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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13089273 No.13089273 [Reply] [Original]

what are some food/cooking memes you fell for and how did you get out of them?

>> No.13089660

I like how the scene highlights the absurdity of refraining from enjoying something as delicious as a sandwich because of a bogus dieatary fad, but what's just as absurd is that she's convincing him to give up his diet based on nothing but a Hoagie roll with lettuce.

I expect the director wanted her to be expressive with the sandwich, especially as the subject of the scene, without it being messy. Noone flails a sandwich about like that, so it just looks weird.

>> No.13089676

That's a girl?

>> No.13089678

I fell for new england clam chowder and loved it when I was a little kid. Once I reached manhood, I this childish milk soup aside in favor of the infinitely better and more complex flavors and sensations offered by Manhattan clam chowder.

>> No.13089682


But as far a food/cooking meme I fell for, low-fat dieting such as abstaining from whole milk, cream, or butter especially. The heart health fears are overblown and I found it was far easier to control my weight by cutting out excess sugar and avoiding sugary foods in general.

>> No.13089683

You do know that celiac disease exists right?

>> No.13089757

Yes, but this was about the Gluten free diet fad that became prominent some years ago that was totally unfounded. You would see people without celiac disease going out of their way to abstain from certain breads, pastas or anything containing gluten in it for the supposed health benefits.

As a 'fad', the scene challenges the man's superstitious belief that gluten is bad, even though he can't explain why, which implies he doesn't have celiac disease to justify it, meaning he jumped on nothing mire than a bandwagon.

>> No.13089765

yeah but most people obsessed with not eating gluten don't actually have it

>> No.13089788 [DELETED] 

here you go nigger faggot. get raped get aids and fucking die

I like how the scene highlights the absurdity of refraining from enjoying something as delicious as a sandwich because of a bogus dieatary fad, but what's just as absurd is that she's convincing him to give up his diet based on nothing but a Hoagie roll with lettuce.

I expect the director wanted her to be expressive with the sandwich, especially as the subject of the scene, without it being messy. Noone flails a sandwich about like that, so it just looks weird.

But as far a food/cooking meme I fell for, low-fat dieting such as abstaining from whole milk, cream, or butter especially. The heart health fears are overblown and I found it was far easier to control my weight by cutting out excess sugar and avoiding sugary foods in general.

>> No.13089818

You're going to act like that, because I forgot to mention the dietary fad in the same post so just said cont.? Kinda pathetic you'd make much to do about something so trivial, don't you think?

>> No.13089844

I met a guy in my Math Modelling class in college that had celiac disease. He told me he ate a lot of rice lol.

>> No.13090203

alfalfa sprouts and rice cakes, way back when. turns out that alfalfa is highly carcinogenic, and, ell, rice cakes are just nasty. also chamomile tea, i hate it and it ALWAYS gave me stomach upset but its what hippies drank and i was that.

>> No.13090302
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are you referring to those Goose_Is_Loose-esque posts with that boring, black and white drawing of the girl smoking a cig accompanied by the "things /ck/ memes that are actually good....that are actually bad..." posts?

I don't see anything in the realm of food and cooking that could possibly be misconstrued as a '''''meme''''' other than things like diets and fads in popular culture, which extends to things like popular 'funny' jewtube/internet food personalities and 4channel-based memes like the McChicken and deenz. For me food and cooking is more than just a hobby and passion, it's a lifestyle. Therefore, anything that could possibly be a '''''meme''''' is not me 'falling' for anything, but, rather trying new things so that I can learn to ignore the things I must to get those most out of my /ck/ experience.

>> No.13090312

The lady in this scene is beyond based.

>> No.13090335

Not me but my mom went on a lot of diets over the last 20 years and none of them have worked because she doesnt exercise at all. For one she made gallons of cabbage soup at a time and ate only that for a couple months. Another one she tried was "you can eat as much as you want as long as you eat a whole watermelon every day too"

>> No.13090344
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>you can eat as much as you want as long as you eat a whole watermelon every day too

>> No.13090347

>a whole watermelon
melon harvests were good that year I take it

though having that much melon constantly sounds like an enema, just constantly shitting before your body can absorb the nutrients

>> No.13090966

>bogus dieatary fad
I hope you get celiac disease, nigger.
Gluten can be literally deadly to some unfortunate people, it has nothing to do with dietary fads.

>> No.13090973

The biggest meme is that anyone is actually allergic to it. It's literally just a protein in wheat and there is barely any evidence to support that it actually affects people in the way soy fags say it does. If anything you have a MINOR gluten INTOLERANCE that gives you a rumbly tummy. You aren't allergic, you won't have a reaction (life threatening or not).

>> No.13090977


>> No.13090979

>woman from the distant past
>talks back to a man

Also, just fucking say you have a disease that means you can't eat bread.
I saw a trailer for this show a while back and knew right away it would be bullshit. The only surprise is that they hired a redhead actress. Thought they were phasing those out.

Is Japanese whisky a cooking meme? I just don't find the taste very nuanced or interesting.

>> No.13091015

Japanese anything is a meme. Having lived in Japan for a year, their cooking culture is surprisingly boring. Often very tasty, but rarely outstanding or interesting.

>> No.13091032

There is currently a fad of people who literally unironically do not know what the word "allergic" means (celiac isn't even technically an allergy, btw) who just decide one day "I'm allergic to [thing my diet restricts me from eating]". It's gotten to the point where waiters and chefs in some major metropolitan areas are having to be sat down and taught like they're five that some allergies are, in fact, real and can, in fact, kill your customers dead.

>> No.13091036

>sharp knees

>> No.13091181
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>You do know that celiac disease exists right?

>> No.13091234

I work in healthcare and some people will have a page of drug allergies. No, you're not allergic to epinephrine because it increases your heart rate.

>> No.13091238

>I saw a trailer for this show a while back and knew right away it would be bullshit.
t. triggered /pol/incel.

>> No.13091290

>lookup this show up
>fedora tippers twisting the words of historians about the role shield maidens again

>> No.13091296
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i bought an air fryer. it sucks

>> No.13091305
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No. According to reddit4chan, life-threatening medical conditions are just "people being faggots". Climate change is just opinions and genocide is pretty much the same as abstaining from a fast food restaurant that donates to bad causes.

>> No.13091306

cacio e pepe, carbonara, and all the meme pasta recipes without delicious cream. cream makes all of it 10x better

>> No.13091311

reminder: products meant for airfryers are pre-fried in oil for a limited time.

>> No.13091806

Yeah but someone who can't even explain what gluten is and how they are allergic to it obviously doesn't have celiac disease. When I worked at a gluten-free station in a dining hall, the legit celiacs were always noticeably sickly/weak/underdeveloped probably due to being sick from gluten most of their lives until figuring out they had celiac disease.

>> No.13091838

Yes I fell for that meme until I fell for the keto meme. Well, I didn't "fall" for the keto meme as a lifestyle diet but did fall for low carb instead of low simple carbs/sugars. Keto helped me lose weight without having to think much about calories, portions, and ever feeling hungry, so that's nice. I'm not interested in restrictive diets anymore. If I'm going to eat something, I want to to taste the best it can possibly taste. If that means that it's a huge calorie bomb, then I would rather have just a few bites of the incredible tasting one instead of eating the entire sub-par tasting one. Once you actually start eating good food, you find that you are naturally satiated and satisfied by smaller much amounts of it compared with crappy food.

>> No.13091861

>"you can eat as much as you want as long as you eat a whole watermelon every day too"
Fucking LOL. You don't actually have to exercise or even get out of bed to lose weight though. You just need to even eat less food than you would while dieting and exercise which can be difficult for a lot of people.

>> No.13091874

I've met a few people that were extremely sickly celiacs who would flare up just from being in the vicinity of flour. One friend was experiencing hair loss until he stopped using shampoo and bodywash that had wheat byproduct in the formula. The vast majority of people are not even close to that level of severity though.

>> No.13091952

Luckily none. But I hate this tendency of perfectly healthy people to suddendly become gluten-avoiding vegan shit-eaters for whom to cook does not even brings enjoyment to a full-grown masochist.

>> No.13092167

I grew up with a girl who had celiac back in the early 90s. She didn't make as much of a deal of it as my fat fuck brother who just decided he can't eat gluten.

Lol he also just bought an air fryer

>> No.13092171

But that's not "allergic" that's a disease. People who claim they are allergic are just retards.

>> No.13092184

Yes I agree.

>> No.13092250
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All actresses are trannies