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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13089731 No.13089731 [Reply] [Original]

>"yeah bro, fridging the dough is easier than making a starter"

The starter is done and can sit in the fridge and will make better bread. This cuck is embarrassing.

>> No.13089763

there's already one thread with this stinky kike up

>> No.13089790


>> No.13089792

is chewy a desirable quality in bread? i hate how chewy ciabattas get when they're a day old

>> No.13089908
File: 626 KB, 1132x755, 1571513421841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Adam's wife is cute?

>> No.13090320

I can't look at a kikes face without being repulsed

>> No.13090328

It's weird how only this eceleb can stay on the board but anytime some other face shows up, it gets deleted within a few hours

>> No.13090359

is it just me or this the most pretentious youtube cook right now

>> No.13090373

I missed the thread when it came out, but can we talk about how he's such a bitch he made a video about how being a bitch about spicy food doesn't make you a bitch?

>> No.13090374

hell no lmao

>> No.13090700

that vid was the definition of SEETHING

>> No.13090702

Is that her? She looks a bit like him. He takes narcissism to a whole new level.

>> No.13090705

It's called paid advertising. It started with Bon Appetit. If you pay attention you can see the mods actively protecting those threads, despite being 95% off topic /tv/ tier waifu garbage.

>> No.13090775
File: 45 KB, 341x500, jagsseriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love seeing fragile male egos crying on the internet
please keep seething

>> No.13090779

Do you even ghost pepper, fag?

>> No.13090783

I've had ghost peppers before
I am also gay, thanks for guessing

They're spicy past the point of usefulness, if you want to boast to other fragile men about how you can destroy your palate then go ahead

>> No.13091576

Huh?? Huh?? Huh???

>> No.13091583

as if having poltards on this site wasn't bad enough, now we have to suffer their leftist equivalent too

>> No.13091675

She married down.

>> No.13091701

The funny part is, things like eating hot peppers and the challenges there-in ARE echoes of age old masculinity and maturity challenges men used to undertake. There are sociological roots to suggest that eating spicy food does in fact make you a man

Now, regarding Super Peppers, I actually randomed across a video today about the creator of the Carolina Reaper, and while they don't dwell on it/skirt around it he lets slip a few things:

>"I went to a vietnamese place and had their spiciest stuff and it was like doing a hit of dope"
>the narrator then specified that he had been sober for 20 years
>He talks about how incredible the high is
>He literally likens it to chasing the dragon
>Before he started raising peppers full time he was a high paid banker

Carolina Reapers, the hottest pepper on the planet, were invented by a dude who uses the endorphin rush from spicy food to replace the buzz he used to get from doing Cocaine. In that context, it suddenly makes sense why they're so fucking insanely hot. The creator is trying to replicate the rush he used to get from snorting a line of blow.

>> No.13091739


>> No.13091746

Adam literally made that video to defend white people and dab on foreigners. Go fuck yourself

>> No.13091864

did you miss the part where he grovels to the imaginary pajeets in his audience and says his problem is with white people and not them?

>> No.13091870

That was just for appearances. Adam is very obviously a white nationalist and therefore /our guy/

>> No.13091877

i think you're on to something
seig heil borther

>> No.13092097

Can anybody tell me who the man is in OP picture and why I see him constantly on this thread? And why is his mouth permanently open in a :O expression? Is his jaw hinge broken? He's like a one trick pony with his face. Do you think he fucks his girlfriend with his mouth open like that? Jesus christ.

>> No.13092101

>why I see him constantly on this thread?
Because someone got bored of joey, review brah, microwave pedo guy, grey haired fat uggo jew girl, and babish, and now they're crapflooding this guy.

>And why is his mouth permanently open in a :O expression?
Because op freeze framed it every time he opened his mouth and took a picture of that because le ebin soy boy cuck BLACKED meme

>> No.13092137

>Can anybody tell me who the man is in OP picture
Adam Ragusea

>why I see him constantly on this thread?
crossposters from /tv/ who like talking about e-celebs, but hate being outed as someone who likes talking about e-celebs

>> No.13092190

I'm not sure I get it too, I make chewy pitas but I'd really like if I could make them less chewy, no idea how to achieve this though.

>> No.13092275

More acid more tender. Try yogurt.

>> No.13092317

>lactose intolerant
Lemon juice ?

>> No.13092325

her front teeth are in different time zones

>> No.13092632

>things like eating hot peppers and the challenges there-in ARE echoes of age old masculinity and maturity challenges men used to undertake. There are sociological roots to suggest that eating spicy food does in fact make you a man

you don't need to prove how much a man you are to other men
that's pretty gay

>> No.13092690

Being a top fag is the ultimate state of manliness.

>> No.13092761

Absolutely not just you. Cany fucking stand the prick

>> No.13092906 [DELETED] 

Competing with men is essential to masculinity. That's how women know who to select. Women are very confused today because too many men are idiots like you who think you just do whatever and that's OK, so they just have casual sex with everybody except gamers.

>> No.13092921

>Dat Michael Strahan smile doe

>> No.13092963

What i don't understand is why someone would WAN'T their bread to be crunchy

>> No.13092986

Knead less, use flour with less protein, and/or add more fat into the dough.

>> No.13093009

I wonder how many people have never heard of this guy until you started making threads about him?

>> No.13093035

>haven't been on /ck/ in a few months
>somehow knew you guys would have threads up about some home cook
i'm not sure if I should be glad that I'm right or sad that you guys are this pathetic

>> No.13093057

not the same guy but I feel like lemon juice would work fine. And as another anon said, flour with less protein is the way to go

>> No.13093559

yeah I'm sure women care about who can kill their body faster
thats so impressive

>> No.13093569 [DELETED] 

Both the content and phrasing of this post is extremely feminine, but I am certain you have male genitalia. Something to think about.