

t. clapistani

>> No.13131732

Some teabags are made directly from plastics, like the fancy pyramid ones, but also regular bags which are mostly from cellulose are fixed with some form of plastic so they don't dissolve in hot water.

>> No.13132756

exclusively, I can barely taste 1 single bag without steeping it to tannic death so I put 2 and am "wasteful" for actually enjoying my tea instead of drinking butt water

>> No.13134113

try again pls because im interested

>> No.13134948


>> No.13135597


>> No.13135910
File: 1.35 MB, 2909x2905, ebk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kusmi tea English Breakfast, homemade flatbread, blackberries, and pistachios for breakfast

protip: eggnog is now in stores
2nd protip: put a little eggnog in black tea instead of milk

>> No.13135964
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By far the best Western tea producers. I am grateful for the Russian Revolution of 1917.

>> No.13136814

Do you really need a matcha whisk, scoop, and bowl, to make good matcha?

I mean. I love matcha, its so damn good. But Ive never made it the real way cause I dont have that stuff. I usually make it by just whisking it in a small bowl with water and then adding it to more water for a full glass. Or I put it in a shaker cup and shake it with water/ice. Or use it while baking.

Is there a cheap but good set I could get to make it the real way or do I need to shell out for a good one? Does it really matter?

>> No.13136967

No, it's more for "fun". If you want to use it say for ceremonial grade I've seen some cheaper parts like the wisk and bamboo stick on alixpress for cheap.

>> No.13138210

the bowl/mug should be wide and short but it doesn’t need to be for matcha specifically, and the chashaku does nothing at all (use a scale anyways). HOWEVER the whisk is 100% necessary for getting the right bubblage, a regular kitchen whisk won’t cut it

>> No.13138221

also the whisks are pretty cheap anyways. and btw you are doing it right by adding just a little water at first to make sludgy matcha (koicha) and then incorporating the rest of the water

>> No.13138385

thats jam and clotted cream, i dunno why nowhere but bongland seems to have it, its like heavy cream and butter combined, but better

>> No.13138695

Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed...

>> No.13139832

do you like... soak nugs in water or what? is it cbd sprayed onto tea leaves?

>> No.13140417
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>> No.13140665


Wont help taste, but Ive been growing mugwart to have with chamomile tea. Makes dreams really vivid.

>> No.13141273

Does tea ever make your guys' stummy hurt
I just drank a lot of black tea on an empty stomach and threw up bile :)

>> No.13141388

Yes, if your dumb and have strong black tea on an empty stomach. I thinks its cause of tannins. Either add a splash of real milk product or eat a biscuit.

>> No.13141429

yeah when i drink a lot of tea on an empty stomach i get an ache

>> No.13141819

im not dumb :(

>> No.13142515

>dust from leaf processing
>wrapped in microplastics
I see you upgrading your memes.

>> No.13142540
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Someone on here has to have an answer for me. I want biodegradeable tea bags so that I can make tea while I'm on campus away from home. All the ones I looked at on Amazon either tear too easily, impart an odd taste, brew a weak tea due to the thickness of the fabric, or aren't actually biodegradeable. Do I just cheap out and buy plastic ones? Or has anyone ordered some bags they can vouch for not being terrible?

>> No.13142560
File: 76 KB, 792x1038, bestcampingcoffeemakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a brew basket. Used to use it all the time on campus with a coil heater.

>> No.13142786

switch to loose leaf, even biodegradeable bags still produce waste to make. you can buy glass flasks with leaf baskets in them

>> No.13142880


I already brew loose leaf; I was just trying to hopefully find a more convienient way to drink tea when I'm away from home and don't have access to all my equipment. I did consider getting a brew basket, I guess I'll just find a better way to transport small amounts and fill a metal infuser as I go.

>> No.13142906

I recently gave up alcohol, caffeine and sweets in a shot. Chamomile tea with lemon keeps my anxiety at bay perfectly.

>> No.13142909

Sorry didn't mean to be rude

>> No.13143579

Based polite poster. BTW the cheap pureh one of you recommended off of kingtea gets here tomorrow. Thanks again anon.

>> No.13143906

Why does it look murky? did you add milk or something? Looks delicious. Should I get this "Kusmi english breakfast"?

>> No.13144410

>milk or something
Most likely

>> No.13144571

yes i added a little eggnog because i was feeling whimsical but usually I would add milk to English breakfast. I recommend trying Kusmi if you are interested in actually complex and tasteful flavored teas (their English Breakfast blend is not flavored but they have great non-sprayed flavored blends like their kashmiri chai and Moroccan mint tea)

>> No.13144620
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Anyone else like drinking kukicha (twig tea)? Tastes better than bugs :)

>> No.13144933
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Passion flower.

Good green tea can get you high, but keeps you up. Tolerance develops rapidly.

>> No.13145332
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>> No.13145413

Please, by all means, tell me about what food is for you.

>> No.13145450

Your mom's roast beef is my favorite, it is made for no one but me.

>> No.13145455

>advocates drinking water instead of tea
>favorite food: fictional

>> No.13145488

Take your pills, m8

>> No.13145687

>advocates drinking water instead of tea
>favorite food: fictional
>shills for bigpharma

>> No.13145693

For a matcha cup do you want it to be smooth or for it to be like, ribbed on the inside so the matcha can froth up?

Im looking into buying a matcha whisk and cup, but Im not exactly sure whats good or bad for either.

>> No.13145733

Drink your leaf water, bot.

>> No.13145751

>advocates drinking water instead of tea
>ceases to advocate drinking water instead of tea
What a twist

>> No.13145761

Nice move!! Botboy!!

>> No.13145766

does not really matter. maybe you'll get like a nanobubble more one with slight ribs/ridges but I've done both and can't report any real difference

>> No.13145871

It's what I usually drink when I don't feel like getting too fancy.
My question is, do you put in the cream before or after brewing?

>> No.13147137


>> No.13147946

It used to, but I got used to it, since my favourite waste of time is to brew a strong cup of plain black tea, and resume whatever useless shit I was doing. Can't have a snack every time, because I would get fat.

>> No.13149185


>> No.13149395

after, it should be hottest before so the sugar can dissolve, then add milk at the end

>> No.13149452

Is it Cha Thai or Chai Tea. I'm having a debate at the new tea shop in my neighbourhood.

>> No.13150080


>> No.13150161

Trying to start tea drinking again. Did wonders for my sugar cravings but then I lapsed

>> No.13150699

you are both retards for even arguing about this. you could've googled the correct answer x9 before in the time it took you to post that. I hope it was not the tea shop who was wrong, that would be embarrassing. It's also embarrassing for you for saying 'Cha Thai'. Think about it, logically.

>> No.13151104

I constantly have a stomach ache, so I can't really say definitively one way or the other

>> No.13151137
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 61i2pYNXcSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my tea is stale, I'm tempted to go get pic related

>> No.13151232

chai is the indian word for tea, Masala Chai is spiced tea. chai tea is what we in the west call indian spiced tea

>> No.13151247

and with that cha is the Thai word for tea. so in conclusion they're two different drinks from different countries

>> No.13151392

i have some at home that i’ve actually never tried. ill post and tell you what i think of it when i get back

>> No.13152701

My favorites are chai with french vanilla creamer and ginger tea with honey! ^.^

>> No.13152760

Chai, cha, chay, tea, te, shay, et cetera are all the same word: 茶

China has multiple languages and dialects like most every other country, and depending on which part of China you parked your boat at to buy tea from the locals might pronounce 茶 as 'cha' or 'tey' or some minor variation thereof and different regions of the world inherited different pronunciations of 茶 accordingly.
Saying 'chai tea' is the same thing as saying 'ketchup catsup'

>> No.13152932

and Masala Chai isnt prepared the same as Thai tea

>> No.13152970

Near as I can tell, Thai Tea is just a shittier version of Hong Kong Milk Tea anyway so it's not worth getting worked up about.

>> No.13153316

Cacao tea mixed with sweetened condensed milk tastes like heaven.
The tea bags can even be reused a couple of times

>> No.13153538
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>> No.13153582

not even close to the same
this is so wrong

>> No.13153926

It's pretty nice, I did end up getting a tin and I drank like a litre of it. It even makes for good unsweetened iced tea.

>> No.13154797

finally someone as based as me
fuck sugar, i never looked back

>> No.13154804

no, you are supposed to make it on an extremely low flame and remove it when it almost starts boiling
we do it on a candle flame, id post it if i wasnt pic banned so just search for سبرتاية

>> No.13155349

Like, cacao nibs steeped in water? I think I have some in the cupboard and want to try now that sounds great
neo-hot chocolate

>> No.13156804


>> No.13156808


>> No.13158170

I think if I search this I'll be put on a government watchlist for potentially being ISIS.

>> No.13158185

Probably cacao husks

>> No.13158245

Kind of a soy question but what teas help ease anxiety

>> No.13158260

What in God's name does soya bean have to do with tea?

>> No.13158307

All. the ritual of gongfu is calming in of itself; it's a different experience than brewing by the mug. tea has helped me get through a lot to be honest

(not actually a tea but) chamomile has naturally relaxing and sedative properties though so try that too

>> No.13158602

that looks pretty based
We're talking about Turkish tea though, not Arabic, or is it basically the same thing?

>> No.13159639


>> No.13160361

why is /tea/ so full of druggies lately

>> No.13161320

Why and when did the US drift away from having tea as a drink of choice to loving coffee? (don't tell me it's because of the Brits, that tea was thrown into the Boston Harbor because they loved it so.)

>> No.13161730

think i heard somewhere it was wwii, american solders were given coffee rations and the ones that went to italy went apeshit over their coffee. that and general anti-britishness, most americans probably only know about throwing tea in the bay not any of the reasons why it was done or why tea

>> No.13161912

This makes me hungry. I make killer scones, could really go for some with clotted cream and a strong cup of tea rn.

>> No.13162888

I dunno, probably genuinely was to avoid having to import Britbong tea. Instead they could just get Brazillian coffee. Idk if that's in any way the case tho
Surprisingly, the UK used to be hugely into coffee. But then it fell out of fashion and the East India Company agressively pushed the tea they controlled as an alternative.
This is bullshit, America loved coffee in the Victorian period.

>> No.13162891

It's basically the same thing. Ottomans, bro.

>> No.13162910

explain to me why /tea/ is held within end brackets while the other generals are acronyms.

>> No.13163298

Tea is an abbreviation, retard

>> No.13163477
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>> No.13163530

Same reason /gif/, /fit/, /biz/, /news/, and /etc/ aren't acronyms. The name already fits. And /tg/ is taken.

>> No.13164613


>> No.13164794
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Had a shitty day yesterday, so I made a quick cup of milk tea with pumpkin spiced puree and a little more sugar that needed. Shits so fucking good man.

>> No.13164811
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Anyone drink Chinese tea? I was on a vacation to China and had some of this stuff and thought it was pretty good, it had all these flowers and dried fruits in it along with rock sugar crystals, it was very different from most tea I have had before.

>> No.13164853

Is getting my Theanine from tea economic if I aimed to get something like 200 mg in the morning and 400 mg before sleep? If so waht tea should I get and how should I prepare it? Would the caffeine in tea not stop me from getting thenine's effects on sleep quality?

>> No.13164935
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> roommate dumped my teapot after I only had one cup

>> No.13164984

I'm glad you liked it. IIRC it's just heavily perfumed tea though.
I had to fight tooth and nail to get my mum to understand that just because there's a bunch of "used" tea in my gaiwan doesn't mean it's rubbish which needs to be thrown away.

>> No.13165044
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I just recently got this gaiwan (part of a travel set that stacks up, got it cheaper on aliexpress than yunnansourcing), and some tea. The tea is okay. I like the gaiwan -- I waste less leaves, and the experience is nice. I often spill a little when pouring though. Also I feel like my muscles are more relaxed. I got a jasmine tea (dragon pearls) off Amazon since I ordered it last year and it was really great but I am disappointed in the one I just got -- it's less floral, more astringent. I would appreciate recommendations for a good loose leaf green jasmine tea.

>> No.13165055

/throatinfection/ edition

>> No.13165894

You don't understand anon, it was leaves, it was a litre of prepared tea in the pot and he just poured it down the drain

>> No.13167237

I'm guessing you liked it because it tasted like sugar, not tea. you must develop your palate further. That's just about the lowest quality "tea" you could have possibly bought in China

>> No.13167686

Do you have a local shop you can sample from at all? There's a shop near where I live where I got dragon pearls that are my favourite tea to date. They have an incredible floral scent, and that carries over to the taste as well. I can usually brew the same leaves at least twice. If you might be able to get a sample in person it could help you find the tea you prefer. Idk where the tea shop gets its jasmine tea offhand, but if I find out I'll let you know cause that tea is truly good.

>> No.13168780


>> No.13169321

>> No.13169991

there are multiple types of 'jasmine'. The most common one used for tea is Jasminum sambac
(Arabian jasmine) which is pretty 1 note and I don't like so much. Jasminum officinale (common jasmine) is the good shit
good luck finding it if you don't speak chink though

>> No.13170608
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London Fog (earl grey + lavender + steamed milk)
Really been into western tea styles lately. Sorry weebs I’ll be back soon

>> No.13170675
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Didn't feel like coffee so I had pumpkin spice milk tea and bread.
Looks good. I should try making that sometime

>> No.13170807


There maight be several reasons for your failure.

First one is using wrong type of tea. Turkish tea plants grow in a sub-tropical climate and temperature difference throughout a year is much bigger than other tea producing countries. (it snows in winter and probably around 22-30 Celcius in summer).
Probably all the non-turkish companies import their tea leaves from India, Sri Lanka or China so qualities are different compered to turkish ones. Maybe there is also difference in oxidation but I dont know about that part.

To give you an example when I brew Twinings Earl Grey; I put some tea leaves in a pot and wait around 5-6 mins. When I try to do same with with turkish brands (who use local leaves) result was a bit better than good old regular water.
People in Turkey say that you should brew tea for 15 minutes and consume in 30 minutes max. because it will get bitter.

Second one might be brewing method. What they do in turkey is pour some water in the bottom kettle. When it boils they pour the water in the top kettle, also they add tea leaves in that part top top one.(I don't know how much really, try I teaspoon per teacup. You might adjust later)
And fill the bottom kettle again with water (when the bottom kettle starts boiling turn the heat to lowest point possible) and brew for 15 minutes. When they serve tea in turkey they fill around 3rd of the cup from the top part (brewed part) and rest with water from the bottom kettle.

>> No.13170858

>pumpkin spice milk tea
what's that? never heard of it

>> No.13171152

My basic milk tea which is: 12oz mug, 8oz strongly brewed CTC assam, 1.5 small spoonfulls of sugar, little bit of half&half, fill rest mug hot water. I have spiced and slightly sweeten pumpkin spice puree in a jar. I add it to coffee, cocoa, and tea (even greens and oolongs). Beats the fuck out of syrups so long as you don't mind it adding a bit of texture.

>> No.13171276

Try pressing it through a sieve first, I am disgusted by the idea of pumpkin fibres floating in my cup of tea (or in anyone’s tea). Are you a pumphead all year or just around Autumn?

>> No.13171465

Do you have any recipes?
My sis brought german tea mixed with orange and other herbs, it was delicious

>> No.13171510

tea + water, that's all you need. Maybe some milk
and sugar if you make black tea.

I suspect that the orange/herbal flavor you tasted was a sprayed-on fragrance, not from the bits of peel in it. Those are just decorative, tricks you into thinking the aroma is real. I could be wrong, but I doubt that.
If you want some unfixed tea with nice orange notes try Earl Grey (refers to bergamot-infused black tea), dried orange-stuffed teas, or white tea which often has very fruity and citrusy aroma. if it's too boring maybe try to ease into it with sakura (cherry blossom) green tea or herbal tisanes (like mint "tea" but with no tea leaves)
Tea doesn't really have any 'recipes' per se

>> No.13171528

I'm too lazy. Its not super fibrous, as its canned puree pumpkin. I rarely put it in my drinks past December; I start switching for minter. I do put it in my yogurt year round sometimes for the easy vitamin A.

>> No.13172255

Early bump

>> No.13172604

Thanks anon i will return with results

>> No.13172615

Just drank sheng puerh

>> No.13173499

Is that... a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure reference?

>> No.13173661

How come some times when I drink tea I feel sick? Usually only happens if I have tea on an empty stomach (but that is only with certain teas like Matcha, and never happens with coffee). I couldn't find any real good reason on google because it was just mostly "yeah it can do that" with no real explanation.

>> No.13173902
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ow my heart

>leave my clay gaiwan I've been using for a year on my desk
>roommate thorougly washes the 'stains' out.
well at least now I can use it for just one tea type because I have more than just that one now

>> No.13174089

Why would they touch it in the first place?

>> No.13174219

Can anyone recommend me a tea pot for steeping? All the ones I'm seeing on Amazon have fake reviews and terrible trustworthiness.

>> No.13174252

7 blossoms is kino for drinking before going to sleep

>> No.13174303

Is there a tea that helps with hunger, black coffee kills my apettite but it gives me acid reflux

t. fattie

>> No.13174368

this. what kind of asshole roommate cleans others peoples stuff
your acid reflux probably isn't related but try green or ginger maybe. eat smaller meals and eat more fiber, smaller meals will make you produce less stomach acid and fiber will help bulk your stomach out giving the acid to work on something
t. fattie who also had acid reflux constantly a few months back

>> No.13174386

I'm mean, I know they probably had good intentions. Its just odd. If it was in the kitchen or sink yeah, but on someone's tablet? Especially something made of clay, though if someone doesn't know you have to treat clayware differently it's an honest mistake.

>> No.13174673

Yorkshire tea , with a bit of milk

>> No.13175748


>> No.13176088

>Want to get into Gong fu brewing
>But all my cups are too big for it, even my usual tea cup needs 3 teaspoons of tea to brew right with regular brewing
>And Gaiwans scare me cause I'm afraid I'll fuck up or drop the glass as was the fate of my older tea cups.
>Come across this https://yunnansourcing.com/collections/new-products/products/sama-portable-gong-fu-insulated-glass-flask?variant=31133780770919

Is it good for brewing Gong fu style? or should I just get a gaiwan and stop being a prissy bitch?

>> No.13176131
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>why yes I do make mint tea with home grown mint how could you tell ?

>> No.13176559

Fresh mint is the best. I should start growing it again. What mint is it? Peppermint? Spearmint?

>> No.13176661

Sweet tea in a Togo cup

>> No.13176855

Any of you gays drink Hei cha?

>> No.13176918

looks cool and would be great for in an office. that would honestly make gong fu-ing easier because even after 2 years i still drop or spill or burn my self on steam when brewing. you can get ~250ml gaiwans off ebay for cheap and if you brew at a desk there's little worry about it breaking if you drop it.

>> No.13176937

Well, I found a nice basic Gawian and cup from the same site.
Got a tea towel and A cake of Pu-erh and a cake of Black tea.

So, I have some variety in brewing as I like my teas varied and go by a rough "Cycle"
Hopefully I don't end up breaking the gaiwan the first time I use it.

Very excited to get into this style of brewing.
Spring 2014 "Drunk on Red with Snow Chrysanthemum
"2019 Yunnan Sourcing "Gong Ting" Certified Organic Ripe Pu-erh Tea"
The cakes were

>> No.13176941
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someone here recommended 3 crane liubao, and i have to say for a £10 tea cake of ebay it tastes really great. haven't tried any other Hei cha

>> No.13176975

Why has the endocrine system become the buzzword used by uninformed fucks, like yourself, to sound smart?

>> No.13177185

Hydration in general can help with hunger. A lot of the time we think we are hungry but we might actually be thirsty. Ginger tea is pretty good for stomach problems esp nausea, but I find it doesn't help me with reflux at all. Maybe it'll help you? Mint is supposed to help with digestion too.

Many mint teas you can buy use a mixture. If you have the space, why not grow a few varieties and mix up to preference? I've used both peppermint and spearmint and they're both tasty. Fresh mint tea is just incomparable, it has such a great fragrance and almost a sweetness to it.

>> No.13177437

remember to grow it in a pot or it will spread to your entire garden

>> No.13177957

I know. The cheapest easy is in an open bag of potting soil. Keeps these dirt moist and so they can put down runners.

>> No.13177969

those are fucking dried lilies

>> No.13178166

>"You should try this tea! It's my favorite."
>"Eww, Anon, what is that? It smells like a campfire. I'll just have chamomile."


>> No.13178248

>give my mom some of my jasmine tea
>she mixed almond milk into it

I mean, I guess it could still be nice but, almond milk

>> No.13178250

boomers are a mistake

>> No.13178406

>>Come across this https://yunnansourcing.com/collections/new-products/products/sama-portable-gong-fu-insulated-glass-flask?variant=31133780770919

>tfwywn receive as a gift unless asking

>> No.13179076


>> No.13180086

I think a blogger Oolong bowl uses that. They might have a review.

>> No.13181290

Been drinking a lot of lapsang and also a gunpowder green tea & spearmint blend lately.

>> No.13181304

english breakfast best
english afternoon ok
fuck earl gray

>> No.13181324

Earl Grey can be good if it's got the right amount of bergamot.
English breakfast is shit though.

>> No.13181513

Good arguments, faggots.

>> No.13181636

>Do you have a local shop you can sample from at all?
no, unfortunately.
> if I find out I'll let you know cause that tea is truly good.
that'd be nice, thanks.

well that's disappointing. Where do you get yours?

>> No.13182077

Okay so turns out the store has a website, so hopefully you're in one of the three countries they ship to. https://theteahaus.com/green-tea/jasmine-dragon-pearls.html this is the tea I really like, but they have others (that I have not tried).

>> No.13182292

yeeea nigga, the whisky of tea! Genmaicha sucks, any other smoked teas out there? Preferred lapsang brands? I've had Twinings and Harney and Sons, Harney was better and I'm not sure it can be beat. Also love their Dragon Pearl Jasmin, Tower of London and Wedding Tea (I've had so many varieties from them but those are the ones I keep going back to)

>> No.13182642

Anyone have a good electric kettle or water heater? I'm currently just slumming it with a microwave

>> No.13182654

amazon is filled with hundreds of them. get one with temp options

>> No.13182738

Oh shit, a girl in my class has one of these. I had no idea it was a brewer.

>> No.13183314

Early bump

>> No.13183762

Whatever works my man. I'm scraping by with a pot and a meat thermometer. Heat is heat.

>> No.13184123

drinking some bai hao today

>> No.13185108

Tea is based

>> No.13185124

But coffee is better

>> No.13185193

Aw shit guys
I haven't been on 4chan in like over a year.
When I was last here the /tea/ general was mysteriously vanished.
I've fallen out of drinking tea hard bros.
How do I get back into it?

>> No.13185726

Yunnan sourcing if you want to gong fu
Harney in sons if you want an english cuppa, Chocolate mint is there best I think

>> No.13185759

to chill me jittery nerves lmao you dumbfucker