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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13088312 No.13088312 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not having a woman cook meals for you and watching pioneer woman, sad!

>> No.13088336

Holy shit is she an ugly hag. I'll bet she's not even a pioneer, either

>> No.13088341

Why does she get so much hate? She's obviously not a real rancher or pioneer, but her recipes are generally pretty solid.

>> No.13088347

She's a fucking gross ugly yuck monster

>> No.13088364

Look into her back story, she's a lying whore.

>> No.13088405

i watched an episode where she just opened cans of stuff and dumped them into a pot

>> No.13088411
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Quit being mean to Reeeeee!

>> No.13088416

What’s she lying about? Other than an all “women’s investment club” that we all know was never going to accomplish anything because women can’t into anything other than social bullying.

>> No.13088422
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>Imagine not having a woman cook meals for you
haha y-yeah that sounds horrifying and depressing haha

>> No.13088431

100% op is single and alone

>> No.13088445

OP is married and has a paid off house. If you sacrifice and we’re born in the 1980’s and work hard, save your money, pay off debts, and bought bitcoin in 2013 you too could maybe find a woman with a good relationship with her dad who isn’t in college debt and has a simple job perfect for breeding women. Then you could enjoy life.

Don’t give up guys, keep trying you’ll win one day.

>> No.13088448

And MY family loved it!

>> No.13088462

definitely single and alone. all of your posts are too well crafted and self aware

>> No.13088493

Imagine trying to larp this hard. Also imagine being this fucking old on fucking 4chan. Why don't you find some boomer forum, grandpa?

>> No.13088497
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You’d be surprised who you are talking to on here.

My wife looks a lot like this. She loves wearing old granny pajamies.

>> No.13088510

>being a grandpa
I’m not Hispanic popping out kids at 16, come on now.

>> No.13088513

No, but my mom does, boomer. She's just another no talent hack on the Food Network.

>> No.13088519

>being older than 25
>on 4chan
I'm genuinely sorry that your life turned out this way gramps, have you considered killing yourself?

>> No.13088524

So you found a woman because you made money on Bitcoin? Congrats you got yourself a gold digger. Don't care about how much she loves her dad, she's scheming.

>> No.13088526

Damn. Why can’t young women get into watching food network and being good wives?

>> No.13088539

I just love how much /ck/ hates on the pioneer woman. My wife gets a kick out of it. We ate at her restaurant up in Bartlesville last time we went up to Tulsa, was actually pretty good. But only because we were there early and beat the tour bus that came.

>> No.13088543

>implying the same isn't gonna happen to you

>> No.13088546

Fat fingers typed this post. Fat fingers that live all alone in mom's basement.

>> No.13088549

Seethe more

>> No.13088551

what sort of food was served?

>> No.13088582

We ordered that Filet Benedict that is supposedly Lad’s favorite breakfast and I had pancakes with a variety of butter compotes and various flavors of syrup.

Some Oklahoma Boomer was complaining about her family’s bill behind us. We sat at a bar facing a wall in order to get served faster because the line was huge.

>> No.13088588
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All women scheme. At some point you have to pick one that’ll do the least amount of damage.

>> No.13088591


>> No.13088595

The fact that you know who Lad is (I don't) makes me hate you even more

>> No.13088610
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>your wife

>> No.13088618

You'e better off never being married

t. divorced and happy guy

>> No.13088634

We watch her show. Lad seems like the type who’d wear a white robe and hood and go out on horseback with some rope with other friends if crime ever got bad in northeast Oklahoma.

>> No.13088639

I'd be happier if I had kids

>> No.13088649

We are trying. Hopefully soon.

>> No.13090069


I'd nut

>> No.13090185

>Your wife
Buddy, I've never even held a girl's hand that wasn't my mother or grandmother.

>> No.13092003
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